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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:18 am

    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Db746010

    in the depths of Mushasune's laboratory, the battle to finally decide whether Ayano is capable of being a captain will take place. the merky and dark environment would only creep out the common soul.

    a large pit dwells below the lab, dont fall in
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:04 am

    Ayano stumbled into the dark laboratory, groping at the wall to her left for support, or really just assurance that something in the room was solid. She looked to her right, staring down the seemingly endless pit before her. At that moment she thanked whatever higher power existed that she'd learned to walk on air. She cast her gaze about her, finally adjusting from the bright sunlight, and took in her surroundings.

    The laboratory was as eerie and cluttered as any one would expect. It seemed the perfect place for a test of the walking dead. She smiled to herself, eager not only to clear the air of any doubts on her competence, but to test her new friend and ally's capabilities as well.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
    BD-cash : 5423

    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:30 am

    Mushasune shunpo'd above the endless cavity within her laboratory. she had a wrench in one hand, a screwdriver in the other hand. she had some kind of binoculars on that allowed her to see in the darkness that shrouded the visuals of her laboratory. though the room was already slightely iluminated from the greenish glow from experiments in test tubes. she smiled and slowely took off her binocular like lab glasses and chuckled. "welcome to my humble abode!" she said as she put the wrench into her lab coat pocket and pulled out a button like device. after pressing the red button, lights seemed to explode from Televisions that were connected to almost every surface of her laboratory. on each screen was the constant video tape of Mushasune and Ayano. Televisions from the cieling, the side walls, and even down into the black abyss were now recording this upcoming battle.

    "ready Ayano? i wouldn't wnat you to be unprepared."
    she said with a smile.
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:55 am

    Ayano raised her hand above her brow to shade her eyes as the room was illuminated in an argent glow. She smiled up at her new friend, floating before her, and let her hand drop.

    "Quite the theatrical one, aren't you?" She joked, hopping into the air. She stepped up on nothingness as if it were a stair case, even resting her hand on a phantom rail, purely out of habit, though it actually didn't have anything supporting it. As she glided gracefully upward, she moved forward, so that when she was up at the same height as her fellow Captain, she was also significantly closer.

    Placing one hand on the sheath that held her blade back from the world, and the other on the handle of that very blade, Ayano crouched forward slightly, rolling onto the balls of her feet, keeping her eyes level.

    "You may have the first strike."

    [[PS: I love the Q's in this font]]
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
    BD-cash : 5423

    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:21 am

    Mushasune raised an eyebrow as she took off her captain uniform off slowely, much like a strip tease. she carressed her own body as she gave Ayano a deep seductive stare. "ill have you know that Theatrics make the moment all the better." she said as she finally tossed her uniform to the side, revealing a pink and black tank top that only expressed her bust size more so. she cracked her knuckles and chuckled.

    "im going to tell you this, your not going to see my zanpakuto for awhile, if not at all. if you see it, ill make sure i leave a notification to the fourth division, because my zan is much more lethal than anything you can imagine." she said as her voice slowely got more intimidating and serious. she than flash stepped behind Ayano with her right hand pointing at her waist. "bakudo 61. Rikujōkōrō " she said as the light bars shot at ayano's waist.
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:26 am

    Hand still on the blade she waited patiently, cold eyes following the movements of her opponent's hands. She hardly noticed the seductive nature of her movements, she was busy waiting for an attack. Every muscle in her body tensed, her blood pounded, her mind raced. More prominent than the rest of that, she could feel the reiatsu coursing through her body, fighting to get out.

    Ayano waited patiently as the haori floated slowly down, thinking absently about the importance of that cloak and how easily her opponent had discarded it. In that moment her opponent disappeared, and instantly Ayano was back on track. She felt her opponent's presence behind her, smirking at she raised her hand and recited words. Just as yellow light began to glow in six directions around her, she disappeared in a flash.

    Just as her opponent had appeared behind Ayano, she did that same. Except, unlike her opponent, she wasn't interested in binding. All five fingers pressed into the air just a centimeter off of touching her opponent's right side. The fingers folded in and her right hand snapped into a fist, the force of every muscle in her arm pouring into the one-inch-punch. Her knuckles rolled in, aiming for the lowest of her opponent's ribs.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
    BD-cash : 5423

    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:22 pm

    Her kido missed, but she had suspected as much. she wasn't all that good at kido anyhow. than she turned to face ayano, face to face as she appeared behind her. it was very easy to predict after she had dont the sneak attack from the same angle first. "not a good idea to repeat the same strategy as i had done, but i appreciate the attempt." she said as she pivoted on her right foot avoiding the one inch punch before it would ever make contact. "i have to say that close-combat is the strongest aspect in my arsenol of offensive tactics, meaning it wasn't the right choice for you." she said calmly.

    with shear speed she got on one knee and jabbed at Ayano's leg. afterwards, she would side kick Ayano's waist, than punch her right in the temple. a move like this would usually knock out an average shinigami, but she new that Ayano must have been good at hakudo if she atempted to attack her in such a manor.
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:08 am

    Ayano smirked to herself, hopping back lightly. She managed to move out of the way of her opponent's strikes by a more than modest margin. She floated slow, like a phantom, down toward the ground, touching down with her right foot first. One hand rested on the pommel of her katana, her other hanging at her side.

    "You see, Mushasune," she began in a calm, almost apathetic voice. Her breath showed no signs of picking up pace, despite her leap through the air. She didn't get winded fast. "I don't have a specialty. I'm one of the most well-rounded Shinigami you'll ever meet."

    The hand that had been hanging, limp like a cripple's, raised slowly and deliberately like an animal waking from its rest. Her hand was palm-down, her fingers spread out. An orb of white light, tinged in blue, formed with record speed. "Hado Thirty-Three: Sokatsui!" She commanded, summoning forth a blast of white energy that singed the air like fire.

    In an instant she disappeared, reappearing in the air to her opponent's right, her hand still raised. "Bakudo Nine: Geki!" Another commanding, this time bringing forth an aura of red energy that would form around her opponent, hopefully stalling her long enough for the first kido to make its mark.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
    BD-cash : 5423

    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:31 am

    Mushasune listened, to what she had to say, she merely laughed. "thats good to hear, lets see if you have enough to witness true chaos." she said as she held the hilt of her zanpakuto. this girl would have to try extra hard in order to be able to look at this peice of metal. she than heard the sounds of her kido spells, she was ready, but her bakudo shocked her, what was this? a distraction! but, it was too late, or so it seemed. the shot pierced her.

    however, in a flash, her figure was gone, only her tank-top was visible now, with a hole in it from the kido shot. than from the right of Ayano, mushasune stood, putting on her Captains uniform once more. "you know, since you did that all i ahve is a bra and this on now. plus, that was one of my favorite tank tops. she said looking at the girl with a smile. that ability is called 'utsusmei', an omnitsukido ability that i learned long ago. not many have been able to master it." she said with a smile as she held her zanpakuto. "but, after that performance, i think your ready. i will allow you to witness hounetsu!" she said with a smile.
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:23 am

    Ayano didn't wait to see if her attack would connect, it was safest to assume that it wouldn't. As a result, she didn't notice her opponent using an extremely advanced form of shunpo. Something that, as a universally skilled shinigami, Ayano had never had the time to look into. She set her jaw as her opponent appeared again, wrapping the Taichou's cloak back around her.

    "You know, since you did that all I have is a bra and this on now. Plus, that was one of my favorite tank tops," she said looking at Ayano with a smile. "That ability is called 'Utsusmei'; an Omnitsukido ability that I learned long ago. Not many have been able to master it," She added, a smile still on her face, brandishing her zanpakuto. "But, after that performance, I think you're ready. I will allow you to witness Hounetsu!" She proclaimed.

    Ayano didn't wait, she didn't even allow for a twitch. The name of a Bakudo-Bakudo number twenty-one, Sekienton- was muttered during her opponent's speech, inaudible to Mushasune. Suddenly, a blasting sound resounded throughout the laboratory, and acrid gray smoke shot from the ground around Ayano, masking her.

    From the cloud a guillotine blade sliced the air, flying toward her opponent. The blade was aimed toward a limb, because Ayano knew for a fact that nothing would stop it flying at that speed, and she didn't exactly want to kill Mushasune; they were friends, after all. Attached to the Guillotine blade by a thick iron ring was a black chain the thickness of a crowbar, suggesting that Ayano would have at least adequate control over the blade, also showing that it wasn't just a blade her opponent would have to keep an eye on.
    Wandering soul

    Posts : 217
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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Mushasune Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:19 am

    Mushasune saw the blade rushing at her, with a strikign resemblance to a guillotine blade. the blade sliced through a poof of smoke like butter, which only caused her to raise an eyebrow. "walk the primordial plains, hounetsu." she whispered. the area began to shake around her, the world seemed to move in slow motion. than out of nowhere, a large dust tornado seemed to spiral around Mushasune. the blade that was launched at her began to de-accelerate rapidly do to the air resistance being provided by the wind the dust tornado created.

    however, the blade continued moving forward towards the direction of mushasune, whom still was in the massive dust whirlwind. the blade slowely entered the tornado, not able to be seen by Ayano anymore. however at this point it wasn't moving very fast. soon enough, the tornado vanished, revealing mushasune holding her guillotine blade in the palm of her hand. she had a smile on ehr face as the dust around her began to ripple. "that was a powerful attack. very quick. usually my dust manipulation would be alot more affective, nuitralizing the attack with ease. however the power in your blade was impressive." she assured, dropping the blade from her hand, it was bleeding slightly. "you see, hounetsu allows me to manipulate dust's movement on a molecular level. but...." she said as the area around her began to shake.

    The laboratory seemed to deteriorate, aging rapidly from the human eye. the televisions shut down as they dissolved into dust particles. the walls collapsed on themselves as they crumbled into dust as well. the entire area around them began to collapse. massive peince of mechanical rubble fell from the top of her lab. "Hounetsu also allows me to dissolve other materials into dust to expand my ability." she said calmly.

    As the rubble fell, a umbrella structure of compressed dust formed above her, bloackign the falling rubble. though, she also manipulated dust particles to shoot themselves at Delz. it seemed like 50 ropes of dust like wips shot at Delz, the purpose was to bind her completely.

    Ooc: this dust manip is like gaara's sand manip


    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano Empty Re: Battle Exam: Mushasune vs Ayano

    Post by Delz Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:23 am

    Ayano's opponent wasted no time in countering her efforts. The air began to shake, and then suddenly an inferno of dust formed around her. Ayano felt her blade slicing through with ease for the first few moments, and then suddenly it began to slow down. Even still, against a normal opponent an impact with the blade would have sliced straight through, but as the dust cleared Mushasune was revealed, holding the blade. There was a thin line of red on her opponent's hand, letting Ayano know her hit had at least connected.

    Ayano yanked back, bringing the blade to her side almost immediately. He grabbed it by the chain and began to spin it, building up the momentum. At this point coming near the blade would be a bad idea. Still, her opponent continued to surprise her. Thanks to the nature of the zanpakuto, the ceiling began to crumble. Ayano raised her free hand, and suddenly a barrier of condensed reiatsu formed above her head, protecting her. The blade of her zanpakuto wasn't even phased by the rubble that passed through, like a length of hair falling on the edge of an expertly sharpened knife.

    Fifty or so tendrils of dust shot from the cloud of smoke protecting her opponent, snaking through the air toward Ayano. Ayano brought the spinning blade forward, forming a propeller-like shield in front of her that didn't just break up the tendrils, but dissipated them with the blast of wind produced like a fan. A simple flick and release sent the massive blade flying once again, straight toward her opponent, this time aimed at the torso with the full force of her swing behind it.

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