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    Double Lariat Bar

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:48 pm

    This is a Bar just of the main street of karakura town. Behind the bar table, a young, pink haired female known as Tomoe Hitsune would be either serving the people who want to drink the end of a hard day, or cleaning the glasses in waiting for the next arrivals to come in. At one of the corners there is a piano, waiting to be played by the part-time bartender.
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:27 am

    Mika was down. Down on her luck, emotions and love life. But at least not down on money. She was looking to spend it on getting completely utterly blissfully drunk. Apparently her usual place was closed down for impropermanagement or so she was forced to look for somewhere else. She usually didn't go for the more popular places but she didn't have much of a choice so in she strolled to the bar just off of main street wearing a short red skirt, black tank top, leather jacket and knee high black heel boots. Her gaze went directly to the bartender and stared for a moment before shaking her head and walking up to sit on the bar stool furthest from the door.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:14 pm

    As the female would walk in she would find the bartender talking to herself, or maybe even singing to herself. cleaning a glass she would then place it to the draining board believing it will be sufficient for a customer. The closer the miniskirt wearer would get, the more audible Tomoe was in her sing.

    "just be friends, all we gotta do is just be friends, it time to say goodbye, just be fri-..."

    It was then she saw the newcomer. Her eyes widened in part surprize, part of how she looked. She would then compose herself a little as she would walk over to her, her pink hair swaying behind her.

    "w-welcome to the Double Lariat Bar, i will be your bartender for the evening, my name is Tomoe"

    she stuttered on the stand from the way she was sitting. She could see see cleavage, but she knew that being this beautiful the customer would probably be taken. Tomoe then gave a charming smile as she would speak again

    " so what can I get you miss?"
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:21 am

    Mika shrugged off her leather jacket and draped it over the barstool next to her and nodded at the bartender's greeting automatically. She avoided looking at Tomoe at first but then was forced to when the woman asked for her order. Staring into her eyes and trying to see past the pink hair and focus on the blue, not green eyes and said blankly, "Something strong. Not fruity." At this point she didn't really care what she drank as long as it had plenty of alcohol in it. Lowering her gaze she then glanced back up at the woman and focused on her more now. She wasn't Lucy. She had the same beautiful pink hair but there the resemblance ended. Lucy was shorter and had larger green eyes with a more oval face and button nose. She wasn't Lucy. But Mika almost wanted her to be. Looking away with sad eyes the brunette leaned her elbows on the bar counter and glanced at the piano. No one was at it currently but it didn't look unused.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:28 pm

    She could see the pain of the newcomers face. Even though it was visible she would smile still, hoping she she would feel a little better. Hearing her talk about a strong drink would verify this. She had it rough. Turning she would look around for a glass and some whisky. She looked high, and then bend down to find it, until she found a bottle, about just under half full. With that she took a small glass and a made her way over to the girl again. It was then that tomoe knew what to to to lighten up her day

    "This is on the house hun"

    She would say with a wink as she would give another smile. It was then that the radio began to play a particular song. Her gentle smile would vanish as she would walk over to mute the radio. Sighing she would shake a little. before taking another breath. The song was by a group known as "Dances with Wolves". before she would be asked for the reason as to her doing what she, she would look over giving an almost childish grin. immediately changing the subject before it began she would speak again

    "so it was a rough day at work, huh?"
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:07 am

    Mika waited patiently as the woman readied her drink and noted the whiskey. Blinking in surprise as the bartender said it was on the house with a flirtacious wink the brunette smiled crookedly, raising her glass in thanks. "I owe ya." But then Tomoe turned to the radio to silence it and Mika wondered absently why the girl was shaking. She hadn't paid attention to whatever song had come on. Swilling the whiskey and ice in the glassshe discreetly watched the tremors of the pink haired woman's hands before looking at her smile. At the forced question Mika let out a very miniscule sigh and then said bitterly, "If only..." She then took a drink of the whiskey and winced slightly. It was stronger than she had bargained for but she gritted through it and took another sip, letting the fumes and taste wash over her as she didn't resist the now warm feeling emanating from her belly.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:35 am

    she tilted her head gently hearing the woman speak. She pondered a little as she heard the anguish of her voice. Looking a little she would lower her head so that she was at eye level to the her. So far it was a quiet night, maybe it was time she should know the newcomer

    "if only..?"
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:48 am

    Mika heard the inquisitiveness in the girl's voice and she felt her cold demeanor melt a little. She was so innocent...curious...compassionate... The similarities were not helping her situation. She felt that she had to at least let out her feelings a little to this Lucy look-a-like. She just needed someone to talk to. And now she had no one left.

    Feeling tears gather in her usually warm brown eyes the brunette choked out, "M-My girlfriend broke up with me today." Once she fimally got it out she drained what was left of the whiskey in her glass and took the bottle herself to pour the amber liquid over the ice she still had lingering and took another dronk, trying to get a hold of herself.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:55 am

    the green eyes of the pink haired gave a sympathy filled look. She extended her arm out to the girl and patted her shoulder gently. With another hand, she would bring her hand up to stop the tear from flowing down her face.

    "i'm so sorry hun...."

    [b] she said in a sad voice. She was suprised a little, hearing she was infatuated by girls. But she is just grieving over her loss of her girlfriend, maybe its not the best time to ask her. But then she smiled gently{/b]

    "If you need anything..."

    Last edited by nerovampyro on Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:33 am

    Mika sniffed and pursed her trembling lips as Tomoe patted her shoulder. Smiling sadly as the woman kindly wiped away her tear, she let out a weak chuckle. "Heh...yeah. Me too." She licked her lips and steadied her breath. She seemed calmer and looked up as the bartender asked if she needed anything. Pausing in thought she then looked straight into her eyes and asked with utmost seriousness, "Do i scare you? Do I seem frightening? Does something about me scream 'monster', 'freak'..." Her voice faded as she lowered her gaze as she shook her head. "Sorry, I'm just drunk I guess." She offered as a half-@ss explanation, even though she was just buzzed so far and took another drink to help remedy that problem.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:01 am

    She heard the waverness of the tone and the excuse for her trembling. Tomoe would just smile gently as she would shake her head. she looked to see if anyone has come in then returning to give a hundred persent to the tipsy newcomer. Scare her... No...

    After that day, nothing scared her.

    "You don't scare me at all, i dont see a monster i see a-a..."

    she looked away from the female and look as though she was blushing, but smiling gently. It was after all her bright demenour

    " a beautiful woman, who has had it rough..."
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:37 pm

    Mika didn't even look at Tomoe until she saw her pink locks sway as she shook her head in the corner of her eye and glanced back at her unsurely, but hearing her out. Looking straight at her as the bartender began, the brunette stared with wide eyes as the pink haired woman finished with a blush on her pale cheeks and a smile turning up her soft looking lips. At the blush the thought struck idlythrough the back of her brain that she hadn't guessed that Tomoe was into girls. And at the compliment, the brunette felt a little pang in her heart and her own ears became warm with slight embarrassment as well as conflicting emotions concerning the attractive bartender and the two glasses of whiskey she had just downed. Hesitating just a moment before the alcohol made her decision for her, Mika reached out carefully and rested her hand on Tomoe's before smiling kindly, her eyes finally losing their coldness as she said simply, "Thank you."
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:09 pm

    Looking over, dead on at the brunette, she would see the shock on her face. She would then feel the soft skin of this woman's hands on hers. Blushing a little bit she would smile more. She felt in the moment she had to ask the question

    "u-umm... w-well, i was wondering if you would like to go somewhere with me after my shift is over... b-but you dont have to if you dont want to."

    the female would say a little as she would just now look down at the eyes avoiding eye contact with her a little, inside she was hoping she would say no, but she would not be sad if she would say no. At least, not showing sadness
    Ashe Ventus
    Ashe Ventus
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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Ashe Ventus Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:55 pm

    Mika read Tomoe's expression carefully and wondered if she had read the woman wrong. From the look of surprise on her face, the brunette wasn't exactly positive the bartender had been hitting on her...or even into her gender at all, but she was starting to lose focus a little. lemons alcohol side effects. Well she did want to get drunk... But drawing her attention back to the matter at hand she listened to Tomoe's tremulous offer and didn't move her hand just yet. The smile and blush said yes but the voice said no and the words said which was it?? Taking a deep breath to clear her head and thought for a moment before she decided. Smiling and shaking her head she squeezed the pink haired woman's hand before letting go and then said, "If I didn't want to go somewhere with someone, trust me, I wouldn't. But you don't have to hang around me and be my crutch if you don't want to. I appreciate the whiskey and sympathy really, but I'm not really into the whole one night stand thing... 'Least not with girls." She gave a little teasing wink at that, trying to lighten the mood. Reaching into a pocket of her leather jacket on the stool next to her, Mika drew out a business card of her flower shop and a pen. Writing down her name and cell number on the back of it, she slid it across the counter to Tomoe. "When you're sure, give me a call. Five minutes from now, tomorrow, in a week, month, year, whatever. I'll treat you and repay you for the alcohol and good company with interest." She smiled kindly at the young bartender before standing and beginning to put on her jacket.
    家臣 Retainer

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    Double Lariat Bar Empty Re: Double Lariat Bar

    Post by Nerovampyro Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:52 am

    The female felt the hands tighten gently around hers, before they were to be lifted away. She went from having her heart skip a beat to sinking into a pool of torment. Why does she have doubts. But then again her emotions were raised as she was given her number and a name. What is wrong with her, why is it that she cannot be sure of what she wants. Maybe it still her nerves from hearing the song, but she had her name and the number, she smiled gently as she would say it out loud to herself


    looking up she would see the woman leaving. In a way to try and feel more comfortable next time, or perhaps wish to end their conversation on a high note, she came from behind the counter and made her way to mika. Standing in her path she would then go up on her tippy-toes and kissed the female gently on the cheek. lowering back down she would then speak again

    "i... i hope our next meet will be soon... mika-chan"

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