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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 5206

    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Tsuna-fish Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:42 pm

    Character Name: Tsuna Midori Youshi
    Age: actual age one hundred, appearance mid to early twenties
    Race: shinigami
    Residence: Living world

    Tsuna is a slim figured person his body seems to fit to a woman's better then a man's, There is not a trace of fat on his body and when his clothes are off it is quite easy to see his body is almost pure muscle. His snow white skin is flawless except for one thing, A tattoo is etched across his back it is a winged dragon spitting out flames upwards towards his head. The dragon is pitch black standing out from his white skin and the flames it spits out are a dark red almost the color of blood. His dark brown hair which is almost black is often let down to do what it wishes often it falls down in small waves, and covers his left eye as it does.

    Tsuna's eyes are two different colors the left is a dark blue almost purple while the right eye is a light dark green like the leaves on a tree in spring. His voice is soft and melodic as though he was born to be a singer, But when angry his voice deepens and comes out like a ferocious growl. As for his clothes Tsuna wears what seems to be a Chinese imperial robe as his shirt it is a dark green with lacing colored gold around it. For pants he wears soft cotton pants meant to be used in martial arts training but he wears them as his everyday pants, as for shoes Tsuna does not wear shoes as he has no need for them.

    (look at my avi to understand what im saying ignore the ears)

    Personality:Tsuna is a straight forward guy he doesn't like to beat around the bush or play with words it often annoys him when people do this but overall he is a person most can get along with. He is often kind but only to a certain point. Loud and arrogant people tend to grind on Tsuna he often feels the need to take them down a peg or two to show them they are not all they seem to be. He will often help others even if it means he will be harmed in the process but he draws the limit at death he will not risk his life for the sake of others. He often smiles a lot even through a battle and seems to talk to himself during the battle's this causes people to get annoyed with him often.

    Often when he is not around other's he likes to stay somewhere quiet so he can sing or be one with nature as he likes to call it people often disrupt the flow of energy. When angry Tsuna forgets who he is and becomes the person he once was the angry and violent person of his past comes out he loses most of his technique and goes for raw power at that point. The only way to snap Tsuna out of this is to make his mind and body realize power isn't everything at this point the calm Tsuna can retake the power back and fight with real thought instead of just trying to hurt the opponent.

    Human arc:

    Tsuna was born like any other child in a hospital with a father and his mother but he wasn't like most children he didn't think the same way. This hindered him as he grew up he isolated himself from them and didn't care at first his parents were able to ignore the behavior but as he got older it got worse he didn't ignore people anymore he hurt them. Whenever someone got close to Tsuna he would hurt them to the point where they would never come back against him problem was he couldn't figure out who to direct his feelings towards so he directed them towards everyone. When he got into middle school his father tried to direct the feelings towards something else so he got him into boxing but Tsuna didn't like the rules he broke them and smashed someones teeth in with his elbow. He was of course kicked out right away his father couldn't understand why Tsuna was so angry all the time truth was Tsuna couldn't explain it either he was just always angry.

    In high school he entered MMA or mixed Martial arts he was good very good actually he was told he was a natural athlete. But this wasn't enough for Tsuna the fights were amusing but they began to get boring when he realized he couldn't keep fighting he ditched it for something else street fighting there was something Tsuna could get behind fully. He began to fight for fun and money he was good as always ad he loved the exhilaration he got from beating an opponent. He began to get into other things that were shady he became muscle for those who needed it and were willing to pay him a good price he didn't care as long as he had fun. It wasn't until Tsuna nearly killed someone in an underground fight that he realized what a fool he was being he got home that night and remembered the face of the guy. He couldn't get it out of his head he had tried to kill someone it wasn't right he knew this and he had to change before it was too late but he didn't know how he had been this way all his life how could he suddenly change he asked himself.

    There was only one answer he had to talk to his parent's about himself he went downstairs and sat them down needless to say they were surprised, when he spilled his guts about what he had been doing. The real surprise was for Tsuna when they embraced him he thought that they would hate or disown him instead they accepted him and told them they would help him. He was sent to an angry therapy camp to work away his anger if possible, there he learned many small techniques like counting down to zero or imagining a river flowing calmly although don't let this fool you it took him a while to actually use them. It took him six months to be completely reformed he was like a new person his parents couldn't find a trace of the old Tsuna he was normal now his anger was something of the past. Too bad for Tsuna somethings hadn't been left in the past many people in the shady underground still remembered him and what he did. They wanted him to do the same things again but they didn't know Tsuna was not the same person although be certain even if they knew they wouldn't have cared much if at all.

    When the shady people found Tsuna again after he came home they couldn't believe it the people who had seen his dark side knew what he was like and this was not him. But regardless they offered him quite a bit of money to go after a local biker gang and take them down one by one Tsuna pushed their money and the offer away trying to explain he wasn't like that anymore. They wouldn't listen and then fate gave them the finger as outside the place where they were trying to get Tsuna to work for them the biker gang waited for them they had heard the rumors and were gonna stop Tsuna before he could do anything. Pity for them if they had just stopped to listen when he came out they wouldn't have been hurt so much while Tsuna wasn't angry that didn't mean he didn't know how to fight which they learned clearly. After taking down the biker gang by himself he left but he hadn't thought that maybe those old 'friends' of his would say he was working for them still and that's why he beat them down. The rumors spread quickly Tsuna was back and he was marked by the gang they wanted him dead Tsuna had no idea he was just arriving home when it happened the gang drove by. They riddled him with bullets it hurt for a second and he fell to his knee's and then hit the ground the shock caused him to feel nothing now as he stared at the street blood pooling under him. Before he fell into the blackness of death Tsuna saw a black uniform and heard a soft voice telling him it was going to be okay he smiled just before death claimed him.

    Spirit Arc:

    Upon his death Tsuna seemed to awake in what seemed to be a dream land he couldn't understand what had happened to him. He tried asking around but everyone just told him he was dead that couldn't be right he thought he was just dreaming wasn't he he asked himself over and over but it seemed he wouldn't awake from this so called dream. Tsuna took a little while but he came to and realized he still needed food like anyone else here and began to steal whatever he could when someone tried to stop them he stopped their attempts easily and got away. He got a group of little followers and together they began stealing things to keep themselves fed and alive it wasn't suppose to be anything big but it turned out to be. The local gang yes they had a gang in the spirit world to go figure right? heard about them and wanted them out of their turf so they sent a warning they beat up one of the people in Tsuna's little group badly. Tsuna outraged went to the gang and crushed them here they were all equal they didn't have guns to take him down they had fists and for them this was bad Tsuna pummeled them into the ground with everything he had.

    It was upon this time that without the local gang that people began to do what they wanted in the rukon districts since they had no fear of the gang now. Tsuna hadn't wanted this because of his actions they sent in shinigami to deal with the people including his own little group slowly but surely his little gang disappeared after being arrested by the shinigami. Tsuna was outraged never in all his life had he seen his friends taken away from him so easily and there was nothing he could do or was there he asked himself what if he beat one of these shinigami and got into their ranks. This idea would have been shot down right away if Tsuna knew what he was dealing with but he thought the shinigami were like anyone else. He set up an ambush in the back streets as a single shinigami came around the corner he struck by smashing his fist into his jaw he thought it was done but the shinigami stayed up easily and smiled at him. Tsuna couldn't believe it he did what anyone with a brain would he ran away but he was followed so he turned jumped off a wall, and kicked the shinigami male in the face. The shinigami male fell to the ground fell to the ground and Tsuna thought it was done until the shinigami got up with nothing but a small trickle of blood from his mouth and slammed his shoulder into Tsuna sending him flying.

    Tsuna couldn't understand why this guy was so strong so he figured he needed to just hit him harder and lowered his center of gravity. As the shinigami rushed forward Tsuna unknowingly gather spirit energy towards his fist as he smashed it into the shinigami's face knocking him out completely. He took the shinigami's clothes and was going to sneak into the seireitei using this disguise (stupid ain't he? XD) when one of his old gang members came up to him saying he escaped. He told him how they could get in and everything Tsuna trusted him and was led in by the lie it was all a trap to get him in place of course the shinigami hadn't expected him to beat one of their own. He was caught and led to the seireitei where he was going to be thrown in prison but before they got him there he saw his old gang member accepting pay from the shinigami. Realizing He had been set up Tsuna flew into a rage the shinigami and his old friend were going to pay dearly for what they had done the kido binding his arms was broken as he rushed the shinigami paying his old friend.

    RP Sample:

    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
    BD-cash : 42399

    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Baka Yukimura Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:18 pm

    omg HOLY CRAP!! So many words!!

    I'm a VC, so I'm approving this, even if it's not done.

    And when you're done, join the 1st! good job
    cool beans
    cool beans
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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by cool beans Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:09 pm

    lovely its very well written with lots of detail but remember this is rping we do here and this is borderline storywriting. yes its impressive to write so many words but you have to consider the other players when you rp which worries me about your rp sample. Remember theres somebody on the other end who has to read your posts and if you write up a 3000 word rp post on a regular basis then yeah dont be surprised if you get a sloppy reply in comparison because to be honest its just too much.

    So what exactly is a rogue shinigami? We are trying to re-build the divisions at the moment so i would recommend you join a squad, 1st, 3rd or 5th are open at the the moment rather than trying to start up something brand new. Yes i relise there are limited options for now but they are good ones and great way of socialising round the site please do try and consider them when you've finsihed your character bigography

    oh and dont be a stranger, make an introduction post in the introductions section, im sure it cant be that hard for you considering how much you've written here : P
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:44 pm

    He's applying to be a rouge shinigami that's not gotei 13 affiliated, hence the RP sample ( I asked him to do it) to see which seat he could get. This app is still WIP, he's waiting on Sanba's approval on a part of his history.

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 5206

    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Tsuna-fish Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:35 am

    uh for some reason I cannot edit my post I don't know the reason yet but if I had to take a guess it is because of people posting here locked the editing process from a normal member of the site xD so could someone fix this please?.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Baka Yukimura Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:26 am

    You can't edit cuz you're not a mod or admin, only they can edit posts after they been submitted.

    Just post your revisions on this thread.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:39 pm

    You can only edit your post for the first, for updates, just reply on this topic and i'll do the editing ^_^
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:08 am

    I am sooo glad we have you on the site. This is the kind of rp I used to do and im glad someone else can do it too. With sitewide rp Beans is right it usually is quicker posts but if you ever wanna do a 1v1 rp with me just holla! This is great!
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 5206

    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Tsuna-fish Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:40 am

    Character Name: Tsuna Midori Youshi
    Age: actual age one hundred, appearance mid to early twenties
    Race: shinigami
    Residence: Living world

    Tsuna is a slim figured person his body seems to fit to a woman's better then a man's, There is not a trace of fat on his body and when his clothes are off it is quite easy to see his body is almost pure muscle. His snow white skin is flawless except for one thing, A tattoo is etched across his back it is a winged dragon spitting out flames upwards towards his head. The dragon is pitch black standing out from his white skin and the flames it spits out are a dark red almost the color of blood. His dark brown hair which is almost black is often let down to do what it wishes often it falls down in small waves, and covers his left eye as it does.

    Tsuna's eyes are two different colors the left is a dark blue almost purple while the right eye is a light dark green like the leaves on a tree in spring. His voice is soft and melodic as though he was born to be a singer, But when angry his voice deepens and comes out like a ferocious growl. As for his clothes Tsuna wears what seems to be a Chinese imperial robe as his shirt it is a dark green with lacing colored gold around it. For pants he wears soft cotton pants meant to be used in martial arts training but he wears them as his everyday pants, as for shoes Tsuna does not wear shoes as he has no need for them.

    (look at my avi to understand what im saying ignore the ears)

    Personality:Tsuna is a straight forward guy he doesn't like to beat around the bush or play with words it often annoys him when people do this but overall he is a person most can get along with. He is often kind but only to a certain point. Loud and arrogant people tend to grind on Tsuna he often feels the need to take them down a peg or two to show them they are not all they seem to be. He will often help others even if it means he will be harmed in the process but he draws the limit at death he will not risk his life for the sake of others. He often smiles a lot even through a battle and seems to talk to himself during the battle's this causes people to get annoyed with him often.

    Often when he is not around other's he likes to stay somewhere quiet so he can sing or be one with nature as he likes to call it people often disrupt the flow of energy. When angry Tsuna forgets who he is and becomes the person he once was the angry and violent person of his past comes out he loses most of his technique and goes for raw power at that point. The only way to snap Tsuna out of this is to make his mind and body realize power isn't everything at this point the calm Tsuna can retake the power back and fight with real thought instead of just trying to hurt the opponent.

    Human arc:

    Tsuna was born like any other child in a hospital with a father and his mother but he wasn't like most children he didn't think the same way. This hindered him as he grew up he isolated himself from them and didn't care at first his parents were able to ignore the behavior but as he got older it got worse he didn't ignore people anymore he hurt them. Whenever someone got close to Tsuna he would hurt them to the point where they would never come back against him problem was he couldn't figure out who to direct his feelings towards so he directed them towards everyone. When he got into middle school his father tried to direct the feelings towards something else so he got him into boxing but Tsuna didn't like the rules he broke them and smashed someones teeth in with his elbow. He was of course kicked out right away his father couldn't understand why Tsuna was so angry all the time truth was Tsuna couldn't explain it either he was just always angry.

    In high school he entered MMA or mixed Martial arts he was good very good actually he was told he was a natural athlete. But this wasn't enough for Tsuna the fights were amusing but they began to get boring when he realized he couldn't keep fighting he ditched it for something else street fighting there was something Tsuna could get behind fully. He began to fight for fun and money he was good as always ad he loved the exhilaration he got from beating an opponent. He began to get into other things that were shady he became muscle for those who needed it and were willing to pay him a good price he didn't care as long as he had fun. It wasn't until Tsuna nearly killed someone in an underground fight that he realized what a fool he was being he got home that night and remembered the face of the guy. He couldn't get it out of his head he had tried to kill someone it wasn't right he knew this and he had to change before it was too late but he didn't know how he had been this way all his life how could he suddenly change he asked himself.

    There was only one answer he had to talk to his parent's about himself he went downstairs and sat them down needless to say they were surprised, when he spilled his guts about what he had been doing. The real surprise was for Tsuna when they embraced him he thought that they would hate or disown him instead they accepted him and told them they would help him. He was sent to an angry therapy camp to work away his anger if possible, there he learned many small techniques like counting down to zero or imagining a river flowing calmly although don't let this fool you it took him a while to actually use them. It took him six months to be completely reformed he was like a new person his parents couldn't find a trace of the old Tsuna he was normal now his anger was something of the past. Too bad for Tsuna somethings hadn't been left in the past many people in the shady underground still remembered him and what he did. They wanted him to do the same things again but they didn't know Tsuna was not the same person although be certain even if they knew they wouldn't have cared much if at all.

    When the shady people found Tsuna again after he came home they couldn't believe it the people who had seen his dark side knew what he was like and this was not him. But regardless they offered him quite a bit of money to go after a local biker gang and take them down one by one Tsuna pushed their money and the offer away trying to explain he wasn't like that anymore. They wouldn't listen and then fate gave them the finger as outside the place where they were trying to get Tsuna to work for them the biker gang waited for them they had heard the rumors and were gonna stop Tsuna before he could do anything. Pity for them if they had just stopped to listen when he came out they wouldn't have been hurt so much while Tsuna wasn't angry that didn't mean he didn't know how to fight which they learned clearly. After taking down the biker gang by himself he left but he hadn't thought that maybe those old 'friends' of his would say he was working for them still and that's why he beat them down. The rumors spread quickly Tsuna was back and he was marked by the gang they wanted him dead Tsuna had no idea he was just arriving home when it happened the gang drove by. They riddled him with bullets it hurt for a second and he fell to his knee's and then hit the ground the shock caused him to feel nothing now as he stared at the street blood pooling under him. Before he fell into the blackness of death Tsuna saw a black uniform and heard a soft voice telling him it was going to be okay he smiled just before death claimed him.

    Spirit Arc:

    Upon his death Tsuna seemed to awake in what seemed to be a dream land he couldn't understand what had happened to him. He tried asking around but everyone just told him he was dead that couldn't be right he thought he was just dreaming wasn't he he asked himself over and over but it seemed he wouldn't awake from this so called dream. Tsuna took a little while but he came to and realized he still needed food like anyone else here and began to steal whatever he could when someone tried to stop them he stopped their attempts easily and got away. He got a group of little followers and together they began stealing things to keep themselves fed and alive it wasn't suppose to be anything big but it turned out to be. The local gang yes they had a gang in the spirit world to go figure right? heard about them and wanted them out of their turf so they sent a warning they beat up one of the people in Tsuna's little group badly. Tsuna outraged went to the gang and crushed them here they were all equal they didn't have guns to take him down they had fists and for them this was bad Tsuna pummeled them into the ground with everything he had.

    It was upon this time that without the local gang that people began to do what they wanted in the rukon districts since they had no fear of the gang now. Tsuna hadn't wanted this because of his actions they sent in shinigami to deal with the people including his own little group slowly but surely his little gang disappeared after being arrested by the shinigami. Tsuna was outraged never in all his life had he seen his friends taken away from him so easily and there was nothing he could do or was there he asked himself what if he beat one of these shinigami and got into their ranks. This idea would have been shot down right away if Tsuna knew what he was dealing with but he thought the shinigami were like anyone else. He set up an ambush in the back streets as a single shinigami came around the corner he struck by smashing his fist into his jaw he thought it was done but the shinigami stayed up easily and smiled at him. Tsuna couldn't believe it he did what anyone with a brain would he ran away but he was followed so he turned jumped off a wall, and kicked the shinigami male in the face. The shinigami male fell to the ground fell to the ground and Tsuna thought it was done until the shinigami got up with nothing but a small trickle of blood from his mouth and slammed his shoulder into Tsuna sending him flying. Unfortunately for Tsuna on this day someone got in his way he had no idea who it was at the time, but later on he learned it was the captain commander of the shinigami. Tsuna not caring who got in his way threw a full body left towards the captain commander with all his strength but in an instant he regretted this choice of attack.

    The captain commander caught his fist within his own like it was a mere toy and as a counter attack he slammed his foot into Tsuna's stomach. Tsuna was at a loss he felt like he had been hit by a truck and couldn't breathe, he backed away as the captain commander watched him with a calm stare. If Tsuna hadn't been in such a rage he would have realized he was clearly outmatched in strength but his judgement was clouded and he attacked with everything he had. Punches, kick, and grabs nothing worked for Tsuna every time he got close to the captain commander he got rocked by a powerful attack but he wouldn't give up. His tenacity grew with every attack that devastated him he gave one last attack with every tiny bit of energy he had in his right fist aiming for the face of the captain commander. His last attack landed with a solid shock behind it but as Tsuna looked up barely able to stand anymore his attack had done nothing or so he thought at first. From the corner of the captain commander's mouth if one looked closely they could see a trickle of blood, it was now that the captain commander slammed his palms into Tsuna's ribs. The attack crushed his ribs or so it felt like to him as he was sent flying into a wall where his body was embedded halfway through before he passed out due to the pain.

    When he awoke Tsuna was inside a very nice room one that he had never even seen in the rukon districts due to being just a soul. He thought maybe he was dreaming until he felt his ribs groan in pain as he tried to sit up, he was surprised when the one who had done so much damage to him stepped into the room. He asked what the man wanted and the man replied he would like to offer Tsuna the chance of a lifetime and asked him to enter the ranks of the shinigami, Tsuna was baffled to say the least. He asked the man if he would release his friend if he decided to join the ranks of the shinigami and the man agreed instantly, so Tsuna agreed to enter the ranks of the shinigami as the deal was agreed upon.

    Tsuna couldn't understand why this guy was so strong so he figured he needed to just hit him harder and lowered his center of gravity. As the shinigami rushed forward Tsuna unknowingly gather spirit energy towards his fist as he smashed it into the shinigami's face knocking him out completely. He took the shinigami's clothes and was going to sneak into the seireitei using this disguise (stupid ain't he? XD) when one of his old gang members came up to him saying he escaped. He told him how they could get in and everything Tsuna trusted him and was led in by the lie it was all a trap to get him in place of course the shinigami hadn't expected him to beat one of their own. He was caught and led to the seireitei where he was going to be thrown in prison but before they got him there he saw his old gang member accepting pay from the shinigami. Realizing He had been set up Tsuna flew into a rage the shinigami and his old friend were going to pay dearly for what they had done the kido binding his arms was broken as he rushed the shinigami paying his old friend.Unfortunately for Tsuna on this day someone got in his way he had no idea who it was at the time, but later on he learned it was the captain commander of the shinigami. Tsuna not caring who got in his way threw a full body left towards the captain commander with all his strength but in an instant he regretted this choice of attack.

    The captain commander caught his fist within his own like it was a mere toy and as a counter attack he slammed his foot into Tsuna's stomach. Tsuna was at a loss he felt like he had been hit by a truck and couldn't breathe, he backed away as the captain commander watched him with a calm stare. If Tsuna hadn't been in such a rage he would have realized he was clearly outmatched in strength but his judgement was clouded and he attacked with everything he had. Punches, kick, and grabs nothing worked for Tsuna every time he got close to the captain commander he got rocked by a powerful attack but he wouldn't give up. His tenacity grew with every attack that devastated him he gave one last attack with every tiny bit of energy he had in his right fist aiming for the face of the captain commander. His last attack landed with a solid shock behind it but as Tsuna looked up barely able to stand anymore his attack had done nothing or so he thought at first. From the corner of the captain commander's mouth if one looked closely they could see a trickle of blood, it was now that the captain commander slammed his palms into Tsuna's ribs. The attack crushed his ribs or so it felt like to him as he was sent flying into a wall where his body was embedded halfway through before he passed out due to the pain.

    When he awoke Tsuna was inside a very nice room one that he had never even seen in the rukon districts due to being just a soul. He thought maybe he was dreaming until he felt his ribs groan in pain as he tried to sit up, he was surprised when the one who had done so much damage to him stepped into the room. He asked what the man wanted and the man replied he would like to offer Tsuna the chance of a lifetime and asked him to enter the ranks of the shinigami, Tsuna was baffled to say the least. He asked the man if he would release his friend if he decided to join the ranks of the shinigami and the man agreed instantly, so Tsuna agreed to enter the ranks of the shinigami as the deal was agreed upon. Tsuna later on learned that the man he had attack was none other the the captain commander of the shinigami Sanba.

    Shinigami Arc:
    Tsuna was brought into the folds of the shinigami after the deal was struck in terms of hand to hand combat he was quite strong agile. But when it came to swordsmanship he was rather inadequate it took him a while to figure out how to use the sword as an extension of one's self instead of just a weapon. After completing the academy in two years he was shifted around from squad to squad in an attempt to find out where he was most efficent at. But ranging from the sure footed second squad to the hard hitting eleventh squad there was no real place for him as his fighting style was so much different then everyone elses. It was decided that he would be placed in the kido corps for a short time to see how well he did there, it was here that he showed quite a talent for kido using the right amount of power perfectly one might say. It was determined that Tsuna would stay with the kido corps after seeing how well he worked with kido. He stayed here for twenty five years training under the kido corps and learning everything he could but life had become dreary and boring to Tsuna he had to hide how he truly felt from everyone around him. His feelings were not like that of the other shinigami the way he thought could have him executed if the higher ups decided they wished it. So without a word one day Tsuna simply vanished from the soul society, people looked for him for many months but they never found a trace of him. Unknown to all he had escaped to earth and it is where he had been living since his escape from the soul society.


    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 5206

    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Tsuna-fish Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:41 am

    complete version done hit me with an approved xD or a denied and tell me what to fix ^^
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:25 am

    I'm gonna say approved, even tho i'm too lazy to read the whole thingXD
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:47 am

    I see nothing wrong with it.

    -moved to approve

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    Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP Empty Re: Tsuna Midori Youshi (Rogue Shinigami) WIP

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