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    5th Division Zanpakuto Armory

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47320

    5th Division Zanpakuto Armory Empty 5th Division Zanpakuto Armory

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:20 am

    In this sealed room is the Zanpakutos and their accompanying information for all members of the 5th Division. We will be using the following format for development. In order to help promote uniform Zanpakuto creation across the divisions, we will be using the format created by my former division, and current allies, the 11th and the 7th
    All members are required to fill out this form upon acceptance. You only need to fill out the form parts required for your seat, but you may fill out the entire form if you wish. However, you will only be allowed to use the abilities available to your seat. The abilities are rated as such:

    Captain through 4th seat: Allowed Bankai

    5th Seat through 15th seat: Allowed Shikai

    16th Seat through Recruit: Allowed only Sealed form.

    Also, to acquire shikai and Bankai you must rp a story showing how you acquired it. This does not have to be long, but must be done.

    One last note; compressed Bankai, the ultimate form, is allowed only at this time to Captain and Vice-Captain.

    7th Division Zanpakuto Form

    Sealed Form

    Zanpakuto Name:
    Weapon type: (Katana, bow, staff, scythe)
    Zanpakuto Appearance:
    Zanpakuto Element:

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: (what does the spirit of your zanpakuto look like?)


    Release Command:
    Release Appearance:
    Passive abilities:(Skills that work from the moment of release and do not require activating)(only 2 allowed)

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Activated abilities: (Offensive and Defensive skills gained that require commands to activate)

    1. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    Bankai: (4th Seat and above)

    Final Release Name:
    Bankai Appearance:
    Passive Abilities Gained:(2 ADDITIONAL to the ones given by Shikai)

    1.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    2.(Name of ability and description of what it does)

    Main Abilities:

    1. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3. Ability Name:
    Ability Type: (Offensive/Defensive)
    Activation Command:(what you say to initiate the ability to work)
    Ability Description:(What does it do?)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way

    Last edited by Haji Yukimura on Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:38 am; edited 2 times in total
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47320

    5th Division Zanpakuto Armory Empty Re: 5th Division Zanpakuto Armory

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:30 am

    5th Division Zanpakuto Form

    Sealed Form

    Zanpakuto Name: Makurayami (Total Darkness; Absence of light)

    Weapon type: Katana

    Zanpakuto Appearance:


    As you will notice The Guard at the hilt is a rustic gold color, with an open style that resembles the Edo Period Imperial design. The Fuchi (Hilt Collar, or the small piece of metal wrapping around just under the guard) is also a rustic gold color, as well as the Kashira (little piece at the end of the handle). All these metallic pieces are made of finely crafted Black Iron.
    The Habaki (blade collar; the big piece of metal over the guard on the blade side) is an overlay of polished brass decoration, on top of solidified Black Iron.
    The Tuski (handle) is made of polished cypress, with traditional ray skin Sa’me, with a decorative brown Ito (braid on handle) wrapped over it. The Sageo (corded braid on the sheath) is also a decorative brown cord.
    The saya (sheath) is made of cypress, polished over many times, and painted with a smooth Lacquer finish, giving it the dark metallic brown appearance.The blade is 43 inches from Kashira to tip, with a slight suri (cruve to blade) that makes possible quick, skilled slashes.

    Element: Raw Power

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description: My Zanpakuto spirit is a man, whom on first appearance casts little by way of impressive stature. he is mature in age, as he has existed long, long before we became comrades, with flowing black hair, kept up in a royal decorative design, with a black mustache and black beard. I have included a portrait of him, painted many long years ago, yet capturing his ageless appearance. You will also notice the fowl feathers scepter he holds:


    He resides in a small home, in a heavily forested area. His home is extremely hard to reach, and once one makes the journey, one must complete 3 tasks before he will allow an audience. His home is surrounded on three sides by a small pond. Here is what it looks like:



    Release Command: "Giyuu ikioiduku; Jinchi shouten moukeru. Amakudare, Makurayami"
    {Translation: "Loyalty and Courage to gather strength; benevolence and wisdom to establish focus. Descend from heaven, Total darkness"}

    The command does not need to always be spoken in full form. It can be abbreviated by simply saying:
    "Amakudare, Makurayami"
    {Translation: "Descend from Heaven, Total Darkness}

    But I prefer to use the whole in most cases.

    Release Appearance:


    In released form, my Katana becomes a Nodachi blade. Basically you can tell by the looks of it that the suri of the blade (the curve) curves deeper, and the blade and handle becomes longer. In fact the overall length goes from 43 inches to 68 inches, allowing for much smoother, fluid movements, with a lot more power. In this form as with sealed, my sword technique is my dominant strength.
    In this form I have two basic abilities, one passive and one offensive. The passive also works as a defensive ability, but defense mostly comes from my strength and sword technique.
    The second, more powerful one is a precursor to my Bankai state. Also my power doubles from sealed form, as my reitsu fires up.

    Passive abilities:

    1.Ichijinnokaze (Gust of Wind):
    This is more of a side effect then an ability. With my reitsu and power being increased so much, when I slice my blade a burst of reitsu is fired off, like a gust of wind. It doesn’t travel over long distances, but in close combat or in defense of kidou, it is extremely effective. This burst is so strong and precise to my movements that up close (7 feet or less) it will cut just like a blade, and over greater distances (up to 25 yards away), can be hit with tremendous force, like a blunt object. Of course the power of this is proportionate to the power of my movement. With a simple movement, the force is slight, but with a strong stroke, the force can be devastating.

    Activated abilities:

    1. Ability Name: Tensuu no tsukimono (Points of Authority)
    Ability Type: Offensive
    Activation Command: This is where the ability varies from most. Though it has one name, there are actually a few different variations to each one. Each one most be spoken seperately. I will list them all one after the next. keep in mind, there are multiple things on this list, but they are all variations of one ability. To engage each variation, I take the first two fingers of my left hand an run them on part of the blades spine while chanting the name of that variation.

    1.) Sokuryokuwootosu (To Slow Down): Blocks Opponents Shunpo/Soinado abilities.
    2.) Kaijo (Cancellation): Blocks Opponents ability to release (shikai/Bankai/Hollow resurreccion)
    3.) Kagen (Lower Limit): Blocks opponents ability to use Kidou/Cero
    4.) Bakenokawawohagu (To Unmask): Blocks Viazards ability to use their mask (hollow abilites)
    5.) Unsan (Scatter/disperse): Blocks opponents ability to manipulate spirit particles. (primarily for use against Quincy. Hardly ever used)

    Ability Description:
    As you can see, each variation effects a different aspect of a possible opponents arsenal. What is does is this, once a ability is engaged, if the blade makes contact with the opponent in anyway, even by striking blades, it adds a seal to that target that blocks that particular ability. For example, if I use Kaijo and make contact with an opponent in anyway, then a seal is placed on that opponent blocking that particular ability (being able to release their zanpakuto or resurrecion as a hollow), making it unuseable as long as I am still in released state, or the variation is in effect. Basically it works on the principle of spirit pressure, manifested in a particular way so concentrated, that it forces the oppoenents into submission, blocking it.

    Downside: The ability itself has no down side, as it creates a complete and unbreakable seal of the ability, however, their is a strong weakness; only one ability may be used at a time. For example, if I am blocking an opponents ability to use kidou, I may change variations and block shunpo, but once the change is made, the seal blocking kidou/cero is removed, making it useable again. In shikai, only one thing can be blocked at any given time.


    Final Release Name: Shiten hashira (Four Pillars Supporting Heaven)

    Bankai Appearance:

    Once bankai is released, two different things happen. Four giant pillars rise around myself, my opponent and the battlefeild, in a four corner square pattern, creating a box and seal, 1000 yards in each direction. Outside of the seal, everything turns to total darkness, while inside, where we are remains the same.
    My blade also changes; it breaks into 11 peices which fall to the ground and sink in, rising up again as 11 different katanas, which I can use one at a time.

    My Bankai state is a single ability; it blocks everything at once, that the shikai blocks one at a time. To make it short and sweet, the only thing an opponent can do inside the seal of my bankai is fight me blade on blade in a sword match. Of course hand to hand would be ok, but no shunpo, kidou, shikai, bankai, cero, resurreccion, etc could be used; only your blade.

    This is two sided though, as I can only use my blade also. The seal is general, so I can't use kidou or anything either. However, there is one catch in my favor.

    Each of my blades equal a 10% power boost. If the blade I use breaks, the power is redistributed to the remaining blades. If by chance I break 10 of the blades, the final blade will boost my power 100%; basically, you would be facing 2 of me power wise. The principle of this is to overwhelm the opponent with power. This is the only ability available to anyone inside the pillar seal.

    As for the pillars, if all four break by chance, the bankai will be defeated, however they are tied directly to me, therefore I must be defeated in order for them to break. Attacking them does no good.

    I realize this ability sounds over whelming and invincible, but I assure you it isn't. let's say as a 4th seat I used this against a captian; well a captian may have to fight for a minute, but my last blade would quickly be shattered ending the bankai. Or if as a 4th (i'm picking that because that is where bankai starts), I fight an 11th seat, I may break a couple of blades, but I won't get to the last one before the battle ends, unless I broke them myself, which there is no point in doing. Basically, it is a relative ability. This is to ensure that there is no god mode to it.

    Finally, there is one last state; compressed.

    Name: Tensameru (Heaven Coming down)

    Ability Description:

    This ability is only usable once I am on my last blade. By holding my blade in front of me, parallel to the ground, I chant the name of the ability.
    The blade then begins to draw the power of the four pillars back into itself, as it disappears from my hand and appears in an image in front of my opponent. The seal of the four pillars, still blocking abilities, constantly shrinks to a point where it only surrounds my opponent, fitting like a rectangular box trapping them in. Once the seal is reduced to this the power of the blade reaches critical, and an explosion occurs inside the small box, equal to the full extent of my power exploding the box and the opponent. It's like being hit with all the power of 2 of me at once. Of course, once this is over, my blade returns to it's sealed state.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 6:39 pm