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    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    .Hell. Empty .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:09 am

    It was a long fall from soul society, after all, they came from one of the highest plains there is.

    The chains which engulfed both lee vanished like and turned into sand.

    "Sorry bout the shock there, but i had to make it realistic" Ciel lets his lock loose from lee's neck and lets go of him.

    He was now enjoying the fall, it seemed as though that he was recalling memories, memories of when he was still a citizen of hell.

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:33 am

    The black fumes still emitted from the massive creature that was Lee. The fading screams and echos continued. A hand reached out as the lock was released and more dark clouds formed around the body. The sudden rush of falling down, the ever growing power of hell itself. Unseen by any soul reaper, to any hollow. It was something that seemed to flash into his brain over and over again as the pitch black clouds slowly seemed to pull themselves inward, More hands rose out as if they were trying to take hold of some freedom or just to escape. The smoke continued to emit from him as Lee's newest and final form was taken into shape in silence.

    ((Signature for picture of said form))
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:47 am

    "This form fits you quite well, fits the ambiance of hell pretty nice too." Ciel laughed as he prepared for the landing impact.

    "We will be arriving the lake of fire shortly, dont worry, the guards will let us in." Ciel handed him a peice of paper, it looked like a cinema ticket.

    It was black with silver text saying "Hell Ticket : No-expiry"

    "That should get them off your back."

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:57 am

    The darkened figure slowly let it's head turn ever so slightly to look from one side to the other. He then turned over toward Ceil as he spoke of his appearance and it fitting rather well. He then spoke of guards and then held a ticket out to him, the right arm rose up and clasped the item in between his fingers and then moved it closer to his face as there was then a pause, as if to read the ticket. He then slowly started to straighten out, as if to stand on air as he continued to drop to the area Ceil mentioned.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:11 am

    Ciel dropped first, it was the hueco mundo dessert , then again, the end of Hueco Mundo dessert, the real path through hell, there was a bridge bridging Hueco Mundo Dessert to hell's gate, underneath it the lake of fire, free flowing, just a taste of what it would look like from the inside. Cyclones were about to push them away, but upon realizing there was a demon present, like it had a mind of its own, the clyclones vanished.

    "Were here"
    Ciel had said.

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:29 am

    Lee was about to land heavily onto the ground but as he was but mere inches from the ground, he halted. Elegantly did his flowing black gowned self touch the ground, he slowly lowered his arms down to his sides as he over looked the lands of hell. Which in all reality looked similar...very similar to the hollow lands, the Hueco Mundo desert. He moved himself beside of Ceil as the cyclones were diminished to nothing.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:22 pm

    "Lets enter the gate, shall we?" waiting no replies, Ciel lead the way to the gates, it opened for them revealing a dark fiery inferno.

    "Welcome to Hell, god lee."

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:49 pm

    Lee slowly let his head raise as he then watched as the gates opened before him. He then slowly rose his hands up as they ever so slowly crossed themselves over his chest as he then listened to what it was that Ceil had spoken. He then slowly replied
    "To be welcomed to the underworld...a true dream."
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:59 pm

    Ciel replied with a laugh. "Well then, what do you think we should do next?"

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:06 pm

    The fingers around the black figure slowly started to reach outward, ever so slowly in hopes of grabbing something or someone to either try and free them from there horrid place or pulling them in to share in the mass of souls. He slowly inhales as the darkness that flowed like a fog around him started to pull toward him. He then exhaled as his body started to re-morph until it settled onto a rather....human looking form...what he used to look like in face. His 'Hidden GodLee Form' as he thought of it and then spoke
    "Well, coming here was the first step. If I want to go back, I want to go back with a force that will truly shake the foundations of my very name."
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:33 pm

    "HAHA, very well then, if you need a force, this demon guards are no good."

    Said Ciel pointing towards one of the demon guards, a monstrous creature with huge horns.

    "The yonly serve my father and my brothers, they take no orders from me, unless i threaten to kill them, no, we aim for people like you i suppose.

    They are all down here, and if they were able to kill you, you couldve been a part of them."

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:01 am

    Lee slowly let himself tilt his head back so that he could have a better look at the creature that Ceil had been speaking about. This guard was indeed very large but itself was to large for his own needs and having to take it by force would only make it more the hassle. Ceil then spoke of a more....put together group like himself and that would mean well. He turned his gaze back toward the where Ceil had spoke about and then replied
    "So, then let us go and have a chat with my would-be cellmates."
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:37 am

    "And we shall, but im not sure your strong enough as to go to levels any further than the 5th floor... You might not be able to take it. Your soul i mean, Hell will tear you apart, you might need reinforcements to break this prisoners out, and i cant very well be your only companion, would I?" Ciel spoke straight to the point, he only spoke of the truth, and even in Lee's current state, he wont be able to make it alone.

    "It should be weeks now, its been a week since i brought you here, i know its only been a few minutes, but this is hell after all, we move on a different time, what would you say we take a little detour, to Hueco Mundo?"

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:20 am

    Lee turned his attention back toward Ceil as he started to speak about the power that the further reaches of hell had. He was half tempted to take his chances and stroll down without a care. What is a single soul? But then again, he would need each one he could muster so wasting them here and there would only be pointless. He slowly moved his hands down to his hips as he spoke
    "Why not. I wish to see if there is any difference in areas that would effect me the more adept I become to Hell's wonderful atmosphere.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:25 pm

    "You might be a self made God, but in hell, your just as who you are, you cant rely on this powers my dear friend.

    I didnt say it earlier, but you're on your own in hell, the souls you have taken, will momentarily leave your care and wonder around. Its mostly because in hell, everything works individually, like particles. You've taken it upon your self to be one with them, but here, they are an individual soul as you are and the rest are."

    Ciel sat on a chair that formed out from the fiery cracked lands.

    "They will return when we leave the realms of hell, you need more ally's, and Hueco Mundo is all that there is left on that pool. I bet your brother would be delighted to help you, he is after all a demi demon."

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:42 pm

    Lee slowly paused as he was told this new information. He slowly rose his hands from across his chest and looked down at them. He was right, there were no voices that he had to ignore of block out, there was not really much of anything and the quiet was rather nice now that it wasn't a forced one. He then looked over to Ceil whom took a seat down onto a chair. Lee then re-crossed his arms and then continued
    "Well, if I have all of my souls out in the open, I would assume that my own personal hell is quite the deadman wonderland. And as for my brother, that is something. I have also curious about my sister. It has been so long. I'm sure the news has gotten around to her by now."
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395406

    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:24 pm

    "They will return to you if we leave hell, so, shall we leave for hueco mundo? we can always come back."

    Ciel stood up preparing to go back.

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:53 pm

    Lee slowly let his arms move themselves down to his sides and let them rest on his hips as he thought about it and then replied
    "Yes, I am actually interested in what kinds of things have happened since my death. See if they have went back to normal or still in repair. Let's go."
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:38 am

    "Ooh, my sources say that gotei moved on quite well after your revolt, for now we head to hueco mundo, we don't want the enemy knowing your alive when i've taken you here."

    Ciel opened a portal that would lead them back to hueco mundo.

    "After you then, master." he bows.

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:25 am

    Lee slowly nodded his head as he was now in well connection with the Soul Society it would seem. That was indeed a very good thing. He nodded his head as he looked at the portal that was brought before him as a means to move into the hollow realm. He nodded lightly and without word as he moved his hands into his pockets and walked forward and into the portal, the desert once more.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Ciel Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:30 pm

    Ciel followed and left the realm of hell, they will later be found on Ween town a week after Lee's rebellion.

    exit ---->

    Rank : Royalty
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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:03 pm

    A mass of spiritual pressure fell from the sky, colliding with the ground causing a small crater to form. As the dust and debris settled, a hand raised itself up and out, taking hold of the ground as the body was soon pulled forth. A blue haired man dressed in black was drug out. He gasped for air as his body started to shake, as if cold. With a few jerks, his head finally raised itself up to see them. Soul after soul, hollow and souls proved where he was. He let himself get pulled to his feet by a hollow as there was only silence until he spoke
    "You smug little bastards. You need to learn your place..."
    A hand flew across and landed directly on his cheek as he stopped speaking. A female soul stood firm and unmoving as she slapped the so called 'god'. Lee slowly turned his blue orbs back toward the soul as he pulled an arm free from the hollow that held him up and he drew his blade free and spoke once more
    "I have had it with you all. The constant back and for of bickering and yelling. We are going to settle this on my terms! KAI! Inner World Insight!"
    As he spoke the words, his Zanpakuto shattered as he slowly hovered above the ground, his attire slowly shifting to a elegant white suit that seemed free of dirt or sin. He slowly let his hands raise themselves outward as a spell circle appeared under the souls nearest him, then the hollows nearest and then, suddenly, every soul and hollow in the area itself was encircled. In one bright flash of light, the area was void of the once ever crowded and over packed place. The only remainder was a single blade, Lee's Zanpakuto fell to the ground, lifeless and waiting.
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Legion Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:08 am

    *the ground began to shake violently with each footfall.

    Slowly a shadow of immense size began to cast itself over the ground as the beast approached.

    several voices could be heard growing louder as the creature moved towards the lake of fire; like a million cries of anguish spewing jibberish in various different languages...*

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Kyouga Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:04 am

    A Garganta opened up as if out of nowhere, and Kyouga stepped out of it as he ventured to the Lake of Fire. Almost immediately, Kyouga noticed a stray Legion. "Wow..." Kyouga said to himself as he walked towards the creature to get a better look. It's size was massive, and Kyouga wondered who he belonged to. "Do you come here often?" Kyouga asked Legion is a respectful manner, hoping to start a conversation.
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

    Post by Legion Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:23 am

    *standing at the lake, Legion heard a voice near him, like the sound of a fly near his ear...

    Slowly his massive head turned to the being below, catching him in his burning gaze...*

    "Fly;; buzz...Into the spiders web we go..."

    "What is it?..."

    "Maybe we should eat it..."

    "Let him speak!..."

    "Have you seem my child? Is he well???"

    "burn it, crush it... Let heaven have it..."

    *suddenly the torrent of voices rush together in one single voice; a single voice made of thousands of sounds all formed into one*

    "Do you seek me little one?"

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    .Hell. Empty Re: .Hell.

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