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Desiru Seyrokuri
Sanba Yukimura
8 posters

    Basement Dojo for Combat

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:45 pm

    This dojo will be for combat purposes only. This is a place to come and touch up on your sword play skills. You may challenge anyone here and also train with me if you'd like.


    **Please remember this is a Role Playing topic**
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:09 am

    *Sanba walks in*
    If anybody wants to challenge me to a duel i'll be waiting here!
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:20 am

    It was nearing dawn and Dessi couldn't find rest. Her inner Hollow constantly putting her down and murmuring dark and twisted imagery into her mind. Even Tori's screeching could not pierce through the folds of darkness her beast had created. The best she could do was work herself to a decent exhausted slumber. Heading down to the Basement, thinking she may be alone to release her stress. Reaching the bottom of the stairs and stepping into the finely structured room she was surprised to see Sanba. Hand on her hip, leaning against the door with a bit of a bored glaze in her light teal eyes. Half tempted to make a comment, but she would wait for him to take notice. Popping a sugar cube into her mouth as she waited.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:51 am

    *Sanba, whom was sitting against the wall opposite from the door, noticed Desiru as she walked into the dojo.*
    Hey Desiru how are you? Did you want to have a little spar?
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:26 am

    She gave Samba a once over with her analyzing gaze. Sucking on the sugar cube a moment longer, making a soft tsk sound before speaking up. Slipping into the room and closing the door behind her. Showing off her purple and blue top with bright yellow flowers. The cloth stopping at her mid drift, exposing the latest of her accessories, a belly ring. Just a clip on but whatever. Her pants an equally bright and flashy yellow.

    Sure, but I haven't had much training with my Hollow side just yet, if you don't mind.

    She brushed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear exposing the red and black half mask. Still very much herself despite the Hollow's inner turmoil and ramblings. Hand going for the hilt of her sword.
    Empowered soul

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:39 am

    -Ken looked a little concerned but didn't really show it in his facial expression. He watched both of the two Vizards movements intending to comment on Dessi's comment-

    Since you have not come in to train your Hollow, I will warn you two that if I see signs of Dessi's Hollow getting out of control....I will interfere and stop the battle. Sorry to sound so serious I just don't want you two to be injured so soon. But have fun.

    -He smiled at them-
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:49 am

    *Sanba steps two Desiru and draws his Zanpakto*
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:33 am

    Dessi looked a little indignant but she could understand where Ken was coming from. But the thought of having him pop up like this was just...strange. Pressing her fingers against her temple, the hand that wasn't on her sword, rubbing lightly.

    Does everyone here suffer from Insomnia? Well fine, I'll do my best to make you proud Ken.

    Her hand dropped to her side, drawing her sword with her left hand and taking on a fencers stance. The sword held loosely in her grip, of course it was much firmer then one could possibly know. Not giving Sanba much time to react she attacked first. Not bothering to try and release Tori, instead she charged with a thrust that merely feinted into a side step, her body, lithe and agile, circled him. Her movements looked slow, but graceful, yet each step brought forth gale force winds.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:47 am

    *Sanba, suddenly bewildered by Desiru's movements, noticed a pattern in her agile movements. He saw her circling him and decided to wield his zanpakto with both hands. Swinging to his right he caught Desiru with a swift flick of his sword attempting to clashes with her zanpakto*
    Empowered soul

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:00 am

    -Ken stood there with his arms crossed and hands tucked under his armpits being a spectator. The match actually kept him intrigued-
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:01 am

    Dessi was silent, stoic, feeling the slightest change in the air current around Sanba's body had her changing position immediately. Nearly sideswiped by the blade, but she took into retaliation rather quickly. Swinging her blade with her left hand, their swords meeting for a moment. Sanba could hear, for only a moment, the beautiful singing of Tori Kami. As the Zanpakto would often sing it's praises in battle. She spun, switching the sword to her right hand, thwaking Sanba's backside with the broad side of her sword before backing out of his swinging radius.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:17 am

    *Sanba jumps back, seeing that she is incredibly fast he decided to step it up a bit. Sanba starts walking in a circle around Desiru, while throwing his zanpakto back and forth in his hands. He was wearing grey sweat pants and a blue t-shirt. He suddenly shunpod in circles around her at a very fast rate, going in to jab at her every now and then, trying to find an opening. He then suddenly slid under her and kicked upwards at her chin*
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:30 am

    I like this.

    Desiru watched Sanba curiously. He was picking up fast on her movements, and that was no good. Blocking each of his blows with her sword. The winds were on her side, and each sweep of his body, every motion was fed right into her subconscious. The sudden stop and kick to her chin was a rather big surprise. The blow hit its mark, sending Dessi stumbling backwards, holding her jaw. Gripping her sword tightly, bitter anger flared in her chest. Hearing the screams of rage and words of how pathetic she was filled her ears. Her inner hollow stirring, blurring her vision for a moment. Her mask writhed and slowly crept across her face. Fighting back the need to break out into Hollowfication, Tori's soft singing kept her mind straight.

    Sing, Tori Kami. Let them hear the beauty of the Gods.

    A soft breeze blew through the room, Dessi's eyes darkened to a near green hue. Loosing all ability to hear, she charged Sanba, her strike reinforced with a course wind. Her attack would merely be a front, kicking off the ground, her body feeling as light as air...Coming down on Sanba with a powerful slash.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:54 am

    *Sanba glad that he landed the kick, soon regreted it seeing her hollow slowly taking over. He questioned whether he should continue fighting. Suddenly she was just above his head bringing her sword down towards his head seemingly at an impossibly fast rate of speed. He brought his Zanpakto up to meet hers ath the last second but was surprised by the strength behind the attack and had to quickly bring both hands to his hilt as to apply more pressure. However he fell to his knees, and the extra pressure from the wind did not help. He was able to break off her attack and jump away. Sanba stood in a fighting stance and shunpod right in front of her and threw a horizontal slash at her chest, but hesitated a bit thinking about the possible consequences of this attack. This hesitation took lots of speed out of the attack as well as strength*
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:17 am


    The only words she could form before she was shoved off by Sanba's backlash. His attack was weak, pathetic, it lacked need and the sheer will one needed to kill...Dessi gasped, feeling the hollow within herself tearing at the walls of her resolve. As the blow came down at her she blocked it, feeling the mask grow, her vision blurred for a moment. It was more then enough for her mask to fully form. The eagle like appearance of her mask a dark swirl of vibrant colors, the beak like nose and narrow red eyes turned on Sanba. Her scream echoed around the room, had there been glass it would have shattered all around them. She charged Sanba with all the anger in her heart, her weakness would be alleviated once she spilled his blood. Battling the darkness that was steadily eating away at her. She couldnt break free from her hollow form, giving Sanba a pleading look as she brushed his sword aside and stabbed forward toward his gut.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:25 am

    *Sanba seeing this attack was able to barely side step the attack, Desiru's blade cutting the side of his shirt ever so slightly. He jumped away, which gave him enough time to summon his own Vizard mask. Now at full power he shunpod next to Desiru and tapped her hollow mask with his Zanpakto. This resulted in the mask cracking and shattering*
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:43 am

    The was suddenly back in her right mind. The sudden shock of being returned to her normal form had left her flailing and crying out. She stumbled and fell forward. Her sword returning to normal. Not only was she embarrassed, but she was deeply ashamed of her failure. Looking up at Sanba, tears in her eyes. Shaking her head she pushed herself to her feet, shoving him away she turned to leave.

    I'm done!
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:23 pm

    *Sanba seeing his comrade break down to tears, chased after her. Her caught her shoulder, and spun her around and gave her a hug*

    It's ok Desiru, this has happened to all of us, this just means that it's time for you to suppress your inner hollow. There's no need for this sadness.
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:40 pm

    Desiru blushed feverishly, blinking in rapid succession though she didnt pull away from him too quickly. It was a kind gesture, and she did appreciate it, but she didnt need to seek comfort in others. She could over come this problem without assistance. Lightly pushing him back by his shoulders. Sniffling, but otherwise fine.

    I wish I was stronger.

    She left it at that, once Sanba would let her go she would try to leave.
    Empowered soul

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:54 pm

    -Ken shunpo'd in the dojo with a smile that was gone as soon as he saw Sanba's facial expression. He walked up to him concerned-

    Hey what happened? Why do you look so shocked? Are you ok?

    -Ken kept the questions flowing quickly out his mouth-
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:57 pm

    Oh yes i'm fine of course but Desiru......

    *Sanba looked away for a moment then looked back with a serious look on his face*

    She lost control and the hollow took over, I quickly neutralized the situation but she has taken a big blow in the confidence department, I think it's time for her to learn to control it, her hollow.
    Empowered soul

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:04 pm

    -Ken sighed as he heard the situation. He looked forward where the exit was thinking of Dessi-

    I think your right Sanba...I will call her in Room 22 tommorow. For now, she should rest...
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:07 pm

    Sounds good i'm gonna be there, just because I have experience dealing with her hollow.
    Empowered soul

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by KenTakeo Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:46 am

    -Ken nodded at the comment still looking at the exit, thinking of Dessi-

    Good idea...I think I know why Dessi is so heart broken about being defeated. It's not you Sanba. So don't feel too much sorrow..

    ~Dessi...don't worry..You avenge him everyday by becoming stronger and training. And by devoting your life to killing Hollows...~
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    Basement Dojo for Combat Empty Re: Basement Dojo for Combat

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:52 am

    It had felt like forever since she had been down here. And the last time she was it had been a brutal embarrassment. Dessi circled the training room, seeing how it was gathering dust. She itched for a battle, she was still unsure just how powerful she had become since defeating her inner Hollow. Thinking about going up to room 22, but shook her head. She needed to know her limits before venturing back in there.

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