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    Rise Of the Dark Lord Arc Summary

    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Rise Of the Dark Lord  Arc Summary Empty Rise Of the Dark Lord Arc Summary

    Post by Ciel Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:23 pm

    Seeing as this is a summary, ill try explaining what happened back then, so this is just for setting the mood, make you feel it again, though it happened very long ago.

    See we never got to finish the Dark Lord Mission, but of course, an improvised outcome was set in place. ^-^

    Sagashiro Ruka

    Original text from the mission its self.

    seraphim wrote:Humans have been mysteriously dying in a small town called Bevel, causes are yet to be known.

    one to two death counts wont cause such a fuzz but it happened in masses, 10 people every 10 minutes, numbers don't tell anything but somethings up.

    the 12th Division of Gotei 13 was sent to investigate upon this matter, they discovered that a small group of people entered the living world illegally before the deaths.

    But this souls are not going anywhere, they are just wondering about and could not be touched or sent to soul society.

    As if lost, they just wander around chanting "the dark lord shall come again" repeatedly over and over.

    Left with no choice Bevel was erased from everyone's minds, as if it never existed, together with the ones who lived there.

    Death counts increased by the minute that Gotei 13 has to search for the cause of this, and quick before the madness spreads all through out the entire living world.


    Upon arriving in bevel, the shinigami's search for any form of life, seeing as the place was devastated to begin with, everyone had forgotten about this place, and its merely a ghost town for souls no shinigami can reap.

    Searching around the empty streets, hollows appeared, but not to devour souls they cant keep either, it was like they were sent to attack the shinigami, And so they fought.

    But amidst the heat of the battle, a human was spotted somewhere around the center of the city, but fighting hollows only few were able to leave there posts. "We were tricked" the captain and commander said. "Everyone available to the center, ill meet you there"

    Arriving first the captain set his sight over at the Human girl crying "Stop, pleas, enough, i cant take it anymore" but before he couldve gotten any closer to her, great blue light started shining around her forming rune circles of unknown origin from underneath her as if something was awakened from within her soul. Souls from all over bevel started turning into small particles of light and are being absorbed by her she screamed great horrendous screams as if in great pain which would hurt anyones eardrums.

    But shortly after being shocked, with Captain Jinketsu's aggressiveness he pushed her down with great force, then pins her neck with his glass zanpakuto asking "WHO ARE YOU?!" contemplating on whether to kill her or not, he continued "I need answers! Who do you work for?! Where is Hinamori?! What was all this for?! Speak or lord help me I'll put you through the worst kind of torture until you crack!" he then stood up still resting his zanpakuto on her neck and then continued "And don't try the cute-sy innocent tactic with me, no innocent soul devours those of others."

    It was also the same time that 5 hooded figure appeared in the area as Ookami killed the girl, who was later on revealed to be a Human girl named Lian. As Ookami left her body on the middle. A hooded lady then went close to her asking her if she wanted to live longer, under one condition, to serve under the fate for 7,000 eternities. After Lian agreeing to her conditions she sent the shinigami's far from bevel with one of her minions to stop them from interfering with her plans.

    This hooded lady was believed to be Freya Aluna De Celestatine (AKA Fru Fru) the witch Queen, but it was not proven due to the fact that she only really appeared when no one was around. But caught in a daze on that moment and place, she seem to have revealed her identity to the 7th Division Captain who seem to have known of Nero Legna's tongue of old, but she was later seen blasting him with a spell which caused him to forget about both her appearance and the language.

    Shortly after, in minutes a black hole obliterated everything of Bevel as it vanished from the map and existence its self.

    Last edited by Ciel on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
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    Rise Of the Dark Lord  Arc Summary Empty The Mouse Hunt

    Post by Ciel Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:22 pm

    Mouse Hunt Chapter

    Knowing very little of there enemies, Gotei 13 set there goals on completely obliterating there race, and so they went on a search on most places around karakura town, which seemed to be the center of most of the living worlds weird activities. Shinigamis were sent by groups in search for this Magi Witches, who later revealed them selves to be of the Immortal clan, a witch clan started by a man whom they called the Dark Lord, a local commoner class among the witches, he grew in power through devouring souls an thus was sealed by the Vampire and Lycan rulers of that time. It was a mere folklore, and was barely believable by all means, for if it had anything to do with souls at all, then they had to be in some way oriented with the soul reapers, either being considered a friend, or a foe.

    Either way, they know of the witches capabilities, seeing that bevel vanished from existence without leaving any trace of it at all. They were no ordinary enemies, they were strong, and almost Immortal, so to say.

    Separated by groups every place they went to had a significance to the current events occurring all over the world, and one constant name was being mentioned everywhere else, it was the Eternal Corporations.

    Coming down from a huge defeated on the stock market, they now stand all high buying lands and creating homes for billions, but as to how they did it in a short period of time was a mystery to all.

    And so several officers were sent there to investigate, and upon there travel they came across upon 3 people who played a huge part into the orchestrated plan.

    One the big boss of eternal, a fat guy who's name wasn't revealed, but he looked like a lot like that guy on monopoly. Second was his mistress a girl named Mena and her daughter named Cassey.

    Mena his mistress was later on revealed to be a shinigami in disguise, but as to whom and why, no one knows, as for Cassey, she was Lian resurrected from her last death being killed by Junketsu Ookami, as the events passed inside Eternal. Mena was pushed outside of the building her human body having have suffered a human death, but she never reappeared having have lost time already.

    The big boss of eternal revealed the plans of the witches as they instructed of him. But then they disposed of him shortly after showing just how cruel they can be.

    With the boss dying, Lian was taken by the hooded lady yet again and then vanished avoiding any form of confrontation with anyone. Eternal was set to self destruct mode, which if not stopped may cause many lives to go with it. As for the Shinigami's who were in Eternal, they were sent away on a different dimension called the EVRR or Eterna Virtual Reality Realm which activated shortly after the bosses death. It was believed to be his only line of defense to catch who ever kills him the moment he dies.

    Unfortunately, Eternal's self destruction took lives of billions who lived around the vicinity and only karakura town was saved from it, having protection barriers formed by a mystery shinigami, which was believed to be Mena.

    Like Bevel, there memories of Eternal Corp, were erased as the souls that perished were of the same state from Bevels chanting the return of the dark lord.

    With Lian's powers more controlled as Cassey she calls onto the souls illuminating of blue glow. She absorbed each and everyone of them with a blank face, but the pain of her soul could be felt.

    The 11th Vice captain Aries surviving the deadly destruction, caught a glimpse of her doing so and realized that it was just the same with bevel and the girl his father killed, but due to great spiritual energy drainage, he fainted and didt get to catch her.

    Waking up from his slumber he reported the said events and all of the gathered information regarding what the immortals goals are and how they should move about the given situation. "I think the legend is true" Sagashiro Ruka sighed as she explained what she knows of them being a record keeper once in her life time. "They're gonna use her as a vessel... to resurrect the Dark Lord."

    Following there movements from bevel to eternal land, theirs only one place left to go for them, and that's where they will be having the final battle, on the frozen mountains of Mt. Havoc.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395405

    Rise Of the Dark Lord  Arc Summary Empty The Finale

    Post by Ciel Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:33 pm

    The Final Chapter : Where is your lord?

    Learning of her daughters disappearance and involvement with the dark lord ally Ryuhi, Minamoto Chiruka was furious.

    "What do you mean they infiltrated Gotei's barrier? And the 1st Division to top it all up."

    "She was at her dorm when it happened, no one really knows how it happened, but they broke some kind of barrier to break in, someone helped them"

    Having a bad enough day Ruru sat for a moment in deep thought and left the Ookami's quarters with this very words.

    "Go on ahead without me, i have some business with an old friend."

    Respecting her wishes, the other captains then discussing about the ambush that's about to happen in a few hours passed living world time.

    They knew exactly where the enemy was going and what they wanted for once, but the one who tipped them off suddenly had cold feet.

    "What do you think captain?" Asked a seated officer of the fist.

    "Follow her, i smell something fishy about this whole thing"

    But going through the plan non the-less, having a plan was better than having non, and so they went through it.

    The final battle, it was almost as if it were given, this was where the which queen would fall under the hands of the great Captain and Commander of the Gotei 13.

    But what surprised them was that the Immortals army grew, it was as if they were prepared for an ambush, and so the war began, sleepless days and nights of fighting over something that wasn't even there in the end.

    The Dark lord was no where in sight, all that for nothing. Freya said no words as she faced the sad sad defeat of having no love, and no power so it seemed, she didnt even fight back, just a the blankness in her eyes and the fall of her beloved fallen kingdom of 7.

    The 4th Division captain never followed, but before gotei 13 even had the chance of saving Minamoto Momo, she was no where in sight, rumors had it that she was let go and returned on her own.

    Returning from the living world, came the queen of witches with them as a prisoner to be executed on gotei ground.

    Hinamori was asked to be executed as well, but sparing her cause of name and inability to move from a sudden slumber, she was saved.

    Not a lot happened later, the moment Momo woke up was the same day Freya Aluna De Celestatine was Executed in front of thousands of people and the Magi just watched her blood pour down the ivory floor as Ookami's blade went through her throat, it was an inevitable event, the death of the witch queen.
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

    Posts : 673
    BD-cash : 395405

    Rise Of the Dark Lord  Arc Summary Empty Re: Rise Of the Dark Lord Arc Summary

    Post by Ciel Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:36 pm

    NOTE:This is the summary of everything that happened on the Dark lord mission supposedly, but we dont start at the end of this, we start on from when the Witch Queen was about to be executed.

    Thanks for reading


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