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    Character Application

    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Character Application Empty Character Application

    Post by Muerte Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:21 am

    Character Registration

    Register your Character here

    This is not a place for chat or spam.
    This is a place for Character Registration only.

    Date of Birth:
    Date of Death:
    (Before Death)
    (As a soul)
    (Soul Society)
    (Current Life)

    Posts : 6
    BD-cash : 5184

    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Kenshin Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:58 am

    Name:Kenshin Shigamu

    Age: REAL: 123 , APPEARED: 20

    Sex: Male

    Personality: Kenshin is a easy enough guy to get along with. He does have a strong sense of justice though and if your on the wrong side of that have fun with him. He is very protective over those that he cares about. He ussually tends to dodge serious conversations with jokes. Most of the time Kenshin keeps to himsefl but occasionally hangs out with other people. He enjoys down to time to do whatever he currently feels like. He is a pretty lay back guy but when needed can go into overdrive.

    Date of Birth:5/1/1857

    Date of Death:6/25/1877


    (Before Death)

    ( will probally be longest part )
    Kenshin was born the illegitamate son of a Samurai. His father and Mother concived him on a night before a big battle. His father survived but never went back to his mother it was a " One night stand ". Kenshin helped his mother on her small farm she owned. During his spare time he would practice sword fighting. He hated how his father had no " Samurai Honor " To leave a pregnant woman of his own son no less.

    He wanted to grow up to be a samurai. He wanted to regain his familys honor which his father ruined when he left his mother. Kenshin loves his mother alot and will do anything to protect her. His mother had been the only one who understood why he wanted to do that. In a town full of Farmers being a Samurai wasn't a popular job option. Despite people laughing at him he continued.

    At the age of 14 a Ronin came to his Village. In the night he tried to kill him and his mother. Kenshin of corse woke up and fought the man. He almost lost but his mother distracted hte man long enough for Kenshin to get a hit in on him. The man was dead. Kenshin then was told by his mother that the man was his father. The very man who left hs mother 14 years ago. He only was filled with more of a drive to redeem his family name. After all his father one ditched a pregnant woman , then came back 14 years later to try to fix his mistake and clear his name with more dishonor.

    After then though no one bother or made fun of Kenshin for his idea. He helped his mom and other people in the town on there farms. At 18 Kenshin left his village to go and complete his dream. He succeded to he became a Samurai. He renewed his family honor by his deeds not those of his fathers. Eventually in 1876 the Emperor of japan decided that the Samurai would no longer be needed by public votes. Many Samurai like Kenshin decided that would never happen. They decided if the have to give up there ways they will lose it honorable , death. Led by Saigo Takamori , Kenshin and the other Samurai charged against the Imperial army. They all died in what is now remebered as Satsuma's Rebellion.

    ( rest will be shorter just wanted a good backround )

    In the Rukon district Kenshin was unnaware of almost everything. He payed no attention to the Shinigami , the criminals. One day he was attacked by one of those criminals on his way home from a long walk. That night he was almost killed and would have been killed if it were not for a passer-bye Shinigami. After that night Kenshin decided he was to become a shinigami to and help others just as this man did for him. So Kenshin thanked the man and went home. He waited in high exeity for the Academy to start accepting new members later that year. He signed up when they opened there doors up for new recruits.


    In the academy Kenshin excelled at swordsmanship. He did OK in Kido no were near doing good but he did well enough for the Instructors. He enjoyed the speed aspect of Zanpaktou work. He always though strength does not matter if you do not have the speed to connect before your oppenent does as if you are super strong but slow your muscle wont deflect your wound that just choped you in half ( Unless your Kenpachi )He eventually graduated 2nd out of 100 in the class in Swordsmandship and 67th out of 100 in Kido. He was honestly he wasnt the 100th person.

    (Soul Society)
    In the Soul Soceity after graduating from the academy he joined squad 2 due to his love and skills in speed. He was happy with that he figured its better than what he could have gotten so he was fine with it. He got to work on his training whenever he was permitted he was determined to get better that he already was. He eventually did. Once they felt he was ready they let him go to the human world for Hollow Hunting. He was pretty good. For back up they sent another squad mate with him though. On his first time out he got 4 hollows. He was happ with himself besides that he hasn't had anything overly exciting happen to him yet.

    (Current Life)

    Currently Kenshin still trains to get better. Sometimes he cherishes the peace and not having to go to war or go killing but sometimes he wants it to test his new skills or to see how far hes come. He knows its a oximoron to want and hate something at the same time but he dont care. He helps out around the SS wen he can spare time from relaxing or training.
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

    Posts : 6566
    BD-cash : 129003

    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Muerte Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:33 am

    Name: Lavi
    Age: 23
    Date of Birth: 1987
    Date of Death: 2010
    Appearance: Lavi has short spiky red hair. From a distance his hair looks a dark brown. He has light green eyes. He keeps an eye patch over his right eye for unknown reasons. He has a headband around his head as well. He wears a long scarf around his neck that is light brown in color.
    (Rukon): Lavi was found in Rukon District not long after he passed away. He was founded by the elder of the town and was raised by him. His attitude is different than how the elder taught him. Lavi is more rambunctious and loves to be out and around.
    (Academy): Lavi shortly joined the academy to learn more about soul society and shinigami. While there, he trained in kido, which he was poor at, and trained in hoho, zanjutsu, and hakuda, all of which he was good at doing. After a year and a half, he graduated from the academy and joined soul society.
    (Soul Society): After joining soul society, Lavi made his way for the 13th Division. THe previous captain, Suzaku, had ran the division with care till he passed away with an unknown illness. Shortly after, he made his way to the 5th Division who had no captain. He trained every day and learned more about what to do and he soon became the 5th Division Captain.
    (Current Life): He is currently the 5th Division Captain
    Demon King
    Demon King

    Posts : 78
    BD-cash : 5374

    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Vergo Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:49 am

    Name: Toshiro Hitsugaya
    Age: 160 (looks 20)
    Sex: Male
    Personality: Hitsugaya is generally mature and serious. He is also tolerant of others goofing off or drawing unneeded attention to themselves, something he wan't capable of when he was a kid. Tōshirō's favorite foods are watermelon and amanattō. He does not like dried persimmons.
    Date of Birth: December 20th
    Date of Death: (Born in Soul Society)
    Character Application Hitsugaya-5
    80 years ago...
    Hitsugaya comes from the province of Junrinan in the 1st District of West Rukongai. There, he lived with his grandmother and Momo Hinamori. As a young child, Hitsugaya was a bit of a brat who likes to eat watermelons and poke fun at Hinamori. She calls him "Shiro-chan" (Little Shiro in the English dub) and he retorts by calling her "Bed-wetter Momo." The two are close friends and Hitsugaya, despite being younger and much shorter than his friend, always feels that he needs to protect her.
    Even at a young untrained age, Hitsugaya could hear the calling of his Zanpakutō spirit, Hyōrinmaru. Despite this he never told anyone and couldn't accurately determine what was happening other than to assume it was an ever recurring dream.

    When Hinamori left to become a Shinigami, he portrayed himself as happy to see her go, though it was more of an act than his true feelings. Her next door friends were scared of him, even though he had never done anything to them. His grandmother, "Granny", and Hinamori were the only ones in the district that weren't afraid of him. His personality was supposedly "cold as ice" or at least thought to be, and he often wondered if it was due to his appearance or attitude. When Momo had been in the Shinigami Academy for 5 years, he began to notice how he hadn't grown an inch. He noticed that Hinamori's hair grew longer and she visited less often, seemingly having a goal in her life now. He also noticed that "Granny" was getting skinnier.

    While out at the market one day a shopkeeper, whom he was buying items from, was treating him disdainfully. He then meets Rangiku Matsumoto, who yells at the shop keeper for being rude to Hitsugaya and reproached him for his poor customer skills. When Hitsugaya turns around, he is knocked down by bumping into Rangiku's bosom. She then yells at him for "lying there and crying about it and not standing up like a man", although it was she who had knocked him down in the first place. He then shakes her off and runs away.

    Later that night, he has a vivid dream of a gigantic, icy blue, serpentine dragon with large wings and an echoing voice. This dream is markedly different from the previous ones, where he had only experienced sensations but nothing substantial to what the meaning might be. This time, however, the reason behind the dreams not only materializes, but tries to tell him its name. Hitsugaya cannot hear him, however, as his voice is muffled by strong winds. He then wakes up in a cold sweat. Upon waking up, he sees Rangiku and is surprised to see her in his home. She immediately tells him to stop leaking his reiatsu everywhere and to get some sleep. She further explains that his grandmother looks pretty cold, which causes Hitsugaya to notice for the first time that the room is exceedingly cold and affecting his grandmother. Rangiku then tells him he should become a Shinigami, stating that kids with power as strong as his need to learn how to bring their power under control. She explains that if he stays the way he is, his power will end up killing his grandmother. At first, Hitsugaya isn't sure what she is talking about but she calmly places her hand on his chest and asks him if he hears a voice calling out to him. She explains to him that once he has found that voice, he'll understand how to control his power. She then notes that for that to happen he must become a Shinigami.

    Soon after, he tells his grandmother of his intentions of becoming a Shinigami. Much to Hitsugaya's surprise, she is happy for him. She tells him that she had always felt that he holds everything in because he didn't want to leave her, but doing so was only hurting him and in turn seeing him that way, hurt her. Hitsugaya then leaves to follow his own path with his grandmother's blessing.
    With Hitsugaya's natural talent, he quickly entered the Shinigami Academy and graduated early despite his age. Hinamori continued to call him "Shirō-chan" out of habit and felt she needed to protect him. Because of a promise she had made, she only began to call him "Hitsugaya-kun" after he had achieved his Zanpakutō's Shikai and was recognized as a Shinigami. Highly capable and knowledgeable, he quickly became the youngest of the captains within the Gotei 13 in the entire history of Soul Society. He is also a friend of Jidanbō Ikkanzaka, the West Gate Keeper, who taught him the "city rules."
    (Soul Society)
    Soul Society arc
    Hitsugaya first appears during the captain's emergency meeting called by captain-commander Yamamoto. However, he states that as usual old men are engaging in their pointless arguments in response to the constant bickering between his fellow captains.

    Hitsugaya's sharp sense of intuition and keen sense of observation leads him to suspect 3rd Division captain, Gin Ichimaru, of foul play as the circumstances surrounding the coming execution of Rukia Kuchiki become more complicated. He warns Hinamori of these suspicions, which inspires her to attack Gin following Sōsuke Aizen's apparent murder, leading him to lock both her and Izuru Kira in prison. After they are taken away, Hitsugaya asks Gin whether he was planning on killing Hinamori. Gin calmly denies it, but Hitsugaya threatens to kill Gin if even one drop of Hinamori's blood should be shed on his account.

    After Gin releases Kira from his cell, Hitsugaya becomes suspicious and confronts both the lieutenant and captain together. He is interrupted by Hinamori, who now thinks that Hitsugaya murdered Aizen and subsequently tries to kill him. She grips her sword so tightly that her hands bleed. Hitsugaya acts upon his earlier threat and attacks Gin, releasing his Zanpakutō and warning Kira to get out of the way (he suggests at least a twelve-kilometer gap). During their fight, Hitsugaya successfully freezes Gin's left arm, causing him to open his eyes and drop his smile for the first time. Upon being trapped by Hitsugaya, he attempts to kill Hinamori as a distraction, but his attack is blocked by Rangiku Matsumoto, who threatens to fight him if he doesn't stop; Gin relents and disappears without saying a word.

    Seeing how destructive Rukia's execution is becoming and now firmly believing that Gin is the one behind it, Hitsugaya begins to wonder about what recent actions are fabricated and what are true. Eventually he and Matsumoto are interrupted by a Jigokuchō, which relays a message detailing how Rukia's execution has once again been moved up to the next day. Hitsugaya resolves to stop the execution and disrupt Ichimaru's plan by appealing directly to the Central 46 Chambers.

    Upon arriving at the Central Underground Assembly Hall Hitsugaya and Matsumoto discover all 46 members are dead. Hitsugaya surmises they had been dead for at least 2 days, but he is concerned about the exact time, as Soul Society had been under martial law and their Headquarters had been locked down since Renji's defeat. Further, the 13 seals of protection was still active and there was no signs of intrusion. Hitsugaya then realizes that the only possible scenario is that they were killed before they were sealed in and that all the recent orders that had been given were fake. He then realizes that such a plot would be far to elaborate for Gin to carry out by himself. He then is interrupted by Kira and he and Matsumoto give chase. When he asks Kira if he was behind the Central 46's death, Kira tells him no and that he arrived just after he did. He also informs Hitsugaya that instead of chasing him, he should be protecting Hinamori. He then goes on to explain that she escaped the 10th Division Barracks, explaining that Hinamori excels at Kidō and that breaking his barrier from the inside would be easy for her. Realizing that Hinamori has been following him and Matsumoto the entire time, he turns back and orders Matsumoto to handle Kira.

    Hitsugaya returns back to the Central 46 Chambers in time to see Aizen alive and well. Extremely confused at this point, he is surprised to find Gin and Aizen together and referring to the forces of Soul Society as the enemy. Hitsugaya discovers Hinamori injured and asks Aizen when he and Gin became comrades, to which Aizen explains that they have always been comrades. Ever since he had been a captain, the only one he ever thought of as his subordinate was Gin. Hitsugaya then states that he has been deceiving everyone from the start. Aizen then explains his reasoning behind the deception, detailing that he was being compassionate and states that he would teach Hitsugaya that admiration is the furthest thing from understanding. Hitsugaya resolves to kill Aizen for his treachery and releases his Bankai. He then stabs Aizen only to realize it was an illusion from Aizen's Shikai allowing him to land a critical blow to Hitsugaya.

    After the ordeal 4th Division Captain Retsu Unohana shows up and confronts Aizen who gets away. Unohana takes it upon herself to personally initiate emergency surgery on Hitsugaya and Hinamori. They are found to be in stable condition with lieutenant Kotetsu handling their post-procedural treatments after Aizen's escape from Soul Society. Hitsugaya is later seen fully recovered and watching over a still injured and unconscious Hinamori.

    Arrancar arc
    Hitsugaya later leads a group of Shinigami assigned to defend Karakura Town against the Arrancar threat, by dressing up as students at Ichigo's school. It is at this time the Hitsugaya explains to Ichigo the danger that the Arrancar represent to Soul Society. When the group of Arrancar led by Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez attack, Hitsugaya is placed in battle against Shawlong Kūfang. Shawlong easily fends him off, even using Daiguren Hyōrinmaru. The two continue to battle with Hitsugaya's attacks still proving to have little affect on the Arrancar. After some more time Shawlong begins to surmise about Hitsugaya's Bankai. He concludes it wouldn't be right to finish off a Captain when he is weak and that to finish of Hitsugaya while he is in Bankai is far better. He then proceeds to release his true hollow form. He then seriously wounds Hitsugaya.

    Shawlong then uses his sharp claws to cut through one of Hitsugaya's Ice wings. He explains the truth of Arrancar's and the Espada to Hitsugaya. Soul Society finally approves the release of their power limit allowing Hitsugaya to fight at full strength. Shawlong questions what the limit release is. To which it is explained that it is a precaution put on Captains and lieutenants when they enter into the real world. Now they can fight at their full power. Hitsugaya then proceeds to use his Ryūsenka technique. Shawlong calls for a retreat of his group, only to be caught by Hitsugaya and frozen to his core. Though heavily injured, he wins after being allowed to remove his power limit with one blow. However, right after Kūfang's defeat Hitsugaya collapses due to his critical injuries combined with exhaustion.

    Hitsugaya is seen sometime later speaking through a video monitor with Yamamoto who is debriefing Hitsugaya on Aizen’s plan concerning the King's Key, and the Head-Captain allows Momo to talk. Hitsugaya is somewhat surprised to see her up and asks her if she should be walking around. Momo tries to persuade him that she is better, though still doesn't look it. Momo apologizes for not believing Hitsugaya and attacking him. Hitsugaya tells her not to worry about as it didn't bother him. He also tells her to get back to bed so she can get rid of those bags under her eyes. Momo thanks Hitsugaya for accepting her apology until he tells her even if she isn't one she looks like a little kid, and if she doesn't sleep more she will not ever grow. Momo yells at him, telling him he isn't one who should talk about growing.

    Hitsugaya then reminds her that she is to call him 'Captain Hitsugaya'. As Momo realizes the situation, she asks Hitsugaya if he is going to fight Captain Aizen. To which Hitsugaya says yes, she then asks if he is going to kill Captain Aizen, and then begs him to save Aizen. She explains that what Captain Aizen is doing is bad, but she bets he has a good reason. Expressing her belief that Gin or someone else is forcing him to engage in his actions. She is quickly knocked out by Yamamoto, to whom he hands over her care to his lieutenant, Chōjirō Sasakibe. Yamamoto apologizes to Hitsugaya, saying he was just respecting her wishes allowing her to speak but it was perhaps too soon. Hitsugaya is left angered at the state Aizen has left Hinamori in.

    Sometime after being debriefed, Karakura Town is attacked for a second time by the Arrancar. Hitsugaya first pits himself against the 10th Espada Yammy Riyalgo. Tōshirō's Shikai freezes the Espada, but only for a moment. Yammy comments that the cold attack felt "refreshing." At this point, Tōshirō realizes even his Shikai at 100 percent is not enough for the Espada. Their fight is cut short by the new 6th Espada, Luppi who insists on fighting all present at once. He then proceeds to release his true hollow form. But realizing the increase in power the Espada will have, Hitsugaya tries to attack before he is able releasing his Bankai. Though initially unable to defend against Luppi's attacks, being knocked to the ground in a single hit, Hitsugaya comes back with his Bankai renewed and explains its ability. Luppi's inattentiveness gives him ample time to build up a finishing move, using his Sennen Hyōrō technique - just in time to save his subordinates. Luppi escapes death due to Negación, having only been incapacitated by the ice, and promises to kill Hitsugaya in turn.

    Upon learning that Orihime has followed the Arrancar back to Hueco Mundo, Hitsugaya and his team return to Soul Society to help in the preparation for the war against Aizen.

    Fake Karakura Town arc
    When Aizen along with his top three Espada attack the fake Karakura Town, Hitsugaya along with his lieutenant and the rest of the of the Gotei 13 Captains currently not in Hueco Mundo are seen awaiting for Aizen's arrival. After the defeat of four of Baraggan Luisenbarn's Fracción, everything turns into an all out war between the remaining Shinigami and the remaining Arrancar. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto ends up facing Tia Harribel and her Fracción. While being surrounded Matsumoto offers her captain to take on all three Fracción, so that Hitsugaya can fight Harribel alone and undisturbed. After Hinamori arrived, Hitsugaya has flashback of when she asked him to help Aizen while Harribel asked why his Reiatsu became disordered. He answered her that he doesn’t know even though he was wondering why Hinamori was here.
    Hitsugaya's match against Harribel seemed to have taken a new turn when the latter sensed her Fraccions' defeat. Harribel forces Hitsugaya back with sheer power from her blade swing and unzips her jacket, revealing her rank as the #3 Espada which is tattooed on her right breast. Hitsugaya is shocked to find out that Harribel is only #3 despite her strength. When Harribel taunts Hitsugaya that she has yet to fully demonstrate her strength, Hitsugaya quickly uses Bankai in an attempt to match her very sudden and large increase in power. Harribel rushes him and begins her attack as they come together and lock blades.

    During this encounter Harribel knocks Tōshirō to the ground as she mocks him, questioning "whether this is the full strength of a captain". She then promises to end the battle and proceeds to release her Zanpakutō. After releasing, Tōshirō comments to himself that her appearance change hasn't changed as much as he predicted, but underestimating her would be a fatal mistake. However, Harribel proves to be in a different league then the young captain slicing the right side of his body from his shoulder before he even realizes it. Believing that Hitsugaya has been defeated, Harribel turns her attention to General Yamamoto, though before she can take any action toward him, she is attacked by an unseen assailant. Harribel dodges out of the way only to see that it is an unharmed Hitsugaya, she just as quickly countered his attacks. Noticeably confused as she had seen him cut down, she turns and sees that she has only struck down a ice clone. Hitsugaya claims that it was a one time technique that he was waiting to use for later in the battle but Harribel's considerable increase in power and speed as of her release was unexpected. He then comments to her not to underestimate a captain's strength.

    As their fight ensues, he tells her that he can use any water around him, telling Harribel that she will never reach him. Hitsugaya then attacks Harribel. She reciprocates the situation by melting his ice and stating the iron law of battle. She finally attacks him with his melted ice. Their exchange of attacks continues and Hitsugaya tells her another law of battle. To which Harribel releases a Cero blast at him, which Hitsugaya comments on it being weak. He concludes that the reason her Cero was so weak, as both of them are waiting for the battlefield to become filled with condensation, from this he states that when that happens Harribel will use the opportunity to finish him off with one blow. Hitsugaya grows tired of waiting and states that he has never tried a particular ability in Bankai mode before, to which Harribel asks what he is talking about. Hitsugaya then explains that he doesn't have to wait for water, as Hyōrinmaru is the most powerful ice-based Zanpakutō, and all water is his weapon and all heaven is under his command.

    He then reveals his never before seen power: Hyōten Hyakkasō. Hitsugaya then asks her name, to which she replies; Tia Harribel. Hitsugaya then states his name and rank before attacking again. As the sky darkens, snow begins to fall from the sky. Harribel attempts to melt the snow with her Hirviendo ability, but the moment her sword touches the snow, ice flowers begin to bloom on her body. Hitsugaya then calmly states that once all one hundred flowers have bloomed, she will die. He then states that she won't be able to avenge her underlings after all.

    Seeing the huge creature emerge from the Garganta with Wonderweiss, Hitsugaya looks on at the events taking place. Wonderweiss lets out a huge wail that cracks the ice pillar Harribel is trapped in. Hitsugaya looks surprised as the ice pillar begins to fall apart from around her, and once free, she gazes at him. Hitsugaya is alerted to Aizen's presence when the giant Hollow creature blows out the fire prison that he, Gin and Tōsen were trapped in. When the Vizard arrive, Hitsugaya is bewildered as to who they are. Hitsugaya is later seen shocked at the large amount of Gillian-class Menos pouring forth from the giant Hollow creature's mouth. After the Vizard reveal their mask and easily defeat the numerous Gillians, Hitsugaya comments on how powerful they are. While he was contemplating Komamura's declaration that he intends to fight along side the Vizard, Harribel attempts to attack him while his back is turned. Sensing this, Hitsugaya's hand goes to his Zanpakutō. However, the Vizard Lisa Yadōmaru and Hiyori Sarugaki intervene and deflect the blow before Hitsugaya has a chance to unsheathe his sword.

    Following this, he comments on how there doesn't seem to be time to worry about whether the Vizard are friends or foes, essentially agreeing to fight alongside them. Hitsugaya asks Hiyori if he can ask her a question, to which she retorts he needs to keep it short and that she won't tell him any more about them. Hitsugaya says it's fine and that he wishes only to ask them for a favor. He asks if Hiyori and Lisa can take on the Espada as he wants to go and fight Aizen. Hiyori yells as him, asking him if he is crazy as the Vizard have come here to kill Aizen as well and that Hitsugaya was already having trouble when they arrived, so what makes him think he can take Aizen. Hitsugaya realizes that he was acting irrationally and that he panicked. Hiyori yells at him some more until he apologizes, and she then berates him further and questions his status as a Captain. When she calls him "shorty," Hitsugaya grabs Hiyori and screams at her, telling her she is shorter than him. They continue to fight until they are distracted by Lisa rushing off to fight Tia Harribel.[66] He, Hiyori, and Lisa attack Harribel with their Shikai which create a huge explosion. However, the battle is cut short by the intervention of Aizen who cuts down the Tres Espada. Hitsugaya watches in shock as his opponent is killed by Aizen who, afterwards, challenges the Gotei 13 and the Vizard to battle.

    Hitsugaya is next seen with the several unoccupied Captains and Vizard planning to protect Ichigo Kurosaki from Aizen and his Shikai. Tōshirō is the first to attack Aizen, claiming that if nobody attacked, then the battle would not start. He dismisses Aizen's taunt about him being reckless, saying that causing opponents to miss their opportunities to attack is one of Aizen's specialities. Hitsugaya compliments Aizen for not using his Shikai to evade the initial attack. As Captain Kyōraku attacks Aizen's flank, Sōsuke compliments Tōshirō for being wise enough not to attack him alone. Hitsugaya asks him about what he previously stated about swords devoid of hatred being like eagles without wings, and tells him that placing responsibility alone in their blades is what it means to be a captain. Captains do not swing their swords out of hatred, and tells Aizen that he does not have what it takes to be a captain. Aizen retorts that it is amusing to hear such words from him, as due to what happened to Hinamori, he bears more hatred than any of the captains. As Shunsui attacks Aizen again, Hitsugaya activates his Bankai and admits that his blade is filled with anger. He tells Aizen that he came to Karakura Town to kill him. After his admittance of his hate-filled blade, Hitsugaya declares his motive: "I don't care if I lose my position as a captain, as long as I can kill you". He warns Aizen to prepare himself and proceeds to attack him, but to no avail. After his failed attempt, Komamura and Love step in and attack Aizen simultaneously. Komamura apologizes to Hitsugaya for their intervention, but Hitsugaya tells him he had no intention of fighting Aizen one-on-one.

    As Soifon goes to attack Aizen, Hitsugaya encases Sōsuke's arm and Zanpakutō in ice, much to his surprise. After Aizen is attacked by Soifon and Shunsui. Hitsugaya tells Aizen it is over and rushes at him. Aizen notes to himself that Hitsugaya is so young, as he sees his chance and takes it without planning ahead. That is his biggest failing. Just then he notices off to the side that Shinji is standing to the side holding up his Sakanade's Shikai and smiling. Aizen then realizes too late that he is already affected by Shinji's perception reversal Shikai, making Hitsugaya not actually attack from the front but the back, allowing the young captain to stab Aizen through the chest from behind. When Ichigo shouts at the Shinigami, questioning what they are doing, Tōshirō realizes that it was not Aizen that he has just stabbed. Shocked at the sight of Hinamori impaled on his blade, he cradles her for a moment. After he hears her ask "Shiro-chan...Why?" he lets out a yell of rage before he lunges at Aizen. As Shunsui tells him to wait, Aizen takes complete advantage of Hitsugaya's blinding rage, cutting through Hitsugaya's Bankai and injuring him and the surrounding captains. Hitsugaya loses his left arm and most of his left leg from the attack and begins falling down into the town below. As this is happening Aizen tells him and the other defeated Shinigami that he won't kill them and that they will watch the outcome of this battle.

    80 years later...
    Sometime after Ichigo killed Aizen, the Gotei 13 disbanded and most members of it went to live a second life. Toshiro on the other hand, took a long earned vacation to the tundra. However, Toshiro always kept tabs on what was happening in the Seireitei. As for the rest of the Shinigami he used to know, he never really got to see any of them again in his life. During the 80 years that passed, Toshiro committed himself to exceed his limits physically, mentally, and spiritually. Eventually, he decided to return to the Seireitei to start working again.

    Lee's Takeover
    Toshiro first made his appearance in the the SO Security HQ when he asked Head Captain Sanba why he had called for him at the time. Upon his arrival, he was greeted by Vice Captain Nachos; who told Toshiro that he wanted to send him on a recon mission to rukon district 69. The mission was to spy on some Shinigami and Arrancars that were chatting with each other. However, the Head Captain wanted Toshiro to get more training in before the mission. Fortunately, Hanzo was there to explain that the Arrancar at the time "were all relitavly weak by the standards we have fought in the past." The Head Captain even told Toshiro that he would have to go through intense training to cope with being an SO operative. In response to all of this, Toshiro said; "Very well then, I will be in my quarters if you need me..." Ironically, this was just an excuse for him to go to district sixty-nine.

    The Rescue
    When Toshiro made it to district sixty-nine, he attempted to interrogate an Arrancar named Cross. Cross simply pointed out that he should ask Lee, but almost instantly Nachos appeared and used "Bakudou 63 Sajou Sabaku" on Cross as he commented that "new recruits are so predictable." The following confrontation ended up with Toshiro Shunpoing to Lavi and Hikari, and taking them to the Captain Commander HQ. It was there that he explained that Lee was behind it all, and he told Sanba of Lavi and Hikari's conditions. Sanba then temporarily suspended Toshiro from the SO, and ordered him to his room while he took care of the others.

    Desperate Times
    Toshiro was then asked to discuss his punishment with Nachos, but he ended up being sent to the Grasslands to train. At the Grasslands, Toshiro flared his Spiritual Pressure; causing the temperature to drastically drop. Unfortunately, just as Sanba was done teaching Toshiro stealth; Lee showed up within the area. Immediately, Toshiro was sent back to his room by two paper cranes.

    The Feather and the Canon
    Not long after he was sent back to his room, Toshiro discovered that a black feather had just come into his possession. Toshiro would later take this feather, and show it to Sanba to use on the Kido Canon. Ultimately, Toshiro had to fire the Kido Canon by himself. Fortunately, with the help of the feather, he was able to shatter the barrier.

    The Gate to Hell
    Part way through the battle between Lee and Ciel, Toshiro made his appearance on the battlefront. Unfortunately, he would soon bear witness to the opening to Hell itself. Furthermore, it was Ciel who had opened the gate to seal away Lee. However, the appearance of this gate would scar Toshiro for the rest of his life. It was at this point that he had grown to fear all demons like Ciel.
    (Current Life)
    After the incident with "Lee's Takeover," Toshiro Hitsugaya has decided that being a member of Squad 2 would be a better fit for him. Although he is the former captain of Squad 10, he has only shown the use of his Shikai. Yet, his Shikai has progressed to a level that would challenge most Bankais. Recently, it was proven that the opening of "The Gate" induces great fear into Hitsugaya's heart. Because of this, Toshiro tries his best to avoid demons like Ciel.

    Last edited by Toshiro Hitsugaya on Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Muerte Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:55 am

    I don't know about having a canon character. Kira doesn't exist in BD world
    Demon King
    Demon King

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    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Vergo Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:04 am

    The truth is that Toshiro is Custom and Canon at the same time. Besides, Kira doesn't have to exist in the BD world. The matter is that Toshiro grew up, and a lot of freaky stuff has been happening. Do you have any suggestions to make him lean more towards the Custom that the Canon?
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Muerte Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:05 am

    Maybe give him a little more story regarding the arc we're in now, and not all of the arcs Toshiro has been in. He may have grown up, but his whole history to him growing up is unknown =__= *sigh*
    Demon King
    Demon King

    Posts : 78
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    Character Application Empty Re: Character Application

    Post by Vergo Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:37 pm

    Don't fret, I briefly explained how he grew up. Anyway, I took out some of the arcs and added "Lee's Takeover."

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