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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

    Posts : 84
    BD-cash : 5296

    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Post by Uruha Anko Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:23 pm

    Shinigami Template

    Human Name: Uruha Reira
    Shinigami Name: Minamoto-Yukimura Chiruka
    Current Name: Tsuchimiya Riku

    Age: 998

    Previous Division: 8th Division
    Rank Achieved: Captain

    Residence: Living World


    Reira has long dark hair and deep purple eyes, it went perfectly well with her pale complexion, a common trait for most oriental women. Her looks can be categorized with the norms, nothing special in particular, but nothing too ordinary either.

    She's mostly seen wearing dark clothing, may it be leather or jeans, something was always black. She especially likes to accessorize it with silver chains, skulls, leather belts, bracelet, collars and rings. From a far it would almost look as if she was a deranged rock star, but if you look closer, she's more like an under taker.

    Reira likes wearing thick dark make up which screams out the darkness of her soul but that's only when she's off duty, on duty, she wears her regulatory-compulsory shinigami uniform, she'd like to dress up, but only when off duty.

    On weird days she look slike a fruit basket, filled with colors and weird taste in fashion, considering everyday is a weird day for her after leaving gotei 13, she's only ever seen wearing colorful living world clothing.

    Reira has 3 tattoos, on her back was a spider, a black widow with its legs stretched out reaching out to her ribs, on it was a number in the color of red. the number is 88.

    On the left side of her neck was a name that says 'charlie' and the last of it was a red flower blooming found on her upper right arm.

    From the her outer appearance, no visible scars could be found, not unless you look beyond what you seek. Across her chess, a big scar could be found, a scar making an ex from her shoulders stretching out onto the lower pelvis on both ends. The origin of her only scar is yet to be known. {Similar to Claire}

    Aside from scars and tattoo's Reira also have several piercings, the visible ones are 3 dark stones pierced through her upper right ear lobe. She also has a belly ring with a red stone on it, on her left ear lobe, there are also tree piercings, but on the lower area of the lobe, and there not stones but rings.

    Ruru's appearance greatly changes from when she was a shinigami to her current state, her hair became lighter, and it would appear that she is getting younger, young to the extent that she could be mistaken for a high school fresh men. Her new found youth threatens to destroy her tough happy go lucky image.


    Reira is a person who easily gets bored with what she's doing the very moment she does it. She tends to have memory lapses in times, but that's mostly because she's too pre-occupied by amusing her self.

    Unlike regular people Riera is amused by weird things, the paranormal things which was already pretty common considering her line of work (shinigami). But she still thinks there are many things out there that she has yet to discover. Reira is an introvert, yet could be very perky at the same time, it can be simplified by saying that she's one big emotional hurricane with unpredictable weather casualties.

    Reira likes a good laugh, she's the type who who doesn't laugh easily, but when she does it wont stop until she suffocates from it. Reira has a fish obsession, she likes slapping people with fishes mostly for laughs, but she's convinced that its your honor to get slapped by a fish, especially if its from her herself.

    Being cursed with eternal boredom, Reira submits to reading when when all else fails, She'd have mountains of Shojo manga pilling up inside her room even higher than her paper work.

    Afterlife and everything else pretty much caught Reira's attention when she was alive, but upon dying, she's lost interest since it was very boring and a lot like human life, only its longer and set on an earlier time (edo period)

    But when she saw shinigami's in action, she's been obsessed with swords materializing 'demons' (as she called them).

    But as soon as she took interest in them, she's lost all her memories when she was alive, thus took interest in the after life once more and just thought of visiting the living world as world travel to fight of demons that are invading the other world.

    Upon leaving the gotei 13, not a lot about her personality has changed, although she's believed to be a lot weirder than when she was within the circle.


    Life in the living world

    Reira's parents were traveling performers, she'd traveled all over the world entertaining people, thus feel un-entertained her self. But through her travels, what she loved the most was the adventure and thrill of being somewhere else and dealing with people coming from different cultures. She heard of stories, many many stories about the paranormal.

    She heard so much of the same thing over and over, and since she was traveling, it was always re-occurring everywhere. It's the same story. Roads destroyed for no reason, earthquakes, explosions, they were all different from a natural disaster, and she wasn't gonna sleep on just "oh, yeah it happens 'NO! "There has to be more" she said. She was convinced that they were battle casualties, but somehow there were always cover ups done by a certain non-government organization. It was conspiracy after the other, and if she were to solve it, her name would be known and remembered for eternities, thus making her worries about living expences history.

    When she turned 18 she decided to start her own journey by leaving the circus of traveling performers, her parents. They did keep in touch with eachother, and occationaly met when they happen to stay on the same city or country.But she's been doing research about it for years and years, but the more she got close, the farther and the darker the study became.

    There were instances when people saw the creatures that have done this things, and they confirmed the existence of a group persecuting this beings, and another doing the cover ups. But she was not content with just testimonies her self, she just had to see it her for her self, show proof of its existence and out smart what would seem to be an organization that can take her in a wince.

    It was not later that her child's play become the real deal.

    One stormy night, on the woods of a remote area, she heard something, something neither living, nor familiar shortly after, like on those dinosaur movies, the ground shakes in a rhythmic manner, as if like foot steps, it was nearing her closer and closer, then it stops.

    It would appear the the rain stopped, but not entirely everywhere, only on top of her, as she looked up vein like light particles almost formed an image of a monster, she was convinced that the was the monstrosity that the stories behold. But before she could even admire or acknowledge its existence, strong invisible force threw her off the ground and knocking her out completely. She slammed her head over a huge rock causing it to bleed mercilessly out of control and so she fainted.

    She woke up with a weird sensation of something heaving pressing over her entire body, as she opened her eyes, she saw it, it was in front of her, the very monster in there tails, she could not believe her eyes. After years of research and study, she'd finally came across them her self. Realizing her dream in front of her, she lost the ability to breath properly, it was as if she was taken away from her original body and was placed over something new. She saw a huge chunk of metal with a broken chain connected to it, it would almost seem that there was another end to it, but she knew that it was somewhere far far away from her.

    She was... long before dead she instantly realized it as the chain quickly ate it's self.

    "It would soon be all over i guess." She laughed as the chains become even shorter.

    But like a miracle, the other ones in the stories appeared, they were wearing hakama's and were carrying swords which emitted pure energy. Reira was surprised as to how she felt new things without even realizing it.

    What came after were just flashes of images as she went into a deep sleep, she'd finally arrived to her final destination. Death.

    Life In soul Society: (summary)

    Reira forgot all her memories as a human, but not before they've realized she can still remember.

    Upon dieing, she had thought of everything as just a bad dream, but after waking up with Edo period clothes, she began to wonder where she was, and she's been to many places, but nothing like this one.

    She was inside a small Japanese house with paper walls and doors. She opened the window and was transported into time with what she saw. "It's all, manual labor" she said with a long face. She was found by a person named Alfred who had lived there but was not present at the moment.

    She decided to travel and was amused by how people were a lot more carefree and innocent on the area, she still haven't figured out that she's dead, but she only realized it when she read the words "Sereitei". She went into a panic shortly after the revelation, but ruining did no help.

    After so-so, in the middle of everything, it rained and she had remembered everything about the night before, but speaking in context, she had no idea what time and day it was, or on what era it was for that matter.

    She was stuck on the cold dark woods once more, and feared that the same creature would come at her again, and her instincts were right, something did come at her, it looked different, but it was the same kind of species. She was so scared of the death that she had came to, and what not one after the other, could she die twice? whats gonna come after this? another world? or was she just gonna disappear.

    She was no where near ready to die again, she's already died didnt want to experience the same thing again. As she closed her eyes a blue round shaped energy ball formed ont he palm of her hands as the creature was killing her, she had blasted it of with it and have killed it.

    She was happy that it didnt kill her, but she feared that if she'd lost anymore blood, that she would die. 'Pity to say... but afterlife truly sux' she thought 'how powerless i can be in both worlds.. eh?'she laughed and laughed until she lost consciousness.

    The next day she woke up back on the same spot on where she woke up first the other day. But she's completely forgotten about the memories of her life as a human, the guy named Alfred had appeared before her by then, he named her Ruka, of the Sagashiro Clan.

    She's been trained to be strong by the clan, and was even named to be the next heir, but with a tragedy, the Clan had been destroyed by a traitor whom was impossible to track. Reira had joined the Shinigami Academy then to pursue other options, and to track the one behind the treachery easier.

    Life In Gotei 13:

    The Rise and fall of gotei 13 : Early wars and bonds

    Upon graduation, Ruka was made a vice captain of the 13th squad, she became a Vice captain at such a young age, that older souls tend to bully her. But it was not later that they themselves appointed her as there captain, which she greatly appreciated, her first division where she achieved and lost many things.

    It was not later that the 4th Division begged her to be there captain, she helped the division stand on its own two feet, although it was war with the lack of captains, by helping the other, she lost her original home.

    After the war, the 4th Division closed down, and she joined the 1st Division where she supported the reign of Jinketsu Ookami. But it was not later that war threatened to destroy the foundation everyone had built, she decided to help re-build the 4th Division once more.

    It was the same time where she met Ciel, or so, encountered him once more, strong connection bonded them so, that she wasn't sure of how she should act around him, but it didnt stop her from befriending him and his twin brother Zero.

    The old 12th Division captain Alfred Alstein appears to have known them from somewhere as well, she didn't know back then, that this encounter would greatly affect the flow of time.

    "This are my children... they will cause you great mischief in the future."

    Ruru laughed at the thought, but he believed her, but didnt think it would come as early as the week after.

    3 friends and the promise : Rise of the dark lord

    Remembering what Al had told her about great tragedies befalling her path, Ruru chose the same path she had always had, the one of the right she thought.

    After her meeting with Ciel, a diary was sent to her, the shock from opening couldn't be greater than the contents written within. In her own writing, she explained to her self about her own rebellion, about her death and many more about the future to come. It said that 3 friends will rue her path, 3 friends of the holy order.

    It was not clear to her, but seeing as her self sounded serious enough, she believed it to some extent, but didnt think this 3 friends had a much deeper meaning than literally taken.

    Shortly after, people had been mysteriously dying in a small town called bevel. She had read about it inside the mysterious Journal she came upon,

    "Bevel shall vanish, but it shall not disappear, i heard some things that i shouldn't have, but why didn't i do, or say anything? That captain, he sure gives me the creeps."

    What ever she meant by that, she never knew, not until the day of there Bevel Assault.

    There were souls neither hollow nor shinigami could reap. it was all a big mess, and to make it all worst, Magi's had made there debut. Ruru arrived late and thuse missed many happenings yet again, but the only thing she shouldve missed that day, was the first thing she caught.

    It was the first time she actually paid attention to him, the mysterious 7th Division Captain, who was once the 11th Division Vice captain, she saw him talking, to who appeared to be the one behind it all, a faint looking lady with fair skin, she was very beautiful, yet her aura was vile.

    Strangely enough she understood what they talked about, 3 coins, of 3 friends and a promise, but shortly after, Haji was blasted away as did the hooded figure disappear.

    Ruru came to his aide, yet, he spoke not a word of it since, she knew he saw her, he knows she knew what occurred earlier, yet as if protecting her, he said of nothing.

    After helping everyone up, she reviewed the journal that was sent to her, and many mage history books regarding 3 friends, and found that of one regarding Lian and a certain Dark Lord.

    3 friends, the Vampire Queen, the Lycan Count and the Darklord, 3 friends, of 3 different races, all equal in caliber.

    The Lycan Queen and Vampire queen made a treaty between there races, but there was a condition, to attain true peace, two such cursed race must end another, one which caused them even grater fear, the Dark Lord.

    They broke the promise, took his head, and his ring, sealed him for eternity, until due time. 3 tools can resurrect him, and with just one missing, nothing will happen.

    This Lian was the girl at the center of bevel before it vanished, she told Ookami what happened yet, he was doubtful of her loyalty, Haji who knew so much was neither there to own up to his actions, nor to protect her from this topic mater.

    Although they knew what there facing, she had to do some undercover work. She needed to get into the core of things, the Eternal Corporation which mysteriously rose from ashes to success.

    She took over an abandoned soul of a mother to a child, who was the mistress of the Eternal boss, it was the earliest form of modified humans ever known to date.

    Her exploits lead her to the very main core, human modification, soul extraction and the source, Lian. she was a vessel of souls, absorbing them, yet allowing them to keep there individuality.

    Although, by the time lian died, she was no longer of use to them, and so another test subject was used, a girl named Cassey, who was her hosts child.

    The boss wanted them to leave Eternal and everything else at once, though Ruru wanted to know more, one day, the shinigamis made there move, she didnt realize that it was Aries who would help her get in once more.

    The Magi's were a step ahead, Ruru however, died a human death with the death of her human host, she however escaped, and protected the city from a huge explosion.

    Like bevel, no one remembers anything, but she felt a familiar presence, the presence of Ciel.

    There was only one place left for the Magis to run off to, it was Mt.Havoc, ruru however was punished, she was not allowed to join the war. However this was something she didn't allow her self to do, with the help of Haji, she was able to sneak into the living world unnoticed.

    A faint whisper lead her to Lians true location, and there she sealed her presence and took her somewhere safe.

    The events lead to Freya's insanity, and the end of the Magi Rebelion which lasted for several hundred years.

    The Calm : A new age

    Ruru transfered to the 7th Division in hopes of helping the 7th Division captain at the moment, although not a lot had happened between them, she knew that he made a great mark in her life. It was not later that she was offered a position within the 8th Division as there vice captain, it was the same time of the mysterious disappearance of captains, leading to her captaining an empty division, with catastrophic deaths and a flood all over the 8th Division.

    It was messed up that she needed to put a stand on things, she decided to start a separate organization, although within gotei 13, the 8th Division seemingly existed in a different time. They called them selves pirates, and is willing to take any toll for gotei 13.

    It was not later in her time there that Haji Yukimura proposed to her, they were wedded and she was happy for once, after a long time, yet, no one would figured that this happiness was not something that would last.

    After a living world mission, she came back exhausted as if her life drained away from her. She first came to see how Al was doing, but something that day brought her back years into the past.

    He showed her a picture that froze time for her, this event lead to her death in this said time and world.

    As for the events that happened after wards, it was not very vivid, yet no one seems to remember, they called the enemies the memory leachers or Sanguisuga Ordine as they called them selves. They feed of peoples memories and using it to there own advantages.

    Many had died, and suffered under the rage of Haji Yukimura, yet, it felt like non of those even happened at all.

    Then again, it appeared that ruru lived, even if she really died.

    Hueco Arca : The Dying Breeed

    Doubtful... The Hueco Arca incident was porbobly the darkest moments in Ruru's life. It was the time when Haji vanished, and an insistent memory kept trying to break in into her brains defensive wall.

    She had a dream about her soul being stolen by a person she couldnt make out off, but she knew who the person is, although, her minds wont let her remember anything.

    It was not later that Arrancars had made a scene in the living world. Ruru knew for a fact that this news was ridiculous, for in reality, she knew... that the hollws, were no longer a living race, and she knew for a fact, what kept the balance.

    It was Lian... The soul vessel.

    Through her encounter with them, she was weak from start to finish, she was so weak that she had constant black outs, not knowing what happened, what was going on with her, but she knew for a fact that this arrancars were not there enemy.

    It was later in the events that she realized that they were them, in different forms of them selves, there counter part, there hollow selves.

    Upon this realization, she hadn't spoken of it, like the many secrets her husband kept from her. She just waited for the right time, for someone else to explain, she knew for a fact, that the holy order, will make there move.

    And when they did, she was right there to hear all of it, she feared that she was right, she didnt know what to do, she was actually scared.

    She was faced with so many decisions that she feared she had not made the right ones all a long, she was starting to drift away from her duty, her self and her own beliefs, she was losing it.

    She was last seen during the Hueco Arca Incident, talking to her Hollow self, they battled, but the outcome was unsure.

    Some say that she died that day, cause if she lived, she would go back to soul society, no matter how long it takes.

    It had been decades since she was last seen or spoken about, but rumors were starting to grow, and even the oracle of time confirmed of it.

    Minamoto Chiruka, will yet again comeback out from the grave, and cause you head aches once more.

    RP Sample:

    “Waking up in a world of never ending rain, I was drenched in both my blood and someone else’s. They were the first memories I’d ever have. Before that… it was all blank…”

    It was cold, so cold that I felt like I was freezing. As I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was the sky, a bright sky fiddled with clouds of beautiful chaos.

    A beautiful scene it was for anyone to see, but it gave me nothing but fear and hatred. I hated the sky which leaked of cold water soaking me all over. I wondered what I was and what the sky was, what my purpose was, or which living spectacle was more superior than the other, I had neither humor no remorse, I was thinking so hard about something that it didn’t mattered. I had to remember something, but I couldn’t grasp the thought at the end of the other door.

    I’d figure that if the sky kept leaking, then I’d die from it, but I had not the strength to fight back, nor did I have any intent to do so. I was… totaled.

    But something far superior than the sky and the rain combined came gliding its way through the dark woods of the cold rainy night. An unfamiliar beast, or so, it would seem that I’ve seen them somewhere.

    It went as near at me as it could, staring me down with the eyes beneath its skull like mask. For the first time in my life, I cracked a smile as I did not feel alone in this world of just me, the rain and the sky. I was grateful for a companion, may it be a beast or something like me. But as I touched it’s face it went wild taking steps back away from me.

    I was horrified, but not by the fact that it almost bit half of me to death, I was horrified to have scared away the only thing that meant something other than the rain filled world.

    With that great fear I was able to mobilize my immobile body which was lying down for several days, It was then that I realized that the creature was afraid, but it was not the same as mine. It was afraid… of me.

    As lightning roared through the leaves of the tall trees that were almost as high as the skies. Fire was started even under the heavy rain. The creature started collecting what seemed to be spiritual particles aiming to blast it at me. The color of red greatly alerted me, this creature was going to kill me, moving through just instincts, I’d though I had to defend my self, grabbing a branch from the soft ground, I knew it would do nothing to help me, but I was desperate.

    But I could not bring to hit the beast with it, even after seeing another side to its face. I was more attracted to its fragile and sorrowful self. But loathed it… loathed it for reminding me of my self. Scared and alone…

    It felt cold as the horrible storm continues, the branch I grabbed did next to nothing as the red ray of energy was released almost taking half of my right arm away.

    I my self was surprised by how I survived the beast’s attack, in fact, I wanted to learn more about it, why the beast reacted to me as such, on why it could’ve killed me when it didn’t.

    I suddenly felt a weird sensation of dizziness as my body started loosing its balance, it could be the end of me, but for some reason, my soul wasn’t allowing me to escape this world, my soul kept me conscious although my body was giving in to its injuries.

    Strangely enough, I sensed another presence within the area other than the beast and my self, it did make me feel uneasy, but with my injuries, I couldn’t bother with it.

    It was only later that a voice spoke, confirming speculation.

    “So here you are.” It started, at first, I thought it was the wind who finally heard my thoughts. But it was a being much like I am, but I didn’t know it yet.

    “And I see you’ve made a friend.”

    I slid away with all the strength I could muster, I feared that this being would attack me as well, unlike the beast in-front of me, this being shows more threat even without trying.
    “Kill it.” Said, strangely enough, I somehow understood the sound I was hearing, it was a form of communication I had never encountered, because all along, I thought that there were only 3. Touch taste, sound and taste, I didn’t think that I could make sounds with my mouth, not until now.

    “Kill…. It?” My first words were off ill intent, but the man smiled at me and continued.

    “Kill it or it will kill you, after all, it followed you all the way in this world, at least give it the privilege of dying in peace, in your hands.”

    I understood what he said, but I didn’t get what he meant by the creature following me, and on why I needed to kill it.

    “Do you not remember your previous life? I guess it happened to soon for you, but I’m surprised as to how far it went. Based from observation, you’re only just recalling words and verbal communication right now, I’ve never had a case like this before.”

    As the man spoke of more words, the more confused I got, I could only understand so much, but all the more he spoke, all the more I saw him as less of a threat.

    The beast however blasted another red ray of energy aimed at me and the man, all of the sudden, the man was engulfed in yellow flames that didn’t burn, I had no idea what it was, but it would appear to be some sort of aura only visible in this world, or so, the old man says there’s another.

    He deflected the energy blast just as easily as tipping it away with his right arm. It easily ricocheted like a bullet and hit somewhere within the woods.

    The beast had retreated shortly after being a witness to the old mans strength, I wanted to do the same, but on my current state, I could do next to nothing…

    “Do you at least remember your name?”
    I poked my shook my head upwards as I thought it meant I didn’t know, but as if he read my mind, the old man smiled at me and replied.

    “Very well then, I’ll call you Ruka, like my son Luka, well, atleast until you can remember a bit about your self.”

    As he said those words, I was slowly starting to slip in to the world of dreams, one where I was in a world filled with doors and endless mysteries. I could almost swear feeling the rain stopping, and the sun shining up on my face before all else.

    It was then that the feeling of cold turned warm, a warmth that I could get used to, I think they call this sensation security… home at last.

    Zanpakuto Information:

    Zanpakuto Name: Himo No Tenshi
    Sealed Appearance: A normal length Katana, Old, black and rusted.
    Zanpakuto Spirit Description:


    She is a little marionette girl moved by strings which reaches out into the horizon. Her body is made entirely out of wood, with wooden fingers and joints. She has crystal eyes painted in blue, has a long tied up black hair and wears a red and black ballerina dress. She's sometimes seen with an eye patch, wearing a small tall hat, with flower or insect shaped brooches.


    Playful, vengeful, happy, depressed. Extreme of the extremes, usually the opposite of how Ruru is feeling.

    Zanpakuto Inner world:

    Believed to be a two dimensional world with two moons, one the black moon where everything is white, and one the white moon where everything is black. Ruru calls the place 'ironia' its an Italian world translating to irony, for it was ironic how the world was built with thick black/white visible lines, like it was drawn or painted by her very own mind.

    The place explains of how her real life as a human was, but no one knows for (even her) what the significance is.

    Release Phrase: shittsui ue , Himo no tenshi(fall above)

    Released Appearance: Himo becomes rust free
    Other Changes: white ashes fall from the sky like snow.

    Passive abilities

    Name: Mero-Meru

    Description: Himo No Tenshi changes the area's dimensions upon entering shikai, having the element of heaven and earth, it can practically change the area surroundings into anything, making dreams reality, or the other way around.

    Downside: Could cause real damage Ruru her self the ability being unstable under going constant changes. Also, it can only affect a certain dimension area within her territory reaching the size of a 10 meter radius. Its practically harmless and wont do anything to the enemies, it only grants illusions of scenery. It's more like flashing pictures of place.

    Name: Mero-Meru Nii

    Description: Basically the same with the 1st Mero-meru, but with copies of her self all over the place. It's mostly like a mirror world, with precise angling, it would be impossible to detect where the real Ruru is.

    Downside: Ruru can only move once every two posts by the enemy.

    Active abilities (Active abilities are abilities that needs activation. maximum of 3)

    Name: Chichi (loop) 父

    Description: Chichi can be used both defensive and offensively, it is an illusion ability that can repeat any attacks that the user made within a 10 meter radius area.

    Downside: The ability simply loops old moves, which makes it somewhat predictable if the the shinigami is that of a high level one. If not careful, Ruru can also get damaged by her own attacks. The Loop can only last for 10 seconds, after that it vanishes.

    Name: Shinku No suji (Crimson Strings) 筋
    Description: This ability allows Ruru to attach invisible spiritual strings on opponents/objects making them unable to move for them selves or restraining them from any movements.


    Shinku No Suji is a useful technique indeed, only its a 50/50 ability which can only be used with the users blood. In other words, the reason why Shinku no suji is as effective as it is, is because the of strings made out from the users condensed blood mixed with spiritual energy. Making Ruru and Himo's bond unbreakable.

    Although unbreakable, the strings don't have a life of there own, thus the enemies can simply pull on them. They could also break free from it if they muster enough reiatsu to cut free out of the strings.

    Only Ruru can control this lifeless strings and make them dance, but by using it, she can die.


    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

    Posts : 84
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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Re: Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Post by Uruha Anko Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:47 pm

    DONE! Anyone want to read it? it will give you head ache.
    Loli Gaga
    Loli Gaga

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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Re: Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Post by Loli Gaga Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:03 pm

    -Moved back to submitted profiles-

    Adding some stuff by request.
    Uruha Anko
    Uruha Anko
    Pineapple Princess
    Pineapple Princess

    Posts : 84
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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Re: Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Post by Uruha Anko Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:11 pm

    Done with the update ^_^
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
    Andy McDowell-Mann Jr.
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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Re: Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

    Post by Andy McDowell-Mann Jr. Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:58 am


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    Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder) Empty Re: Minamoto Chiruka {spectacular spectacular wandering wonder)

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