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    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
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    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:22 pm

    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won,
    whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

    ~ Sun Tzu The Art of War

    Before you here on this mountain stands; the Impregnable Bastion of the 11th Division:
    Here stands,

    Shuì Jiào Lóng

    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng 376340775_c89255956b

    High Above the 11th division, only accesible by two routes, stands a fortress that dominates the landscape;
    The great Shuì Jiào Lóng, or, "Sleeping Dragon"

    This proud monument boosts a self sustaining water supply, as well as many storehouses which will keep the 11th supplied during a prolonged seige. In fact, the enemy attacking will most likely run short of supplies long before the Bastion does.

    As stated, there are two ways upon which to enter the Bastion.

    The first is a small cart path which leads to the western wall. This path can be used to reach the fortress, but is of little military use, as an army would have to funnel itself together to move swiftly up to it, which as any tactician would be aware of, make yourself an easy target for the castles defenses.

    At the top of this path, where it meets the outer wall gate, there are four Abalisks, two on each side, that make for a most painful experience.
    He is a blueprint for them:

    As you can see, they fire a multi barrage of arrows, and are fixed to assualt anything within two hundred feet of the outer gate. They are manned by four guards each, and can be reloaded with tremedous speed.

    This approach to the castle also has one last trick;
    Just before arriving at the grounds in front of the gate, one must cross a small bridge:

    As you can see, it is rope. This is also a tactical advantage, as it can be easily cut, to prevent crossing.

    All in all, this route is inaccessable without being allowed.

    The second route is much, much worse.

    The seond means by which one may enter the bastion is through a series of maze like tunnels which lead up from the 11th division HQ to the bastion. However, before you rush in to try and come up, you should be aware of this;

    As I said the pathway is a maze, and it's tunnels go on for many, many miles in all directions, but to make matters worse, a Kidou has been placed over it.

    While members of the 11th can simply use the paths to take them up, for intruders what they find will shock them more; the maze will rotate itself according to the chinese calender, thus the paths will seem to be in constant motion. Through the maze are several very vicious traps; everything from simple modified Pungy pits

    To more sophisticated explosive traps, that use black powder to detonate.

    If someone should be so lucky as to finally reach the entrance to the small grounds in front of teh eastern gate, they will be greeted by more abalisks, as well as a Riflemen which patrol the bastion walls.


    These soldiers are on full alert at all times, even when the bastion is unoccupied. They maintain the fortress and keep the storehouses full, as well as the wells working. The use matchlock rifles:

    each wall has 3 battalions of 40 riflemen each. These guards were standard armor uniforms:

    Backing up these riflemen are 4 battalions of archers per wall, with 60 men to each battalion.

    This bastion is the most secure and imposes fortress in all of seireitei. It is a last resort for the 11th division, and all of seireitei, in the event of impending attack.

    All those who wish to challenge it's mighty walls should remember this; beware not just of the bastion, for even in the unlikely event you can make your way to the grounds, you will be cut down before you even reach the walls.

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47321

    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty Re: The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:41 pm

    *taking the keys, Haji makes his way up to the great Bastion...

    He greats the guards as he arrives; with a nod of his head they bow to him before making way his path to walk.

    Haji walks to the great doors and unlocks them turning both keys at the same time to release the massive lock.

    with a thunderous click the lock gives way and the doors press forward under his gentle push...

    He turns in the entrance way and waves with his hand, as many of his subordinates began moving large crates up the path way into the bastion.

    Haji supervises as the crates are brought in, and once the last one is inside, he pushes the doors closed behind him, to begin his work...*
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47321

    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty Re: The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:01 pm

    *After what seemed like days, Haji surfaces from the entrance of the great bastion;
    His associates in tow.

    He passes by guards, and with proper greetings both ways, he begins the decent down the slope.

    As he walks away, his mind drifts to the events ongoing, and what must be done;

    He thinks*

    ~ Well that should get things here mostly in order, but it's not ready just yet.
    A little more work, and we will be ready to make the move...
    Empowered soul

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    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty Re: The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by JennyReika Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:10 am

    *Jenny walks into the bastion and looks around, her Chanel sunglasses covering her eyes, arms folded*

    "So, do you think we will be ready soon, Haji? Just wondering how your progress is. I know youve been working out here for a few days now and such... wanted to make sure everything is going as planned."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47321

    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty Re: The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by Haji Yukimura Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:55 am

    "Why Taichou, you startled me..

    Yes things are moving according to plan;
    Quite smoothly actually.

    I've already installed several SST's in the main room to provide assistance in treating any wounded, and soon we will make the move of the 4th here.

    Truth be told, I'm not sure who all will remain behind, so I am not sure who needs to be here as well.."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47321

    The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng Empty Re: The Great Bastion of Shuì Jiào Lóng

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:55 pm

    *Under the cover of darkness, Haji returns to the Bastion. He is carrying several small packages in his hand, followed by three other cloaked figures carrying packages as well.

    The men enter through the main gate, and pass by the guards.

    Once the door closes; sounds of mechanics can be heard ringing off the walls, and drifting outside into the night...

    Several hours pass by, and No sign of the men or their work is seen outside...

    More time passes...

    Finally Haji and his men emerge from the entrance;

    Softly he speaks some words to them, and one by one the vanish into the night; their speed remarkable even for shinigami...

    Folding his arms behind his back, he strolls away from the locked doors of the bastion; Looking out into nothing as he passes*

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