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Uruha Anko
Haji Yukimura
Mr. Satan
7 posters

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Mr. Satan
    Mr. Satan
    Demon King
    Demon King

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Mr. Satan Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:45 pm

    Amihan didn't stop for anything, after entering through the gates, she didnt stop for another 5 hours, until they've finally reached there final destination, the Torre Del Inferno, or the prison of Hell.

    From the outside, the structure of the tower appears normal, yet something was oddly distorted about the aura it gives off.

    "Welcome to hells prison." Said a head which popped out from where Amihan had held the chariot with her tails many arms. "I believe this is the purpose of your visit, enjoy your trip."
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:47 am

    *stepping from the chariot, Haji observed the prison for the first time with his own eyes.
    He found it to be more impressive and fearsome than tales could truly convey.

    Turning to the others traveling with him, he posed the question that he felt the others may be thinking*

    "Should we enter? This place is notorious for trapping souls within it's walls forever."
    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

    Posts : 84
    BD-cash : 5297

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Uruha Anko Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:46 pm

    "Lets go" Jumping off the chariot, Ruru lands on the desolated grounds, far worst compared to Hueco Mundo, she didn't think it was possible, yet here she was again.

    Back in Hell.

    Halted by the sight of a familiar figure, it would appear that someone was expecting them.

    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
    Human Revolver

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Ferris Will Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:10 pm

    Dark laughter crawled from the underneath, it came from the entry acrh of the tower, it was one of Hell's Princess's, Belial.

    "It's been a while" she grins as she studied each and everyone of them, then focused her look towards Ruru. "Onanoko-na, you look weird... you remind me of someone."

    She then turned to Sachiko and continued. "I'm in charge of the towers prison, like it or not, I'll be joining your group from here on out."
    Aoyama Sachiko
    Aoyama Sachiko
    ミカ野 清掃

    Posts : 81
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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Aoyama Sachiko Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:05 am

    "Another intrusion? It's fine, just so long as we don't delay this any further." Sachiko turned to Haji, then to the rest of them, later gracely turning back to Bella.

    "Now, as for the purpose of our visit, can you send as to the witch queen's prison? Freya Alune Celestatine, Queen of Etheria, beheaded by the gotei 13 during the Magi War."
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:10 am

    Dice watched silently alert for anything unusual. So far his visit hasnt gone to his liking, there was nothing wrong about it, but that was what's bugging him.

    Everything was going as planned, too good to be believable.
    Aoyama Sachiko
    Aoyama Sachiko
    ミカ野 清掃

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Aoyama Sachiko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:15 pm

    Turning to Dice, she knew exactly what he was feeling, this trip wasnt exactly his dream job, for one, they weren't here to battle in the first place but that was all they ever had to do.

    Closing her eyes, she thought of something to say to him. if she was to let him go to the living world, there force will shrink to 4, which is not entirely bad, but for the better good.

    "I heard word from Moshiro... The Jiānhùrén have escaped the void."

    Sharply she turned to Dice with eyes that pierced through anything.

    "I will follow, you go back with the 8th Division Captain."
    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Uruha Anko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:20 pm

    Jiānhùrén?! Ruru thought, she has heard of that name before, but what concerns her more was on why it bothered Sachiko as much, no one would notice her sudden change and character, no one except for Ruru.

    Turning back to the demon princess she very well knew who, she took the initiative to move first and spoke.

    "We should hurry, the ticket is gonna expire anytime soon"
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
    Human Revolver

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Ferris Will Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:26 pm

    Laughing as to how the shinigami's were so simple minded, especially the little hooded girl.

    "Sad to break it to you, but the girl is right, your time is running up, but i will make a deal with you, an additional hour for all but only the hooded girl, and Aoyama Sachiko enters, the Yukimura Daimyo stays behind together with his brother."
    Aoyama Sachiko
    Aoyama Sachiko
    ミカ野 清掃

    Posts : 81
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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Aoyama Sachiko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:29 pm

    "I dont mind." as quickly as Beliala offered, she answered without a bit of hesitation. "Gomen Haji, but weve gone this far to let it all go to waste, time is important, and who knows what may happen if we run out."
    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Uruha Anko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:32 pm

    sighing without attracting too much notice she turned to Sachiko as she felt overpowered for a second or two, but she was after all right by all means, time was important, and even 5 minutes wont do them good, which was all that they had left.

    Entering ahead, she waited next to what looked like the door entry to the prison, ready for anything, still, she was looking at Sachiko, but in reality, she was wondering how Haji felt about the decision Sachiko made all by her self.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    WA President

    Posts : 82
    BD-cash : 5307

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:35 pm

    Irritated by the fact that he wasn't informed earlier, his decision was definite. "Were going back, Nami Taichou, you come with me, this place is not safe for you."

    With but what little time left, Dice drew an alchemy circle on the ground, big enough for both him and Nami to fit into, as he was done, he started chanting something, and slashed his right palm to let blood drip into the floor, to complete the spell, he placed his palm on the center of the circle activated purple light around it transporting them back to the living world.
    Aoyama Sachiko
    Aoyama Sachiko
    ミカ野 清掃

    Posts : 81
    BD-cash : 5368

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Aoyama Sachiko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:40 pm

    Turning away from Haji she walked towards the door and stood next to Ruru seemingly saying something to her, softly, yet strongly. It was just as loud as a whisper. No one could possibly hear it from a distance of an inch.

    "Dont try anything funny, im your superior on this mission, it's no longer like the old times... Minamoto... Chiruka..."
    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

    Posts : 84
    BD-cash : 5297

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Uruha Anko Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:46 pm

    With her eyes closed facing down, she had a smile craved on her place, already ready for a come back.

    "You're still angry at me over that... i see... you will never learn... no matter how much i try to teach you... You still struggle to battle me over something so futile... Until you see the gray areas from your black and white ways... until then, no matter what you do or say... you can never surpass your sister."

    after saying so the gates opened and Ruru walked ahead, entering what seems to be a prison of no escape.
    Ferris Will
    Ferris Will
    Human Revolver
    Human Revolver

    Posts : 46
    BD-cash : 5207

    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Ferris Will Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:25 pm

    gigling darkly, the door opened and she lead the way towards the witch queen's prison seeing as the 7th Division Lord agreed to stay behind together with his brother.

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

    Post by Loli Gaga Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:37 am

    Returning to the gates, both Sachiko and Ruru looked pale, they were both left halfway by Belial asuming they knew there way back, but well infact she knew they didnt.

    They ended up getting lost for several more minutes before arriving to the lowest floor and the exit.

    But getting lost turned out to be a blessing, cause getting lost lead Sachiko to finding something significant to the travel, she found exactly what she came for, and that was Komura Sato's head.

    With much pride she walked directly towards Hajime Taichou with a smile.

    "She's in prison alright, it was a false alarm, what we thought."

    Ruru however was concerned more than ever, what does Sachiko's return mean for her and for everyone else.

    Standing still she spoke.

    "Im staying behind, i dont think you would need a guide back, seeing as the hell guardian will send you back to Hueco Mundo Dessert."

    Without saying any further goodbyes, Ruru vanished with a shunpo, off to somewhere, somewhere in hell.

    With that Haji and his party left hell back to Hueco Mundo.

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    Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima Empty Re: Welcome to Hell : Minamoto.Yukimura. Aoyama. Kawashima

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