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Haji Yukimura
9 posters

    7th Division Officer Database

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:35 am

    Inside of Haji's personal office, located on the highest floor of the compound, There is a large computer on which is all of the forms and records of all members of the 7th Division.

    7th Division Officer Database

    The form for posting this works as such:

    The first half will be your profile discussing who you are and your current position.

    The second half will be the record of your history.

    I will post mine first as an example.





    Last edited by Haji Yukimura on Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:08 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Posts : 1189
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dark Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:09 am

    Name:Dark -last name not in data-
    DOB: no records left of his birth or death in the real world.

    When ever you see a feature in Darks body it's shocking cause he's always covered in a Black coat. He is a bit tall about 6. He is a bit ripped nothing too big. He is light skin with gray eyes. At one point Dark wore his shinigami outfit but at some point it was replaced with a large black coat (organization 13 coat) Which covers his whole body and the hood which he barely takes off which covers his face.

    There's not much history in Dark mainly because he barely has memories of his past he thinks his memories have been manipulated by a unknown person. What he does remember is that he was a warrior in a war VS dark beings at a early age and died in the war.
    When he first got into the the rukongai he was attacked as soon as he entered at the point were these two large men wanted to steal a golden coin that dark had found almost killed him. All of the sudden the two men were pushed to the wall. By a large black attack. After this Dark discovered that he had abbilities far beyond a normal spirit. Wekks passed and his powers grew stronger the 1st division captain kizu sensed dark on his way to the real world and approched him and adopted him and brought him to the first.
    While his time in the 1st Dark quickly aqquired great skill in his use of his zanpakuto and kidou making his way up the ranks dark found himself as VC. But not long after on a mission to the real world kizu was slaughtered by 8 arrancars he took them out but ended his own dark tried to help but was occupied by 2 arrancars after the fight Dark quickly picked up Kizus blade and uses it in some ocasions.
    Dark became captain but in order to receive a much creator power he left to search for the key in order to not fail like his previous master.
    He returned and served under the 6 and became vice captain but that came to a end and now he is in the 7th serving under haji.

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Kaizen Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:41 pm

    Name: Ishijo Kaizen (Kai in general)

    Age: 19

    Born in SS: Yes

    Physical Appearance:
    Physically he looks to be the size of a pre-teen child, maybe nearing the ages of twelve or thirteen. Although small in stature he is easily recognizable by his flowing white hair that reaches to mid-back, and his sword, which is more than half his size yet he carries hanging from his obi (making it a tachi). His eyes are light, light blue, almost bordering on gray in color, and although belonging to the eyes of a young man, they bear the signs of a man tainted in blood.

    Reserved and Calculating in the eyes of many, Kaizen had nearly no friends in the Academy. Many people considered him to be a cruel Shinigami as he is not afraid to deliver his 'justice', even amongst his comrades, he is not in truth a violent child....but rather a child who has known nothing more. Born into a Shinigami family, Kaizen was always a quick person to catch onto things, but as a Shinigami of pure-blood birth it was 'expected' of him, and so he could never outshine the image of what he was.
    He cares little for kindness to strangers, as he does not believe it comes with honesty. However once he has gotten to a point where he'll admittedly enjoy a person's company he will protect them without any regard what-so-ever to his own life. He is a fervent believer of hard work, determination, commitment and loyalty to one's division. He is a calm individual, as he's learned that attacking first may give you the chance to destroy an opponent without worrying about fighting, it also leaves you open to a counter-attack from an opponent that is waiting for you.
    Extremely loyal to his division, even to the point of placing its importance far above those of any individual, he views traitors and deserters as little more than scum, which has led to his willingness to kill any who he believes to be a threat to his division. He understands that his position as a member of the seventh division is to protect all of Seireitei, and as such when the horns of battle call, he is amongst the first to raise his blade in reply.
    He appreciates art in all its forms, and will often sit in the gardens of the seventh division headquarters listening to the birds sing, or drawing paintings of the gardens. Preferring their company over those of many others.

    Zanpakutõ: A tachi in nature, it hangs from his right side, due to the fact that he wields it with his left hand. It measures nearly his height, but he's managed to overcome that disadvantage through sheer hard work in the academy.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed May 06, 2009 9:26 am


    Name: Ken Takeo
    Age: 97 but he looks around the age of 21.
    Born in SS: No

    Physical Appearance: Ken is 5'9. His muscle toned enough to look like a god. He has white hair, with silver shades, combed to the front. The front is the only part of his hair that is spiked up. Ken believes that every skilled warrior should have their own unique mark, his is blue streaks from the sides of his eyes down to under his chin where it connects. His eyes are almost see through with a hint of blue, but when he is in battle, they gradually become darker until they are close to black.

    Personality: Ken is very kind to the people around his life. He takes care of his own, but mainly his friends and family. He would choose them over himself faster than the choice was given to him. he feels that others lives are more valuable than his. He jokes around sometimes but he adores people who are kind to him. Ken has a strong soft spot for the young because he grew up with a ten years younger brother that died in his arms. Ever since then he wants to protect everyone that he feels deserves it.


    Human Life: Ken Takeo grew up with a very calm childhood. But things changed when his mom found out that she had conceived another child. Ken was nine years old when he found out that he would be expecting a younger brother named Masurao Takeo. By the time he had turned 10, his baby brother was born. He adored Masurao more than anything in the world. He was so fascinated with him and never once got jealous like a typical kid would. As Masurao started going to school, older kids would make fun of him and pick on him because of his intelligence. Ken did not accept this and since the school could not do anything about this, Ken would fight them. Almost every week Ken would come home full of bruises and cuts, but he would win every fight. He always protected his brother no matter what. Things grew reckless and frightening for Masurao and Ken at home. Ken would get beat from his dad until he could barely stand but when it was Masurao's turn Ken would get up and protect him no matter how injured he was. His strength and perseverance seemed limitless. Ken always protected Masurao. Ken started to realize that he could see spirits. He was the only of his family that could. He helped all that needed him when he wasn't with his brother. One night, he heard a bone chilling roar while he was out with his brother eating ice cream. Then foot steps grew closer and eventually arriving in front of them. It was a Hollow. It chased them into the woods until Masurao fell. Ken stood in front of him and the Hollow struck him with a blow that launched him a far distance away. He looked up and saw the Hollow throw his fist down on weeping Masurao. He grew unconscious as Ken cried out his name. Ken ran up and punched actually hard enough to stall. He grabbed Masurao and cried as he died in his arms. Moments later, the Hollow smashed and killed Ken.

    Life in the SS: Ken Takeo never found his brother's spirit in the Soul Society. He gave up on his search and eventually joined the Shinigami Academy.

    Life in the Shinigami Academy: Ken trained hard to what most would consider insanely rough training. He pushed himself everyday harder and harder until he could not stand because he never forgave himself for not protecting his brother. Now, all he wants is to be strong enough to protect anyone who needs protection.

    Current Life: Ken Takeo is currently training everyday, determined to become stronger so that he may protect everyone in need.

    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Sat May 09, 2009 1:51 pm

    {OOC: wow thank you taicho. it means a lot coming from you. :D }
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Muerte Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:38 am

    Name: Sora Mararu
    DOB: 1657 in Nagoya , Japan

    Sora Mararu has medium long black hair that covers his Hazel Green eyes. He is about 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighs about 127 pounds. He wears glasses but sometimes wheres contacts when out in the field. He has a tattoo of a hawk on his right shoulder, his zanpakuto spirit, he has a huge scar across his chest from when he was attacked by a hollow.

    Sora was born in Nagoya , Japan to a poor family. They moved alot, to get out of the area they lived in. One day, they moved back to the town he was born in. Only to a different part of the neighborhood. Sora walked outside and walked around the town for about an hour or two. He made it across the corner when a robbery was going on. Sora was shot in the chest, killed instantly.
    Sora's first time in the Rukongai district was kind of good, but also not. He didn't know anyone around town, he was adopted into a family that didn't like him very much. When he was old enough, he went out to train. He took a random katana with him to the forest near where he lived. He trained and trained until one of the captains from seretei noticed him. They talked and he began to like the captain. Sora went to the seretei so he can be accepted into the academy. He trained day after day until he was accepted as a soul reaper. 20th seat in the 7th squad.
    Sora hasn't been on any missions since his acceptence into the 7th squad. He is waiting for his captain to let him know what he has to do. He wants to be promoted but hasn't the potential at this moment.

    7th Division
    7th Division

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Takimoto-kun Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:40 am

    Name: Yoshitoki Takimoto
    Age: Takimoto apparents and is 16 years old. He has just recently died and joined the Soul Society.

    Physical Appearance: Takimoto is 1,76 meters tall, with not a very good body build, him being slim and not being made of much muscle mass. He has dark green eyes which change to a brighter tone in the clearest of days, turning darker in the most gloomy, rainy ones. He has short and bright brown hair, it being a bit a messy. Taki has a distinctive scar from the left side of his chin down to his chest's left side, it crossing that nipple.

    Personality: The teenager is always thoughtful, especially of his friends and loved ones. He has a slightly philosophical and complex character, but does not stray away from the simplicity of the teenager mind of wanting to change the world and sometimes dividing the world into Good and Evil, not even thinking about the grey area in between. Takimoto can get quite annoying sometimes, but that is for his recurrent fear of being alone. Although annoying, he is quite shy when talking to a woman. Having very little experience on the human world when it came to them, Takimoto blushes when around a girl to the point of even being silenced! One who doesn't know him would think that was quite impossible to achieve. The young man is a fast learner and resilient fighter, not easilly giving up from a set goal. However, due to his deep laziness, a goal must be something truly important for him, or he will not see that thing as meaningful and simply... Enjoy the fresh and relaxing touch of the grass on his body.
    Although having some... Poor qualities... Takimoto strongly believes in loyalty and honor, taking a special praise for Bravery and Friendship, two valours he will never let go.


    Yoshitoki Takimoto's background is quite small. Although a brilliant student, the teenager's laziness took the best of him, Taki passing through each grade with... Not very impressive grades. Who blamed him? For the teenager, school was a complete "bummer", with nothing to do but be seated in a chair for a whole day. His interests were in writing and exploiting the spirit's functions, a true follower of Konfuncionism. He also gained a fascination by the wolf, which he looked at as being a noble and proud animal of the world.

    Life at home was also quite... Takimoto's family was not very talkative, quite the contrary. There were many times awkward moments of silence. Sometimes the young boy simply wanted to scream in despair to break the silence, which echoed painfully in his ears. In the latest years of his life in the human world, Takimoto came to be an exiled, locked away in his room.

    Death and Rebirth: A Home Found in the Soul Society

    Takimoto's death was pretty... Awkward to say the least. Strolling through the dark streets one night, he felt a puncturing wound in his backs, a blade reaching his spin. His eyes shutted immediatly as he stumbled to the ground... Dead. When he came to his senses, Takimoto was now a lost soul, one that had lost its way.

    Did the Yoshitoki have honey? Was there something about his scent that called terrible lurkers of the night, Hollows? He spent the next days, probably weeks, running from monstrousity after monstrousity, not finding his peace. After so much time in suffering and pain, Takimoto was at the brink of becoming a monster himself when another Hollow appeared, ready to devour the teenager. Losing hope, Taki simply stood there. He closed his eyes, hoping that this was over quickly. However, something was wrong... There was silence... When the boy opened them again, a tall man stood before him, wielding a great sword. A shinigami! That shinigami brought Takimoto to the Sou Society... In the Yoshitoki's mind and soul... He was brought home.

    Current Day:

    Takimoto has just now entered the 7th Division as a Recruit. Although a bit shabby on his Shinigami skills, the young teenager has a goal set on his mind: to be one of the best Soul Reapers and protect the Human World and the Seretai... Even if that means sacrificing his own life!
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:27 pm

    Great story Taki very original. Good job. :D
    7th Division
    7th Division

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Takimoto-kun Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:54 pm

    thank you ;D
    1st Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:39 pm

    Also guys don't spam up the area. :) Thank you.
    1st Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:14 am

    Name: Dawn

    DOB: December 22nd (the year is currently unknown

    Born in SS: Yes

    Physical Appearance: Dawn is very young teenage girl, she weighs in about 115 and her height is maybe 5 feet. She is every guys dream, the normal size, big breast teen age girl. She had long black hair the she often left out, though sometimes in tough battles she is known to tie it up with a purple ribbon. Dawn was unique when it comes to styling her Shinigami uniform. She often changes it style, one day she could be wearing a short black kimono with a white obi tied around her waist, and the next she could be wearing black mini shorts and the top of her shinigami uniform. Though one outfit she favored was a similar to a Gothic Lolita, but shorter with black slippers. She is known for wearing purple gloves on her hands, her reason isn't just style but to aid her when fighting hand to hand

    Personality: Beside the gothic outfits she wore, Dawn was a very happy go lucky girl. She loves causing trouble, when trouble isn't really needed. In battle Dawn is very playful, she never really takes her battles seriously because she thinks everything is a game. She has yet to realize she could lose her life if she doesn't play her cards right. Dawn is a caring person, she often cares for her members more then she cares for herself.

    Dawn has still more to learn, she comes off ditzy and crazy but she knows how to deal with battles. On an emotional level Dawn can take a turn for the worse, even though she doesn't have memories of what happened to her family she does have flashbacks. When her flashbacks oocur she can become an emotional wreck, she can't handle her emotions to well.

    Beside her issues Dawn is looked at like a little kid, though she hates it she gets over it and acts like a captain.

    Life in Soul Society:

    Dawn was born in the Soul Society, and barely has any memories of her family. She does remember bits and pieces, she knows she was apart of a clan, it wasn't a higher noble clan but it was a lower noble clan. But the worse was when her family was killed, by who, is still unclear yet. When her family was killed she was very young, but she was found by her old captain, Haji. Haji took Dawn under his wing and taught her from there.

    Life in the academy::
    Life in the academy was hard, she was constantly teased bout her skills with a zanpakto. She excelled in Kido and Hand to hand but failed in fighting with her zanpakto. There was no point in fighting with a zanpakto if she had excelled in other combat. The teachers constantly told her she would graduate if she just learned how to use a zanpakto. But that's when Haji stepped in and told her teachers to leave her alone and to let her graduate. With Haji's help Dawn became the Vice Captain of the 7th Division.

    Life As a Vice Captain:
    Dawn's life wasn't very hard as a Vice Captain, she played around and never got to do her work. She also never fought but when it came time to wipe recruits into shape, well that is where she shined the brightest at. She gave encouragement to the recruits, and worked them hard. Shortly after Dawn was appointed Vice Captain, Haji thought it was his time to leave. He left saying goodbye to Dawn, she was heartbroken and never wanted to be separated from her captain but it happened.

    Weeks later Dawn was appointed the new 7th Division captain.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:15 am

    Great job taicho I really enjoyed reading your work. You are going to be great. :D
    1st Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:50 am

    Thank you so much Ken, I've had a lot of practice with writing my fanfics.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:12 am

    Really where can I read them??
    1st Division
    1st Division

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:19 am

    I have some on my blog if you are interested then here is the link.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:28 am

    Yea thanx ill read them.
    1st Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:30 am

    Okay knock yourself out, I'm on chapter 13.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:35 am

    Ok. I'll get back to you with feed back. :D
    1st Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dawn Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:36 am

    lol, tell me the feedback in the HQ, we are spamming up this place.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:48 am

    Yupp no problem taicho. I was actually about to say that.
    Desiru Seyrokuri
    Desiru Seyrokuri

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Desiru Seyrokuri

    Post by Desiru Seyrokuri Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:48 pm

    Name: Desiru Seyrokuri (Her last name was changed as a show of honor.)

    DOB: Sometime in mid December(though she hates the cold) She is in her late fifties, possibly late sixties.

    Born in SS: no

    Physical Appearance:
    Dessi(As she often refers to herself as) stand at only 5'4 with a figure that's usually always covered up in robes, either customary or otherwise. Slim and lithe, though its a wonder due to her odd eating habits. She has thick, dark, ebony hair that is partly done in a bun while the other side, usually the right, hangs loose to about her shoulder length. Her skin is a fine olive tone. Her eyes a startling teal color. She sports half a hollow's mask over the right side of her face. Of course its only a replica of the face of the Hollow that had murdered the only person who ever inspired her. It's a constant reminder of the darkness in one's heart, and the goal she had set in life. Usually she allows her hair to cover such a thing to avoid sneers and odd comments. Often sporting a serious or bored expression. When not on the battle field or in training she usually sports bright, flamboyant colored kimono's, just because she gets a kick out of peoples reactions.

    Desiru is a pretty laid back kinda girl, when it comes to other people's problems that is. She is kind, to a point and doesn't take kindly to back talk or sass. Thought she's pretty good at holding her tongue, she constantly writes out her transgressions on paper rather then act them out. She finds it hard to work under pressure, often misjudging a situation or person in general. tending to lash out quickly before making friends. But once she has settled in, D is often one to help a friend when they're down, offering a tentative ear and pat on the back. As for love, she never found the right reasons to care for someone beyond friendship.

    She is an avid believer in Phantom Cleavage. Often waking up and wondering why her cup size's change, which is constantly a prank pulled on her by fellow recruits. She's not the cleanest person, unless its her own things, then she will often fall into an OCD like state where everything must be perfect and well kept. She enjoys a story or game of cards over picking fights, though she's not afraid to share friendly scuffles with team mates. And after moments such as these she will immediately go over the battle in her head, judging this and that, picking at the scenario to see what could have been done and what she had done wrong. Yes, she could be a bit of a perfectionist in some ways.

    But when its all said and done she loves quiet moments sitting under a tree, listening to the wind and anyone who needs someone to talk to.

    Fun Facts About Desiru:

    1.) She loves the smell of Coffee, or coffee like beverages, but hates the bitter taste.

    2.) She loves sugar cubes, and is often nestled beside a tree or near the training grounds enjoying a few cubes of that sugary goodness. She's been known to go into a withdrawl like state if she goes without her little square stress releivers.

    3.) She makes a pleadge every morning and every night to a man she never knew, but had changed her life for the best.

    4.) Loves spiced tea and mint leafs.

    5.) She is terribly afraid of puppets.

    6.) Loves birds.

    Human Life:

    She can recall little of her past life, only that she had some siblings, and nothing more.

    Life in Soul Society:

    Waking to a world that never cared for her Dessi was always in a bitter mood. Watching as everyone around her struggled, and for who and what? The Soul Society that did nothing to help her and her adoptive family. Early in her existence she left home, hoping to find a place where she could be accepted with warmth and cheer instead of pain and poverty. Completely unaware of her spiritual abilities, and it was this factor that lead her to run into a real life Hollow. Alone in the middle of nowhere, she thought she would finally meet her end.

    And sadly she was willing to face it. At the last moment she was rescued by the brave and hardly known Yiegi Seyrokuri. A low ranking Soul Reaper who happened to be in the right place at the right time. Though the Hollow itself was weak, it was more then enough for the rookie Soul Reaper. And so Desiru watched the chaos unfold before her, and she could not look away. She watched, as this unnamed hero fought for her, a nobody. And she found herself, for the first time in years, weeping for a man she never knew and never will. As he lay in her arms, dying as the Hollow faded into oblivion by the fabled swords these warriors used, he smiled up at her. There was no remorse or grief in his soft navy blue eyes. All that had mattered to him was that she was safe.

    She could only ask him one thing at this point, 'why?' He would only respond by giving her his name before he faded into the eternal sleep. From that moment on she vowed to live on with his noble name and hone her skill. Turning to the world of the Soul Reapers, enrolling in the Shinigami Acadmy with all intention of becoming the best to serve those who could not serve themselves.

    Life in the Shinigami Academy:

    Her time at the Academy was one she would rather forget. Clumsy and unskilled, she usually finished last in her class, as she was so completely blown away by it all. Of course just for the first year or two. After that she began to show skill in hand to hand, as well as moderate sword skill. Pulling out some impressive skill with Kido, but she avoided it at all cost. Falling more into the roll of follower along the lines, she finally found herself within the ranks of 7th division, and hopes she will prove herself to her hero and quite possibly the only man she ever loved.

    Current Life:

    Dessi is enjoying the life of a low level soul reaper of the 7th division, but she has big plans ahead of her. Making as many friends as she could, though she's finding it difficult to keep her mouth shut about less savory members of the force. Working hard every day and tending to the wild birds around her home.
    Empowered soul

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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by KenTakeo Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:59 pm

    That's exactly what I expected from you Dessi. A great story from a great role player. I really love the story. I hope you post a lot more and get involved because I know that you can be an attribution to BD.

    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:48 am

    Name: Kit Aizen - No Relation to former captain Sousuke Aizen
    DOB: unknown
    Born in SS: No
    Physical Appearance: Kit is about 5 foot 4 feet tall. She weighs about 99 pounds and she is 13 years old. She has medium long black hair and crimson gold eyes. She has a tattoo of a death butterly on her left ankle.
    Personality: Kit is very shy. When she meets new people, she tries her best to get away so she don't have to stay around.
    Human Life:
    Kit Aizen
    When Kit was a human, she hated everything. When she was a child, she was abused by her father all the time. So she took her anger out on everyone. One day, her father got seriously angry for no reason. He pulled out a gun, shot her in the chest then turned the gun and shot himself.
    Life in Soul Society:
    Kit was found by a mysterious woman. She didn't know who she was because of her memory being gone. She didn't even know when she was born. All she knew was that her name was Kit and her age. She was raised by the mysterious woman and to her surprise, it was good. She grew up with her until she was old enough to go to the shinigami academy.
    Life in the Shinigami Academy:
    Kit Aizen
    Kit was accepted into the academy quickly. She trained every day she would try her best and pass her classes. She made many friends while in the academy and as they got to graduation, they were seperated. They all went there seperate ways. She doesn't know where they are at this day.
    Current Life:
    She has recently found out that she had an older brother. She doesn't know who he his but she is trying to find him. She joined the 7th division to see if it would further her searches.
    8th Division
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    7th Division Officer Database Empty Re: 7th Division Officer Database

    Post by Dragonrider Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:15 am

    Name: Harunobu Kodji

    Age: 135 (Looks about 17)

    Born in SS: No

    Appearance: Cody looks like a teenager of average height, and slightly above average weight. This extra weight, however, is muscle rather than fat, yet it doesn't really show unless exposed. He has a relatively attractive face and emerald green eyes that are usually hidden by his brown sunglasses. He is always seen wearing his trademark black fedora over his brown hair, and a candy cigarette in his mouth. In addition to his uniform, Kodji also wears a blue piece of cloth tied around his right wrist, a blue scarf, and the aforementioned sunglasses and fedora.

    Personality: In one word, Kodji is friendly. Very frendly. During his time in the Soul Society, he has gotten to know many of the Shinigami, and a few vice-captains. It should also be noted that Kodji is a bit of a flirt, and has had his share of relationships in the Seireitei. Needless to say, Kodji loves a good time, be it a party or a few drinks with some friends. But when he has work to do, he will try and get things accomplished as best he can in the shortest time he can. He also keeps to himself when it comes to his problems, and keeps his feelings bottled up until he can't take it anymore, often disappearing for a day or more, although some have guessed that he goes to the human world to sort things out in his head.

    History: Kodji was born in Western Japan, in a small suburban town. His mother died when he was three, while giving birth to his younger brother. Soon after his mother died, his father spiraled into a deep depression, eventually becoming an alcoholic. Most nights he would come home wasted and pass out on the couch, but other nights he would wake up and beat Kodji's little brother after he had gone to sleep, telling him it was "all his fault". One night, however, his father went too far, and his brother's screams woke him up. It was too late, though, because his father had broken multiple bones and ruptured a few of his vital organs, and even the doctors couldn't help him. To make sure that Kodji wouldn't rat him out, his father left him in a dense brush near a mountain, and Kodji died after two days, cold and hungry.

    Soon after, he woke up in the exact same place in the forest as where he had blacked out, only this time, there was a strange chain attached to his chest that ended in the ground. He tried pulling it out, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it. Seeing as he was stuck there, he decided to wait for someone to come for him. But what came was not a policeman or a hiker. It was a monster with a white mask that was more than five times his size. Unable to run, Kodji closed his eyes and waited to get eaten by the monster, but after about thirty seconds, he opened his eyes to see the monster dead in front of him. Standing above it was a man in a black kimono with a sword standing atop the monster. Kodji asked him who he was and what was going on, but the strange man just told him "You'll find out soon." He then found himself in a wild-west style town. A few years passed and Kodji found the answers to all of his questions, except for who the man that saved him was. All he knew was that he was part of the Gotei 13, so he enlisted.

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