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Baka Yukimura
Sanba Yukimura
Tison Leo
cool beans
Loli Gaga
12 posters

    BD survey May 22 2010

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

    Posts : 12855
    BD-cash : 80721

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat May 22, 2010 4:15 pm

    HAH, we had this survey last year as well, i dont think BD has changed all the much, especially on the inactive part, but please do answer the ff.

    Rate from 1-10
    10 being the highest and 1 the lowest

    1.Rate BD as of 2010
    2.The Captains
    3. Forum rules
    4. The admins
    5. The RP story line
    6. The Ranking System
    7. Forum arrangement
    8. Design
    9. Forum descriptions
    10. Fun-factor

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here?
    2. What do you think can improve the site?
    3. How is your BD experience so far?
    4. Do you get along with all the members?
    5. Are you being abused?
    6. Is the site child friendly enough?
    7. What can you say about the sites events?
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design?
    9. Do we need arrancars?
    10. Do you like being in a division?

    Questions about Division captains (You can send this part to me VIA PM)

    Is your captain active?
    Rate his/her activity from 1 to 10
    Is/he she ranking you properly?
    Do you like your captain?
    How often do you do Divisional Missions?
    Does he/she involve you in divisional discussions?

    Other Comments:
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Muerte Sat May 22, 2010 7:05 pm

    Rate from 1-10
    10 being the highest and 1 the lowest

    1.Rate BD as of 2010: about a 6 / 10, not as much activity as it used to be
    2.The Captains: 10 / 10, there are very awesome captains around
    3. Forum rules: 10 / 10, The rules are basic and easy to follow
    4. The admins 9/10, I don't remember who they all are
    5. The RP story line: 10 / 10, I like how the event is going
    6. The Ranking System: 10 / 10
    7. Forum arrangement: 10 / 10
    8. Design 8 / 10, its cool, but not my fav
    9. Forum descriptions 8 / 10 there are a few things that are mispelled and not arranged right. I'll look to see what.
    10. Fun-factor: 10 / 10 BD is like my seconde family, we always have fun here.

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here?: Nope
    2. What do you think can improve the site?: Activity
    3. How is your BD experience so far?: Awesome
    4. Do you get along with all the members?: Now I do
    5. Are you being abused?: Nope
    6. Is the site child friendly enough?: Lol, yea
    7. What can you say about the sites events?: Very awesome, except the one I planned out, it wasn't to good but Ruru made it lead into what the past event.
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design?: Yes, change it to an uryuu design or back to Rukia. Or make one for the whole group or something. :3
    9. Do we need arrancars?: No. I personally don't think there will be a need for arrancars. Just do what you are doing now with the alternate accounts nad the arrancars being in events because if arrancar is a group on its own, then most people would join it and we'd lose division activity. And we already have vizards so that is good enough.
    10. Do you like being in a division?: Yes

    *I did my best and added commentary on my ranks*
    cool beans
    cool beans
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 2552
    BD-cash : 64918

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by cool beans Wed May 26, 2010 4:59 pm

    1. Are you always bored here? nah
    2. What do you think can improve the site?
    3. How is your BD experience so far? fantastic stuff
    4. Do you get along with all the members? of course
    5. Are you being abused? i hope not
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? nothing too bad round ere
    7. What can you say about the sites events? so far so good
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? no way
    9. Do we need arrancars? nah what we got is good
    10. Do you like being in a division? yep yep

    Questions about Division captains (You can send this part to me VIA PM)

    Is your captain active? hahaha
    Rate his/her activity from 1 to 10 6/10 atm, rl stuff
    Is/he she ranking you properly? yes
    Do you like your captain? meh
    How often do you do Divisional Missions? i organise em!
    Does he/she involve you in divisional discussions? i try to allow discussion or suggestions etc
    Tison Leo
    Tison Leo

    Posts : 127
    BD-cash : 5683

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Tison Leo Wed May 26, 2010 8:23 pm

    1.Rate BD as of 2010: a perfect 10
    2.The Captains:10
    3. Forum rules:9
    4. The admins:10
    5. The RP story line:10
    6. The Ranking System:10
    7. Forum arrangement:10
    8. Design:7
    9. Forum descriptions:8
    10. Fun-factor:20

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here?nope
    2. What do you think can improve the site?a chanc to make your own clan i sapose
    3. How is your BD experience so far?amazing
    4. Do you get along with all the members?
    5. Are you being abused?allways
    6. Is the site child friendly enough?yes
    7. What can you say about the sites events?they are fun and realy awsome
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design?not really just the colors its kinda eary to me ^^;
    9. Do we need arrancars?HECK YESS!!!
    10. Do you like being in a division?yep

    Questions about Division captains (You can send this part to me VIA PM)

    Is your captain active?allways
    Rate his/her activity from 1 to 10:10
    Is/he she ranking you properly?yes
    Do you like your captain?yes
    How often do you do Divisional Missions?evey opertunety i get
    Does he/she involve you in divisional discussions?i would hope so

    Other Comments:GO RURU!
    13th Division
    13th Division

    Posts : 11
    BD-cash : 5288

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Wycca Wed May 26, 2010 9:35 pm

    1.Rate BD as of 2010
    2.The Captains 10
    3. Forum rules 9
    4. The admins 9
    5. The RP story line 6 because I'm kinda unsure on what it is.
    6. The Ranking System 9
    7. Forum arrangement 8
    8. Design 10
    9. Forum descriptions 10
    10. Fun-factor 9

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here? No.
    2. What do you think can improve the site?
    3. How is your BD experience so far? I'm still attempting to get used to it so I haven't really done much yet.
    4. Do you get along with all the members? Pretty sure yeah.
    5. Are you being abused? No
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? Yeah
    7. What can you say about the sites events?
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? No
    9. Do we need arrancars?
    10. Do you like being in a division? Yup, it's the only place I've figured out how to rp so far.

    Questions about Division captains (You can send this part to me VIA PM)

    Is your captain active? Yes
    Rate his/her activity from 1 to 10 10
    Is/he she ranking you properly? yeah
    Do you like your captain? yes
    How often do you do Divisional Missions? I haven't yet but I know other people do.
    Does he/she involve you in divisional discussions? If that means what I think it does yes.

    Rank : Séptima
    Posts : 1579
    BD-cash : 11726

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Kyouga Wed May 26, 2010 10:30 pm

    1.Rate BD as of 2010 9/10
    2.The Captains 10/10
    3. Forum rules 10/10
    4. The admins 7/10
    5. The RP story line 10/10
    6. The Ranking System 10/10
    7. Forum arrangement 10/10
    8. Design 8/10
    9. Forum descriptions 10/10
    10. Fun-factor 9/10

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here? I might get bored sometimes, but I'll find other things to do. Fortunately, I like all the characters I interact with.
    2. What do you think can improve the site? I think some of the admins need to be a little more active in RPing. I also think that we should have our own 4koma.
    3. How is your BD experience so far? It's been pretty interesting actually.
    4. Do you get along with all the members? Of coarse.
    5. Are you being abused? No... >.>
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? We have I site child? What is a site child anyway?
    7. What can you say about the sites events? They have seemed very original and carefully planned out.
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? I think we need a new banner.
    9. Do we need arrancars? Only if the Vizards are converted into them...
    10. Do you like being in a division? Sometimes...

    Questions about Division captains (You can send this part to me VIA PM)

    Is your captain active? Yes
    Rate his/her activity from 1 to 10 10/10
    Is/he she ranking you properly? Yes, but I definately need more experience
    Do you like your captain? Of coarse.
    How often do you do Divisional Missions? When we aren't busy with a site-wide event, we go on them often.
    Does he/she involve you in divisional discussions? Yes, but I work very long hours as a researcher for our squad in the RP.

    Other Comments: Could we have a picnic? ._.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 3971
    BD-cash : 468913

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Thu May 27, 2010 6:58 am

    1.Rate BD as of 2010-6/10 Things were a lot better when I first joined, I like the people on the site now. But I feel as if there are only 5 core members.

    2.The Captains-7/10 I personally feel teh standard of captaincy has dropped greatly, I myself feel I am not as great a captain as the former captains. Things were much more disciplined before I joined. Haji, WMMH, FA...etc No hard feelings to anybody

    3. Forum rules-8/10 In the past year people have abused the fact that Ruru and Moonie give us soooo much freedom. Maybe things should be more strict just for a bit so people can see how much harder they could be on us. Go and join other forums, the admins are extremely rude.

    4. The admins-9/10 THey are great of course, but on a few occasions they tolerate too much crap

    5. The RP story line-10/10 I love it, great job to all who contributed

    6. The Ranking System-10/10 I think its perfect for the type of site this is

    7. Forum arrangement-8/10 Its hard to maneuver sometimes

    8. Design-I used to hate it but now I love it so I give it a 9/10

    9. Forum descriptions-10/10 Not sure what this refers to but if its the description on the actual topics everyone is fantabulous at this

    10. Fun-factor-2182481645890/10 BD is my safety net and I consider everyone family, if anyone ever is in deep trouble pm me and ill help in anyway I can cuz I cant bear to lose you guys. In RL I mean

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here?
    Never bored, sometimes disappointed when people dont post but I always just read around

    2. What do you think can improve the site?
    Nothing any of us can control, maybe when someone types in Bleach on google if this comes up first but mainly activity, I think everyone here does their job pretty darn well
    3. How is your BD experience so far?
    Im glad that i've moved up the ranks and grown close to you guys
    4. Do you get along with all the members?
    Some people irk me but in general I love everyone
    5. Are you being abused?
    No? haha this is funny
    6. Is the site child friendly enough?
    I dont think it needs to be, teens and adults are the only ones who have the intelligence to do this and in that respect I think BD is perfect
    7. What can you say about the sites events?
    I really like the events but I must say I hate all the preplanned things and the sudden endings to things. People who run the events have such a great idea in their head but it comes out confusing because it has to be a certain way. I think if the people involved had more room to just go wild with their own thoughts then everyone would have more fun. If more explanation is needed from anyone please pm me.
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design?
    I think that if we changed it to more brighter colors it would do well for a while. Like red, yellow, orange, green something like that would be cool
    9. Do we need arrancars?
    I think they would be cool but no I think that only Soul Socitey should be used, and the vizards. Everything else can be NCP's until we get more members
    10. Do you like being in a division?
    Yes but I enjoy the Vizards so much more, thats my clann right therr. My own division however isnt active enough. And its really hard for me to try and contribute to the Divisions and the Vizard Clan. So im not sure
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
    BD-cash : 42399

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Baka Yukimura Thu May 27, 2010 7:39 am

    1.Rate BD as of 2010-My exp. in 2010 was okay, 8/10
    2.The Captains-Haji-7/10, Ruru-9/10, Beanie-10/10, Sanba-10/10(The only reason Haji got so low was becuz he's never really on)
    3. Forum rules- We have Rules?
    4. The admins- Mooney-10/10, Ruru-8/10, Hina-6/10(Nothing personal, but Mooney always has been the best at admin)
    5. The RP story line-7/10(Great premise, but even after reading up on it, I still have no clue what's goin on)
    6. The Ranking System-8/10 pretty good for a small forum
    7. Forum arrangement- No Comment
    8. Design- Pretty good, it wouldn't hurt if the banner was changed to showcase some of the other characters, i'm tired of lookin at ichigo -_-
    9. Forum descriptions-No comment
    10. Fun-factor-When things are up and running, i'd say about 8/10, but Usually for me, i'd say 7/10, since I rarely do spam, I can do all my posts in about 30mins

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here?- Nah, I don't stay on the site after I get my posts done.
    2. What do you think can improve the site?- I'm lousy at coming up with ideas
    3. How is your BD experience so far? Pretty good
    4. Do you get along with all the members?- yep
    5. Are you being abused?- Well there was this one time, when I was 17.....XD
    6. Is the site child friendly enough?- Oh god no! Have you seen what they're doing in the 10th?XD
    7. What can you say about the sites events?- A bit confusing and scattered
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design?- looks good, but like I said, it wouldn't hurt to get a new banner
    9. Do we need arrancars?- yeah, we have divs, why not have Espada and fraccion(Not the one's in the rp) it can work just like a div, the captain is the espada and everyone below him 2nd-10th st would be fraccion, below that would just be normal arrancars
    10. Do you like being in a division?- Yeah, but it would've been better if they were more active

    Again, I mean no offense, I love BD and it's members, this is just my honest opinion..
    The JuJu (^_^)v
    The JuJu (^_^)v
    11th Division's Kawaii Juju

    Posts : 2651
    BD-cash : 11228

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by The JuJu (^_^)v Thu May 27, 2010 10:20 am

    My rankings:
    1.Rate BD as of 2010 - 10 : Because it is awesome no matter what!
    2.The Captains - N/A : Haven't been here long enough to know
    3. Forum rules - N/A : Too lazy to read them =p
    4. The admins - 10 : Becoz Admins are awesome beings XD
    5. The RP story line - N/A : Too lazy to RP
    6. The Ranking System - N/A : Didn't really check it out =X
    7. Forum arrangement - 10 : Fantastic! I think the original admins who created it did an awesome job XD
    8. Design - 9 : Dark Blue for BG makes some siggies hard to fit into.
    9. Forum descriptions - 10 : I can understand what's in them before opening them.
    10. Fun-factor - 10 : I'm back cos it's fun XD

    1. Are you always bored here?- Nope. I run around Spamming XD
    2. What do you think can improve the site? - Personal Appartment's Threads or smth. Basically, a thread of our own, where we are the in charge of the thread. That thread is our own "appartment". Our personal space. No admin interference. Whatever is said there remains there. People can visit our "appartments" and leave msgs or hang around. And if we ask them to leave, they have to respect that. We can invite people to drop by our appartment, for personal chats, or to hang out, or to post spam or whatever. And yes, they can get as "r" rated as they like in their own appartment as long as the owner of the thread permits it and doesn't kick them out. (Some rules are neccessary, e.g. If the owner says: "Get Out", they get out until invited in again. Or "Get out & Stay out", they get out and don't ever come back again?)
    3. How is your BD experience so far? - Absolutely funtastic
    4. Do you get along with all the members? - Not all >.<
    5. Are you being abused? - I don't take abuse XD I abuse back when Necessary XD
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? - I think so?
    7. What can you say about the sites events? - Eh? I don't do site events =X
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? - Nope! Too lazy to =p
    9. Do we need arrancars? - Yup! Bad guys are welcome! They make the good guys look good XD
    10. Do you like being in a division? - I haven't officially joined one yet.. But it seems fun XD
    Emma-Hell Girl
    Emma-Hell Girl
    10th Division
    10th Division

    Posts : 2544
    BD-cash : 60607

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Thu May 27, 2010 4:15 pm

    1.Rate BD as of 2010: 7 (pretty good but there is still rooms for improvement)

    2.The Captains 6 (we had better captains than what we have right now. no offense but I only see 2 captains on BD is really doing their duties)

    3. Forum rules: 8 (the rules are great but how many people actually knows about the rules?)

    4. The admins: 3 (only one admin is active and does her job but too nice most of the time. not to mention she would often come up with some systems to torture herself. the other two admins including myself which i have no comment.)

    5. The RP story line: 9 (storyline is awesome but confusing most of the time)

    6. The Ranking System: 6 (we have very scatter ranking system. each divison has their own ranking system.)

    7. Forum arrangement: 10 (this is one of my favorite parts about BD)

    8. Design: 10 (hey! it's in dark theme! what else can I ask for? XD)

    9. Forum descriptions: ??? (we have forum descriptions? O.O)

    10. Fun-factor: 10 (it's aways fun though we lack of acctive members but this place never bored me.)

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here? NEVER!

    2. What do you think can improve the site? Too much to list and I'm lazy. :P

    3. How is your BD experience so far? Best place ever!

    4. Do you get along with all the members? It appears to be. I donno how many would want to kill me but at least I love everyone here.

    5. Are you being abused? Nah... I'm the one who usually abuse others. XD

    6. Is the site child friendly enough? Yes, only before our resident baka joined.

    7. What can you say about the sites events? I love our site events. Most of them are awesome!

    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? Nah... I think it's fine the way it is.

    9. Do we need arrancars? Hmm.... I don't know about others but I don't. :P

    10. Do you like being in a division? Yeah, it make me feel like there's a home I can go to.

    Posts : 59
    BD-cash : 5357

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by udarsha45 Thu May 27, 2010 6:17 pm

    1.Rate BD as of 2010 ...i rate 10/10
    2.The Captains 8/10
    3. Forum rules 10/10
    4. The admins 10/10
    5. The RP story line 9/10
    6. The Ranking System 9/10
    7. Forum arrangement
    8. Designs 10/10
    9. Forum descriptions 9/10
    10. Fun-factor 10/10

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here? nope
    2. What do you think can improve the site?
    3. How is your BD experience so far? cool
    4. Do you get along with all the members? i hope so
    5. Are you being abused? no
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? yup
    7. What can you say about the sites events? awesome
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? nope
    9. Do we need arrancars? nope
    10. Do you like being in a division? yes
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

    Posts : 12855
    BD-cash : 80721

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu May 27, 2010 6:31 pm

    Thanks for your opinion guys, We should really change the banner that bad eh?

    As for forum description, i mean the words you read which describes each forum. Like gotei 13 - home of the shinigami etc etc.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Muerte Thu May 27, 2010 6:46 pm

    Udarsha hasn't been here that long and he can rate stuff like that.
    I'm not saying anything bad about it though.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
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    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu May 27, 2010 6:48 pm

    well atleast he took it, im glad he did XD

    I hope the regulars take them too, but i guess most of them did already.
    Gin Maru
    Gin Maru
    3rd Division
    3rd Division

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    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Gin Maru Sat May 29, 2010 11:58 am

    Rate from 1-10
    10 being the highest and 1 the lowest

    1.Rate BD as of 2010
    2.The Captains 8-9/10
    3. Forum rules 10/10
    4. The admins 9/10
    5. The RP story line 9/10
    6. The Ranking System 10/10
    7. Forum arrangement 10/10
    8. Design 9/10
    9. Forum descriptions 10/10
    10. Fun-factor 9/10

    Please answer the FF Questions

    1. Are you always bored here? no
    2. What do you think can improve the site? activity
    3. How is your BD experience so far? good
    4. Do you get along with all the members? i gueszs
    5. Are you being abused? no
    6. Is the site child friendly enough? sure
    7. What can you say about the sites events? i dont know
    8. Do you want to change BD's Design? a new skin would be cool ^^
    9. Do we need arrancars? sure
    10. Do you like being in a division? yes

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    BD survey  May 22 2010 Empty Re: BD survey May 22 2010

    Post by Sponsored content

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