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    Quincy Elder, Ofen Illuminare

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
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    Quincy Elder, Ofen Illuminare Empty Quincy Elder, Ofen Illuminare

    Post by Muerte Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:47 am

    Basic Information

    Name: Ofen Illuminare

    Age: 49, but looks younger

    Gender: Male


    Personality: Ofen is a very layed back person. He likes to talk to all other quincy who are part of the clans he tries to help run. He likes to hang around Karakura Town and work with friends.

    History: Ofen was born in Karakura town to the elders son, his father. His mother is as of yet unknown to him. As a child, he trained under his father in how to use his quincy weapons and how to kill hollows. However, his grandfather wasn't to happy. His grandfather didn't want him having anything to do with the quincy as it would hurt him. But Ofen wanted to and his father wanted to teach him about the quincy. One day when Ofen was coming home from school. He hadn't had enough skill in training yet, and was attacked by a hollow. While he layed there on the ground, he noticed his father had protected him. He told him to carry on the quincy name and to continue his training. Ofen did as he was told and continued to train tough each and every day. As he trained, his skill in using his quincy powers grew very powerful. He continued to kill hollow and as he did so, he was called upon by the Quincy Elder, his grandfather. His grandfather was in the hospital due to old age and was dieing. As he lay there in the hospital bed, he and Ofen discussed things about the elder lineage. Ofen's grandfather decided that he would leave the Elder Quincy title to him. His last word were be careful, use the Elder Quincy title for good, and I love you. Then, he died right there on the hospital bed. Since then, Ofen has taken the Elder Quincy title to fame and has used it for good. He has gone and killed strong hollow and learned more about his abilities as a quincy.

    Rank: 2

    Armor/Glove Information

    Name: Holy Arrow of Illuminis

    Bow Manifestation:


    Element: Max1: Light


    Name: Illuminis Flare

    Description: Illuminas Flare uses an arrow from the quincy bow to create a flash bomb for defensive purposes and allows escape during times of need.

    Downside: Doesn't work if in a bright bright area

    Name: Illuminas Slash

    Description: Offensive attack. This move creates a quincy seele schneider out of the light from his bow. He can then use it to steal spiritual pressure from those he deems as enemies.

    Downside: Not much of a downside, only works if the user has spiritual pressure i guess.

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