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3 posters

    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:52 am

    I AM Shinigami not anymore
    Basic Information:

    Human Name:
    Shinigami Name: Suzaku Minamoto
    Gender: Male
    Age: Appears to be 18 but is really 800
    Division: 8
    Rank: Recruit
    Residence: Living World in the Mikanno Lair
    Appearance: somewhat tall for his age, and has a lean, muscular frame clearly toned from a lifetime of training in the Chinese martial arts. His eyes have been described by other characters as "squinty" or "shifty" and, indeed, they appear as if closed most of the time, opening only to depict Jadens darker emotions such as anger, horror or avarice. Jaden wears his black hair long and tied in a ponytail with white ribbon while his long, spiky bangs hang over his face, often obscuring one of his eyes - usually the left. a black Chinese shirt worn closed under a long, black trench coat with black slacks and black dress shoes and the orientation of his hair differs depending on which personality he is in, left if he is angry and right if he isn't.

    On the surface, Suzaku comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations, whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, has a penchant for wandering off on his own and collapsing in the street. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and his particularly complimentary nature easily gains him the friendship and trust of those around him. Of course, these aspects bely the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations in order to manipulate them to his liking. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and, despite his lofty position, is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, Suzaku also has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his ultimate goal. He has considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or contemned by his enemies, but he is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.

    This is largely due to a sense of duty that Suzaku holds at the center of his being. As liege of the Minamoto clan he strongly believes that his primary responsibility is the protection and advancement of his kinsmen, understands that a king's right to rule is granted willingly by the people and takes to heart the idea that the people are served by their liege, rather than the other way around. In keeping with this sense of "noblesse oblige", Suzaku is very protective of his kinsmen and comrades, often deeming their safety more important than his own despite his ambitions and goals and refusing to allow harm to come to them. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them.

    Your Legacy:

    Character Story:
    Human Life: Suzaku has forgotten most of his human life due to the events of Hueco Arca. What he does remember is having the ability to see ghosts which eventually lead to his downfall.
    Plus Life: As a plus, Suzaku was close to becoming a hollow. His soul was attached to the art store he died in front of. As he stayed there, he continued to watch the humans go in and out, mistreating the place so he decided to haunt it until a shinigami came and purified his soul, sending him to Soul Society.
    Shinigami Life:
    Beginning: Suzaku started out as a shinigami in squad 7 working under Captain Haji, who later became his father, and Vice Captain Dawn. While here, he met a lot of shinigami whom he gained a close bond with. Mainly Haji as he helped him train a lot. A certain event led Suzaku to be transfered to squad 3.
    Squad 3: While Suzaku was in squad 3, he adopted the captain as his older sister. The captain, Captain Momo, always called Suzaku her emo brother, something along those lines. He felt like squad 3 could be called his home and stayed with the third until he was transferred to squad 12, where he met Haji yet again.
    Squad 12: Suzaku was transfered to squad 12 about a month or two after being in squad 3. While in squad 12, he learned much about medicinal herbs and how to heal his own body if he ever got into trouble. While here, however, he somehow gained the ability to turn to a vizard. He kept this hidden from squad 12 as much as he could, but he soon learned that he was still accepted in the division, even as a psuedo arrancar. His time in squad 12 came short as squad 12 was moved to squad 2 and he was transfered to squad 8, under his mother.
    Squad 8: He didn't spend much time in squad 8 due to his captain trials. While here, he trained and spent more time with his mother. He learned how to use his shikai and how to attain bankai.
    Zero and Ciel, twins?: Suzaku and his mother were out on a walk, eating Pokky, when a mysterious enemy appeared, going by Zero and his 'twin' Ciel. They fought and as they fought, it appeared that Ruru had vanished. Zero's true goals were unknown and Zero and Ciel disappeared and made there lair in the squad 13 barracks.
    Attack on the Vizards: Zero appeared in the human world and challenged Sanba, the leader of the Vizards. While fighting, it appeared Sanba had the upper hand, that is until Zero defeated him. As he disappeared, Haji appeared and showed his anger towards Zero by trying to go after him. However, Zero was already back in the soul society and fighting Suzaku one last time. Zero met up with Suzaku in the Betwixt and Between in the 3rd division. While there, the duo fought and the area became more distorted, appearing to be a hybrid of the human world, soul society, and Hueco Mundo. As the duo fought, Suzaku was getting the upper hand, but Zero unleashed his true power and defeated Suzaku, taking over his body.
    Haji's attack on rukongai: Suzaku was now taken over by Zero and was fighting with Ciel against the soul reapers. However, he soon found out about Ciels true plans and the two had a battle in the middle of the rukon district. Zero, having absorbed to many hollows put strain on the body. Ciel, seeing this as a chance to attack, attacked Zero, seemingly killed him. However, as he lay there dieing, leaving Suzaku's body, he was put back into his body, without any memories of this ever happening. Shortly after, before his captain trials, Musteri of Ljos, or w/e its called, happened and he had to go help everyone. While with two other shinigami, he fought a zanpakto spirit. While fighting it, he used his bankai for the very first time in a battle like this. He however was frozen during battle. Not long after, the leader of the zanpakto came and 'stole' its life orb, killing it and negating the affects it had on him. Haji, seemed to have betrayed the soul society. Suzaku was still in destress after finding out his father had caused most of the damage in the rukon district. He appeared to have wanted to 'create' a new world, or so Suzaku believed. He went to Rukongai where he met with Haji and other shinigami and the mage's. He soon was twisted and betrayed soul society to help his father and soon was in a battle against his oldest brother, Nachos. While fighting Nachos, which wasn't to long as Suzaku was weak at this time, he was turned back to the shinigami side. However, he fainted in mid battle and Nachos carried him away.

    Hueco Arca Incident: Suzaku was sent to the human world to help Sanba and Hanzo in a battle. While there, he met up with a young girl named Ira. He didn't hold up much of a fight as he lost his arm in mid battle. He, along with Hanzo, were sent to squad 8's infirmary where Suzaku gained a fake arm. He returned to the human world and fought against the same foe, but it proved [don't know the word] and he lost the fake arm as well. He was then healed again, getting a new arm to replace his destroyed one.
    Squad 13: During the times of squad 13, it was still in stress about the Hueco Arca. Suzaku, Lee, and Suzaku's Mother went to a large cathedral in the human world. While there, they were trying to destroy the cathedral to end the loss of humans in the living world. However, all of the soul reapers there were split up and had to fight there own arrancars. [by there own, i mean one for each]
    Suzaku's mother was trapped inside the main hall of the cathedral with Ciel and Uruha. Kyouga was the first to arrive to the cathedral and asked Ciel what he was doing and Uruha as well. It seemed Ciel and Uruha were both needed to open the door to Hueco Arca. Suzaku, having beaten Lasci not long before, appeared in the cathedral where Zero took over. Ciel and Zero got into a battle, however, Zero was split from Suzaku, trapped within Ciels world.
    Ciel, Zero, and Suzaku:
    During the battle between Suzaku and Ciel, Zero appeared once again, and went on a rampage against him. During the battle, Ciel took Zero/Suzaku and put them inside his inner world. While there, Zero and Suzaku were split apart from each other. Sadly enough, when that happened, Zero lost all of his memories, and gained a 'copy' of Suzaku's body. Suzaku's soul was split from his own body and he was sent away to Lavi, the squad 5 captain-to-be. Zero lay motionless in Ciels inner world until Hueco Arca's doors were opened. When that happened, he was released and sent in a 'between' world where he lay there until his reappearance in the human world.
    Current Life:
    Suzakus whereabouts are currently unknown. He went missing while on a mission and nobody has seen him since.

    Edit: Human Arc
    *Suzaku was never a human remember, he was born in the soul society*
    Soul life
    *wasn't a soul lol*
    Academy days
    At the age of 12, in Soul Society Age, 120, Suzaku was admitted to the academy. While in the academy he learned a lot about Soul Reaper etiquette and learned how to access things better along with Kido skills. He would be checked on every day by his mother and father to make sure he was paying attention in class. This made him embarrassed, one of those child things. He continued to progress throughout the academy up until he graduated from the academy. After his graduation he was submitted into the 2nd Division where Sanba and Haji were Captain and Vice Captain.
    [Most of the history is in the history above in the first post]

    RP Sample:Suzaku: Suzaku sat down on a small bench in the park of Karakura Town. He was all alone and he knew it. He was fighting an arrancar earlier when the arrancar, just before its death, said that his daughter had been killed. He didn't know if it was true or not, but, he finished the arrancar off. He sat there on the bench and pondered about how things have gone bad since he was accepted into the Minamoto heritage at birth. His mother disappeared, his brother became an arrancar, his father rebelled, his daughter, supposedly dead, was in Hueco Mundo, his son Lee betrayed and rebelled against Soul Society. He didn't know how to take it all in. It was slowly seeping into his skin as he sat there.

    Kyouga: "I know it must be painful, but it isn't what you think. I sensed the presence of Mother, Father, another Minamoto, and other Shinigami before I came to the Living World. Father only rebelled to save Mother's life. You still have something to live for Suzaku, and I'm here for you." Kyouga explained honestly to his brother as he walked towards him, practically on the verge of tears.

    Suzaku: Suzaku heard the voice of his brother but kept silent. He couldn't hear him for some reason, almost as if there hearts were distanced to far away from each other.

    Kyouga: "Can't you hear me, Suzaku?" Kyouga asked as he attempted to place his hand on Suzaku's shoulder.

    Suzaku's eyes were pale white, almost as if he wasn't really there. He sat there, motionless, looking at the same spot on the ground.

    Kyouga, acting dumb xD jk: Kyouga right hooked his brother across the face, attempting to bring him back to his senses. "Open your eyes!" Kyouga yelled at his brother as he finally started to cry.

    Kyouga, however, left the scene of the park and has not been seen by Suzaku since then, who awoke from his short depression not long afterwards.

    Vizard Information: (Before being able to produce mask and use vizard abilities, proper training must be done despite membership date within group. The more training you do, the better your control is. Mask Duration will be added when Vizard is ready for RP.}

    Vizard Mask:
    Hollowfication: (Your control over your hollowfication, which side wins over which?) ~Explain this please
    HEART PONY! Manifestation:

    Your Zanpakuto:

    Zanpakuto Name: Fierce
    Sealed Appearance: White hilted zanpakto
    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:

    Shikai Release Phrase: Show your fangs, Fierce
    Released Appearance: Fierce creates a necklace around Suzaku's neck made of chains. The chains give him the ability to merge with inanimate objects such as trees. He gains tonfa's that have chains hidden within them. The tonfa's when spun, creates large typhoons made of ice and earth.
    Other Changes: He gains a set of black bat like wings and his hair becomes longer.

    Release Phrase: Rip them appart, Fierce Biter
    Released Appearance: His sword stays the same, but along with his bankai, the zanpakto spirit shows itself, only as a large bat with steel like wings and chains hanging from its back.
    Other Changes:

    Abilities (Max 16 you can add/unlock as you progress in-game)
    Name: Orochi Formation
    State: All
    Terms of Usage: Doesn't need to be said
    Description: This move creates large snakes made of chains. These chains are coated with a special liquid that numbs the one who's wrapped up in them.

    Last edited by Lavi on Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:24 am; edited 1 time in total
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:24 am

    Account Finished For Now
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:08 pm

    Lavi, we only need the ff from your history.

    Human Arc (if theres any)
    Soul life
    Academy days

    and thats that, please comply.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:12 am

    Human Arc
    *Suzaku was never a human remember, he was born in the soul society*
    Soul life
    *wasn't a soul lol*
    Academy days
    At the age of 12, in Soul Society Age, 120, Suzaku was admitted to the academy. While in the academy he learned a lot about Soul Reaper etiquette and learned how to access things better along with Kido skills. He would be checked on every day by his mother and father to make sure he was paying attention in class. This made him embarrassed, one of those child things. He continued to progress throughout the academy up until he graduated from the academy. After his graduation he was submitted into the 2nd Division where Sanba and Haji were Captain and Vice Captain. [Most of the history is in the history above in the first post]

    {I hoep this is what you meant by that Ruru}
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:43 am

    No, not at all, i meant, writing your history only up to academy days.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:44 am

    oh poopy DX
    Is this good for now until I can work it up, i had to work a lot on the current history set up lol DX -fails-
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:32 am

    Oka, what i need you to do is edit the first post with what you've written ^_^
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:25 am

    I edited it, its in Bold and Italicized
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:19 am

    *face palms* why is your previous history still there? lol

    1/2 approved
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    BD-cash : 129003

    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:20 am

    Don't ask me lol, I still want it there XD its what made Suzaku who he was anyway lol
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:06 am

    yeah, but not after reset *sob* now lets drag mike to give the other half of approval 0__0

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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Kyouga Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:46 am

    2/2 approved, but call Kyouga up sometime; he likes Vizards too! :D
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
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    Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~ Empty Re: Suzaku Minamoto ~Mikanno Vizard~

    Post by Muerte Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:48 am

    lol, they should meet up sometime, a spar or two maybe, but Suzakus gone missing and won't appear until Ruru has a use for him lol. Nobodies seen him since he fled soul society after turning into a Vizard during his time in Squad 2 and fled with Master Sanba lol. I may have him cut all ties with the soul society and kept his ties with his father through Sanba or something among those lines

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