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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:29 am

    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Dark%20forest

    Fighting grounds for Thasti Col and Aki Mifune. Captains Exam

    dark and silent bamboo forest of mysteries. Don't get lost. Many Swordsmen come here to train themselves and is a great place for hiding.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:05 am

    A man with red eyes and silver hair that spiked backwards calmly walked through the erie forest where he had been called for a friendly spar. Most people would get gettery just walking through the forest, but his man felt quite at peace. It was like this place was meant for him. Not only was it dark and scary like his path, but it as also something people avoided just to stay on the safe side. The man adjusted the transparent cloth that covered his mouth so that it didn't slid off his nose. The blue and red bead necklaces around his neck rattled against each other making a small noise, that wouldn't be hard to notice in a quiet forest like this. In his right hand, the man carried a sheath sword with a ruby red jewel on the end of the hilt. This was his most prized possession and at the same time his most trusted friend that he knew would never fail him when he needed it most.

    This man was named Thasti Col, a man who had terrorized the roughest districts in the west part of the Rukon. Sitting down on the moist ground, he leaned against one of the many trees near them. Many of the trees Thasti had noticed earlier were missing the higher parts of them, leaving them bare with no leaves to cover their nakedness. Breathing in the damp air, Thasti knew that he would be at a slight disadvantage in this fight, which to him made it that more exciting. Closing his eyes, Thasti waited for his opponent.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:20 am

    There was a rustling in the trees. Than suddenly something fell from the tallest tree. It made a huge thud and it got up. "Ow! That hurt alot." It was the captain of the third division, Aki Mifune. A short child looking figure that wouldn't really be seen as a captain. She sees col and smiles at him.

    "Hey you must be my oppent for this battle! Nice ta meet ya! Im aki mifune, third cappy! I enjoy sweets and having fun, dislikes milk! History~~~ not important! Haha what's you nams?"

    as she brushes the dirt off her clothes she smiles at him and stretches.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:28 am

    Thasti didn't open his eyes as he heard the person fall from a nearby tree. Judging from the high voice, he could guess the person that fell down was female, after that Thasti could careless, considering he didn't discrimate gender when picking fights.

    "Thasti Col, Captain of the 11th division. Nice to meet you Mifune." Thasti said this with no emotion in his voice, just a cold monotone was used.

    He didn't move from the spot where he was sitting nor did he open his eyes when he gave Aki his name. He didn't move cause he was lazy, Thasti just didn't feel the need to move, even if his opponent was the Captain of the 3rd division. One could say this was a part of his calculating personality. Thasti kept his reaitsu just lower than that of a Vice Captain's.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:33 am

    "Woah you seen like a quiet one! No worries! It doesn't really matter in battle! Mifune? Call me Aki if you wish! Its easier! Opps sorry i must be chit chattin again!"

    After she stretches she bowes at him and gets in a small stance. She stands with her legs slightly apart and her hands by her chest in fists. "take the first move! And lets enjoy this!" she gives him a sly grin with her eyes closed.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:43 am

    Aki was right about being talkative or not didn't matter on the battlefield, all that did matter was skill, which Thasti had plenty of. So he was given the first move, okay why not, lets just hope it would be the last mistake the Captain made. Thasti held out his hand towards Aki, "Bakudo #61 Rikujōkōrō" Six beams of light flew toward Aki. Thasti didn't care if she was able to dodge the Bakudo, considering it was only half of the attack he had in mind. With his hand still out, he fired one more kido "Hado #88 Hiryugekizokushintenraiho," A gigantic blast of reaistu erupted from Thasti's hand that hurled itself towards Aki. The explposion from this would most likely be notciable from Soul Society, not that he really cared.

    Thasti still had yet to move from the tree he was sitting against. He would move when he wanted to or felt the need to, and no sooner.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:49 am

    Aki stood there still smiling. When the beams of light were close to her she spun away and disappeared. "Im not so good at the demon magic, or kido or whatever you call it but lets not let that stop us!" Aki quickly appeared next to col and kicked at hes torso.

    She didnt stop smiling at him as she wanted a emtional reaction back.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:28 am

    Thasti felt the change of position of Aki's reaitsu which was now right beside him. So she execled in Shunpo. This was going to be interesting. With his eyes still closed Thasti used his left hand, to snake under Aki's kick, and flicked his wrist, changing the direction of the kick to above his head. It was a move he had picked up during the days in the academy, which for him were very fond memories. Letting go of his sword that was still resting in his right hand, he placed the hand on the ground and with little effore lefts himself off the ground, and using his right hand as a pivot point, rotates his body, and using the momement in his body swung his legs towrds Aki's upper body.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:20 am

    AKi saw he's leg and ducked low so he would miss. After he's leg passed her she jumped up to a tree and looked at him. "What's your style of combat? Or do you just like to go freestyle?" She stood on th etree banch with her arms in her pockets.

    SHe walked from branch to branch waiting for he's next statment or move.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:19 pm

    Thasti had to use more strength to get his leg out of the tree than he thought he would need to. Seems it went in pretty far. When his foot was finally out, one could see that it went half way into the tree. Thasti looked up at Aki who with grace had dodged his attack. "My style is one that has no rules attacked to it." Was all he said while picking up his sheathed sword that lay on the ground. Letting out a deep breath, Thasti shunpo'd right behind Aki and swung his sheathed sword at Aki' right shoulder.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:10 am

    "I like your style of fighting, it sounds so free." Aki tok her sheathed sword and put it on her shoulder to block the attack. "You don't seem so social." Aki jumped onto another branch and smiled once again. "This fights a bit morning why don't we kick it up a notch?"

    She jumps up high and than kicks off a tree trunk heading towards Thasti with full speed ready to swing her sword at him. She closed her eyes and grinned and before even a second could pass her face was in front of he's. She swung at he's torso.
    Thasti Col
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:07 am

    "Too bad for you my best is with the sword" Was all Thasti said as he blocked the attack with his sheath. Drawing the blade with his left hand, the crystal blade glimmered in the little moon light that was able to creep its way into the dark forest. Slipping his right hand to the bottom of the sheath, Thasti thrusted it up towards Aki's chest, while bringing the sword down with his left hand to roughly the same area at her back.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:23 am

    Aki awed at Thasi's sword and barley dodged he's attack. She jumped to another tree with a tiny bit of her sleeve cut. "That's what I'm talking about! You almost got me there! Thought I was a goner!" Aki drew her sword as well. It was a regular katana with a dark hilt color. "It's been while since I've fought so I do apologize if I am rusty! But let's get all the fun started now!"

    Aki let some of her reiatsu to relax and leak out of her. "Catch me if you can!" Aki shunpoed in a circle around Him and gave a few swipes along the way.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:38 am

    "If you say so" Was all Thasti said while he easily parred the strikes from Aki. Watching Aki circle him, Thasti just hufed. Really? Its going to take more than this to confuse me he said to himself, while taking a wider stance. Bringing his elbows up to mid stomach height, Thasti pulled back the sword in his left hand, and swung it vertically in the opposite direction that Aki was running in. Thasti kept his sheath at the ready.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:00 am

    Seeing the blade coming toward her Aki jumped up and landed on it and than quickly jumped as soon as her foot touced the blade. She went toward col and swung at he's head. "Haha loosen up! Have fun with it!"
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:07 pm

    Still holding the sheath, Thasti placed his right hand above his head and in the path of Aki's blade. "Burn Thy Enemy to Ashes Kasai Doragon," With the words spoken, Thasti's sword was engulfed in a red flame. The ruby red gem moved from the end of the hilt to where the sword met the hilt. The hilt itself also changed. Now it looked like two dragon's talons. A small slit appeared in the middle of the sword, as it widened. The fire changed into a dragon, which slithered off his sword and rested on Thasti's shoulder.

    Thasti let Aki's blade touch the back of his hand, which didn't even pierce his skin. Raising his sword which still resided in his left hand, a red flame engulfed the blade "Fire Slash," Swinging the blade at Aki, the fire in a shape of an arc flew towards Aki.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:51 am

    "If you play with fire, your gonna get burned~...Enkosen" A condense reiatsu shield formed in front of her to block the fire attack. "So close! I would have been a fried chicken! Haha." I feel the warm air and smile. "So warm"

    Aki jumped up in the air and clapped her hands together, "Hyapporankan" She pulled her hands apart and a rod of energy formed. She threw it at Thasi's direction. While in the air more rods formed so now that numerous rods of reiatsu went toward him.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:30 am

    Thasti's blade engulfed in flames once again. Raising his sword once again, and swung it down, aiming at the rods of reiatsu "Fire Slash," Thasti watched as the arc of fire hit some of the pillars creating an explosion, and provided a cover for him. Waving his sword, Thasti placed half a dozen fire traps between himself and Aki. Using Shunpo, Thasti appeared just a few inches behind Aki and raised his hand to the middle of her back "Hado #31 Shakkahō," A ball of red reaistu formed in front of Thasti's hand, and raced towards Aki, who was just inches away.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:39 am

    Aki's eyes opened a bit and looked behind her to see a red light. "Seki." Her hand went into a fist as a small blue ball formed in the back of her hand. It paralyzed the shakkho and repelled it. "Dang you fight tough." Aki looked at her sealed sword. "Too soon?"

    Aki appeared behind Col and placed her hand on he's back, "Shakkaho" A red light blasted onto he's back.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:00 am

    "Its the only way to fight," Feeling Aki's hand on his back, he quickly jumped putting a few inches between him and the Hado "Tozansho," a pyrimad shapped barrier formed around Thasti blocking the Hado. With that out of the way, small round balls of fire appeared around Thasti, which one by one took the form of birds. "Fly fire birds," pointing his sword at Aki, all sixteen birds honed in on her location. "Fire trap spike wall," a wall of spikes made out of fire appeared behind Aki.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:07 am

    "I guess it's time." Aki said as she looked at the spikes. SHe jumped high in the air and held her sword with two hands. "Take there lives, Undertaker." A jet black reiatsu surround AKi as she landed ona branch. When the reiatsu faded away she was surrounded by chains and held a sythe. On top was a skull with sprials.

    "We can both actually fight. Raikouken" Electric shocks went through the sword and the chains. "I feel enlightened." Her speed increased as she in a split second she was in front of colswiping at he's neck with a grin.
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:25 am

    When Thasti saw Aki release her shikai, a chill of excitment went down his spine, "Its about time, ya little runt," Placing his right hand in front of his neck, he opened his hand, causing the sheath to fall to the ground beneath them. "Seki," A round shield composed of reaistu formed in front of his hand, which repelled the electricty from Aki's sythe.

    As fun as this fight could be Thasti wanted to kick it up a notch, and the only way to do that would be to activate his bankai. He smiled, but that would have to wait for a bit longer. Using shupo, Thasti appeared behind Aki, just centimeters from her back, with his right hand out in front of him, "Raikōhō," Yellow burts of reaistu appeared in front of his hand, before the hado fired "And good bye, Kyakko," With the Bakudo said, Thasti disappeared from sight and sense, allowing him to move back to the moist ground
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:51 am

    "Tsk Tsk tsk, that won't do at all~" Aki jumped in the air and landed on a branch. I'm a fun loving girl so get me a little excited won't you? Fight me as if you wanted to kill me. Don't worry though I won't die." Aki spun her sythe on her left hand. She than held it still with the blade barely tough the ground.

    "If it's better I'll make the first move in our real fight now. Have fun with it~ ANd show off your style. Show me your worth it. Show me how much fun you can have. Though not at once I don't you to strain yourself hehe~" Aki out of nowhere landed onto the ground a few feet away from col. THe chains that surrounded her now began circling the both of them. Suddenly a black aura covered around them and they were in what seemed like an other world. "Oyazumi, I welcome you to this illusion world."
    Thasti Col
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Thasti Col Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:25 am

    Getting rid of the Bakudo, and faced Aki, who was now standing in front of him, and smiled, "Be careful what you wish for," Placing his right hand on the dragon, who had been resting on Thasti's shoulders the whole time. Thasti didn't pay attention to the new surroundings, for him it didn't matter where he was when he as fighting. "Lend Me Thy Power, and let all fear us. Bankai," The dragon on Thasti's shoulder, opened it's eyes, as Col's blade caught on fire once again. The hilt also changed, and became wider. The fire formed the blade. It had become a broadsword of fire, and Thasti was weilding it with a single hand. Thasti's clothes also caught on fire, yet never melted.

    Holding out his right hand with his palm facing up, the dragon moved so that its tail would be caught if Thasti decided to close his hand, "Transformation, Two-blade battle axe," Grabbing hold of the dragon's tail, it transformed into a battle axe with a blade on each side, and pair of green jewels in the centre. "Fire slash," Swinging the fire broadsword, a arc of fire flew towards Aki. Using Shumpo right after the fire arc left his blade, he appeared behind Aki, and swung down the battle axe, aiming for her left shoulder.
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    Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624) Empty Re: Battle Exam: Thasti Col for 11th division Vs. Aki Mifune (Sara624)

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:34 am

    "I'm not asking for much. Though I should warn you." as col struck at Aki she vanished. And she appeared upside down above him. "This is a house of illusions, my sword and i are very alike like any other sword and its wielder would be. We likw to play tricks. And this is a our favorite. Its a easy game or trick to figure out."

    Suddenly numerous Akis' came risen from the ground. "this illusion house effects both of us so that the game is fair. One Aki swung at him but missed "Arah, i guess right now my vision is disorted. Haha let the games begin"

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