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    The Western Alliance

    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:44 pm

    "So you're saying I have no choice?" Andy asked, a bit frustrated at the people hovering over him, flocking like pigeons on a feeding spot.

    A skinny man with thinning hair echoes a reply from his side. "Why yes Senator, you have no choice in the matter."

    "But... The president is my father, i cant just take over his position just because he died, how about the Vice President? Or the leader of the Senate?"

    He was not ready, and he was well aware of it. He only wanted to serve for some time under his father, to obey his fathers wishes, but this was doing it too much, he was not ready to take over any position which required grave attention, especially after the devastation's that occurred simultaneously around the world, not to mention the disappearance of the sun. How can you explain the disappearance of the sun to the mourning public, the hungry millions, the unburried dead.

    "I'm afraid... your the only one left Senator."

    If there was something he was aware of, it was that very detail, ever since the catastrophes, he was the only one left in office, his father who had specifically ordered him not to go anywhere gave him the sole task of taking over everything. He didn't want to do it, but he must.

    He had no other option.

    "If I must then.... I will, distribute relief to everyone."

    "But if we give everyone relief goods non will be left, I suggest we... Only help those we can, those who are important." The board room was in debate.

    But they did have a point, helping everyone, wouldn't do them good, if they helped those who could help them in return, then its all good business.

    "FINE." Standing up, Andy made up his mind. "We help those who can help us. For the meantime, do that."

    But even before all this discussion, something struck his curiosity most.

    "Pandora Project" One folder said, the contents inside intrigued him so much, why was this never enforced. "And Malcolm?" Andy called.

    "Yes sir."

    "I'd like to enforce this, the Pandora Project."

    "But sir!" Malcolm protested.

    "If I'm going to be president, I need to make sure I'm protected.... I believe it's in our best interest to enforce this before..."
    Andy paused.

    "Before what sir?" he paused as well.

    "Before The east attacks us for some... greedy reason..."
    Professor Krueger
    Professor Krueger

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 4625

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Professor Krueger Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:26 pm

    A taller, slightly older woman stands up with a measured grace. She shuffles some papers, selecting a page considering her words.

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    "Excellent decision Mr. President, I am Professor Krueger, one of the Pandora Project leaders. As you may have been informed, recent discoveries about some of the catastrophes that have fallen our world, have led to some breakthroughs."

    Her voice is crisp and efficient, with a slight german accent.

    "As indicated in the reports, some of the recent disasters have been linked to extra-dimensional creatures we have dubbed Nova."

    She silences the sudden burst of whispering with a sharp glance.

    "The evidence is irrefutable. So we, at the Pandora Project have been developing a weapon to combat this force. Your father, Mr. President authorised this project some years ago, and we have had major successes in the last few years.

    The first soldiers are ready. And able for combat, but their equipment is currently sub-par.

    This project will need some substantial investment, to achieve it's desired goals.

    These Pandora will become the most powerful precision weapons in the world. Capable of taking on armoured vehicles, and surviving near-direct explosions.

    A demonstration is being planned Mr. President, believe me sir, you will not be disappointed."
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:45 pm

    "A demonstration, they're ready?" Curious, Andy strokes his chin even more convinced that this project is what would save them from unwanted war. "Very well, funding is out of the question, I, no... the government of the United States will fund this project no matter what happens."

    His father once mentioned the Pandora project to him, but he payed no mind to it, but now, he realized how important it was, especially when that man from the east still lives.

    "So then. how about that demonstration?" he asks respectively, he couldnt wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they see what this project is capable of.
    Professor Krueger
    Professor Krueger

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 4625

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Professor Krueger Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:44 pm

    The Professor nods curtly, as she takes out a small, old two-way radio. A resourceful way to get around the downed communications lines. "Prepare the demonstration, we shall begin immediately."

    "Ladies, gentlemen if you would watch the monitor." As the screen blinks into life, the Professor continues talking to everyone in the room.

    "As you are aware, many of our Western Alliance's weapons were lost in the events that shook the earth. However, if our weapons are in the form of highly-augmented soldiers, their superior mobility will be a huge asset in determent and providing security to our alliance."
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:54 pm

    "Soldiers?" One asked. "Wait, your saying this is a human-cyborg experiment thing?" another one asked.

    The president however was only interested in one thing as they debated. He continuously watched the tape despite all the noise around him. "You cant be serious?" One asked him. "Why go on such measures?" he continued. Andy just stroked his chin several times then turned to him. "It's the late's presidents wish, and it's my wish as well, you are all over ruled." Andy spoke, only once, silencing those who forced him to take the position, and now they could no longer do anything about it.
    Professor Krueger
    Professor Krueger

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 4625

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Professor Krueger Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:54 am

    ~The screen shows a small group of young women standing to attention in military uniform. They appear to be in their late teens.~

    The Professor ignores the clamour of debate around as she narrates the video to the President.

    ~The scene changes to the group perform some exercises, where it quickly is apparent they are vastly superior physically to the other soldiers training with them.~

    "The technique used itself, is highly classified and strictly controlled. However, as you can see, it is far more advanced than a simple robotic enhancement. Their speed, reflexes and strength are increased dramatically to super-human levels. They are well trained, and loyal, all of them having volunteered, with the backing of their families."

    ~The video now shows them performing a scenario where they seem to be protecting a VIP while they quickly disable the attackers, mostly by hand to hand it would seem.~

    "That's the Israli Military Martial Art!" One of the watchers exclaims.

    "We continue to work with them in developing their new skills." She nods towards the screen. "This one is particularly interesting."

    ~The tape shows one of the young women, in side profile, in just underwear. A look of concentration appears on her face as clothes resembling the military uniform materialise on her body. The camera quickly pans out the reveal a rather worried looking male soldier point a rifle at her. After a moment an order is shouted on the tape and the man fires. The blast pushes back her hair, but otherwise she doesn't move. The young women smiles a little as she point down at the dented bullet now on the ground. While the soldier is looking rather relieved.~

    Amid the sudden silence at this piece of footage, the professor says. "All the Pandora can use this technique, which has been called Volt Texture. They can make it take on almost any appearance, though it seems easier for them to copy clothes they wear regularly."

    She stops the tape there and turns to the President.
    "As you can see Mr. President, I think you will find them a very suitable protection."
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:05 pm

    "Indeed they are." Andy agreed, pretty much pleased with the silence, he closed the Pandora folder and dropped it on the table. "Now then, are there any objections to the project?" he slowly turned from left to right, still more amazed by how silent they were, like it shook them more than the shake that had taken over the world just hours ago. "If there's non, then Professor, Please proceed with the project which i believe, was... halted?" He did read it right, it was placed on hold for sometime, but he was only here to enforce it, not to investigate it further. "Im just curious though, how long will it take to have them be the governments primary protection unit, i believe they're ready, but about the numbers.... Can you produce an army of them?"

    The president was once in the army, and he knew of the threats that came knocking after disasters like such, he was just preparing for the worst. "Can you prepare them... In a month's time?"


    Rank : The Spider Queen
    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4819

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Lolth Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:15 pm

    "An army?... A pathetic ideas of those that know nothing about us..."

    Silence was broken in the room as the blonde haired girl, who was silent through the entire meeting. The voice was commanding, dominent Each step she made, got her closer to the professor, standing a foot of two behind her. This girl, like those shown in the video was in her late teens. She had green eyes and a stern look on her face.

    Her expression said it all. She is not impressed with how the men and the corrupt politicians were looking at this. Then again with the professor here, and dealing with such a powerful client there was little room for error.

    Perhaps that was her first and last mistake for the woman, who wore a purple uniform.

    "No army can be made because the chance rate of the girl's survival is slim... And absolutely no chance for men to survive. It is not a simple case of throwing money and you get more. There is a compatibility step to look at for the volunteer. Consider us elites who's individual strength can take down armies."

    She look at the president with a look that could kill, nerves of steel and not breaking eye contact.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:11 am

    "Excuse me, you are?" Andy asked the blond woman who just happen to arrive now, or rather, maybe she's been there this whole time, he just didn't notice. "It's a risk this country is willing to take, but if the professor says it cant be done.. then can you suggest a substitute?" The president was just clinging onto a string of hope, someone, something had warned him about events to come, and it demanded a strong army for it not to fail. He thought thought the Pandora project would do the trick, but apparently, it's not the best solution, not for a big scale war that is, they're more like weapons, not soldiers. Andy sighs, hoping to hear good news rather than rejection.

    Rank : The Spider Queen
    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4819

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Lolth Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:51 pm

    The blonde haired girl physically twitched at what the man said. All he wants is an army. The elite will never be an army, They are far superior to that of any army. The more discussions when on, the more Elizabeth would believe that all these politicians care for is protecting themselves. Though, to say that would probably compromise the talks. She would take a calming breath, then looked at the old man again.

    "it appears you do not know what one pandora is capable of, if you truly are looking for your army...Sir"

    She added in the sir to be both courteous and cheeky at the same time. It was as though she was merely adding in out of a necessity and not a sign of respect. Perhaps the British girl over stepped her boundaries again, perhaps not. Either way she did not take back what she said.

    "I am Elizabeth Maybly, Daughter of the deceased General William Maybly, and I am Professor Krueger's personal escort"
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:04 pm

    "Will's daughter?" Andy turned away to think for a second before turning back to her, she did look like him, her eyes, it was the same as his, sharp and soul piercing. He knew what the Pandora were capable of their abilities exceed any normal humans expectations, but not his if what he was told was to be true, then maybe, no he had to accept their condition. "What does the board think?" they debated among themselves, some think its dangerous even for them, some said they wanted more for themselves, they all wanted a pandora, they didnt want a pandora, all the talks were leading to nowhere, Andy sighs. "Professor, do what you can, and Elizabeth, forgive me if I offended you, I'm Andy Mann, President of the United States, I knew your father, It was a tragic loss."
    Professor Krueger
    Professor Krueger

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 4625

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Professor Krueger Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:06 pm

    The professor stands once again. "Apologies for Miss Mably's behaviour, but she was raised by her father to speak her mind and stand her ground, a strength one needs to become a Pandora."

    The professor had seen many debates since she had started work on the Pandora Project. This one was going well, the people for the project had dreams much stronger than the fears of those against.

    "Mr. President, please inform your commanders to draw up a high impact situation. We shall send in a pandora to fix the mess, and we shall publicly broadcast it. I'm no expert on this sort of situation, but I believe it will have a massive morale effect." Her look of confidence is almost infectious. "We will show the world our newest defence, which will inspire our people, and instill a fear in our aggressors."

    With that, the Professor takes her leave, bringing the young Pandora with her. The Professor is so confident in this project, you can almost taste it in the air.

    Rank : The Spider Queen
    Posts : 29
    BD-cash : 4819

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Lolth Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:05 pm

    Elizabeth nodded in acknowledgement to the president and the members of the board. she then made an about turn to waiting for the professor. After she went ahead, Elizabeth followed behind.

    A high impact situation.... So a live practical situation will be shown. Closing her eyes as she continued to follow the professor.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5305

    The Western Alliance Empty Re: The Western Alliance

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:53 pm

    "Malcolm" The president called his assistant the moment the ladies left the room.

    "ye...Yeyes Senat... I mean Mr. President?" It appears his still in shock, maybe it's because of the Video he just saw, or maybe because of the very real pandora who just walked out of the room.

    "Release it." It seems the president still had a few cards under his sleeves. "If the Pandora is as good as they claim it is, then... perhaps... they can defeat it."

    Hesitant Malcolm voiced his opinion. "But... We had a real hard time just catching it, it's still very mad... releasing it this early, who knows what it would do?"

    The president shot a look at him, his assistant was right, but it's the only high impact situation he could think of given the situation.

    "I've made up my mind, we will release it."

    The meeting ended there, the president walked out leaving the board confused, it seemed, only the his assistant actually knew of what he was talking about.

    Malcolm could only sigh following the president out of the room.

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