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4 posters

    Facción Primero : Central City

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

    Rank : Vizard Leader
    8th Division Oyabun
    Ocho Espada

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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:09 am

    Facción Primero : Central City P229_o10

    Central City is Los Buques's only city, found on the center, it's one of the most populated cities in Hueco Mundo.

    Secure and Well protected by the vessels, Hollow nobles choose to live in this luxurious city exceeding Soul Societies Sereitei in both architecture and innovation.

    Anyone can visit the central city, go on strolls , interact and much much more.
    Attacks are allowed, but beware of consequences.

    Posts : 132
    BD-cash : 5335

    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:05 am

    Relampago was walking through the wonderous central city belonging to the primer Faccion, Relampago was at peace. He had his hands in his pockets and walked about in his human like yet hollow form. His demonic glowing eyes looking about the area and his cold hearted smile showing everyone if they try to annoy him, something bad will happen. He says to himself.

    "Ah.. What a wonderful city.. Heh.. a brilliant place to rest up if I may say.. ahh.. so peacefull.. a great place to come when you wish to relax from training."

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:28 am

    His appearance came with a loud bang, his rather long blue hair hung down on his shoulders as he appeared pretty much an inch in front of Relampago where he proceeded to knock his shoulder against the boy and continue moving. He wore a large white robe, one could think that he was a researcher despite the fact that the sleeves went past his hands. Though his hands weren't really needed as he had a bag of chips in one arm while his other hand would fish the occasional chip. "People always getting in my path way." The being said to himself, his face obscured as he made his way down the streets in the opposite direction Relampago was heading as he appeared to be talking about the boy. Though he was in a hurry, he wanted to find something to eat to satisfy his insatiable hunger.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:52 pm


    Relampago stumbles back slightly, He manages to maintain balance of himself and looks towards the being with the long drowting blue hair. He gives a sharp look which make his eyes glow lightly. He begins to surround himself with dark shadow flames, the shadows surround his whole body and then dissapere. Shortly afterwards they re-appear next to the running being forming relampago's body once again. He floats on the shadows that he uses for transport, he looks to his side and waves gently and says.

    "Hi there.. Who are you!?"

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:08 pm

    His right eye twitched as he tried to make his way down the street, he had finally just taken the bag and pretty much stuffed it into his mouth along with chewing and swallowing the chips and the bag in all. It took him time to notice that the boy he had ran into earlier had caught up to him, moving along side him as he made his way down the street in a hurry. His question made him role his eyes and release a groan because he didn't really need anything like this at the time considering he was busy doing his own thing. "That's something you don't need to know pipsqueak." He said, his red eyes looking towards Relampago before he looked ahead and continued to move.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:30 pm


    He looks back at the espada with his glowing demonic like eyes, He looks forwards infront of him and decides to help him out, He grabs hold of his arm and begins to surround the two with large amounts of shadow flames. These flames wouldent harm him they would just surround him and teleport the two further onwards. The shadows cover the two of them and then dissapere into thin air. Then re-appearing at the end of the street, the flames then withdraw into Relampago and the only shadow flames left are the ones around him.

    "So.. Where you going??"

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:53 pm

    Senetue was growing irritated of being disturbed, his stomach was rumbling and this kid had decided to teleport himself and Senetue to the end of the street which caused Senetue to groan in irritation. "You don't need to know." Senetue said, crouching before leaping, jumping to the top of a building before he began to make his way along the roof tops, his red eyes looking around every inch of the city. He wondered where and if there was a restaurant in this town, it was close to his section, at least closer then heading into Holloween Town just to get food.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:23 pm

    Relampago looks up seeing the espada jump of quiet rudley, Relampago keeps a smile on his face although he was irritated at the fact that he was so rudley ignored, Relampago extends his left arm, He pointed over to where a few hollows where around and some rocks where around them also, Michael charges up an electrical shadow bolt, He builds it up in his hand the size of a bowling ball, He launches the large power surge towards the ground of hollows.

    The attack hits them causing a large explosion which throws them away within inpact, crashing down and slowly being injuered and some dieing. The inpact gets so big that rocks around the area where hit and are now dropping down from the skys, A hollow comes charging at relampago. Relampago gets a serious look on his face, his eyes glow a dark red, he looks sharply at the hollow, the hollow stops frozen in fear, The hollow then turns around and dashes off. Lampo fires a flame shadow bolt which strikes the hollow in the back killing it instantly. He then looks at his nails and shines them on his jacket, he jumps up onto a rooftop and sits on the edge and says.

    "Pathetic weak hollows..."

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:44 pm

    Senetue was heading off to some place to eat, but he heard an explosion which caused Senetue to skid to a stop and look behind him, looking towards where the boy had stopped following him. He saw Relampago attacking a few hollows which made the rather passive look on his face to turn into a frown, a sign that this boy was really making him angry. The boy was stupid enough to cause damage to the city with his attack but he was considered as stupid as ever for killing hollows in front of an espada, especially one who wanted to see hollows prosper. Senetue moved like a lightning bolt, appearing behind Relampago in a split instant with his leg drawn back before he swung, aiming for the back of Relampago's head. Justice had to be dealt to those who caused trouble.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:52 pm

    Shadow flames surround Relampago and teleport him down below towards the infestation of hollows were, he stood there and looked towards the espada, he bowed and then asks him.

    "Why are you trying to attack me?"

    He turned his head and raised his left eyebrow, in confusion to see why he was about to be attacked, A few hollows came behind relampago and tried to strike him however his instant shadow flames react rapidly which also connect to his mind, they built up a wall behind him in the shape of large flames. What these did where push back the hollows. The hollows stumble and fall back rolling along the sands which then make them dash off.

    Rank : Séptima
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Kyouga Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:11 pm

    Kyouga was just passing by with some groceries from Holloween Town, but he was alerted by Relampago's destructive actions. In fact, Kyouga was only a few feet from his 'nephew'. Fortunately, he would be able to give Relampago some Hollow candy. Yet, Kyouga's tattoo on the back of his neck was stinging; and it was causing Kyouga to momentarily twitch slightly. Regardless of this, Kyouga slowly continued to walk past Relampago; hoping that he wasn't noticed yet.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
    BD-cash : 6250

    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:16 pm

    "Attacking people is allowed but what you did was absolutely heartless... I'm going to have to punish you for your deeds." Senetue said, jumping down towards Relampago, he spun through mid flight before he tried to bring his foot down and smash it into Relmpago's head.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:20 pm

    Relampago saw this attack that was going towards him, Relampago noticed that he was an espada so fighting him would be useless, and since he was unarmed at the time, due to the fact that he was still in training. He sent his right hand towards Senetue and sent a large shadow to cover him, the shadow that surrounded him began to spin around and was begining to teleport him back to where he was originaly.

    Rank : Séptima
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Kyouga Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:37 pm

    "Relampago, you're going to be in so much trouble when your father hears about this... In fact, he probably knows is now..." Kyouga said sympathetically to Lampo as he gave him some candy. Relampago's biggest flaw was the fact that he went berserk if he got irritated, but Kyouga just wanted him to be good for once.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
    Posts : 520
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:40 pm

    "I don't think so." Senetue said, realizing that it wasn't a good idea to allow the shadow to do as it wished which pretty much Senetue countered by sonidoing multiple times around Relampago. Yet he stopped and quickly swept his leg at Relampago's side, wanting to take this little kid out so he could toss him outside of the city. He was serious about people who would attack people without a reason, especially considering this city was under the care of Claire. He outright ignored Kyouga's appearance since this boy needed to be taught a lesson that Senetue was willing to give.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:09 am

    "Oh.. boy.. I guess I better fight back... Um.. care to lend me a weapon?"

    He said this towards his Uncle Kyouga as he then lowered his head in slight shame. He had noticed the rapid kicks and attacks. He didn't want to cause any more trouble then he already had done, he already knew that his father was going to tell him off for this. He managed to dodge a few of the kicks. HE began to think to himself.

    If I attack him at all he will just get more angry meaning he will be coming after me again and again until I am finally dead.

    HE sighed slightly.

    Well then I can't stand here and keep getting attacked, if I apologise it wouldn't mean anything to him.. I guess I have to keep stalling until father gets here. Even though its his punishment that I'm more afraid of.

    Relampago continues to dodge the attacks, being hit once or twice by the vicious kicks. He tries to focus onto where the kicks where coming from, he moved his hands about rapidly in hope of trying to grab hold of one of his legs, to make him stop or swing him away. He then said out loud.

    "I apologise... I did not mean to harm your feelings, I never knew that you cared so much about these wondering hollows!"

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:27 am

    Senetue made sure to not allow Relampago to grab a hold of his legs as he was switching off, striking with his right and then his left but switching it up every time Relampago tried to grab a hold. "Of course I care... It's only natural that you try to protect the people you care for. And I care for the hollow race in its entirety. Your apologies will never bring back the few that you just killed." He said, constantly moving as he began to aim at Relampago's head, wanting to knock the kid out as fast as he could so he could hand the boy over to some one and go do what he had been doing.

    Rank : Séptima
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Kyouga Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:39 am

    "That's enough Senetue, you've proved your point." Kyouga said as his stopped Senetue's fist with his right hand. "I'll take him to his father so that you may continue with whatever you were doing." Kyouga added calmly.

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:01 am

    When Kyouga interfered, Senetue gave him a stare that could cut through diamonds as if doing so had awakened a deepened want to hurt some one who halted him from doing as he wanted. His right eye even seemed to twitch slightly as his fist began to push against Kyouga's hand, a sign that Senetue wasn't exactly in a very nice mood at this point.

    Rank : Séptima
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Kyouga Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:43 am

    Kyouga unflinchingly gave Senetue the same stare as his hand barely moved at all. "Don't you have some research to do?" Kyouga asked Senetue calmly as he stood his ground, and didn't show any sign of weakness. Senetue was stronger than him, but Kyouga didn't care at the slightest. Kyouga understood that what Relampago did was uncalled for, but his punishment would be far worse.

    Posts : 132
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Relampago Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:58 am

    Relampago realised he had done something wrong, Although he found it quite funny he held in his laughter. He took this chance to sonido next to Kyouga and quickly raise up a large orb of shadows, that then rapidly begin to teleport them away from the area that they were in and away from the other Espada member.

    "I think we should take this chance to leave! Apology for all that I have caused and um not to worry soon some mortal shall appear here and be turned into a hollow so there's nothing to worry about"

    Relampago gave a light smile in hope that the shadows would quickly teleport the two out of the area and away from the vicious blue haired Espada member

    Rank : Cuatro, the king of Isolation.
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    Facción Primero : Central City Empty Re: Facción Primero : Central City

    Post by Senetue Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:12 am

    Senetue growled slightly at Kyouga as he took Kyouga's words as mocking him even though Senetue was doing all he could to improve everyone's lives while Kyouga just ran around being useless, as always. He would allow the two to leave, but Relampago's words reminded him of pure ignorance considering he didn't seem to care about the current hollows since more would come along. Though Senetue thought above that, he believed that everyone's lives were precious and Relampago was the kind of thing that Senetue was trying to eliminate, to get rid of all risks to hollows. "Freaking ignorant kids and useless Kyouga." Senetue said, pulling a bag from his robe before he reached into it, pulling out a slice of pizza which he began to nibble on as he began to go on his way.

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