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    A Walk Around The Town

    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:51 am

    Hazama arrived in Karakura for the first time by himself since becoming 4th seat of 3rd Division, the town barely resembled anything from when he was alive. Hazama could feel several different energies in the town, shinigami, hollow and several others that seemed different. Hazama found himself wondering around the roof tops looking at the people that would never see him or the world that lay beyond or at least see and not remember what they were in life. Hazama remembered that there was a bar hidden deep inside the alleyways that catered to "his kind of people" Hazama walked in and the bartender a fullbring that went by the name "Bob" nodded as Hazama entered the building and took a seat in the corner. A barmaid walked over with Hazama's drink, she smiled and walked away Hazama did not know her name or how she came to work here. He looked out at the people that were there, it was quiet only 4 other patrons in the building but the night was still young.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Senetue Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:07 am

    One of the patrons of the rather desolate bar had stirred very slightly from the glass of whiskey that had been laid in front of him by the bartender. Soft green eyes watched the new addition to the small group at the bar as he entered and found a seat in the corner after a brief nod from the bartender. Green returned to the amber liquid which swirled around in the glass before it slowly rose to his lips and he lightly began to suckle on the glass. His mouth closed as a good portion of what remained of his drink had ended up in his mouth. A sort of grainy wood like taste filled his mouth as he swallowed it and released a sigh of both irritation and pleasure. Times had been harder on him since his separation of his 'Master' and those who he considered close friends had broken away from him. His black trench coat hugged his body as he tilted his hat down further over his face. His eyes locking onto the newcomer from beneath the brim of his straw hat. Even though physically it would be hard to tell him staring at the man but surely the man could 'feel' the empty stare on him. More of a stare of curiosity than animosity he was merely sizing up the newer addition to himself and the others in the room.

    Rank : Séptima
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Kyouga Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:57 am

    Kyouga would intrude on this interesting little party to have a glass of a very dry wine, and sat next to Sentue. It was also very apparent that the scent of blood he exhaled was strong, despite the fact that his person wasn't stained with any liquid at all. Most people would refer to him as a sadistic cannibal, but he was only expressing his own nature. "I hope your day was better than mine." he finally said to Senetue as he stared at the shinigami.
    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:47 am

    Hazama had finished his drink rather quickly when he began to feel like someone was watching him, somehow he had missed the person in the straw hat when he entered but now he noticed him. Hazama looked back at the man and another person came and sat next to him, so Hazama stood up and approached them.

    hello strangers, perhaps I could get you a drink anything you'd like I am friends with the bartender

    Hazama looked back toward the bar and got the bartender's attention and the same girl from earlier came over.

    can I get another usual and whatever my friend here would like

    The girl looked at the man in the straw hat and the other man waiting for their answer...

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Senetue Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:27 am

    His eyes slowly pulled away from the Shinigami as he felt a familiar presence to his side. His eyes slowly turned to look at Kyouga before a soft huff from deep down in his body and a roll of his eyes caused him to look away. His ears twitched very slightly to Kyouga's words as he put forward the hope that his day was better than his had been. "Besides still being able too locate my arm and not having seen most of you guys in a while. Been rather peachy today." He said, his eyes once again trained on Kyouga before they turned back towards the Shinigami who had begun moving. His eyes locked onto the figure as he wandered over to both himself and Kyouga as well as stating hello. His eyes looked at the stranger for a moment before looking at Kyouga as the woman wandered over to both of them to get what they wanted to drink. "You know how I am... Days without Claire are rather dreadful and dreary." He said, looking back to the barmaid as he lifted his hat to reveal his face to the world.

    The three slashes across his left eye seemed to throb and glow slightly as blood slowly trickled from each one and he merely sighed. "If it's on him... I would like what ever you have that is the strongest..." He merely stated, turning his eyes to the stranger as he pointed to him with a quick gesture of his finger and a quick glace. "If it isn't... Go ahead and give me more whiskey."
    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:40 am

    Hazama laughed slightly at the remark about it being on him.

    yes its on me, I have a deal with the bartender so anything I order I get pretty much for free

    Hazama looked at the barmaid that was waiting for the rest of the orders then he leaned forward and looked over at the other "person" sitting next to the straw hat "man"

    well are you gunna order anything my friend?
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:13 am

    (Hope you don't mind if I enter? Haven't RPed in a while... If my responses are slow please feel free to skip my turn if I fail to reply within the next day of posting... Here I will be playing the parts of both my accounts Mike/funny guy and Jintaro)

    The powerful stench of a freshly lit Cuban cigar slowly filled the bar up, two extremely large figures entered the bar, the first man who entered stood at a rough Hieght of 6"6, he was a muscular man with rough stubble on his jaw, a deep thick scar going down his left eye and stopping just above his cheek bone. This man was dressed in a full shinigami uniform however he had what looked like a hooded white captains haori with the symbol of a fox on the from left pocket side and a large symbol on the back.

    This man walked in, his footsteps heavy which would bring silence to the room, his jacket allowed for him to conceal his spiritual pressure so his actual strength was un determined. On his left side of his waist he helded his two sealed zanpacktous, this man looked pretty rough and looked as if he had been through a few wars or worse, he spoke out and said to the man by the bar.

    "Seeing as you're inviting everyone to a drink me and my friend here will have a cold glass of beer."

    Michael walked down and around the bar to be seated at the back corner of the bar, one the bars darkest parts due to the lack of light in that certain area. The most that could be seen from Michael was his body and the light that was shed from his cigar after taking a puff each time, small clouds of smoke would float around in the area he was seated in.

    The being that walked in with Michael was roughly 6ft tall large being who wore a hood that caused a shadow to cover his face, the being also wore gloves so its hands could not be seen, he sat down in the same area as Michael, he was dressed just as Michael was but with only one zanpaktou by his side, This man stayed silent from the rest of the people and would only speak to Michael at certain times.

    Michael scanned the place with his eyes and looked over to all the people around, he noticed how Both Kyouga and Senetue both beings whome he has fought in daring and deadly battles. He smirked as he remembered the battles of the past he continued on to leaning back in the corner he was in, raise his feet up onto the table and puff on his strong cigar which would become shorter with each toke.

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Kyouga Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:33 pm

    Kyouga kept himself silent until Michael came into the room and he quickly downed the wine quickly in an attempt to stay calm. Kyouga then ordered the strongest stuff they had in stock and knew exactly how strong Michael was. Yet, the other guy seemed to be different in some way. "Michael, would you like to introduce your companion to us?" Kyouga said respectfully to the man.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Jintaro Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:07 pm

    The man who has a hood over his head and a shadow covering his face spoke out in a formal British accent.

    "Greetings... I am Jintaro Dangarta... I do apologise for the foul attitude of my accomplis.. I would show you my face however this is not really the most suitable place for me to show it."

    The being looked over to Kyouga, a yellow glow from his eyes could be shown through the shadow which directed their vision straight to the man that was speaking.

    "And you must be Kyouga... I've heard many things about you and I've also heard of the battles you have had in the past... Especially with this one" referring to Michael at that point.

    "I've seen the after mass of what once was a well built city, turned into meer rubble and stones from a vicious and out of control battle from the two of you... Heh... And they call me an animal..."

    Jintaro made a small joke there... Since he is actually a Panda man... Or a Pandorian, he kept himself to the shadows and awaited a response.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Senetue Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:35 pm

    Senetue merely sat there, his eyes staring ahead as if locked onto some sort of distant item or memory which danced through his head. The sound of rather loud footsteps brought him back to reality, his eyes glancing down to his glass as he heard a voice speak up. A soft sigh came from his lips as the last bit of whiskey that remain entered his gullet. It was like a parade of people whom he didn't wish to meet again were just dancing through the door. What he wouldn't give to have that sharp witted little brat of an Espada to come in or Claire to be here. At least then the place would be either a little more lively with games or a constant battle of insults being flung back and forth. Though he guessed he would have to be sated with having Kyouga here as a form of emotional punching bag that he could ridicule.

    He listened intently to both Kyouga and the rather mysterious individual speak before he decided to voice his own words. "Well well... If it isn't Michael. I though I felt an over-bearing sense of stupidity walk through the door just now." He said, sitting back on the stool as he crossed his arms and allowed his green eyes to glance towards the muscle bound fool. "I thought they kept things like you chained away in Soul Society... I figure you had to fight very hard with the doorway to get out." He said, huffing softy as he was allowing his rather sour mood get the best of him. "Surprised you didn't blow this door open trying to figure how to open it... Or rather tear the entire doorway from the wall trying to walk through it." He said, a small little smirk on his face as his eyes tunneled into the man smoking his cigar. It seemed he didn't care much about anyone else in the room anymore other than Michael at this point.
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Funnyguy339 Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:23 am

    Post order goes as follows:
    (Who ever else wishes to join follows this order)
    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:41 am

    OCC: thats what I was gunna suggest, sorry I didnt respond sooner been working like crazy.

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Bleachc15 Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:24 am

    As dawn quickly a approached a boy could be seen walking down the streets of his neighborhood, heading to school. Morning time was vicious, even for a morning commuter such as himself. Countless times, he wished school would begin after noon with no prevail. The boy could be seen dressed in a school uniform although since he detested the dress code, his white collared shirt was kept untucked. He really hated school but he knew he had to go because graduating High School meant he could get a decent job and move out of his parent's house. Since he was quite a rebellious teenager, this was his goal since the day he turned 16.

    The walk to school didn't take very long. He actually had to take a much faster route so he would arrive there on time. Waiting there at the doors were his two best friends: Iono and Suki. Despite his child-like features in his face, Iono is the oldest one of the bunch and often shows it. Although he is but a year older he is still in the same class as the other two. Suki, in her own way, is spontaneous and creative. She is capable making a bad situation good, weening out all the positives. Both of them keep him very centered.

    "Hey what's, Sukira!" Suki greeted Sukira as he walked up to them.

    "Sup, guys! How was your weekend?"

    Now walking to the steps of the school, they sat there among other students in his class, waiting to ring. His intentions were to get there before he was late when in actuality his cell phone was 20 minutes fast. Sukira was upset that it meant he had awoken 20 minutes early than he was suppose to but that didn't matter anymore. He was already at school.
    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:43 am

    Hazama looked around at the odd collection of people that had gathered, having had limited interaction with anything other than shinigami and hollows he sat back and listened to the others talk before finally speaking up..

    now now guys we are all here for good times and good drinks no need to bring in old grudges but stories are always good

    The young girl that was serving the drinks came back and delivered the drinks that were ordered.
    Demon King
    Demon King

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Pythia Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:37 am

    Pythia appeared in the area. This was an extreme rare occasion... the overlord ruler of hell and hueco mundo and also the former Squad 5 Captain appeared here in a bar in karakura town.

    Pythia walked swiftly through the streets, his hands in his pockets and a devilish smirk on his face, his shoes tapping the ground as he walks, he was dressed elegantly as always in a fine tailored suit with shoes to fit the occasion.

    He tracks down the location of all these powerful beings as he would walk around. He stepped into the bar that they were in and walked in slowly, he looked around and smirked as he saw a few of his creations and beings who would be considered "Former Allies."

    "My my... what an Interesting collection we have here..."

    He looked around and then said... "What would two Espadas... and several shinigami be doing in the same place and not killing each other? especially when these two shinigami are just above Captain level... and these Espada's powerful enough to be considered God's to anyone weaker than they are?"

    He looked round as the scent of Cigar attracted his attention. He looked over to see the brute Michael Shichirou sitting next to a being who was covered from head to toe.

    "Well if it isn't the one and only Buffoon King... the Brute who slaughtered the entire Eleventh Division, Raised the sixth division, took down over half the squads in the Soul Society and still managed to break out of prison using brute force... Michael "Kenpachi" Shichirou, former Squad 6 Captain and current leader of the Shichirou Clan."

    Pythia's glare went over to Kyouga.

    "Ahh... and Kyouga... one of my many Espada creations... cowering in the corner at the presence of Michael... come now... simply because he beat you to a pulp and nearly killed you doesn't mean you must cower... It means you must Raise up and gain back what little sense of Pride you pathetic excuse of an Espada has... ah... and Senetue... it's good to see you once more, at least someone here shows a sense of pride!"
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Zatoichi Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:12 am

    Finding a bit of leisure time and sneaking out away from other senior captains as most were having their bi weekly discussion on what to do with the rebuilt of the gotei after its bloody history having repeated itself so many times over. Shaken from all the horrific nightmares and countless bodies falling has given majority that are still around an uneasy feeling a motto of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Zatoichi who had transferred from squad 7 to fill in for squad 11 after its entire squad was annulated by Mike a wild card knuckle head with too much free time that he felt to destroy everything. Though Zatoichi had never gone further deep into the archives of all that past history to find out why as he really had never cared to hear or give too shits of any reason to want to know.

    Zatoichi led the seventh for a short period of time and even though he wasn’t around long enough to be a lifelong captain he took in the scenery quite well but also shook the members of his underlining attitude of being to stern and driven to complete perfection from everyone including his former vice captain. Having be reassigned to take over squad eleventh, Zatoichi’s first order of business was to completely flush out all traces of the history of the kenpachi’s having taken a long side quest he sought out only the former captains and killed every single one in cold blooded murder but even though he could not kill some as they were either too far off the map or have been killed by others. After much needed time away he came back to take care of the last bit he thought was needed. Doing so swiftly and with ease and without so much as even thinking twice, Zatoichi raised his sword and cut his former vice captain’s head clean off and burned his barracks to make it look like a simple accident caused by smoking and drinking. Despite nobody ever coming to the squad elevens barracks it was so easy to rebuild those quarters and make it look like it never happened.

    Having never told anyone nor mentioning neither his killings of all former squad eleven retired captains or their status afterwards nor the mentioning of his vice captain, Zatoichi remained a saint in the eyes of his peers and so the deceiving of them had begun in a small dose. Though too much discussion with his senior peers can drive him to fall asleep and be yelled at for stupid crap. So sometimes he would sneak off mid breaks and venture out toward the human world to take some rest and relaxation.

    Finding a bar near Karakura Town, the shinigami though was invisible to most generalized parties being humans and spiritually aware who only could feel not see the impossible. Still was quite seeable by others such as the polar opposite called Hollows or Espada’s and even some further beyond them could sense and see everything the naked eyes of the living just could not comprehend or understand.

    Taking note very quickly one such officer of squad three Hazama who he has had plenty of conversations with in the passing as well a few in the Shinigami Academy with the students. And also notes of seeing a few unlikely others whom he can recall meeting if for a mere moment in the past. His first reactions were always those of someone who flat out could give a flying fuck what they thought of themselves. With a small smile and chuckle laugh he glanced toward the two who stuck out like sore thumbs and rolled his eyes as he carried on walking deeper into the bar to see more familiar faces all over.

    “Not really to surprised of Mike being here let alone Panda-man Jintaro Dangarta,” Zatoichi shows his respects even still and waves toward them with uncertain real favor for their beliefs or thoughts but because he was short lived associated with them in the Shichirou Clan. Finding a seat across the ways of the one and only overlord of Hell Pythia who looked more like a model with that lean but slender physique as some would mistaken him for a girl at a glance but then again he does strike you with such an angelic bone structure in his face. Calling toward the bartender to send over a bottle of sake and some bread, Zatoichi waits as he sees a seat over next to a nearby window to get a peek at the sky above. “That is always one thing I find captivating about this human world. They have the most beautiful display of colors in the sky,”

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Senetue Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:07 am

    Senetue seemed to place a small but rather threatening glare towards the hospitable individual who was willing to purchase rounds for them all. Senetue wasn't entirely big on being told to do, even if it wasn't so much a command but rather a comment. Even though what the man said wasn't entirely forcing him to dwell on grudges, he wasn't entirely happy. A hand, or rather, his only hand rose up to his chin and gently scratched at the fuzz that was beginning to develop on his face as another individual seemed to join him. His eyes darkened as he stared down Pythia as he decided to join and comment on the gaggle of individuals. It was certainly rare for Shinigami and Espada to not fight as was brought up. Though at this point Senetue wouldn't have been surprised to have the bar detonate into a giant explosion. With the way life had been lately, everything seemed possible.

    Senetue found himself chuckling at Pythia's words as he proceeded to insult not only Michael but also commented on Kyouga being a coward. His ears perked up when Pythia called Kyouga a pathetic excuse of an Espada before grinning wickedly as he mentioned Senetue's pride.

    "But of course... Some one as myself should be filled to the brim with pride. Everyone else is practically garbage in my eyes. Though sadly I am the one who will eventually have to collect the garbage and whisk it away." He said, his eyes seemed to twinkle as he stared down Pythia before turning his eyes back to the bar as he took his drink into his hand and sip from it. In the end he practically ignored the other individual who decided to walk into the bar and join everyone. It has been had for him to adapt with the absence of Claire. It really seemed that the disappearance of the girl still affects his mood as he seemed still rather irritated with everyone around him. The only ones who he really hasn't prodded at have been Pythia now and Hazama.
    7th Division Captain
    7th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:44 am

    Hazama looked around at the now large and varied group of spiritually aware beings that had arrived, it seemed that most if not all of them had some kind of history with each other and by the amount of power that was flowing from them all it might be safer for Hazama to sit back and watch how things unfold. Hazama was surprised to see Captain Martinez outside of the Seireitei but then again he was a Captain and not only that but a strong one too so as Hazama finished his drink he looked back to the bartender and then back to the group of people

    well since I am the odd one out here anyone else want a drink?

    Hazama looked over to Captain Martinez

    how about you Captain would you like another drink?
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Funnyguy339 Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:52 am

    Michael saw as Zatochi entered the room he greeted him with a respectful nod and then turned his attention back to Pythia, he saw how he bluntly insulted Michael to his face and this enraged him slightly. Michael clenched his fist and grinned with a slight chuckle. "Heh" he cracks his neck to each of its opposite sides and then said to Pythia.

    "Ruler of hell? Creater of Espadas? The hell have you been smoking? I thought you were the captain of the fifth? You know Pythia... Because we've not spoken much in the past and you don't know me as well as others I'm going to allow you on that insult, just know that next time I'll slice your throat if you dare insult me again heh... Now shut up sit your ass down and have a drink you red headed fool!"

    Michael said this to Pythia in quite a threatening and demanding tone of voice, ther was a slight growl in his voice and a sense of anger... Which In truth wasn't a surprise since Michael is angry most of the time. He didn't know who Pythia really was, all he knew about him was that he is or was the fifth captain, other than that Michael highly underestimated Pythia.

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Grixis Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:04 am

    On a particularly regular day in Karakura town walked a strangely dressed man along the small concrete sidewalks. As he walked by the town he paid no mind to the strangers that sometimes gave him weird glances. With big yawn the man stared a small alleyway where he could feel the presence of other spirtually powerful beings. He wasn't the type to socialize but he walked down the small dark path anyways in hopes of finding a decent place to sit and relax.

    Humans for him were too energetic. Loud, and curious. If he went anywhere else people would probably question his wardrobe and stare. He stopped at a small door and stared. A regular bar it seemed. But its patrons he felt was far from regular.

    The door slowly creaked opened to reveal a relatively tall man, at 6'3", with a striking golden hair and a clean military uniform. While pushing his bangs back the door closed before him. Without even glancing at the other members of the bar he cleanly waltzed to the bartender. While sitting he lightly gave out his order. Unlike his looks his words sounded more sloppy and sleepy.

    "if you have coffee that would be great..." His eyes half closed and with another yawn he stared at the bartender.There was some tension going on in the room yet this man walked in without hesitation, with only the intent of getting something that would keep him awake.
    Demon King
    Demon King

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Pythia Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:48 am

    Pythia walks over to Where Michael was sitting, his eye glows a smokey purple colour which grips hold of the table and flings it across the room, the table skids across the ground causing a noise of grinding and crashing. This simple act begins to spook the people inside the bar since they cannot see any of the spiritual beings in the room.

    "Are you really as Stupid as you sound? Are you really just pure brute strength and no thoughts behind it?"

    Pythia extends his hand out towards Michael, his hand opened ready to perform a choke. A purple glow surrounds Michaels neck and the telekinetic grip tightens, Pythia raises his hand higher which causes Michael to lift off of his seat and have his feet a few inches of the ground. Pythia closes his hand slightly which tightens the grip on Michaels neck.

    "You believe you are so strong, so powerful you believe you can defeat anybody who comes at you? Here's a reality check, you are nothing compared to me!"

    A sinister smile comes across Pythias face as he begins to choke Michael mid air.

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Kyouga Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:46 am

    Kyouga did heed his master's words, but his actions towards his adversary sent paralyzing fear through his body. It could be amazing how you forget what fear feels like especially when you have forgotten that you died a very long time ago. Although, he wanted to show master Pythia that he could be very loyal to him, but could he ever rid himself of whatever cowardice that still gripped him?
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Zatoichi Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:39 am

    "So this is what the ruler of hell is like…funny guess the obvious is noticeable that he has a shorter fuse than Michael over there,” Zatoichi comments openly loud enough for his ears and those within the vicinity of him. Watching the display of both cowardice from one or more as well as bone crushing power this ruler of hell can put out even when he doesn’t do much of anything, though the captain of squad eleven is not here to start a fight with anyone he still doesn’t have worry to bow before no man or being beyond his understanding.

    Just watching this madness unfold he looks on like a viewer watching a good part of the movie go into a far more interesting turn of events
    7th Division Captain
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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by ShinishiNamba Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:30 am

    Hazama sighed to himself all this commotion and the night had started out so nice, he looked to Captain Martinez and followed his lead. Hazama finished his drink and motioned to the bartender for 3 more, the two beings that seemed to be involved in some disagreement and several times more powerful than himself would most likely trash the place so he would enjoy his drinks before the place was closed for repairs.

    All I wanted to do was to enjoy my drinks
    12th Division Captain
    12th Division Captain

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

    Post by Zatoichi Sat Dec 07, 2013 2:01 am

    "So Hazama when are you going to leave squad 3 now that you learned all you could from aki and join a more faster moving squad since you show potential to be a great warrior," Zatoichi clearly has no more reasons to take part in the bar as everything looks to bore the very crap out of him. Though his opportunity to try and steal aki's pupil from under her nose as she is to careless sometimes with her squad members. The eleventh captain only wishes to see what Hazama can do when thrown straight through the grinder and some.

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    A Walk Around The Town Empty Re: A Walk Around The Town

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