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    Zanpakto Registration

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Zanpakto Registration Empty Zanpakto Registration

    Post by Muerte Sun Jun 27, 2010 3:29 am

    In this sealed room is the Zanpakutos and their accompanying information for all members of the 5th Division. We will be using the following format for development. In order to help promote uniform Zanpakuto creation across the divisions.
    All members are required to fill out this form upon acceptance. You only need to fill out the form parts required for your seat, but you may fill out the entire form if you wish. However, you will only be allowed to use the abilities available to your seat. The abilities are rated as such:

    Captain through 4th seat: Allowed Bankai

    5th Seat through 15th seat: Allowed Shikai

    16th Seat through Recruit: Allowed only Sealed form.

    Sealed Form

    Zanpakuto Name:
    Weapon type: (Katana, bow, staff, scythe)
    Zanpakuto Appearance:
    Zanpakuto Element:

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: (what does the spirit of your zanpakuto look like?)


    Release Command:
    Release Appearance:
    Passive abilities:(Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating)(only 2 allowed)

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Activated abilities: (Offensive and Defensive skills gained that require commands to activate)

    1. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name:
    Bankai Appearance:
    Passive Abilities Gained:(2 ADDITIONAL to the ones given by Shikai)

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Main Abilities:

    1. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Zanpakto Registration Empty Re: Zanpakto Registration

    Post by Muerte Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:59 am

    Sealed Form:

    Zanpakuto Name: Mugen
    Weapon type: Chokuto
    Zanpakuto Appearance: Chokuto (a straight Japanese sword without a tsuba) with a black cross-emblazoned hilt and sheath
    Zanpakuto Element: Illusion / Dark

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:


    Release Command: "Mugen Unsheathe"
    Release Appearance: Stays the same in appearance except he gains wings that look a lot like bat wings, but they're white.
    Passive abilities:(Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating)(only 2 allowed)

    1. Illusion, its not as strong as it is in his shikai and bankai state, but, he can change his appearance and anothers appearance for missions while Mugen is sealed.
    1 A. ^ Its stronger now that its being used in Shikai. The ability allows him to change a building and everyone in it into a different appearance.


    Activated abilities: (Offensive and Defensive skills gained that require commands to activate)

    1. Ability Name: Kaichū: Ichigen
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Kaichū: Ichigen
    swings his sword and releases a small swarm of supernatural creatures appear to attack the enemy.
    Downside: Kaichū: Ichigen can be easily blocked if used in daylight.

    2. Ability Name: Nigentou
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Nigentou
    Ability Description: Suzaku covers his sword and scabbard in a coat of energy and generates an energy blade, creating two impossibly sharp weapons. The second blade that he creates over his scabbard can also be just a pure energy blade if the scabbard is not used.
    Downside: Takes a lot of his spiritual pressure to be able to pull this off.

    3. Ability Name: Hakka Tourou
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Hakka Tourou
    Ability Description: Using Nigentou, Suzaku quickly slashes the enemy eight times. The slashes collectively resemble a flower.
    Downside: Same downside as #2

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name: Activation, Kage Mugen
    Bankai Appearance:
    Without all the blood around the handle of the blade, the blade grows larger and wing like designs are added to the handle of the blade. Suzaku gains a wing on his right side that resembles an angels wing.
    Passive Abilities Gained:(2 ADDITIONAL to the ones given by Shikai)

    1. Advanced Illusion, Suzaku can now use the advanced form of Illusion. He may now instead of just a building and people, He can change the appearance of an entire city. However, using this, makes his zanpakto revert to its shikai state even if in his bankai form.

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Main Abilities:

    1. Ability Name: Underworld Slash
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: The Underworld Slash
    Ability Description: The blade glows pitch black and can send shock waves of pure darkness at his enemies.
    Downside: Not as strong in daylight as it is during the night.

    2. Ability Name: Hells Barrier
    Ability Type: Defensive
    Activation Command: Defend, Hells Barrier
    Ability Description: He uses his zanpakto spirit and summons copies of them. They surround his body, creating a barrier of some sort.
    Downside: Can't be used in daylight.

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way
    Gin Maru
    Gin Maru
    3rd Division
    3rd Division

    Posts : 283
    BD-cash : 5573

    Zanpakto Registration Empty Re: Zanpakto Registration

    Post by Gin Maru Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:31 am

    Sealed Form

    Zanpakuto Name: serpin
    Weapon type:katana[short one]
    Zanpakuto Appearance: its a short sword with blue wrapping around the handle. The sword is a s but it is formed by a three d snake.
    Zanpakuto Element: fire and light[i think]

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:In animal form it is a white snake. In human form it is a guy with long white hair and yellow eyes as well as a fork tongue.The guy is wearing a black kimono and is wearing sandals.


    Release Command: Kill them Serpin
    Release Appearance: a white snake with yellow eyes comes out of the sword replacing the blade.
    Passive abilities:

    1. Kill them serpin- He can swing the snake around to hit his enemies. The snake acts just like a blade and can cut through things.


    Activated abilities: (Offensive and Defensive skills gained that require commands to activate)

    1. Ability Name: wrap and gulf
    Ability Type: Offensive and Defensive
    Activation Command:wrap and engulf serpin
    Ability Description: the snake wraps around the enemy and sets its self on fire. this can also act like a binding method.
    Downside:The flames do not burn the persons whole body just the part the snake his holding on to. The snake how ever only holds on for a short time untill the person is burned.

    2. Ability Name:Bite serpin
    Ability Type: Offensive and defensive [maybe]
    Activation Command:Bite him/her serpin
    Ability Description: the snake shoots toward the enenmy and with deal and posin that lowers there spirtual pressure slowly.
    Downside:if the snake misses the enemy it has no effect. The snake must bit the person and bite through the skin for it to work.

    3. Ability Name: spin serpin
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: Soin serpin
    Ability Description: the sanke spins at top speed in a sprail toward the person in a attempt to to cut right through them.
    Downside: if it missed it will not stop untill it hits something in the persons place.

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name:Grow and conqure serpin
    Bankai Appearance:The snake grows to the larger size that seems to tower over buldings.
    Passive Abilities Gained:(2 ADDITIONAL to the ones given by Shikai)

    1.Like the shikai form he can swing the snake the snake around and cut throw things.

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Main Abilities:

    1. Ability Name:Double Serpin
    Ability Type: (Defensive)
    Activation Command:double serpin
    Ability Description: the snake creates doubles of him self that are illusions. about 5. each snake shoot toward the enemy to cut them.
    Downside: If more than two are killed they rest dissapear.

    2. Ability Name: Double spin serpin
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command:double spin serpin
    Ability Description: The grows a twin out of its side slightly smaller than its self and the spin at top speed toward the person to cut right through them.
    Downside: IF if it misses it has to hit something before it can stop.

    3. Ability Name: Fire Seroin
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command:Fire serpin
    Ability Description: The snake shoots large fire balls from its mouth at the enemy.
    Downside: If the miss the fireballs dont dissapear untill they hit something. he only shoot up to thirty before needing to rest a bit.
    2nd Division
    2nd Division

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5647

    Zanpakto Registration Empty Re: Zanpakto Registration

    Post by Sunny Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:41 am

    Name of Zanpakuto:Gouka(hell fire)
    Description of the soul:

    Type: Katana

    Main Element/Power:Darkness/blackfire aka hellfire
    Sealed Description: a light katana, with a white/black hilt

    Released Form Description:

    Passive ablilities:the sky gets dark and lights go out

    Shikai:The blade of the zanpakto becomes a dark whip, it isnt normal though. It looks like a black electrical whip. However it moves based on what his mind says, not by his physical movements. He does have to flick his wrist a little but the rest takes care of itself

    Appearance: Whip-blade

    Passive abilities: Sanba is always protected, to some extent, by a thin undetectable layer of dark energy

    1: Ablility Name/Description: The blade of the zanpakto becomes a dark whip, it isnt normal though. It looks like a black electrical whip. However it moves based on what his mind says, not by his physical movements. He does have to flick his wrist a little but the rest takes care of itself

    Downside: If attacked by light, and water the attacks become a lot weaker

    Bankai: Sanba becomes completely covered in a dark armor and surrounded with a black energy
    Name of Bankai: Kurayami
    Passive Abilities: black rain starts to fall, and this makes the opponent see mirage's and become dilugional

    {2 additional other than Shikai}
    1: Ablility Name/Description: Boukyaku(oblivion) this is a black blast that is concentrated into a small beam
    2: Ablility Name/Description: seki dzuki makai(gates to hell) 3 large gates of darkness appear and protect the user, when they collapse and only one is up that last one opens and sucks in anything in front of it down to hell
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Zanpakto Registration Empty Re: Zanpakto Registration

    Post by Muerte Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:44 pm

    Sealed Form

    Zanpakuto Name: boruto
    Weapon type: Katana
    Zanpakuto Appearance: A katana with a green sheeth
    Zanpakuto Element: Lightning

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: A man who wears a light green jacket with the hood always on. The jacket has black spots all over it along with a little yellow. He has dark green cargo pants and only wears socks. Without the hood on, he has short black hair with light green streaks in it.


    Release Command: Shock them, Boruto
    Release Appearance: Suzaku gains a light green jacket with black streaks on it with black cargo pants. He loses his appearance as a soul reaper and looks more like Boruto would. He has gained a gauntlet colored in green with a blade attached to it on both hands. These swords have the ability to cause electric storms and can absorb lightning.
    Passive abilities:(Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating)(only 2 allowed)

    1. Volt
    Volt has the ability to turn Suzaku's body into the embodiment of lightning and move at super high speeds. It isn't as fast as the speed of light, but it is faster than most master shunpo users.

    2. Lightning Shoot
    When using Lightning Shoot, body is covered in electricity, not harming him in anyway and only harms those he deems as his enemy. With it, he can swipe his hand in a direction and lightning like bullets are shot out, same with his legs.

    Activated abilities: Shield of Boruto
    He has to call this when he is using Lightning Shoot. When he uses this, he can create a shield around him made of electricity that goes as far as going under ground, stoping all means of ambushing if your a water user.

    1. Ability Name: dageki
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive): offensive
    Activation Command: Shock them, Dageki.
    Ability Description:(What does it do?) It sends a surge of electricity in whatever body part he has touched. If he has touched your arm, then you lose movement in that arm.
    Downside: Can't be used if he is distracted or if he is against a earth attributed zanpakto user.

    2. Ability Name: biribiri
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive) offensive
    Activation Command: Electrocute them, Biribiri
    Ability Description: Biribiri creates gloves of electricity on his arms. This allows him to make large blades made of condensed electricity
    Downside: Can't be used against an earth user

    3. Ability Name: oonami
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive) Defensive
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work) Oonami
    Ability Description:(What does it do?) Creates a large shield on his right arm that blocks most moves from other attributed zanpakto users.
    Downside: Can't be used against a earth user.

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name: God of thunder, angel of lightning, Ramiel, come to my aide!
    Bankai Appearance:
    Suzaku gains yellow hair, with the tips surging with electricity. He gains angel like wings made of electricity. On the sides of his arms, he gains blades made of condensed electricity. He gains a lizard like tail that has a ball of electricity on the end.
    Passive Abilities Gained:(2 ADDITIONAL to the ones given by Shikai)

    1.Volt Swipe
    The ball on the tip of the tail becomes raging with electricty. As he swiped it, a sonic wave of energy is sent towards the enemy.

    2.Volt Slash
    His claws gain electricity in them and when he slashes an enemy, that part is numbed and can't be used for an hour.

    Main Abilities:

    1. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way

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