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    Suu's Shikai/Bankai

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 113
    BD-cash : 5034

    Suu's Shikai/Bankai Empty Suu's Shikai/Bankai

    Post by LuluTheGuy Tue May 03, 2011 10:13 am

    Suu Miachi

    Ability 1
    Name: Veil!
    Class: Defencive
    Range: Medium/Personal
    Description: Suu encloses him-self in a mobile barrier. The Barrier it self protects Suu & anything inside Suu from damage. Suu can make barrier in almost any shape or form. The most common is circular from the ground. Smaller shilds can be constructed but they aren not as powerful. Attacks inside or outside of the barrier are blocked depending on how powerful they are. The barrier is about 11 feet in diameter on average. The ability can be used with each kaiken. He can hold the barrier up as long as it is not broken or shattered. It dosen't take much Reiastu to make the barrier but withstanding attacks does drain him.

    Ability 2
    Name: Penicillin~
    Class: Utility
    Range: Long/Personal
    Suu summons a barrier around a specific needed area. The barrier can be about any size Suu wants, but it can heal someone with wounds & restore a small amount of reiastu. It is about 15 inches in diameter & can hold up to 3 people inside. Suu can keep this barrier up as long as he dosent use Veil~. It cannot block any attacks at all but can make a small amount of static to protect from touchy people. The ability can be used with each Kaiken.

    Only 2 For Right Now


    Ability #1: Shatter Bash- Suu summons a sheild & smashes it sending shards towards opponent. The shards can vary in size & also depends on how big the barrier he smashed was.

    Strength: Suu can control how big he wants the barrier & how much power he wants to exert on an attack.

    Weakness: The shards are on a one set area basis making the area they attack a death zone. Anything outside of it is safe.

    Ability #2: Razor Protection- the sharp ends form around Suu protecting him from attack, it can hold 1 extra person inside. It can defend agaisnt most attacks & keep Suu alive in a time of crisis.
    Strength: A great defensive barrier that dosen't require much reiastu.

    Weakness: It is mobile but it is in a cylinder shape so,moving is difficult.

    Ability #3: Damnation Dance Of Shards- Suu summons a grand barrier that's about 180 feet big & 70 feet high & encases opponent, then summons 4 smaller ones choosing when he wants to shatter them & using the thousands of shards to cut said opponent(s),

    Smash~1: They move significantly slow but have the power of a heavy swinging blade. Suu can control these & send them to attack opponents (Control is limited to 2 until bankai is mastered & about 150 of the shard chunks are in the barrier)

    Smash~2: The shards are weaker but slightly faster & can be compared to power with a an expert in Zanjustu's average power swing. (About 1,000 shards are present they can be used to target opponent.)

    Smash~3 The shards are consideratly weak but significantly hard to dodge. The power level here is like a shinigami students above average swing of wooden a sword. ( About 5,000 shards present)

    Smash~4 The weakest yet almost impossible to dodge. The shards can be compared in power with a slightly stronger version of a paper cut. (About 11,000 shards)

    As stated with each barrier smash the blades get harder to dodge, but lose power since Suu has to use reiastu to power them. (side note barrier shards do not cut Suu they simply join back with his body NO Reiastu is gained)

    Strength: Extremly Effective if properly used. Each Shard Can be used to target opponent or be freely used to bounce around in the barrier. The shards shatter upon contact with opponent & dissipate

    Weakness: Takes Up 1 Post Charging/Chanting~
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 113
    BD-cash : 5034

    Suu's Shikai/Bankai Empty Re: Suu's Shikai/Bankai

    Post by LuluTheGuy Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:02 pm

    "This is not meant to kill but to protect. This is not meant to hurt but to be a sign of power. But now is time for that covenant to be broken. An abyss of torture & discipline is now in my full control. Allow me to show you...... "

    OOC: Fixed it I apparently cant spell :p

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