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Fumei Oni
6 posters

    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Fumei Oni
    Fumei Oni

    Posts : 59
    BD-cash : 4342

    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Fumei Oni Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:27 pm


                        Fumei Oni


    Fumei Oni


                        "Come now, I'm sure we can be friends, I know so much about you."

    Basic Information:

    Name: Fumei Oni
    Age: 764
    Age Appearance: 19-21ish
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: Unknown
    Rank: Captain
    Residence: Human World, Kyoto, Japan
    Fumei: Fumei is a very focused woman with driven goals. It is hard to tell if she has a true nature, as she is contently putting on a face, to suit her situation. If need be she can play victim, innocence, a force of fury, a seductress, and a stern leader. No one really knows who she is under her Geisha make-up. Most who know of her don't even think she knows who she is. No one would list loyalty as one of her attributes, nor reliability. She does what she needs to do to get her way and survive.

    Oni: Oni is a sadistic creature. It likes to play mental games as much as It likes to play with actual physical combat. Oni also speaks in an interestingly poetic manor. It believes in no boundaries. If threatening the child It is controlling or bringing up a horrid past for the foe will affect them, It will do it without a care. Empathy lays in Fumei, so It has none to spare for the enemy. This also could end bad for teammates. It will feel no pity for them, and if they are in It's way during battle, well, for It, no fucks given. 

    Your Legacy:

    Character Story:
    Human Life:

    Shinigami Life
    Her beauty was not unmatched by her intelligence. She Easily made her way through the Academy with few enemies. Her fairness and beauty negated negativity. She wore the proper face for the situation. A bubbly simple girl. She graduated with high honors, and moved on into the 2nd Division.

    For a while she served as a special member, as she could put on her Geisha attire and enter almost any ring, and taken in with love and honors. Who would suspect a beautiful performer? She couldn't even tell you one Kido to the next. Her life goal was to be beautiful. Leaders would ask for her to stay back with them after the party. For some reason when you are quite wasted and around such a beautiful creature you want to just tell it all in a hope she will sleep with you. Too bad the night simply ends with the poor man dead, and his plans exposed.

    Because she single-handedly fulfilled these missions, with few people having the knowledge that these things were even happening she silently rose through the ranks. Sadly, at third seat, her record started catching up with her. People started noticing that if you invite a particular Geisha, people start disappearing. Surrounded, she needed to do something besides using quick tricks and a pretty face. She closed her eyes, and looked deep inside herself, entering her Zanpakuto's inner world. As the enemy came to strike, her Shikai was revealed.

    “Let your chains break the silence, like your blade shall shatter their skin, Shi no Cheso!”
    Her Zanpakuto awoke with a roar and cut through her enemies. She returned to her barracks covered in blood, and her captain knew, she was ready to be Vice Captain.

    She now trained with the others, but no one else would train in full Geisha make-up and hair-dress.

    She carried out orders and lead her teammates into battle. She was trusted and highly respected throughout the Gotei 13. Not only for her fierceness in battle, but also her kind heart. Chipper sweet Fumei was always thinking of someone else. No one ever came to ask if she needed something, and she did.

    Ever since she left her human life, there was a voice in the back of her mind, Speaking. A voice that did not harbor a human tone. It was dark. She dreamed of that mask. Of some secret town. Beware the friendly stranger. It was friendly. It wanted to play with her, in that sacred town. Play hide and go seek. She never finished that game. She was scared of what waited at the end. When she was found. And that mask. She remembered that mask so vividly. Each night she could hear those chimes, those drums. Closer and closer.

    She was appointed captain as she learned of her Bankai. The old captain moved to squad 0, and she was the idealistic replacement. A wise and kind leader, full of strength and wisdom. Her joy, was short lived, however. Only till the next moon. Then, the Oni of her dreams finally caught up with her.

    Running through that secret town, she came to the center tower, where Oni was waiting. On the face of a small child, it stepped forward before her. She stood in silence as it removed the mask and placed it on her.

    Vizard Creation:

    Back outside of her dreams, the new captain was experiencing the formation of a Vizard mask. Unlike most Inner Hollows, hers was not greedy. It was created as just a mask and that is all it wished to be. Oni wanted to merge and be one with Fumei.

    In the night Fumei left the Gotei without a word to anyone, knowing that it would lead to execution. Off to the human world she went. She did not want to hate the Shinigami for wishing her death for her transformation, but Oni wanted her to. Slowly, Oni's emotions too merged with Fumei, making her a lot less kind, and a full time Geisha. Just an actress.

    In the human world she could now be seen and made her own Tea House. She trains and works beside humans with no hate that most Vizards contain. Oni held no grudge over mortals. Why would he? Mortals gave him Fumei.

    A silent and beautifully cruel vixen of darkness, Fumei continues her life in the human world, in wait for what ever was next.

    RP Sample:
    View my already made posts.

    Powers & Abilities:

    Visored Information:

    (Before being able to produce mask and use vizard abilities, proper training must be done despite membership date within group. The more training you do, the better your control is. Mask Duration will be added when Vizard is ready for RP.}

    Visored Mask:
    Hollowfication: Hollowfication is controlled up to 8 posts
    Hollow Manifestation: A strange split personality, that is more Oni than Fumei

    ~Can use Vizard bala and cero with an increased speed when mask is worn. Other changes are that Oni takes control of the body.~

    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:
    Zanpakuto Name: Toki no kusari
    Sealed Appearance:

    Name: Shi no chēnsō
    Shikai Release Phrase: “Let your chains break the silence, like your blade shall shatter their skin, Shi no Cheso!”
    Released Appearance:
    Shikai Special Ability: Fumei's Shikai's ability is that her blade's chain can go forwards or backwards in an instant to throw the foe's blade off of locking with it, so the blade can continue to attack. However, this is it's only special ability. She relies on swordsmanship and tactics, no other abilities. The only other addition made is her forearm and full hand brace, that was as strong as the Zanpakuto its self. (Look to history to view, It comes up there twice.)

    Name: Jikan o Koeta Kurokku
    Bankai Release Phrase: “As I am time's mistress reveal my immortal clock, Jikan o Koeta Kurokku”
    Released Appearance:
    Bankai Special Ability:


    Name: 1 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of Usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post.
    Description: Fumei will called out “1 O'clock”. Following this, the smallest circle on her Zanpakuto will glow. With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: MUSCLES-
    The amount of muscle tissue (muscle mass) and muscle strength tend to decrease. This process is called sarcopenia, which literally means loss of flesh. The percentage of muscle mass is typically half of what it was during The first post. Muscle mass decreases possibly because the muscles are used less and begin to shrink. Also, the levels of growth hormone and testosterone, which stimulate muscle development, decrease. Muscles cannot contract as quickly because more fast-contracting (fast-twitch) muscle fibers are lost than slow-contracting (slow-twitch) muscle fibers.

    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 2 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all efects stop.
    Description: Fumei will call out “2 O'clock” Following this, the second circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: EYES-
    The lens stiffens, making focusing on close objects harder.
    The lens becomes denser, making seeing in dim light harder.
    The pupil reacts more slowly to changes in light.
    The lens yellows, changing the way colors are perceived.
    The number of nerve cells decrease, impairing depth perception.
    The eyes produce less fluid, making them feel dry
    Loss of near vision: Most people notice that seeing objects closer than 2 feet becomes difficult. This change in vision, called presbyopia, occurs because the lens in the eye stiffens. Normally, the lens changes its shape to help the eye focus. A stiffer lens makes focusing on close objects harder. Ultimately, almost everyone with presbyopia needs reading glasses. People who need glasses to see distant objects may need to wear bifocals or glasses with variable-focus lenses.
    Need for brighter light: As people continue to age, seeing in dim light becomes more difficult because the lens tends to become less transparent. A denser lens means that less light passes through to the retina at the back of the eye. Also, the retina, which contains the cells that sense light, becomes less sensitive. So for reading, brighter light is needed.
    Changes in color perception: Colors are perceived differently, partly because the lens tends to yellow slightly with aging. Colors may look less bright and contrasts between different colors may be more difficult to see. Blues may look more gray, and blue print or background may look washed out. These changes are insignificant for most people. However, older people may have trouble reading black letters printed on a blue background or reading blue letters.
    The pupil of the eye reacts more slowly to changes in light. The pupil widens and narrows to let more or less light in depending on the brightness of the surroundings. A slow-reacting pupil means that older people may be unable to see when they first enter a dark room. Or they may be temporarily blinded when they enter a brightly lit area. Older people may also become more sensitive to glare. However, increased sensitivity to glare is often due to darkened areas in the lens or to cataracts.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 3 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “3 O'clock”. Following this, the third circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: EARS-
    Most changes in hearing are probably due as much to noise exposure as to aging. Exposure to loud noise over time damages the ear's ability to hear. Nonetheless, some changes in hearing occur as people age, regardless of their exposure to loud noise.
    As people age, hearing high-pitched sounds becomes more difficult. This change is considered age-associated hearing loss (presbycusis). For example, violin music may sound less bright.
    The most frustrating consequence of presbycusis is that words become harder to understand. As a result, older people may think that other people are mumbling. Even when other people speak more loudly, older people still have difficulty understanding the words. The reason is that most consonants (such as k, t, s, p, and ch) are high-pitched, and consonants are the sounds that help people identify words. Because vowels are lower-pitched sounds, they are easier to hear. So older people may hear “Ell me exaly wha you wan oo ee,” rather than “Tell me exactly what you want to keep.” To help, other people need to articulate consonants more clearly, rather than simply speak louder. Understanding what women and children say may be more difficult than understanding what men say because most women and children have higher-pitched voices. Gradually, hearing lower pitches also becomes more difficult.
    Many older people have more trouble hearing in loud places or in groups because of the background noise. Also, earwax, which interferes with hearing, tends to accumulate more.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 4 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “4 O'clock”. Following this, the fourth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: SKIN-
    The skin tends to become thinner, less elastic, drier, and finely wrinkled. However, exposure to sunlight over the years greatly contributes to wrinkling and to making the skin rough and blotchy. People who have avoided exposure to sunlight often look much younger than their age.
    The skin changes partly because the aging body produces less collagen (a tough, fibrous tissue that makes skin strong) and elastin (which makes skin flexible). As a result, the skin tears more easily.
    The fat layer under the skin thins. This layer acts as a cushion for the skin, helping protect and support it. The fat layer also helps conserve body heat. When the layer thins, wrinkles are more likely to develop, and tolerance for cold decreases.
    The number of nerve endings in the skin decreases. As a result, people become less sensitive to pain, temperature, and pressure, and injuries may be more likely.
    The number of sweat glands and blood vessels decreases, and blood flow in the deep layers of the skin decreases. As a result, the body is less able to move heat from inside the body through blood vessels to the surface of the body. Less heat leaves the body, and the body cannot cool itself as well. Thus, the risk of heat-related disorders, such as heatstroke, is increased. Also, when blood flow is decreased, the skin tends to heal more slowly.
    The number of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) decreases. As a result, the skin has less protection against ultraviolet.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 5 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “5 O'clock”. Following this, the fifth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: Normal Changes With Aging-

    Difficulty remembering or coming up with the right word
    Difficulty concentrating
    Difficulty learning new material
    The nerve cells in the brain release different amounts of some chemical messengers (which send impulses from cell to cell), and the number of receptors on nerve cells may decrease. Thus, the brain does not send or process impulse as well or as quickly.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 6 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “6 O'clock”. Following this, the sixth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: Physiology-

    Unsteadiness or loss of balance
    Structures in the inner ear that help with balance stiffen and deteriorate slightly.
    The part of the brain that controls balance (cerebellum) may degenerate.
    Dizziness or light-headedness when standing
    The heart does not pump enough blood to the head because the heart is less able to respond to changes in position.
    The nervous system signals the heart to increase blood flow less effectively.
    The blood vessels do not constrict enough to maintain normal blood pressure when a person stands.
    Loss of muscle strength
    The number and size of muscle fibers decrease.
    The body produces less growth hormone and (in men) less testosterone, which help maintain muscles.
    Difficulty moving
    Less flexibility
    Less joint fluid is produced.
    The cartilage between bones in joints becomes stiffer and may erode.
    Tendons and ligaments become stiffer and weaker.
    Muscle tissue is lost, replaced by fatty or fibrous tissue, decreasing strength and making muscles stiffer.
    Difficulty exercising strenuously
    The heart cannot keep up with the demand for more blood during exercise. It cannot speed up as quickly or pump as fast as it used to, partly because the heart and blood vessels become stiffer and less elastic. Also, the heart does not respond as quickly or as well to chemical messengers that normally stimulate it to speed up.
    The lungs cannot keep up with the demand for oxygen during exercise. Less air is taken in with each breath, and the lungs do not absorb as much oxygen.

    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 7 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “7 O'clock”. Following this, the seventh circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: MUSCLES OF BREATHING AND THE LUNGS-
    The muscles used in breathing, such as the diaphragm, tend to weaken. The number of air sacs (alveoli) and capillaries in the lungs decreases. Thus, slightly less oxygen is absorbed from air that is breathed in. The lungs become less elastic. In people who do not smoke or have a lung disorder, these changes do not affect ordinary daily activities, but these changes may make exercising more difficult. Breathing at high altitudes (where there is less oxygen) may also be harder.
    The lungs become less able to fight infection, partly because the cells that sweep debris containing microorganisms out of the airways are less able to do so. Cough, which also helps clear the lungs, tends to be weaker.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 8 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “8 O'clock”. Following this, the eighth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: KIDNEYS AND URINARY TRACT
    The kidneys tend to become smaller because the number of cells decreases. Less blood flows through the kidneys, they begin to filter blood less well. As years pass, they may remove waste products from the blood less well. They may excrete too much water and too little salt, making dehydration more likely. Nonetheless, they almost always function well enough to meet the body's needs.
    Certain changes in the urinary tract may make controlling urination more difficult:
    The maximum volume of urine that the bladder can hold decreases. Thus, older people may need to urinate more often.
    The bladder muscles may contract unpredictably (become overactive), regardless of whether people need to urinate.
    The bladder muscles weaken. As a result, they cannot empty the bladder as well, and more urine is left in the bladder after urination.
    The muscle that controls the passage of urine out of the body (urinary sphincter) is less able to close tightly and prevent leakage. Thus, older people have more difficulty postponing urination.
    These changes are one reason that urinary incontinence (uncontrollable loss of urine) becomes more common as people age.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 9 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “9 O'clock”. Following this, the ninth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: BLOOD PRODUCTION
    The amount of active bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, decreases. Therefore, fewer blood cells are produced. Nonetheless, the bone marrow can usually produce enough blood cells throughout life. Problems may occur when the need for blood cells is greatly increased—for example, when anemia or an infection develops or bleeding occurs. In such cases, bone marrow is less able to increase its production of blood cells in response to the body's needs.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 10 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “10 O'clock”. Following this, the tenth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: BONES AND JOINTS
    Bones tend to become less dense. Thus, bones become weaker and more likely to break. In women, loss of bone density speeds up after menopause because less estrogen is produced. Estrogen helps prevent too much bone from being broken down during the body's normal process of forming, breaking down, and re-forming bone.
    Bones become less dense partly because they contain less calcium (which gives bones strength). The amount of calcium decreases because the body absorbs less calcium from foods.  Those most affected include the end of the thighbone (femur) at the hip, the ends of the arm bones (radius and ulna) at the wrist, and the bones of the spine (vertebrae).
    Changes in vertebrae at the top of the spine cause the head to tip forward, compressing the throat. As a result, swallowing is more difficult, and choking is more likely. The vertebrae become less dense and the cushions of tissue (disks) between them lose fluid and become thinner, making the spine shorter. Thus, many older people become shorter.
    The cartilage that lines the joints tends to thin, partly because of the wear and tear of years of movement. The surfaces of a joint may not slide over each other as well as they used to, and the joint may be slightly more susceptible to injury. Damage to the cartilage due to lifelong use of joints or repeated injury often leads to osteoarthritis, which is one of the most common disorders of later life.
    Ligaments, which bind joints together, and tendons, which bind muscle to bone, tend to become less elastic, making joints feel tight or stiff. These tissues also weaken. Thus, most people become less flexible. Ligaments tend to tear more easily, and when they tear, they heal more slowly. These changes occur because the cells that maintain ligaments and tendons become less active.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 11 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts if another clock is not activated by the 4th post, all effects stop. If another is, effects continue. Next clock must be activated on 3rd post. If no one is within 70 M when activated, all effects stop.
    Description: Fumei calls out “11 O'clock”. Following this, the eleventh circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is: MOUTH AND NOSE
    Ability to taste and smell starts to gradually diminish. Both senses are needed to enjoy the full range of flavors in food. The tongue can identify only five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salt, and a relatively newly identified taste called umami (commonly described as meaty or savory). The sense of smell is needed to distinguish more subtle and complex flavors (such as raspberry).
    As people age, taste buds on the tongue decrease in number and sensitivity. This change affects tasting sweet and salt more than bitter and sour. The ability to smell diminishes because the lining of the nose becomes thinner and drier and the nerve endings in the nose deteriorate. However, the change is slight, usually affecting only subtle smells. Because of these changes, many foods tend to taste bitter, and foods with subtle smells may taste bland.
    The mouth tends to feel dry more often, partly because less saliva is produced. Dry mouth further reduces the ability to taste food.
    As people age, the gums recede slightly. Consequently, the lower parts of the teeth are exposed to food particles and bacteria. Also, tooth enamel tends to wear away. These changes, as well as a dry mouth, make the teeth more susceptible to decay and cavities (caries) and thus make tooth loss more likely.
    With aging, the nose tends to lengthen and thin, and the tip tends to droop.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 12 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: Lasts 3 posts.
    Description: Fumei calls out “12 O'clock”. Following this, the twelveth circle will glow With this, if her foe is within 70 M, they will feel its power, which is:MUSCLES OF BREATHING AND THE LUNGS
    The muscles used in breathing, such as the diaphragm, tend to weaken. The number of air sacs (alveoli) and capillaries in the lungs decreases. Thus, slightly less oxygen is absorbed from air that is breathed in. The lungs become less elastic. In people who do not smoke or have a lung disorder, these changes do not affect ordinary daily activities, but these changes may make exercising more difficult. Breathing at high altitudes (where there is less oxygen) may also be harder.
    The lungs become less able to fight infection, partly because the cells that sweep debris containing microorganisms out of the airways are less able to do so. Cough, which also helps clear the lungs, tends to be weaker.
    Downside: If another clock is not activated before time runs out, all effects stop, no matter how many clocks were built up, it does back to zero. And comrades within her radius of effect will also endure them.

    Name: 13 O'clock
    State: Bankai
    Terms of usage: This is not by choice. Each post that 12 O'clock is used, 1/3 of the 13tth circle with glow. Aftrer 12 O'clock has been in effect for 3 posts the whole circle with glow, and then all of the circles will go out. At this point Fumei can no longer use Bankai for the rest of the match. She is now stuck with a giant Scythe.
    Downside: The entriety of 13 O'clock is a downside.



    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Funnyguy339 Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:59 am

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Senetue Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:27 am

    Approved 2/2

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Rioshi Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:28 am

    Admin note: Before locking, please fix the image coding at the top ^^ Welcome to BD.
    3rd Division Captain
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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:29 am

    I'm pretty sure we don't have an ability limit right?
    The code also broke on top. Which isn't a big deal but if you want you should fix it.

    2/2 approved.
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    3rd Division Captain

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Aki_624 Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:30 am

    okay wait sorry. as i was typing this rio and senetue posted in the meanwhile like ugh guys really. make room for me. I'm more fabulous then you both okay this is spam sorry.

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    Loli Gaga
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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:48 pm

    fixed the above code somehow, welcome to BDRPG!

    -moved to approved apps-
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

    Post by Funnyguy339 Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:48 am

    You guys do realize that this is Alice's Vizard yeah?

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    Fumei Oni COMPLETE!  Empty Re: Fumei Oni COMPLETE!

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