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    The Crusnik Palace

    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:28 pm

    The Crusnik Palace Trinit13

    Welcome to the Palace of the Crusniks, here you can chat with your new found brothers and sisters, as well as to me or the Mistress. None crusniks are welcome as we are peaceful and low profile beings. However, from time to time we will join the war and bring peace to this world. Therefore, this is also where all the crusniks gather regarding missions. -Alucard Nightroad
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by JennyReika Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:33 pm

    *Jenny walks in to this new place, her fangs now slightly coming out as she smells the familiar smell around her of... others...

    she has a low hiss in the back of her throat*

    "I smell you... whatever you call yourselves... youre still vampires, nonetheless..."

    *her fangs completely pertrude from her gums making them completely visible. their long white ends shining in the little light there was*

    "I have been the head mistress of the Vampires for quite some time now... I own the Bordello of Blood, took over after all the Vampires left...

    I was all that was left... and now I govern."

    *she sneers, revealing her fangs a bit more, her upper lip completely turned up*

    "Come out, come out wherever you are..."
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:26 am

    *Alucard sees the vampire walk in and watches her from above, he then appears in front of her* It's a pleasure to meet u...vampire, true we are technically the same, but with 1 big difference, while u feed on the blood of humans, we Crusniks feed on the blood of other vampires, but I assure u that we mean u no harm, we just want to live out our lives peacefully, but if need be, we Crusniks are powerful warriors and will fight to the death for what we believe in. *as he says this his fangs protrude and his eyes go blood red as his Crusnik aura covers him like smoke, but only for a moment, he then goes back to normal* but plz make urself at home in my palace mistress, it's always nice to see a new face.
    Empowered soul

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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by JennyReika Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:46 am

    *as he turns a loud hiss comes from the bottom of her throat, her fangs shining brighter, as well as her green eyes*

    "You think I only feed on petty pathetic humans?...

    What do you think I would get out of that kind of disgusting thing? They are vile creatures in which I dont see any reason in consuming their blood... I gain nothing from it... I can get the same vitamins from synthetic blood that I can from their disgusting bodies... or corpses... once Id be done with them.

    Do you eat from dogs? Rats? Because thats pretty much what feeding from a human is like for me... Drab."

    *she looks at him... not feeling too much power from him she smiles and retracts her fangs*

    "Hmm... well... all I have to say is, you dont exactly smell like anything that would be tasty to me either... but you think I wouldnt devour one of your kind if I had to?

    I am not about starting wars... wars are dull. When youve been alive as long as I have, you learn... it is pointless to fight for your race...

    The only thing worth fighting for is family... and half the time you cant trust them either...

    I dont wish to start any wars or fights with your ... kind."

    *she sneers, looking around the place*

    "I take it youre one of those vampires who likes to pretend like you have a rich culture... deep and meaningful... a heritage.

    While the vampires I know have lived far too long to take anything seriously... life is a playground. Death is a playground.

    I have a Bordello, a place of laid back nature... where not only can I enjoy the fun, but I can take up my business as well. I conduct most of my business through there...

    You are free to come there... that is, if you want us to... get along."

    *she uncovers herself, revealing her rather... revealing outfit and her ripped up Captains haori*

    "I dont like that Vampires came back here without introducing themselves to me first... it bothers me.

    I feel like if I would have moved into your area... I would have enlightened you on my presense at first... as a greeting and an awareness.

    So... I should like that you and.... your kind... would come and mingle with our kind... although..."

    *a low hiss comes from her throat, her fangs still retracted back*

    "I am the oldest vampire here. I am a relic. I have yet to find a vampire as old as I am anywhere around here... My maker is the only one that I know of that is older than I, and he is nowhere around.

    In our kind... you respect those older than yourself."
    Emma-Hell Girl
    Emma-Hell Girl
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:57 pm

    *slowly walk inside the parlour where the conversation between Jenny and Nachos*

    What do you know? We have guest before my palace is even complete.

    *look at Jenny calmly with a light smile*

    I see… the head mistress of the vampires. Yes, I have known quite a lot about you and the vampires. Devour our kind? That’s such a strong word don’t you think? We crusniks and the vampires have live on this planet long before history started. It’s nearly impossible to say who have live here longer or who’s older. Respect is what we give others regardless of their age.

    *walk toward Nachos*

    Thank you for entertaining our guest while I was away.

    *continue to look at Jenny with a calm smile*

    Nachos is right, we crusniks do feed on the blood of vampires. We may appear like vampires but we are very different in nature. So we wouldn’t consider ourselves as vampire if this is the reason for your visit. While you are here, please enjoy your stay.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Fri Sep 18, 2009 2:20 am

    *bows and kisses emma's hand* It was my pleasure, my mistress. It's been a while since I've talked to someone this......"colorful" Regardless though, we Crusniks answer to nobody....especially not a vampire, so we saw no reason to announce our presence to the likes of u, and respect is something that's earned, and u have failed to earn our respect yet, it matters not, how old u are or ur status, we've known about u for yrs, but we percieve u as not even a minor threat, now if we're done here, I shall ask u to kindly leave as me and my mistress have work to do.
    Empowered soul

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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by JennyReika Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:16 am

    *Jenny turns to Emma, her fangs retracting back into place, and hidden from sight*

    "Well, thank you. I hope you dont mind if I dont call you Mistress... In our kind we only answer to higher authorities... those that are older than us and our kind, which we are obviously not of the same kind... I would only call Mistress someone who was of my race... as I am sure you would too if there was someone above you. I dont expect you to call me Mistress since I am not of your kind... but a respectful title, of course.

    I am sorry if I caused any disruption, as I said, I have no reason to start a war with you...

    Please forgive me, I realize I have come into your home and I should have my manners about me. But, you must realize also that someone does not know if youre a threat at first, and they would want to find out answers before blindly showing themself... I am sure you understand that, my lady?"

    *she looks at Emma, her eyes softening and a genuine smile across her lips as she sharply turns to Nachos*

    "As for your husband... I would have to say I found him to be quite rude...

    To first say I am NOT EVEN a MINOR threat... well... that is a pure line of ignorance... the first thing you should ever know... do NOT underestimate... ANYBODY... not even humans..."

    *her lip curls up into a sneer as she looks at him*

    "Secondly... to say the "likes of me"... what are you trying to say? Are you saying I am beneath you?...

    That disgusts me..."

    *she turns back to Emma, and smiles again, her loveliness and beautiful manner along with her well spoken ways that she has not witnessed since a time in the 1800's where gentleman were gentleman and ladies were ladies...*

    "Thank you my dear Emma... but I would think that you should teach your... whatever he is to you, I am taking it, your husband, manners, and to respect the other clans.

    Respect of the clans is the only thing that has kept the Vampires, Draconic, Demons, Lycan, Shifters and such from war and tearing out each others throats. I expect that you would know that he must do the same if he wants to be able to coexist in harmony with the Clans."

    *she bows her head at Emma*

    "I believe you are a fit head mistress of this Clan... Although we are both vampires of different kinds, I am sure we can coexist, just as I have done with the Lycans, Draco, and such...

    They are good ppl, loyal... As am I.

    You do not want to be on my bad side, Sir Alucard. I dont care if you feed off of Vamps, you will NOT be feeding off me, and I would love to see you try.

    First of all, you couldnt get to me, especially since you underestimate my strength, secondly, you would do that and it would start a war... I guarantee you of that.

    I am willing to be your friend... but do not belittle me... I am a superior being, as I realize you are as well. The sooner you realize I am one, the better off we will be, Alucard...

    And to you dear Emma..."

    *she bows her head slightly once again, realizing her place in these ppl, and showing respect to the highest court of this new race.*

    "Thank you for your hospitality, and your kindness, and also explaining yourself to me.

    I feel much better knowing that there is someone of superior status here than also has control and the ability to speak to others.

    That comes in handy when you rule a race of superiors...

    Please... feel free to visit or call upon me at any time... and I should hope I can do the same."
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:24 am

    My apologies for the attitude miss vampire, but I don't take kindly to strangers walking into my house and then talking down to me, I will accept u as an equal when u accept us as equals, I realize that u are some type of royalty among ur kind, but plz remember that u have no authority over us, to come in and tell us we should've gone to u 1st is what rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not interested in starting a war and I wasn't underestimating u, we simply didn't see u as a threat, I'm sure ur quite strong, and don't worry about me chasing after u, no offense but ur really not my type. Again I apologize for the outburst. *bows to her then walks off*
    Emma-Hell Girl
    Emma-Hell Girl
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:29 pm

    *giggles after hearing what Jenny said*

    Please forgive my rudeness my lady. Let me introduce, Alucard is the Prime Minister of this kingdom and I am the Head of the Imperial Council. We both might be the ruler of this kingdom but we are not marriage couples. We are cousins to be exact.

    *glare at Alucard with a smile*

    Though, I am hoping he would bring home a lovely wife so someone can help me with my massive workload.

    Alucard, will you be away for long? Would you bring us some tea on your way back?

    *gently pull out the seat for Jenny*

    Please, have a seat.

    *smile warmly after seeing Jenny’s eyes soften*

    I’m sure he didn’t mean to be rude, my lady. He was just being protective. As you can see we are the only family members here in this kingdom the rest are all humans. For decades we crusniks have been separated and blend in with the humans and soul reapers. We are still not sure how many of our kind are out there. But Alucard and I have worked for years to gain the trust from the humans and create this kingdom where we could have a home for the crusniks to come to.

    *look at Jenny straight into the eyes*

    May I ask you a favor? Since we are both the leader of our own kind there is no need for formality. Please just call me Emma from now on. I am confidence that we will coexist well. Please stay as long as you like and come visit us often. I am eager to visit your place once I have completed my task on hand. I’m sure Alucard would love to come along. He just couldn’t resist where there are beautiful ladies.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:38 am

    *turns around and bows to emma* Of course my Mistress, I shall get u some right away, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot mi lady, but we've dealt with vampires before, who always thought they were above and better than us, I'm sure ur not like that....right? Well anyways let's start over, my name is Alucard Nightroad, the Prime Minister of our kingdom. *bows to her, then walks over to emma* my Mistress, I have been informed that our intelligence dept. has found the whereabouts of a few more crusniks, later today I will try to find them and see if they would like to join our cause. *bows and kisses her hand, then walks off to fetch them some tea*
    Empowered soul

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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by JennyReika Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:11 am

    *Jenny smiles and takes note of the change in their mood instantly, when she feels the pressure lighten, as centuries of living has well taught her, she also eases her tensed muscled in her body as she sits down near Emma*

    "Once again, Emma, as you wish... I am sorry to have intruded on your territory... let me just say... I very much appreciate the hosptitality, and at first, had no idea if this was your residence or just your headquarters...

    I am sorry since it seems I bursted into your home...

    Just looking for answers and quite curious, you know."

    *she listens to the words of Alucard, and allows herself a friendly laugh*

    "I dont take much seriously... I have been in existence far too long to take almost anything seriously...

    The only thing I take seriously are threats and betrayal. I dont even take war seriously anymore...

    Trust me, Alucard, if I may? I do not have any disregard for your kind. I respect all races, and have not run into any Crusniks in centuries, not since Abel Nightroad and his brother.

    I have a deep respect for any of those who run a Clan, it is not an easy thing to be in charge of so many. I am in charge of those in this territory, and that is more than enough for me... of course it goes higher... but most of those Vampires are in England and such.

    You are all my equal. I treat you that way, and I treat my Division that way as well. I am not above anybody, I just believe that we are higher life forms than humans, and that is all, and I still treat them with respect... You never know what they could be later... and you dont want to burn your bridges that you may need in the future.

    However, I have no doubt in my skills. I fight when there is a need, and I love battle when there is need for me to battle... and so far, after centuries upon centuries of fighting with many kinds... I am still alive. That must say something for my skill."

    *she bows once again to Emma and Alucard as he walks away*

    "I would love some tea, Emma... and please, you may both call me Jenny. Its what I am used to being called.

    Many divisioners call me Miss Jenny, that is really just a preference of their own I would guess. To me, it doesnt matter, and I do not like formalities as well...

    I would be proud to have an alliance with you, and I would be happy to call you friends as well...

    There is much more to come around here from the Vampires, I hope, and I would love to have you around us.

    Our kind is very small in numbers, and it is a critical time in our existence. It would seem many of the races are having problems in numbers.

    I know not much about the Lycans, Crusnik and Shifters numbers... nor the Fairies, Witches, Maenads, Weres, Sirens and such...

    We need to preserve all our races... be as one."

    *she smiles again at Emma, her long manicured nails reaching down to her haori and straightening it as she crossed her legs in the chair*

    "Most men do love beautiful women... as do I. I have a very large selection of many different kinds of ladies, some from even different races. They all come to the Bordello to have fun, enjoy life... or the lack of it.

    It is a place where everyone can relax.

    Definitely a place for some Fangbangers... if you know what I mean."

    *she lets out a giggle that turns into a laugh, like she hadnt in quite awhile.*

    "I would most definitely enjoy your company. We could also talk more business, and we could talk about all the things we have seen in the past centuries.

    I am sure we both have some very interesting stories to tell. I would also like to know of all the races you've run into along the way... As I have listed above all the ones that I have ran into... and a story to go along with each in fact."
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:21 am

    *Alucard walks back in carrying a tray with 2 cups of tea on it, he sets the tray on the table* here ya go mi ladies, now if u need anything, i'll be upstairs, *alucard walks up the stairs to his chambers*
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Nance Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:39 pm

    A human arrives at this new place, she seems to be a little girl but is actually older than she looks. Her face quickly tells that she lost and starving.

    As she walks through the garden outside, a cold breeze run through the back of her neck, which indicated her that place isn't safe as she thought it would be. Thinking that this palace houses the Methuselah, she decided to turn her back and look for another place to stay. Then her stomach growled.

    "I suppose that place is not what I was thinking." She says to herself as she turns back again, entering the palace.

    "he..hh..hello..." Nance said, stuttering.

    Her eyes widened because of the spectacular view inside. She continues walking, exploring the palace.

    "anyone here??..."
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:43 am

    *Alucard hears the girl and walks downstairs, and then appears behind the girl* Why hello there pretty one. *he obviously scares her, making her turn around and shriek* My apologies but I just love doing that, my name is Alucard Nightroad, I'm the prime minister of our kingdom, it's a pleasure to meet u. *he bows and kisses her hand* would u like me to show u around, or would u like something to eat? Even though we crusniks only feed on the blood of other vampires, we keep a stock of human food in the kitchen for guests, plz follow me. *he grabs her hand and leads her to the kitchen*
    Emma-Hell Girl
    Emma-Hell Girl
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:12 pm

    I am honor to be friend with you too, Jenny.

    *pour some tea for Jenny then hear some noises*

    Alucard! Who are you talking to?

    Please excuse me, Jenny. I think I should better go take a look.

    *walk to the corridor and stunned by the person who is walking next to Alucard*

    What a lovely young lady?

    Please introduce this lovely lady to us, Alucard.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:18 pm

    *Alucard sees emma walking out, he bows* Forgive me my mistress, this seems to be a newcomer who decided to visit us, *looks over to rezzy* Her name is Rezzy, Rezzy this is my mistress and the head of the crusniks, Emma.
    10th Division
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Hinamori44 Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:34 pm

    *silently moving Momo walks in and looks around*

    *she keeps walking through huge halls and corridors*

    So beautiful...*she spots a group of people and comes closer to them*

    So I finally came...

    *lightly bows to them with sweet smile on her face*
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:48 pm

    *Alucard sees a new guest and walks towards her* Another beautiful young girl, *he picks up her hand and kisses it, then bows* And who might u be?
    Emma-Hell Girl
    Emma-Hell Girl
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Emma-Hell Girl Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:49 pm

    *hear someone is walking close and shocked seeing the person in front of her*

    Sister? Is that really you?

    *run and hugs Momo*

    You finally home!

    *hugs her tight and doesn't let go*

    You have no idea how long I have been waited for you. I'm glad you finally found us.
    10th Division
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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Hinamori44 Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:53 pm

    *smiles at Nachos and hugs Moonie back*

    Ah girl, you did an awesome job...*looks into her eyes*

    Hope my visit won't cause any problems...
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    The Crusnik Palace Empty Re: The Crusnik Palace

    Post by Nance Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:16 pm

    Her faced turned red as Alucard kissed her hand. "Why thank you... and that is very hospitable of you" She says as she follows him to the kitchen. "Vampires that feed on vampire blood... that sounds so interesting.. I feel much safer now." She smiled.

    Nance turns to the mistress, Emma, and says. "Hello.. nice to meet you Miss Emma, my name is Nance but some people(or vampires xD) call me Rezzy" She then bows courteously at Emma.

    As Momo arrived, Nance slightly bowed her head then greeted her with a smile.

    ooc: cool color xD

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