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    Lamina Indeum Kenpachi

    11th Division Captain
    11th Division Captain

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    Lamina Indeum Kenpachi Empty Lamina Indeum Kenpachi

    Post by Lamina Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:58 pm

    I AM Shinigami warrior of god

    Basic Information:
    Human Name: Kasai Vrykel
    Shinigami Name: Lamina Indeum Kenpachi
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Preference: Pansexual
    Age: 568 (although he looks 18)
    Division: Eleventh Division
    Rank: Captain
    Residence: Soul Society, Eleventh Division Barracks
    Lamina is a very handsome man, with long flowing blonde hair that falls down between his shoulder blades. He’s 5 foot 9, and as such is thought of as on the small side for his age. He’s got bright, golden eyes that seem to glint slightly in the sun, and a smile to kill for... although, more accurately, piss him off and it’s a smile to die for.

    Of course, while there ARE all these good sides to him, there is one gigantic negative point to his appearance.This would be a mechanical prosthetic in place of his right arm, which he lost in a fight with an espada. He could have just had it healed by a medic, but he prefers to keep it this way as a reminder not to let himself become weak again. It also acts as a lesson for his subordinates that even the greatest of men can’t handle every fight, and that violence isn’t permanently the answer.

    He wears his uniform quite simply. His sleeves on his main uniform are normal on the flesh side, but completely ripped off on the artificial one. His haori’s sleeves have been completely ripped off until it’s just the basic coat, which he wears almost permanently with the rest of his uniform. When in gigai, he wears a leather waistcoat with black trousers and a white shirt, a look he’s developed over the last few decades.

    Personal Techniques/ Skills

    Hakuda Mastery: The earliest thing that he mastered, Lamina has extensive mastery of Hakuda, and most forms of close combat. However, surprisingly, he’s better with leg based hakuda than he is in fist based hakuda. He has a few names for his styles, however he generally refers to his quick and brutal attacks as the Stinging Wind, and his slow but extremely powerful blows as the Crashing Storm, both styles he learnt in his life.

    Zanjutsu Mastery: The other greatest skill that he has is Zanjutsu, as he is able to wield his blade with almost unbelievable skill, and is much stronger than he appears. Even when not in shikai, he has strength and skill that is hard to overcome. Although he is a master of Kendo and Ijutsu, he has also designed his own school of sword-fighting which he has combined with Hakuda and called it “the dual pincers.”

    Hoho Expert: Although not as skilled as in the other two disciplines, he also has rather good speed and agility, due to not being as tall as he might be and thus being able to avoid things easier. His speed and agility has been recognized as one of the best in his squad, although he’s more famous for his combat skills.

    Biologically Augmented: Although his prosthetic arm marks him out as stubborn and the reason for his squad to not always fall to violence at the first sight of problems, it also helps him in combat. Because human bodies, even Shinigami’s bodies, limit their strength to stop themselves getting damaged he’s able to bypass with his prosthetic arm. It was tempered with reiatsu-steel (much like a bakkudo), and as such his punches are as powerful as being stabbed with a zanpakuto. The other bonus is that things that hit his arm are less likely to do damage as metal can’t be stabbed, although it can break down in the middle of combat and render him in deep trouble. (NB: any biological effects that hit his arm, e.g. poison, are rendered nul and void due to it not being attached to the central nervous system)

    Lamina is a very proud man. Not proud as in “I’m better than you all, suck it.” but proud as in happy with what he has. Not to say that he doesn’t long to be stronger, both to be better himself and to protect the ones he cares about, but he isn’t as susceptible to being made insecure as other people might be. He is, however, stubborn and will usually insist on things being done his way. This could be attributed to the reason why he got his prosthetic instead of letting the medics repair his limb. He is, however, an understanding man and knows that as good as his squad are at fighting, due to being first response, that fighting doesn’t solve everything and that some things are best solved without unsheathing his blade. Unfortunately, this doesn’t usually work as few things stay resolved forever and he’s the kind of man who doesn’t give second chances

    When it comes to relationships, whether they be platonic, romantic or just members of his family, he is very protective. If someone threatens a friend of his, he will never forgive them and won’t let them escape his vengeance. He does, however, know when to let go and will often become friends with his ex’s. The main thing he does which annoys his friends and lovers is give advice, even when it’s not wanted. When he sees something that could, and should, be done a lot better he won’t stay quiet and will give his mind’s worth.





    Your Legacy:

    Character Story:
    A pirate’s life for me:

    To regain one’s purity:

    Destruction of a body:
    Captain, my captain:

    RP Sample: This is not from this site, but it’s an RP I did recently.

    In one of the highest rooms in the spire, a blue-coated earth-pony was sat on a very comfortable bench, almost like a bed. He was tossing a strange, golden tube up and down repeatedly, seemingly waiting for something to happen. As if summoned by his desires, a tall, black-pelted unicorn in a royal guard uniform appeared at the door. To anyone else, this would have looked normal, but there was something special about the way they walked, to a careful eye they would have seen un-natural, zombie-like.
    "My Lord, the visitors have arrived as you predicted. What are your orders?" A childish and almost goofy grin spread across the earth-pony's face
    "Give them my message, commander. They'll know what to do."
    "AYE SIR!" the unicorn saluted and trotted out the door, picking up around 10 followers before they disappeared in a series of poofs of magic.


    When the pair turned around the corner, they were greeted by a large party of Royal guards, each with the same strange unnatural presence. They saluted as they saw the Doctor
    "Doctor, and his plus one. Just as he said, there's always another with him, but our lord and master stays up high, and we're sent here to deliver a message." His horn glowed and something that sounded like a voice clip could be heard
    "Oh-ho-ho! Hello, my old friend." it was obviously the voice from the radio, but with less of a beautiful tone and more one of anger and contempt
    "Well, where to begin...... A big one probably, I'm back!!!" he fell into maniacal laughter, something that could scare even a hardened warrior to his very core. True insanity
    "but, that's probably obvious by now. I'm glad you're here to see this wonderful plan of mine, for isn't that always the way? The Master and The Doctor, eternally twinned. Like the sun and the moon, like the day and the night, like peace and war! or.... like Luna and Celestia? Ta-ta, must run, or rather.... you must. Commander, get them." As his voice cut off, all 10 unicorns' horns lit up, all with violent shades of magic. It was clear what would come next

    Your Zanpakuto: {To be able to use technique, Shikai and Bankai, knowledge and know how must be acquired in-game)

    Zanpakuto Name: Shikon
    Sealed Appearance:
    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:
    Human form:
    Kitsune Form:

    Shikon comes in one of two forms. Normally, he will appear in his human form, as long as it’s just to talk. He appears to be a Kitsunemimi (a fox human), with white hair and golden ears. He has two long tooth-like tattoos on each side of his face, and sharp teeth. He seems to be in some sort of uniform, although it’s not clear where the uniform is from. He always wears the same black jacket, with a red shirt underneath. He has a cruel expression on his face, but always seems to be having fun.

    As a released form he is a gigantic red kitsune, just like the bankai that he releases. He has nine tails, and is around twenty feet tall (around three times the average human)
    Personality: Shikon is very much like Lamina in many ways, he’s strong-willed and vicious, and not one to give in easily. He tends to be a bit stubborn but is clearly affectionate for his wielder, even if he shows it by sarcasm. He doesn’t think of himself as the strongest, or the weakest, but as one that will kill any that get in his way no matter of who they belong to. He is one who’s willing to fight at any time, apparently not learning from Lamina’s missing arm. He laughs a lot, apparently finding violence funny.

    Shikai Release Phrase: Start to consume, Hagatsui Shikon
    Released Appearance:
    as he goes into Shikai, his body starts to glow with a burning red light, that blocks him off from sight. As it releases, his hands are completely coated in black leather gloves that have Five long, ten inch long knives on his right hand and four on the other, each with a different rune. they read “first tail” “second tail” “third tail” and etc, until it reaches ninth tail. They are all a deep red, akin to fire.
    Other Changes: Five strange tails of pure reiatsu are made on his back, acting a lot like extra arms. they are prehensile, which means they allow him to grab onto other things. Due to the color of his reiatsu, they are bright orange.

    Name: Hiko Tsume
    State: Shikai
    Terms of Usage: activated
    Description: This attack is how to make his attacks long range. He fires off one of his claws, which embeds in someone’s arms and (unless they can rip it out in time) pulls them close enough for him to attack. it can go up to twenty meters away at 10 m/s, and does minor stab wounds. It’s either retractable to pull them back, or acts like a reiatsu chain allowing him to throw his opponent around.

    Name: Haretsu Tsume
    State: Shikai
    Terms of Usage: Activated
    Description: This is a strong attack but unfortunately leaves him unarmed. He puts his hands out as if aiming a gun, and then sends a burst of reiatsu into his hands, firing off his claws like throwing knives. They embed in whoever it hits, and is strong enough to rip through someone. However, it leaves him unarmed for two turns whilst he uses his reiatsu to bring them back. It then can’t be done for another three turns.

    Name: O dōyō
    State: Shikai
    Terms of Usage: Activated
    Description: This is one of the last ditch defences that he has with his reiatsu tails. He wraps it around himself like a gigantic shell, blocking outside interference of any attack up to bankai level. However, as long as this is happening, he can’t attack anyone else and can’t move, so it’s essentially a coffin of protection.

    Release Phrase: He crosses his claws together, spreading out his five tails, and says “bankai”. a gigantic fox’s head is made out of reiatsu behind him, and rushes forwards, devouring him in it’s light. (this only works if there’s room to summon the kitsune, so not in any small buildings)
    Released Appearance:Finally, as the light fades, a gigantic kitsune is summoned where it had been, with him standing on it’s head, a pair of white bandage-like gloves are wrapped around his hands, which seem to allow him to control the beast. The kitsune is twenty foot tall, which is around three times the normal height of a human.
    Other Changes: N/A

    all bankai techniques will be written as he unlocks them, as he currently only has it’s normal form.
    Soren Kiyomeru
    Soren Kiyomeru
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    Lamina Indeum Kenpachi Empty Re: Lamina Indeum Kenpachi

    Post by Soren Kiyomeru Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:14 pm

    Unless a admin has a problem with it. approved. 1/2
    Shichirou Clan Leader

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    Lamina Indeum Kenpachi Empty Re: Lamina Indeum Kenpachi

    Post by Funnyguy339 Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:00 pm

    Approved 2/2

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