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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:00 am

    *The stillness of the desert; white sand for miles and miles spanned out all around.

    Like a slow drone though, the peace was suddenly disturbed.

    a thick blackness began to appear, that grew and grew to a massive point which blotted out all around it.

    From the blackness appeared a giant Seki gate. It was unlike those that were usually seen, as it doors appeared to be constructed of cypress wood, with vast gold engravings all about it.

    slowly the doors pushed open and a single man stepped forth onto the desert floor.

    A few moments later two more approached and stood right behind.

    The three men gazed around a bit, observing the landscape, before moving to the right of the doors standing in a line.

    The then ground began to runble; as if a earthquake were about to rip the land apart.

    begining first as a large formation and growing what seemed like to infinity, a massive army of men came marching out through the gate; each formation carrying a large banner above it:

    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo 2laadtx

    The first several platoons of men marched out, so with spears, others with bows. Immediately afterwards, men on horses came pulling cannons behind them.

    This continued for several moments, with more men following the cannons.

    when finally the last had passed, the army stopped where they stood, and all turned to face the 3 men inspecting them.

    the man in the middle stepped forward and gave the command*

    "We make camp here, and wait."

    *a great roar of approval rose from the formed army and a temporary camp was set up.

    stopping first in Hueco Mundo, many were unsure as to why they had arrived here, but all who saw this great march knew one thing, even if it was just by the familiar banners; The Yukimura were on their march from heaven to the gotei, and they had arrived...*

    Rank : Séptima
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:43 am

    A young man appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and he was flabbergasted by the cavalry. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?! You better have a good reason for this!" Kyouga growled as his black aura flared, and he cracked his knuckles. He was really peeved by this invasion, and he was very territorial. However, he was bound to calm down, if his father were to show himself.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:08 am

    *stepping forward from his position with his retainers, Haji walked slowly down to the young man who just arrived, waving his folded fan back and forth into the palm of his opposite open hand*

    "There is no need to be hasty, I assure you we have no come to attack Hueco mundo; you sight does not mislead you; we are marching to war; butthe war we make is not here. This is but a stop; a place to pick up allies if we can..."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:58 am

    "What is in it for my people, dad?" Kyouga asked his old man, calming down and awaiting his father's response.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:08 am

    "What do your people require? You have a home here free of senseless shinigami violence...
    But maybe I can intrige you with this idea; what we intend to do is set things right in seireitei; and as such, no longer will shinigamis be the only ones allowed there..

    In my on thoughts, I see a world where we can coexist...

    But that is just me...

    Here is really what's in it for your people; if the gotei falls completely to Sato, how long do you think it will be before his armies march here? And even if you put up a great resistance, how long do you think the king of hell will sit while his borders are threatened by the fall of Heuco Mundo? then he will march against sato, and this place will be a war zone; your people will be killed by both sides; so maybe what is in it for your people is life..."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:26 am

    "Fine, I'll lend a hand. I will also see if Legion is in the mood to help out. However, I cannot make any promises on how many demons will want to get involved." Kyouga replied to Haji as he offered his hand to him.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:17 am

    *shaking his hand haji agreed*

    "That is fair enough... Our goal here is just to find those willing to make the endeavor with us. we do not expect you to carry the load, as you can see we have brought our full force with us. All we ask is that for this time Hueco mundo ally itself under the Yukimura Banner..."

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Senetue Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:09 am

    "Sadly I cannot allow that." A voice called, a figure appeared behind Kyouga, his long blue hair rolling over his shoulder while reaching down towards his back. His skin was rather pale, paler then what some would think was normal but something about the pasty white color seemed to fit the red eyed being who had bags under his eyes. "I, as a representative, will not allow Hueco Mundo to ally underneath the Yukimura Banner." He said, his hands slid out of the sleeves of his lab coat which read M.I.T on the back in big bold letters and under that was the number eight which took up most of the back of the lab coat. "As far as I'm concerned this can be chalked up as illegal entry and that all the races cannot fully live in co-existence. Of course some one who did their math would plainly see that it's impossible for both Shinigami and Hollow to live in harmony. Don't even get me started with Angels and Demons and all the other races out there who quarrel with one another. But Sato, little Sato, the man whose head I bit off only to have it return to it's body with the help from some one who Kyouga actually knows very well. I will need a better reason than, you can save your race if you team up with me since I understand that with Kyouga in command of security of this place we might lose." Senetue said, his words were harsh but in a way they were true since Kyouga did seem to show some incompetence. "The only individuals who Sato can muster that could really prove to be a problem would be the captains and even then whose to say that they wont end up losing to the Espada? So please, give me a much better reason why I should allow Hueco Mundo to unite under Yukimura and if it's good enough I'll think about it."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:59 am

    *nodding to the new arrival Haji spoke*

    "Fair enough; but I don't think you understood what I said earlier; you focus on sato, and how he could pose a threat; or not as you seem to think, but what you fail to notice is what's on the other side of you:

    As I said; this man affects not just the realm of Seireitei, but the living world, heaven and hell. Do you honestly think that I, the Shogun of the soul kings army of heaven, would care that much about the trivial details of a personal squabble between noble houses of shinigami?

    Do not kid yourself on that; no; I care because I have learned a bit of satos agenda, which involves the overthrow of the soul king; or at least the evidence would present it so;

    but what do you think that means? Why should the people of Hueco mundo care about that?

    and at first you would seem wise to wander; but the truth is not so simple;
    Sato or anyone trying to take the reigns of heaven by force would fall into the same fate; the would be unable to control the power which would come to them; thus they would throw all realms; seireitei, hueco mundo, the living world, heaven and hell, in to a state of unbalance.

    knowing full well the damage such an unbalance can cause, how long do you think it will be before the demon king must act to prevent it? or at the very least seek to reign in both heaven and hell?

    do you really think his thoughts will be bent on the preservation of Hueco mundo? no...
    he would march right through here, destroying everything in his path that would oppose him; and with sato on your left and him on your right, do you really think you will be strong enough to repel both?

    I shall make this simple for you, as I never intended to linger here long; you may choose to ally yourself with us; prevent this madness from ever starting, or you can simply hide here in the desert and hope the storm passes over;

    To me it makes little difference as I am not here to war with Hueco mundo. you do as you see best.

    But to answer 2 of your previous statements, as you may well read in your own by-laws, as a representative of heaven, I do not need permission to cross hueco mundo, seireitei, or the living world. Only hell is locked to me as invitation only.

    And you are right, you can prevent all of hueco mundo from joining with us; however Kyouga himself, you can not: as my son he is a Yukimura and therefore can choose for himself if he wishes to go.

    So there is your case, neatly laid out and simple.

    You will learn of me, I am not one to mince beautiful words as an act of presuation, I simple give you the facts as they stare you in the face. what you choose to is entirely up to you; I will make no allies by force.
    we will set out in two days; ifyou wish togo with us, we will be glad to accept you, and you will be free to act as an independent army. If you choose not to, then I wish you the best in the future, should things go ill for us.

    Once my final guest arrives, we will be ready for depature."

    Rank : Séptima
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:06 am

    "Senetue, I would prefer that you come with us, but you are free to chose your own path. However, I have no intentions for condemning Hueco Mundo to the destruction that may come. Which is exactly why my gigantic friend shall be coming." Kyouga said sharply to Senetue as he went to stand next to his father. It was also then that Moegami appeared standing right next to Kyouga, smoking his pipe. "Similar to you, dad, I can travel anywhere, except heaven. Besides, I need to have a talk with Ciel. Anyway, Legion should be here momentarily." Kyouga added more calmly as he looked past Senetue.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Senetue Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:22 pm

    Senetue merely thought it over as Haji spoke, thinking about it closely as he merely stood there, his fingers tapping against his thumb on both hand as he thought about it as hard as he could. "I will go... But neither will I fight or interfere with your fight but merely record what happens between everyone and hang off to the side. Only should Sato try to flee or try to fight himself shall I interfere since his head belongs soley to me and close friend of mine." He said, he was bent on getting Sato's head back for Claire since it was her cursing head to begin with. "I am met for investigation, medicine and technology... Nothing more."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:09 pm

    *nodding to the espada, Haji spoke *

    "As I said; your decision is of your own free will. We will be grateful for any help you deem fit to give, and if you wish to hold back under those conditions, you are free to do so.

    You will learn quickly of me I am one slow to anger, thus I never make friends by force. And I am also one who is appreciative of any favors; thus when the time calls for it, I shall return it in kind."

    *just as he finished talking, a slow rumble began to shake the ground; starting slowly at first, as it grew the very sand itself seemed to bounce up in whisps and fall...

    A shadow fell across the group, one that seemed to eclipse even the light of the moon...*

    "Well... It seems as if our final guest has made his appearance..."
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Legion Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:25 pm

    *each footfall sounded like thunder in the heavens as he stepped. slowly; deliberatly, the massive beast strode towards them.

    after several minutes, he arrived upon the group; leaning his frame forward, Legion tilted his massive head downs towards the group, bracing himself with his hands on the ground a he leaned forward.

    Those standing in front of him quickly noticed he could pick 3 or 4 of them up in one of his massive claws himself.

    lowering his tone to prevent a massive roar, Legion spoke*

    "We heard a voice; a voice above the low hum of the world; we recognized the voice, and have answered. Hello father; did you call us?"
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:40 pm

    *looking up at the beast, Haji let a smile slip over his face, and gave a quick pat to one of Legions fingers*

    "Hello my friend! It is good to see you again; and I see you are fareing well. There is much work to be done, and time is growing short for us, so I will explain it to you as we move; needless to say, we have at last moved to war."

    *patting his finger one more time, Haji turned and began to walk back to his troops.
    as he walked he gave notice to the strange look on the faces of the others, and he realized being called father by this beast may have seemed odd; so he decided to explain*

    "I'm not really his father; legion is my creation. He is the product of a failed genetic research project I conducted while 12th Captain; however he has gone on to be one of my greatest sucesses; and a very dear friend. So I guess in a manner of speaking, he is my son; or at least I care for his well being as I would one of my own."
    Dark Lord Guardian
    Dark Lord Guardian

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Legion Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:43 pm

    *listening to Haji words, Legion raised himself up and his full height; his large black wing folded neatly against his back*

    "We are ready; when friends need us; we help. We will fight..."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:47 pm

    *looking back up at Legion, Haji said*

    "And I thank you my friend I do..."

    *directing himself now to Kyouga, Haji said*

    "When we march, I want you to go with Legion; he will most likely be our greatest seige weapon, but he will need help keeping others off of him while he works."

    *haji looked up quickly and added*

    "Oh yes, and don't be fooled: legion may seem as if he is a lumbering Giant, but it's only the way he speaks: with all those beings inside of him; all their conciousness wrapped into one focus, he is extremely intellgent."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:23 pm

    "Protection for the preverbal tank? Sounds good to me." Kyouga responded to Haji's initial order, but he still had much on his mind. "Dad, you said that you created Legion. What project were you conducting, and how did Legion end up in Hell?" Kyouga asked, wondering just how Legion came to be if he wasn't an oddity of Hell. Regardless, Kyouga was curious about some secrets that his father might have to hide.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:09 am

    *acknowledging his sons question and admiring his perception, Haji spoke*

    "That is a bit of a story, and may need to be shared later. Let us suffice to say for now that Legion was the result of a project we conducted in healing; we were hoping to create a method to prevent dying souls from having their spirit particles dissapte. The idea was to create a way to cause spirit particles to rebond. The result as you can see is that they in fact can rebond; unfortunately they is no way to turn the process off, and the being that has been exposed to this must continuely absorb particles to live; the easiest way to do this is to absorb other beings.
    The reason he was is hell is because the Demon king allowed us to place him there; not just for protection of others, but for protection of himself; this way he can absorb condemed souls willing to join with him; rather than forceabley taking them from the other realms. Sometime, I promise to tell you the whole story."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:19 am

    "Very well then, may we go to the Seireitei now?" Kyouga asked Haji eagerly, hoping to get into some action before it was too late. It was also at this time that he was sitting on Legion's shoulder.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:30 pm

    *waving his hand up to Kyouga, Haji says*

    "Patience now Patience.. Events there have unfolded that take careful planning. The first and most important rule to the art of war is to never put your opponents back to the wall... He will fight with a ferocity the likes of which you have never seen if he is desperate. Many lives would be lost needlessly. No we arewaiting for our moment to strike."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:47 pm

    "Patience? How do you even know what is going on in the Seireitei?" Kyouga questioned his father curiously. It was quite clear that Kyouga wanted to know every single detail, but he merely wanted to get down to business as soon as possible.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:40 am

    *looking at his son with a glare, Haji says one phrase*

    "I'm the Shogun: It's my job to know whats going on..."

    *he let a bit of a laugh slip out, before continuing*

    "I can't say for certain that I know 100% of what's going on down there, nor can I say I understand all the motivations behind each part of the drama; However my time spent watching from the real world, followed by the return to heaven I made with your mother, gave me a bit more perspective on things..."

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    Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo Empty Re: Arrival of the Yukimura: Heuco Mundo

    Post by Kyouga Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:57 am

    "Is it almost time yet?" Kyouga asked as he fed Legion an entire box of Hollow Biscuits. It was very clear that Kyouga was bored, and he was trying his best to keep himself entertained. Kyouga had been waiting for quite a very long time, and it was starting to get really boring for him.

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