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    Leap of Faith?


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    Leap of Faith? Empty Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:24 pm

    She had gone away from the shelter 'town' that made up a number of survivors a few days ago. Her goal was to find more survivors but so far Hotaru had ended up empty-handed. Maybe no one was really left from the destruction that had ravaged the area. Family and friends, to her knowledge those she knew had all perished. But still she had wanted to do what she could to find more on her own, at least in the nearest cities to where she had been...if anything could be called a city anymore.

    'It's easy for that one "Ciel" to say we're all in this together, but it's more the truth that I feel horribly alone. I don't know if I can keep this up any longer...'

    Since everything that had happened Hotaru had gained a tendency to immediately seek out high points. Right now she stood atop one of the buildings that somehow had maintained its integrity, looking down below for some hope that the search hadn't been in vain, the last effort the girl seemed to have in her at this point.

    'Just one step and perhaps I can join you again: Mother, Father... everyone. Maybe it would be for the best, with what they said nothing will ever be the same again. How can this hell be worth surviving?'

    Rank : Royalty
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:50 pm

    Ai Kazuma slowly made his way along the sidewalk street in silence as he had been doing for some time. The activity in the streets was on and off. Nothing alive aside from things he didn't want knowing he was alive. He kept a hand in one pocket while the other swayed at the side. He made it a point to keep to the side of buildings to keep from being seen.

    It was not the best of places now in the world so he would rather keep himself alive and out of harms way now that the reasons for putting himself in it were few and far between.

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:13 pm

    For what she could see there was no one. Hotaru had spent the time and effort in an attempt that didn't seem to pay off. From her vantage point all there was, all that there had been was a deserted apocalyptic landscape. And that was more than she could take anymore.

    Closing her eyes, the girl would take a deep breath to calm the nerves that came with the action she was about to take. But even with those nerves she wasn't going to back out. With little hesitation Hotaru leapt from her perch on the roof, allowing herself to fall the twenty or so stories to what she hoped would be a quick end.


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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:41 pm

    Ai continued on his path as the thought of turning around to head back to his make-shift home. But as he looked to the skies to see it before heading back into the darker city landscape, something caught his eye. It was more than something, someone. He held up his hand as his cross manifestated into a bow and arrow, ready to fire.

    He was about to shoot the figure in the thought he had been seen but as it jumped, it became was a woman! Without a second thought, he fired "Schalter Arrow."

    As he did this, he quickly and repeatedly fired arrow after arrow as they pierced the building in a straight line going to the bottom. He then disappeared as he appeared standing on the first arrow and took hold of the girl's waist but disappeared once more to the next arrow and repeated the process to slow the girl.

    Once slow enough, he stood on an arrow but this time, he held his arms out to catch the girl in his arms. He was sure to have a grateful female on his hands and willing to appease him. He smiled kindly with his eyes closed as he spoke to her

    "Why hello there, I'm Mr. Ai -" He stopped speaking as he finally opened his eyes to see just whom it was he saved.

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:03 pm

    As she descended, Hotaru began to grow confused. With the fall she was somehow meeting resistance and seemed to even be slowing down... almost as though someone were interfering. Which had to mean that someone else was alive in the place and had survived everything so far. When the fall ended, it wasn't ground that Hotaru's body met: it was a pair of arms. Hearing the voice, she would finally open her amber eyes to see just who had stopped her from jumping to her death. The sight that greeted her was surprisingly familiar and the girl was finding it difficult to keep her emotions in check at this with all that had happened recently.

    "Kazuma-sensei? Though I'd suppose with this it's not sensei anymore, is it?"

    Rank : Royalty
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:14 pm

    Ai stood firmly atop the arrow that now supported him and his new findings. The female quincy in his arms was not someone that he had planned on meeting...meeting anyone at this point that wasn't trying to kill him was too far off in the distance for him to ever think about it. But it was nice to see a familiar face.

    "Well let's not jump to far ahead of ourselves...which it seems you have already tried to do once. The world might be apocalyptic but formality is still rudimentary. So miss Nakano...can you tell me the reason I'm here right now, stopping you from trying to break your nose on the pavement after falling off a rooftop?"

    Posts : 364
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:19 am

    "It's this world... this damned world. How am I supposed to hope knowing the hell that it's literally becoming? How can I keep going forward when everyone I knew is dead?"

    As she admitted what she was feeling and had led her to this, Hotaru couldn't help but start to cry. She kept her gaze averted from what was probably the only person remaining in the world that she had known prior to the disaster. It was hard to admit that she had given up on life, even more so to an acquaintance but she had no reason to lie.

    "I know there are few survivors but what is there to live for?"

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:54 am

    Ai listened to Hotaru as she broke down in his arms and poured out the truth along with tears. He looked down at her with pity but it wasn't the time to be giving in to sad thoughts and bad dreams. “No one ever finds life worth has to make it worth living”

    He then looked out of the ruined landscape and nodded his head firmly and somehow threw a smile on his face “Have the courage to live. Anyone can die. I intend to live forever, or die trying.”

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:04 am

    He had a point in what he was saying and Hotaru knew it. But even then it seemed like things would continue to be difficult the longer this went on, and it was only the start. If she didn't have it in her now, could she really pull through to survive when it inevitably gets worse? Instead of continuing to worry over such things though, the girl was caught off-guard by her former teacher's latter comments, bringing a faint smile to her lips with a slight laugh as she wiped away her tears.

    "You really think you can live forever?"

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:23 am

    Ai continued to smile through and through and there were times, few and far between, where he wasn't. No woman liked a man that couldn't smile and look happy. So you had to think positive if you ever had a chance with any woman if you couldn't smile because then, who would make them smile, that was always the best thing for a female to wear.

    He slowly opened his eyes as she spoke and he nodded his head slowly as he slowly looked out over the city as the ruined buildings and street-ways. "I plan on trying because if I don't, what kind of man does that make me? It's only right to be stubborn and go against it all for what you believe in. And I believe that once you hit bottom, the only way you can go is up."

    Posts : 364
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:47 pm

    "Such an optimist...maybe I did give up too quickly but I still don't know what to do."

    While her mood hadn't fully cleared Hotaru was glad for the one familiar face she had here and knew Ai had points in what he said...except maybe when it came to living forever but that was another story. Wiping away more of the tears that seemed to refuse to stop for the moment she continued.

    "Thank you, Kazuma-sensei."

    Rank : Royalty
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:57 pm

    Ai nodded his head to Hotaru as she spoke of his optimism and he laughed lightly and replied as she thanked him "Oh, you just needed a nice reminder and a pick me up, both of which I just so happened to be giving out today for free." He smiled as he took a small leap out and gracefully landed on another of his arrows and repeated this until they were on solid ground, ground.

    He placed her on her feet as he then put his hands on his sides and then nodded his head "There, safe and sound and on the ground."

    Posts : 364
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:14 pm

    "So then the next time I suppose I'll owe you, right? Well, hopefully there won't be a next time but so much can happen."

    The flow of tears was seeming to slow finally, though they didn't stop. Since everything had happened she'd tried to keep the emotions from getting to her so the display was, while unsightly, overdue for the girl. By the time her feet were back on the ground she'd about given up on brushing them away, instead waiting for them to stop on their own. Looking up through her blurred vision she could just make out the arrows that had been used to stop her from leaping to her death. With his wit it was no wonder Ai had survived. Which brought her to what she wanted to ask him next.

    "And, um...Sensei?"

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:25 pm

    Ai chuckled lightly at the fact of her saying that she owned him anything. Wasn't it right to make sure a student knew right from wrong, correct the mistakes they would make so they can do better in the future? He continued to stand firm as she spoke to him, another question and he was more than happy to answer "Yes miss Nakano?"

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:30 pm

    Hotaru couldn't help but to clear her vision as she heard him chuckle, causing her to give him a confused look. While she didn't ask on what he found amusing, she went ahead to ask Ai what she really wanted to know.

    "You haven't come across any others at all have you? From the village or school, I mean. You don't think they're all gone, do you?"

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:42 pm

    Ai listened as Hotaru came forth with her question as he gave him a quizzical look. He slowly took in a deep breath as he really was not to sure on how it was he was going to answer the question but lying wasn't going to help anyone's situation.

    "No, I haven't but that doesn't mean there not out there. I'm sure you didn't think I'd make it but..." He gave his shoulders a shrug " I am. I'm not sure on who is left and who isn't but if your here, and I'm here, then there has to be others."

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:50 am

    Hotaru had almost expected his answer to be like that. While there was no certainty in his words, he at least held the hope she'd given up on before their encounter. Giving Ai a sad smile she was about ready to move on.

    "I guess all I can do is keep searching then, though I'm not sure where to go. I'll try not to give up this time. Sorry for the trouble I caused you, Kazuma-sensei."

    Rank : Royalty
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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:38 am

    Ai watched as she smiled and he nodded his head and then listened as she spoke about heading out to find more Quincy. He slowly let out a sigh as he then turned around and pointed into the city "Hotaru, If you ever need to find me again, look for the Karaoke Karaoke ladies club in town. You don't have to go but I wont stop you. If you have any trouble, shoot an arrow into the sky."

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Remi-chan Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:08 am

    "A ladies club? Really, Sensei, sometimes I have to wonder about you. I'll keep that in mind though."

    The smile becoming a slight smirk, the girl would then bow, the only way she could really think to show her gratitude at this time for saving her from her own foolishness.

    "Thank you again. I hope I can repay you one day as I owe you my life."

    Righting her posture, the girl then turned away from the teacher and began to walk away. She wasn't entirely certain on her destination, only her goal. Weary and with nothing but her bow, Hotaru headed on her own again.

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    Leap of Faith? Empty Re: Leap of Faith?

    Post by Lee_Takamoto Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:23 am

    Ai watched as the girl gave him a bow and he smiled kindly at the girl. He took in a deep breath as he placed one hand onto the back of his head while the other placed another hand on his hip "I try and keep myself under the radar but still got the presence."

    He then watched as she started to walk away. He let out a sigh as he raised his hand up and turned around himself. He waved lightly in the air and then went on his own way.

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