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    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:55 am

    Training Grounds.

    "Welcome! I am Captain Michael Shichirou Sazumushi. This is the training arena. Here is where I personaly train my own Squadren and where I will be testing out any new recruits or Face anyone that wishes to face me! the Rules here are simple":

    Full shinigami uniform, All powers are allowed. Destruction of the enviroment is allowed also. Area is a field behind is a forest and beyond is a lake feel free to use this to you're advantage. The opponent must No Longer be able to stand up but this does not mean you should break there legs, just simply wound them until they have no more energy left in them to continue fighting, then the one standing is the winner and there fore wins. Ways of winning like I said oppoenent must not be able to attack (meaning run out of energy) or stand (wounded so badly they hve no power to stand). Or the victor is chosen when the opponent gives up.

    Before Any fight they shall meet in the center Bow to each other Shake hands and go back to there place. A NPC Referee shall be the one calling when the fight begins and ends Green flag begin Red flag end followed by a whistle.

    The Only thing not allowed is Regeneration and self healing. Once a wound is made It stays. No self healing that means bandaging your self up this includes tearing pieces of clothing to cover a wound.

    Enjoy the Fight and Remember its Just for fun and training!

    [The arena styles:

    Squad 6 and Barrack arena*: The floor is made of sand and is soft so any person who falls minimum damage is done to them. The floor of the arena can be changed along with the weather, the weather is changed by someones certain zanpaktou ability. The floor is changed by a pad that the squad 6 Captain and Vice captain would have with them at all times (basically looks like an Ipad). They would use this to note things down and gather information or look for information and use it as a map and also to change the arena style and choose opponents for it.

    The Captains private arena*:

    Deep underground led by a large staircase twisting all the way down to deep underground, the pathway is dark and it is lit by flame torches. Underground there is a large computer where you can set up targets and what type of training you want. The arena its self is chained up and is 10ft above the ground. Underneath it is a pool of lava which is boiling hot making the underground area itself is warm. The training area is dangerous which has various training sessions only suitable for a Captain and Vice Captain and Third seat rank.

    You may only enter this area with the permision of the squad 6 captain and aquatence of a Captain level shinigami. Trespasers shall be severly punished.
    Note* The Barack training arena is where everyone can train and where members shall train and learn to use there shikai, the Underground training area shall be used for more advanced training where members will be shown how to activate there bankai and how to use it and control it, also to test out its strength.

    Last edited by Funnyguy339 on Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total
    6th Division
    6th Division

    Posts : 177
    BD-cash : 5186

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Duquin Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:15 am

    Tenju casually made his way out to the 6th squad training grounds in order to prove himself to be worthy of entering the squad. This was his first real fight since graduating the academy but for some reason there was no sense of nervousness or worry. Calmly Tenju set foot on the soft green grass and looked up at the clear blue sky overhead as he gripped his zanpakutou with his left hand, "A Taichou as my first opponent eh?...I should probably go all out then." Tenju said to himself softly as he looked back down in front of him with determined eyes glaring wide open in order to see everything in front of him rather than focusing vision on any one thing.

    In a single swift motion the new recruit would draw his zanpakutou in a reversed grip moving his arm up and outwards away from the scabbard that concealed his weapon. Once it was fully drawn a flick of the wrist before letting go of the hilt allowed the zanpakutou to spin upwards 180 degrees so when Tenju reclaimed his grip the weapon was held in a more traditional manner, "I'm not gonna hold anything back!" Tenju shouted as he allowed his reiatsu to erupt around him and swallow his body kicking up dust to swirl about in a circle at his feet.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:40 am

    Over looking the arena was the captains office, his office was a large sky scraper building with his office being on the top floor and there being a glass window, suddenly you hear that window smash and shards of glass fall to the floor. After the shock a dead body falls down onto the arena splattin down and pouring with blood after that the captain jumps down and lands on the dead body feet first, he looks at the dead body and grabs it by the jaw and says.

    "Thats what you get for trying to mess with my squad members!"

    He picks up the body by the jaw and throws the body to the side, the captain was covered in blood some blood sprayed on his jacket some on his face and alot covering his hands.

    [colour=yellow]"Sorry about that... when people mess with my squad they face me... anyways allow me to introduce myself I am Michael Shichirou I am the squad 6 captain and this is the floating city which we call gotham which is the home of squad 6, I myself power this whole city up allowing it to float in the sky."[/color]

    Michael bows to the new recruit.

    "Now then, I hear you wish to face me"

    Michael goes to a near by tap of water and washes his hands and face off and then turns the tap of and comes back top the arena.
    He looks at the arena floor and sees it's grassy.

    "Well this won't do."

    Michael takes out a small remote control from his jacket pocket and presses a button, immidetly the grass sinks down into the floor and sand appeares ontop covering the whole arena in sand.

    "Now then, before anything we bow to each other as you know the regular rules, afterwards unsheath you're zanpaktou and charge at me and try and slash me show me all you got."

    Michael smiles gently at the new recruit as he is first to bow to the new opponent.
    6th Division
    6th Division

    Posts : 177
    BD-cash : 5186

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Duquin Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:06 am

    While awaiting his captain's arrival Tenju thought carefully about what kind of match it would be, after all he would be fighting an opponent that is worlds apart from his own level of strength. The dangers were great and it was quite possible that he could end up seriously wounded or worse. Almost as if cued by that thought the sound of breaking glass would come from above and Tenju would look up to see a lifeless body falling from the captain's office. The body would land on the ground with a abrupt thud however Tenju did not pay it any attention, still looking up at the source of the cadaver. He wouldn't have to look long to see the awaiting Taichou jump from the room, following his large figure as it descended Tenju would watch as he landed on top of the corpse already covered in blood. His threats of killing those whom go against his squad may have been just to psyche Tenju out however he couldn't rule out the chance that this man really did seek blood for transgressions against his team.

    Tenju wasn't in the 6th squad just yet, it is very possible he could meet the same fate however Tenju already experienced dying once before. He lost everyone important to him years ago, now he had nothing left but strength and becoming a shinigami. There was no sense of urgency or fear in Tenju's eyes as he watched his would be leader address him and bow. Immediately following this he would move to go wash off his hands, his attention presumably not yet fully focused on Tenju. Not one for formalities Tenju decided to take advantage of this one chance to gain some kind of upper hand, he already had his zanpakutou drawn while his opponent was turned away and without a weapon out.

    Tenju would not wait for the Taichou to even reach the spout before silently breaking into action dashing at Michael at full speed using the reiatsu he built up before to augment his movements, "Bakudo no yon..." Tenju would mutter to himself as he brought his hand up with his fingers extended as a yellow rope of reiatsu wrapped around his fingers, "Hainawa!" Tenju would shout as he swiped his hand through the air sending the rope flying towards his Taichou in a snake-like manner. Tenju's target was not the man himself however but rather the zanpakutou around his waist, Tenju would hold on to his end of the bakudo and if it struck the zanpakutou, wrapping them together, as hoped he would then pull his end attempting to remove them from the captain's person to send them flying back towards Tenju out of reach. If this attempt was successful or not Tenju would proceed by canceling the spell from his end, leaving the bakudo still on the blades keeping the katana inside their scabbards until the spell is broken, as he jumps into the air focusing all the reiatsu he can into his own zanpakutou. Tenju would make the reiryoku around his weapon as dense as possible and sharpen it as much as he could taking his zanpakutou in both hands as he came down for a strike that held all his power and momentum. It would be an attack that had everything Tenju could muster behind it, hopefully it would turn good results.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:48 am

    Michael was washing up as he smirked sencing the riatsu of the oncoming, Michael turned the tap off and then shook his hands to dry them up.

    He then gets up and sees the oncoming duel attack he at the time had a smirk on his face. He stood up straight and stretched his back making a few clicks of the bones clicking in place, Michael placed his hands behind his back and then watched his recruit as he performed an attack.

    Michael was interested on how he would play this out and see what he would do with his zanpaktou. Michael looked to the kido attack and saw it wrap around his two zanpaktou's and pull them to his recruit Michael was interested to see what he would do with these two powerful zanpaktou, the thought of it braught a smirk to Michael's face.
    6th Division
    6th Division

    Posts : 177
    BD-cash : 5186

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Duquin Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:11 am

    It would seem that Tenju was successful in separating Michael's zanpakuto from him however that was a very small victory not worth celebrating. Tenju was coming down to strike his captain now and it was all too obvious that he was intentionally standing still as if to say that this attack was as significant as a fly buzzing about. Tenju did not falter however as he rode out the rest of his attack without hesitation, letting out a fierce battle cry as he slashed down with all his might aiming to cut across Michael's left eye. A strike to the chest would be futile if the Taichou made use of his superior reiatsu as would one to the limbs. Tenju knew he would have to target the weaker and less defensible places of the body in order to draw first blood.

    As Tenju slashed his blade at Michael's face he would follow through the slash with his left hand while simultaneously reaching for his second zanpakutou with his right. A swift reiatsu reinforced iaido slash would immediately be made the moment Tenju touched down, kneeling in front of his captain whom hopefully received a cut to the eye. From this position the iaido slash would come upwards aiming between the Taichou's legs in order to hit the groin aided by the force of Tenju standing up in order to jump backwards following his second attack looking to put some distance between himself and his target before a counter attack could be launched. Tenju's reiatsu was still flaring at full capacity as he kept his senses relaxed but focused knowing that even if his last attack was as effective as hoped, he couldn't let his guard down against an opponent of this caliber.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

    Posts : 1589
    BD-cash : 7753

    Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin Empty Re: Squad 6 entry fight for Tenjin

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:51 am

    Michael stood there with a plane look on his face as he hoped he would atleast be slashed once, instead only his robes were cut lightly and a small scratch mark ontop of Michael's scar on his left eye that made it bleed lightly, Michael shook his head at the varied attempts and then he stuck his hand out infront of him and said.

    "Bakudō 1. Sai"

    As he says this the kido restraint is placed apon the new recruit tying his arms together in an invisible retraint that then makes him fall to the floor, Michael cracks his neck and then walks over to the new recruit, he picks up his zanpaktou and places them back to his sides, he takes out a recruit badge from his captain's haori and then hands it to him and then raises the restraint. He then whipes of the blood and whips it of from his hand sprayin the blood onto the floor abit as michael continues to walk while saying.

    "Welcome to squad 6, go to the barracks get you're stuff ready and meet back here in the arena for a mission."

    Michael then takes out cuban cigar and lights it with a zippo lighter puffing on it and then blowing some smoke out. Michael walks of further into the distance and then says.

    "You've got potential, now you'll have the chance to show more of it in this mission, the reason why I diden't properly attack you was because if I properly attack you, a simple slash to the arm would cut your arm of or slice through you're chest, don't worry though you'll have other chances to attack me or fight me, now go to the barracks get you're stuff and then show me what you can properly do in the mission."

    And with that Michael dissapered into the floating city of squad 6 walking at a small pase with his hands in his pockets and a cigar on the side of his mouth.

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