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Sanba Yukimura
Jeremy Winters
Loli Gaga
Haji Yukimura
12 posters

    Main PLOT!!!

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:47 pm

    Yeah, sure goodluck with that
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:37 am


    Okay, i'll use out crack in the sky as a temporary filler ark.

    Till we decide on a final one, we use that. XD
    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Ciel Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:19 am

    Main Plot Draft:

    During Minamoto Lee's rebellion, a defensive barrier was made to defend his crafted heaven. Impossible to break, impossible to infiltrate. Desperate and out of options, Gotei 13 resorted to using an ancient war weapon crafted to destroy worlds. The legendary Kido Cannon named "The Collossus".

    Old scriptures foretold tales about the legendary cannon being used to wipe out races. Only ever used once during the reign of Jinketsu Ookami the current captain and commander of the said time, they wiped out an entire village of Magi's, which raged in war and the opening a path from both the Magi's home, Etheria and Soul Society, the world of souls.

    Knowing of its power and effects to the spiritual distortion of all world, The collossus was sealed off with powerful kido no normal shinigami can break. But with the help of two undercover royal guards serving under the new captain and commander Sanba. The seal was broken, and they shot the collossus towards the protective barrier, instantly breaking it to pieces.

    There was no initial effect felt, the legend was proven false, but not long after, a crack on the sky appeared, visible enough for even regular humans to see. Could this mean the legend about the collosus is true, if so what could be awaiting the new world?

    So how's this?
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:31 am

    Ok, so I'm going to through in my 2 cents again.

    As far as Ruru's (Ciel's) write up, it's perfect, although it's not a main plot (sorry if that sounded bad), because it only takes into account the current events with Lee. It doesn't connect to anything before, just like the first write up on the dark lord does not connect to the Lee thing.

    Ok, so I sound like a gloomy gus I know, but it does make for a great arc (love ya yeobo!).

    Ok a main plot, to use Bleach as an example, consists of a protagonist (in this case one person, ichigo) and and Antagonist (in this case one man Aizen), and a conflict that needs resolving. The conflict being Azien's rebellion, and with the exception of anime fillers, everything that happens ties to that single focus, as well as all the other characters which appear. It's kinda like Final Fantasy 7; You have a lot of cool people and stuff, but the story is really only about Cloud and Sephiroth.

    Another thing about Main Plots are that they consist of events of conflict which need resolving. To resolve the event, solves the problem, thus bringing a main plot to an end, and with it, the story. If BD is to have a true main plot which everything is based around, we also need to plan when we are going to close the site, or at least the rp, or we have a main plot that ends, and then we are back in the search for a new one, which is the same thing as an arc.

    Now as I said don't get me wrong, I think what I've read here are some great ideas, i would like to get in on, but if we are going to have an antagonist with a finite problem on an infinite RP site, we have to take someone or something, like the Dark Lord, and almost never actually have them appear on the site, or if they do, they have to escape before being defeated and disappear for awhile before returning with a new plan. basically we need an antagonist that is more abstract than factual, to prevent the main plot conflict from ending. This is really the only way to do it, or just figure out how we are going to end the BD RPG.

    Chaos Clown
    Chaos Clown

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Ciel Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:42 am

    Hmm, yeah, how to end it, well i guess since were only focosuing on arcs, that its never ending still.

    So i guess sanba was right about the whole "Stress the dark lord" thing!!!

    If main plots end, then i guess we can just stick with an arc introduction every now and then.

    (pooo ruru LOL *huggles papi*)
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Haji Yukimura Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:04 am

    It's true, the dark lord is more valuable to us as a villian than the Lee situation, not because Lee's rebellion isn't important,
    But because the Dark Lord is connected to people and events which tie across several of our previous and current arcs
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:16 am

    yeah, i guess he was the first real main antagonist (Who didnt really make a proper debut)

    Well, for now, we use the current arc as a plot introduction to whats currently going on.
    Cross Marian
    Cross Marian

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Cross Marian Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:36 am

    I have an idea!
    Well, since i don't know much about the Dark Lord except from what I read about him from posts done by Haji and the others. My idea was like, the main plot, be based around The Dark Lord. Like, all of the things happening, are all a part of a big plan he's coming up with or something. Of course, I'm stupid for thinking this obviously not knowing about him. D:
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:27 am

    Sooo im proposing this then, since the DarkLord seemingly fits the description as all-time bad guy, we use him to connect all the events. In the description we can briefly say that he connects them in whatever way but it should not be explained, the Dark Lord should have a hand in the creation of Hueco Arca, Haji's rebellion, Lee's sudden emergence of power...etc. But future events should be kept a mystery to everyone, meaning the big WHY is the dark lord involved in these things question should not be answered in our main plot description. sorry if thats confusing.
    Cross Marian
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Cross Marian Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:28 am

    I understood it completely. It was a better explanation of what I said Sanba-dono :3
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:29 pm

    Actually, placing him in is the easy part, if Ciel had hand in it, it's as easy as done XD

    Not that Ciel is the dark lord, but soon things will reveal it's self, after our Hell arc.
    Cross Marian
    Cross Marian

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Cross Marian Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:30 pm

    This seems nice :)

    Dark Lord = Aizen
    lol, that's how it seems with how he is the center of things, and Aizen is the reason why things have happened so far. What happens once all things end on BD and we have to think of something new?
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:42 pm

    BD on going plot is not going to an end, and NO, Dark Lord is not aizen since were not Cannon bleach to begin with.

    BD is like real life, like haji said on the very beginning (post number 2).

    Nothing really revolves around one thing, but it all connects, and keeps moving on.

    If you really want more information on the dark lord you should read these threads, if you have time for them ^_^
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Muerte Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:59 pm

    I know he isn't Aizen. I just refered to Aizen because BD = Dark Lord and Bleach = Aizen. Aizen is the center of just about all events happening on the anime and manga. Kinda like the Dark Lord being the center of things on BD. I'm going to go read most of it so I can get a seeing of how the Dark Lord was.

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Guiseppe Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:06 pm

    HAHA, that wont be much of a help cause its kinda messed up (rushed mostly) But i hope it helps.

    You can always just chat the old people up if you wanna know anything really.

    (Ruru, Haji) people who were here and involved.
    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Haji Yukimura Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:10 am

    Well if I remember right, the role of the dark lord initially was to be played by Cantin, a former captain, but that never had a chance to take shape. The last thing I remember from the arc was Ken and I arriving in the living world to witness a gang duel. However, that was not the end of things, just where we were forced to stop at the time.

    As for he purposes of the main plot, it would seem that the dark lord was more than that, of course what exactly no one knows for sure.
    cool beans
    cool beans
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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by cool beans Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:38 am

    Okey dokey here i goooo:

    Just to make things clear when designing a new main mission arc we have been pretty thorough to try and keep things in a constant overall timeline, even the one before the last event hueco arca event had some basis with the past characters i.e its creation and establishment, that go into an overall story as a whole that we are all taking part in

    The reason behind the dark lords abscence is pretty simple, its because all the people who interacted with the dark lord storyline have long gone with the exception of a couple of wonderful chappies of course. For example Cantin and Ken? don't think ive even heard of these people :S

    People come and go, when people vanish halfway through an event sometimes we have to improvise and modify the story and its a process we have been doing so far with a modest success rate, anyway pretty soon with certain new places we shall be going to and the whole shebang we shall see the return of some old foes, lets not scrap everything just yet and prepare for a good event but everyone should definatly have their say since they are all apart of this wonderful thing especially if your reading this thread right now... POST!

    Cross Marian
    Cross Marian

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Cross Marian Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:41 am

    lol, nice one beans x3

    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Loli Gaga Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:46 pm

    ^ WOW suzu, just the reaction i needed HAHA.

    Just keep discussing.

    Papi is right about that, the last threads of the rise of the dark lord was just before the finale of the told event (The Mt. Havoc Assault) where i planned to finish it for a later time, but then, as you know BD, people come and go, conflicts rise, and that was one of those times.

    Either way, with an improvised ending, (the beheading of the witch queen, the magi slaughter and all that) nothing was really explained about the dark lord.

    Easier said, he might not exist at all. (clue clue)

    And if you followed every thread of the Memory Leech event, Alfred Alstein said there's no dark lord. He is a myth, and Freya is a lunatic.

    Ugh, i lost my point, im stopping now LOL

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Main PLOT!!!  - Page 2 Empty Re: Main PLOT!!!

    Post by Muerte Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:28 pm

    lol, nice one ruru x3

    So far, I like how things are going. But, soon, I may get lost and i'll find someone to help me get clued in.

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