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    Kira/God Empty Kira/God

    Post by xKira Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:51 pm

    I AM Godking ruler of the empty

    Basic Information:

    Character Name: Kira/God
    Gender: Male
    Age: 1,269 [stole the idea off strawberry, sad no? He's only that age because of the taking over the mind of the hollow who had lived for a long time]
    Kira is a basic Vasto Lorde. More or less his skin is dark purple, eyes a crimson red, and the hollow parts of his body are white, and forms a chest plate, and a whip as his left arm. The whip is used as a tentacle by him. His mask has small horns coming from both sides, and a what seems like blood coming from the eye sockets. He has a tail, with an anchor shape at the end, which his tail is fully controllable. His right arm is a normal arm, with a hand and fingers. His hollow hole is where his heart would be. Being almost fully humanoid except for his whip-like left arm.
    Kira doesn’t have a set of traits. His ideology is what sets him from others. His way of thinking is split, just like his mask. He doesn’t understand this fully yet, or understand why he sometimes blacks out. The real Kira had died a long time ago with him, and now his mind was molded with many others, only able to persevere was the fact that his other mind, or to say his other being… Wouldn’t allow such a thing to undertake him. To Kira’s other side he is god, he is the creator, and somehow he was set back. Not remembering most of his past, both sides have different views, and Kira is sometimes seen talking to himself. At first Kira didn’t know his name, but over time he was called that by many. So he took it, and allowed it to evolve into who he was.

    The less violent side of Kira does not hate violence, just doesn’t find it intriguing. Nor does he find the need. Don’t get him wrong, he will fight to keep himself going, but mindless violence is the least of tasks on his list. The fact that he feels misguided or even unimportant pushes him to be alone. His strength doesn’t come from this side of Kira, but for some reason it is the dominant side, and can take over whenever he feels the need to step in. It is almost as if this part of him wants to be important, wants people to care… Kira was promise by God that he would be important, and God would change the way people think, and how they live. So in all, Kira has been confused by his own mind, that God is inside him.

    On the other hand, the negative side of Kira… He views himself as the one and only… God. The fact that he calls himself that makes it seem almost realistic. Somehow he said he got trapped in the man’s body, in the middle of hollowification. The fact remains that, he also feels the need to be important, and can also take over motor skills when needed. He doesn’t let Kira be taken advantage of, even though in all reality he doesn’t call himself Kira, only on certain circumstances would he ever do that. The only real reasons he would, would be to introduce the body he thinks he is in, and to not have to describe his so called ‘predicament.’ Honestly, he meant what he has told Kira. At least he will try to make him important, and change how things are for the both of them.

    Your Legacy:
    Your Story: {What's the story behind who you are, it doesnt have to be long, but don't make it too short either. We embrace creativity, and love good mystery. Tell us how you lived as a human, how you came to be a hollow, how you grew stronger and finally achieving your rank of God-king/queen, ruler of Hueco Mundo's 10 kingdoms.}

    • The real world -Kira himself cannot remember much of when he lived. All he could remember was being in school. All the students found him weird. Though he could vaguely remember how he lived. He knew he had a great life, his parents had money, but he himself was troubled. Never had enough attention, so he was only able to create his imaginary friends. Which even when he did create them, they seemed to plot against him at times. Talked about how the kids even at school made fun of him, they laughed with the bullies. Being a secluded child, he actually stayed in the back, in the corner, everywhere he went he stayed away socially. He never got to spend time with friends, he had none. Even his imaginary friends soon turned on him. Usually when this happened, he had break downs. He destroyed things, threw things. Even came down to attacking whomever nearest. They taunted him, some of his imaginary friends enjoyed his company, yet Kira knew he controlled them, but he couldn't control his mind. It went on it's own, taunting him... Telling him he wasn't good enough. It made him feel alone, it made him who he is now even...
    • Death is bliss, no? -Kira can't even remember how he died. He knew the process was painful, that is it. The pain was unbearable, and he wouldn't want to experience it again, not even now. He had to overcome so many obstacles in the way. Had to allow his mind be absorbed into anger.
    • Hollowification -The hollow process ended, and this is where Kira started remembering how dull his life was. All he could do was feed, eat, consume. He felt so hungry, and never full. Never was he satisfied, he had to keep going. Even near the end he still consumed. Then again, he created 'God' yes. Kira and God are the same people, though such strong will to survive and become important... It allowed him to split himself, and make a separate person... Who was what he wanted to be, though they were different. He made him feel as if he was stuck in this body, it's a hard concept to grasp. God, and Kira are the same. The only reason he was able to overtake his Gillian form and become an Adjuchas is God. His will, and sheer determination to not be taken so lightly... Allowed himself to prevail.
    • Coming to power -Taking over for most of this time, God was the only one who could fight off the other hollow inside him. If Kira would come in, his weaker mindset would be overtaken and be pushed back into a Gillian form again. Soon after Adjuchas though, it was a slow process, but he actually reached Vasto Lorde. Something he heard only in rumors from others... And he obtained it? He was taking his first steps into becoming important. He was going to have people remember him. Kira was finally able to take back over, and made his own kingdom. He gained followers, and he himself knew nothing of what lied ahead of him..

    RP Sample:

    The air was musky and filled with random chatter. Barely was he able to hear himself think. His other side prodded at him, motioning him to let him take over for the moment. He fought it off, and cascaded down to a podium. The podium set atop a small stage. It was primitive but it suited the purpose. “I came here for a reason. I’ve heard of an uprising…” Wanting to make this brief, he didn’t go into detail and wanted to be as vague as possible. “I understand no one here cares about this, honestly, or even knows what it is..” Trying to sound reasonable, he made sure to keep the facts to a minimum. “I will be gone shortly, and I know no one will cause trouble.” Allowing for this one second, the other side to take control. They shared the same idea, but he could convey his feelings better on his face than Kira actually could. Staring off into the crowd of his people, he gave the general stern look that reassured himself, and the others… He was a Godking.

    Footsteps echoed the entire hallway. No idea where he was headed, all he had to do was, dodge. Swiftly avoiding a certain cero blast, he took a slight hit to his arm. Luckily he didn’t feel it at all, and the blast was weak in comparison to his own. For some reason, his stomach seemed to ache as if he had stepped into something of horrible judgment. The series of events unfolding before his eyes kept the unsettling-ness of his stomach to be right. Shadows loomed out of the distance, and a whole battalion of Menos Grande came from the background. They weren’t a match one on one with Kira, but a whole squad of them, so closely together? It was mostly only seen when being controlled? Was this a test by someone? Was someone watching him at the moment to see his reaction? Pulling away from the battle, he jumped on the side of the hall, which seemed to go up into infinite. He jumped back and forth, until finally the walls gave way, and he couldn’t push off another wall. Letting go of his energy, he allowed himself to free fall. Staring down at the large amounts of Menos Grande below him, he closed his eyes. Knowing what was going to happen, meant his power would be pushed against theirs. He wouldn’t sweat this though, he had God to take over for him. Which he did. Once he had control of the body for the moment, a huge grin spread across his face. ‘My turn, finally?’ Still in free-fall, it was not over yet.

    Stretching his hand toward all of the enemies below, he made sure not to lose his cocky grin. “I can do this in my sleep!” Still, only seconds passed and he was far enough away to notice all of the lights going on down there. Charging their cero way too early now? It was something he hadn’t predicted, and he was planning on waiting a few more moment. For some odd reason they all concentrated together. It was all focused in the same direction, all of them at once, toward him. It was all put together at the moment. They were being controlled. Has to be another Vasto Lorde. Slowly the dark purple tint cascaded from his arm, within seconds collided with the red beam that came from all of the concentrated power of the Menos. The cero Kira had created didn’t even collide, it dissipated all the way back to Kira himself and he was enveloped in the cero himself. Slowly, the cero consumed him, and then the stream of energy flew off into the sky leaving nothing but pixels of nothing.

    “Gotcha.” The whole time, he had separated from his first part, the fact that he was able to even plot in God in this, made it hilarious. Due to the fact that he somehow has two processes of thinking, one can control the clones and the other can move around. Now he wanted to state this to whomever this was, but it was too long. He just slid his only arm around the hollow’s what seemed like neck. Pulled him in close, and blinked at him a few times. The man dispersed, as did all the Menos, and in the back of his head there was laughter. Losing grip of himself, he fell to his knees. Thinking hard, all he could hear was laughter. Then God took over, his willpower was greater, and he tried to look forward. Everything was blurry. Able to fight off the poison in his brain, he couldn’t fight the imparities of the poison the hollow injected them with. The Menos were indeed still there, and Kira couldn’t breathe. Feeling as if he was going to collapse, he created his own clone, and slipped off behind it. Still able to move his legs was a great thing. The fact that his arms were impossible to move, and he couldn’t see where he was going. The hallway came into view, but began to collapse again. Then a blast from behind overtook him again, and in a brief instant nothingness. Darkness.

    Gasping for breath, Kira woke up from the deep dream he was in. His body didn’t feel too great, and he slipped up letting God know of his negative dreams. The dreams were getting more and more vivid. Giving him an even more humanoid body and what seemed like a Shinigami Zanpakuto. God said nothing, he just stayed to himself and allowed Kira to drift off again.

    Release Information: (This is for future reference, you must acquire this techniques in-game, same with the process of Espada evolution)
    Basic information:

    Zanpakuto Name:
    Weapon of Choice:
    Spiritual Pressure Color:
    Other Information:

    Resurrección: (please re-use this form if you have more than one resurrection)
    Resurrección Name: {What's your ressurection called?}
    Descriptions: {Ressurection description/information}
    Release Command: {A release command, to activate your ressurection}
    Released Appearance: {What changes occur in your appearance?}
    Other Changes: {Environment wise, changes that has nothing to do with your characters appearance}

    Techniques: (maximum techniques 12, re-use the form provided please)

    Name: Clone
    State: Both
    Terms of usage: Innate
    Since Kira was a kid, he always had a vivid imagination, and a great capacity. Able to creating imaginary friends and objects allowed him to keep to himself, and escape the world. Since becoming a Hollow, he kept that ability. Though this time they are a reality. He can create almost anything. Anything he can see will become a mirror image of what he has seen. Even the back of the item/person, everything. If he has seen it vaguely he can mold it into whatever he wants. Not only that, he can set it to have its own thinking process or a set personality based on what he has seen of the person’s mannerisms. This limits it to only one thing; he can only allow the clone to imitate the voice if he has heard the person. These creations being reiatsu created by Kira himself, means he is allowed to destroy these creations at any time, even in explosions if necessary. When needed, Faden can close his eyes and skim through the eyesight of all his clones. These explosions differ from the size of the clone created. It’s his imagination, his reiatsu. Since it is his reiatsu, if they come back into contact with Kira, he will absorb them, and gain back his lost reiatsu. He has mastered this ability, and it is his defining ability.
    Though he is able to create almost exact clones, these clones still cannot be altered correctly. The appearance can be changed yes, but one thing Kira was never able to change is the fact that they are a mirror image. It’s as if his brain won’t allow him to change the way they weild a sword, or if perhaps they have an eye patch on their right eye, it would be the left on the copy. Whatever the character does would be mirrored in the opposite direction in the clone. Not only that flaw, is the fact that he can’t make more than ten clones. It doesn’t seem at first a huge flaw. Only when you know that these clones cannot be touched by flesh or great force will this be made to a realization. If even touched by flesh, they dissipate immediately. Not only that… when given their own thought process, they can even come to argue with Kira, and turn against him. Seems odd? No. Kira finds he, himself is conflicted at times, and can lose sense of reality, and his own imagination… This means he’s failed, and has to destroy his creation. Or can be sucked in to a secluded corner, where only his God side can help. This ability does drain Faden of movement, and thinking process when he has multiple clones up. Clones may also not move over 150 feet from Faden, when a step even further is moved… They explode on their own.

    Kingdom information:
    (Every God-king gets a kingdom)

    Kingdom Name:Akatsuki
    Size: Small
    Climate: Cold, and musky
    Geography: On a mountain
    Limnology : None
    Vegetation : None, barren.
    Population: Small
    The Kingdom is the only structure there. Everyone here is pretty negative. Kira rules only because of his God stature. Without him he would be pushed over, and killed and another would rise and take his spot. The Castle, which he calls it is where he lives. It’s pretty much a roman building, with all of his items he holds placed in it. It is a resting place for him. Everywhere else is where the other’s reside. He makes no real rules, and just allows anything to happen. It’s not a democracy. Defy him, get eaten.
    Ootori Hanzo
    Ootori Hanzo
    Captain And Commander
    Captain And Commander

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    Kira/God Empty Re: Kira/God

    Post by Ootori Hanzo Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:49 pm

    Approved. I will be adding Akatsuki later, please add the release information as you promised.

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