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5 posters

    Zanpakutou Registration

    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:37 am

    This is where you'll post your Zanpakutou info, since there's no seat requirement for either shikai or bankai, once either me or Sanba has given you the go ahead, you can post your shikai or bankai info, until then just post your basic info.

    Name of Zanpakuto:

    Description of the soul: (You may provide an image also if you'd like)

    Type:(Katana or any other type)

    Main Element/Power:
    Sealed Description: (You may provide an image instead if you'd like)

    Released Form Description: (You may provide an image instead if you'd like)

    Passive ablilities:(Abilities that are performed from the Zanpakuto without the Vizard making it happen)


    1: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: (Type)

    Name of Bankai:

    {2 additional other than Shikai}
    1: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)

    2: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: (Type)
    8th Division
    8th Division

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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Roukostu Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:24 am

    Name of Zanpakuto: Ookami tōboe (Howling Wolf)
    Description of the soul: Zanpakutou Registration  AnimeWolf18

    Type: 3 short Paedo Korean Saber
    Main Element/Power: Life
    Sealed Description:
    Zanpakutou Registration  3koreansabers
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
    BD-cash : 42399

    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:21 pm

    Approved, and awesome pic of the wolf with wings! When you're promoted you may post your shikai info.
    Demon King
    Demon King

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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Vergo Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:10 am

    Name of Zanpakuto: Hyōrinmaru (氷輪丸, "Ice Ring")

    Description of the soul:
    Zanpakutou Registration  Hyorinmaru_and_Hitsugaya_by_AnHellica

    Type: Katana

    Main Element/Power: Ice
    Sealed Description: When sealed, Hyōrinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed bronze-colored star. Its hilt is light blue and sheath dark blue. The sheath completely dissolves when he draws his sword. The sword is somewhat longer than most Zanpakutō, at about 1.4 meters long, making it taller than Hitsugaya, preventing him from wearing it at the hip. Instead he carries it on his back by his green sash over his right shoulder.

    Released Form Description:
    Zanpakutou Registration  10chitsugayashikaihj3

    Passive ablilities:
    Flash Steps Expert: Hitsugaya is highly proficient in flash steps. Repeatedly in battle, he has shown himself able to block and dodge dangerous attacks.

    Kidō Expert: Hitsugaya is highly proficient in Kidō and is capable of performing high-level Kidō spells without the incantation.

    Shikai: "Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens" (霜天に坐せ, sōten ni zase; Viz "Reign over the Frosted Heavens").
    Appearance: In its Shikai, Hyōrinmaru extends slightly in length, and gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain, which can extend greatly if necessary by force of will. The chain itself can be used as an attack or to entangle a target.

    1: Ablility Name/Description: Shikai Special Ability: Hyōrinmaru allows Hitsugaya to control water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spiritual power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon. The dragon flies towards opponents and instantly freezes anything it touches. Hyōrinmaru can create multiple ice dragons to attack an opponent from various angles. Hitsugaya can also direct his slashes towards the ground and form a wave of ice which rushes over his opponents, overwhelming and freezing them. The chain-blade also freezes anything Hitsugaya traps with it. The power it expels is so overwhelming that in Soul Society (where Hitsugaya is not placed under a limiter), its mere release affects the weather within the immediate vicinity, creating a thunderstorm or a blizzard.
    Downside: Ice can be melted, obviously.

    2: Ablility Name/Description: ensō Jūrin (天相従臨, Subjugation Of The Heavens): One of Hyōrinmaru's basic powers, as well as its strongest. It allows him to control the weather in the immediate vicinity, or more specifically, control the water in the surrounding atmosphere. The ability is usable in both Shikai and Bankai modes.
    Downside: Ice can be melted.

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: Bankai Regeneration: During his battle with Luppi, Hitsugaya's Bankai was damaged. However, it regenerated, and Hitsugaya stated that as long as there is water in the air his Bankai can be revived indefinitely.

    Name of Bankai: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru (大紅蓮 氷輪丸, "Grand Crimson Lotus Ice Ring"; Viz "Great Roaring Coldly Shining Moon")
    Appearance: Causes ice to flow from Hyōrinmaru onto Hitsugaya, starting at his right arm which ice forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt; which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of eight-pointed star. The ice continues forming up over his shoulders with two large wings sprouting from his back and a long tail. The ice forms down his left arm encasing his hand which ends in a claw. Hitsugaya's feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand which as they to end in claws. These new ice limbs are movable and can be used as an extension of himself to aid in battle.

    {2 additional other than Shikai}
    1: Ablility Name/Description: Ryūsenka (竜霰花, Dragon Hail Flower): When Hitsugaya stabs his opponents, a huge burst of ice erupts from the point of contact between Hyōrinmaru and the opponents, encasing and freezing them. Hitsugaya can then proceed to shatter the ice and his opponent with it.

    2: Ablility Name/Description: Sennen Hyōrō (千年氷牢, Thousand Years' Ice Prison): Hitsugaya creates many ice pillars which encircle him and his enemy. At his command (when he turns his sword 90 degrees counter-clockwise), these pillars then move towards the enemy, enveloping and crushing it. Though this technique is very powerful, Hitsugaya infers that it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare, and therefore the distraction of his enemy is crucial in successfully completing this attack.

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: Shield of Ice Wings: Hitsugaya is capable of wrapping his wings around himself like a sphere protecting him from any attacks.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:34 am


    But where's Hyoten Hyakkaso?XD
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:08 am

    Hey for future reference please use spoilers to hide the pictures so that it is all more organized. And great zanpakto's btw
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:21 am

    Name of Zanpakuto: Wasuremono (Something Forgotten)
    Description of the soul:
    Type: Higher Power

    Main Element/Power: Ability to make things vanish
    Sealed Description:
    Released Form Description:
    Passive ablilities: None

    Shikai: Kieuseru
    Appearance: None
    Passive abilities: Everything around you feels lighter

    1: Ablility Name/Description: Sanba's eyes turn white kind of like Neji Hyuga's in Naruto. He can make things disappear, not physical things but more like the molecules that surround us, or air pressure or actual air, memories etc.
    Ex: *Sanba's eyes turn white, and breathing becomes slow*
    *The air around the arrancar slowly begins to diminish, the area around the arrancar turns white* So the arrancar would be in like a bubble of sorts and everywhere he goes he cannot breathe.

    Downside: This attack cannot work with things one can touch, so nothing physical can vanish. Also When I use this attack the same effects happen to me but at a much slower rate. So if I use it, 3 posts later I would lose the same thing, meaning I would have to break off the attack.

    2:Ability Name/Description: Magotsuku
    Sanba can do the exact opposite of making things vanish, he makes more of it come. So increasing gravity, or increasing the density in the air.

    Downside: The same thing as the first ability, the same will happen to me but at a slower rate, and I cannot make physical things appear

    Name of Bankai: The Void
    Appearance: He wears the armor in the left of this picture
    Passive Abilities: Things begin to randomly float or move like in a dream world, and clouds engulf the area.

    1: Ablility Name/Description: Things can go through Sanba, so he doesnt have like a physical body. Like a ghost
    2: Ability Name/Description: Sanba can form his reiatsu into attakcs, like a getsyuga but white.

    Last edited by Sanba on Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:30 am

    Like I even need to say it, APPROVED!!XD
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
    Empowered soul

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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:59 am

    hahahaha you just approved my zanpakto file. FUNNY

    Posts : 174
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:11 am

    Name of the Zanpaktou: Slithering Demon

    Description of the Inner World: Jason's inner world is a dark area. The sky is blotted out by hundreds of thousands of tree's all over the world, making sure the light of day never hits the floor of the swamp-like forest. The forest consists of all kinds of trees of every size and shape. The leaves on each tree interlock with leaves of another tree, which interlock with other leaves, making the canopy top almost as hard as a concrete floor. The leaves are blood red all year around and they are usually jagged, having small clumps of fur or meat on the branches and leaves, attesting to the forests power over the animals that live within. The forest has dark green vines that, if the sunlight ever could hit them, would glow as brightly as the sun itself. The dark and dank forest bottom is covered in the blood, meat, and bones of slaughtered prey, completely destroyed by the inhabitants of this villainous and demonic jungle. The forest itself has a smell that would make most animals pass out due to the massive amount of decaying carcasses everywhere. The roots of the trees are barely buried in the ground, not having to look to hard for water, instead using the blood of the fallen animals around them as nourishment, for both water and nutrients. This feeding habit has given the trees a darker color and made the leaves their bloody red, as well as making the trees and leaves strong with the excess iron from the blood. Throughout the forest, it is perpetually quiet, even with animals scampering about. The wooden trees absorbing most of the sound, making it so any inhabitant of the forest might as well be deaf. The only sounds occasionally heard within the forest is the rustling of trees, iron trees being pushed by an enormous beast that skulks through the world, looking for it's next meal.. for it's next prey.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
    BD-cash : 42399

    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:36 am

    I like the idea of the inner world, but I can't approve it without any info on the sword itself, post your sword info then i'll approve you.

    Posts : 174
    BD-cash : 5964

    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by JasonVierus Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:56 pm

    (Add to my other post plz?)

    Name of the Zanpaktou: Slithering Demon

    Description of the Inner World: Jason's inner world is a dark area. The sky is blotted out by hundreds of thousands of tree's all over the world, making sure the light of day never hits the floor of the swamp-like forest. The forest consists of all kinds of trees of every size and shape. The leaves on each tree interlock with leaves of another tree, which interlock with other leaves, making the canopy top almost as hard as a concrete floor. The leaves are blood red all year around and they are usually jagged, having small clumps of fur or meat on the branches and leaves, attesting to the forests power over the animals that live within. The forest has dark green vines that, if the sunlight ever could hit them, would glow as brightly as the sun itself. The dark and dank forest bottom is covered in the blood, meat, and bones of slaughtered prey, completely destroyed by the inhabitants of this villainous and demonic jungle. The forest itself has a smell that would make most animals pass out due to the massive amount of decaying carcasses everywhere. The roots of the trees are barely buried in the ground, not having to look to hard for water, instead using the blood of the fallen animals around them as nourishment, for both water and nutrients. This feeding habit has given the trees a darker color and made the leaves their bloody red, as well as making the trees and leaves strong with the excess iron from the blood. Throughout the forest, it is perpetually quiet, even with animals scampering about. The wooden trees absorbing most of the sound, making it so any inhabitant of the forest might as well be deaf. The only sounds occasionally heard within the forest is the rustling of trees, iron trees being pushed by an enormous beast that skulks through the world, looking for it's next meal.. for it's next prey.

    Description of Inner Spirit: Jason's inner spirit and inner soul, whether he accepts it or not. This is the truest form of himself and the form he cannot hide or lie to.

    Jason's inner spirit is a large snake with a human body above the waist. The tail is about 12-15 feet long, whereas the torso up is only about 3-4 feet. The tail of the serpent-man comes to a simple tip, though it is slightly sharp and is strong enough to knock over the iron trees or break them. The scales are a dull black, though they are a bit brighter if he is freshly molted, though that only happens when Jason goes through an extreme emotional change or obstacle. Usually, the scales are a dark and dull black with a crimson red skull, with three eyes on it, at the center of each scale. After every time the beast-man feeds, a new scale or set of scales always seems to appear, though no one would ever notice it. The soft underbelly area of the tail region, where it should be soft and white, is usually strong and dirty-brown due to the mud and sticks and everything poking and prodding at it everyday. The scales are tightly packed and close together, making it nearly impossible to get under it and move through it that way. Some scales are cracked, but none that are on the snake are ever snapped in half or broken. The true nature of this phenomenon, the snake that never cracks, is that every animal in the inner world is really the snake, unknowingly separated int hundreds of millions of parts, thus making up the forest's inhabitants. The snake does not know that it and the organisms are one.

    Further up the snake, to the human body part. The human waist is still somewhat covered in smaller scales, still bearing the three eyed skull on each scale, though the scales are getting even closer and smaller now, eventually stopping where the skin starts. The snakes stomach is slightly indented most of the time, due to a lack of eating. The chest is scrawny, showing a faint outline of ribs. The arms are, during these times, thin and light, moving fast but easily breaking and snapping, like the twigs on a tree. The arms show a bit of bone most of the time. The hands do not have rounded fingers, instead having a tipped finger, more like claws that seep a strange numbing liquid. The snake-man's neck and face both seem a bit malnourished and scrawny, as if the beast tries to forgo eating as much as possible. The beast wheres a red cloth over it's eyes, died red with leaves and blood and the cloth made from leaves and shaved tree bark. The beasts eyes, usually, are calm and sad, though usually hidden behind the blindfold. During these times, his eyes are normal human colored with a light red Iris. The beasts eyes are generally filled with sadness, as if it is only eating what it must to survive out of guilt. During this time he is calm and uses his surroundings to his advantage. He thinks and uses every obstacle as a hurdle for the enemy as he effortlessly crosses the obstacles to catch his prey and end their suffering. He is also extremely gentle and calm, eating because of necessity.

    During times when the snake-man is to starved, a survival instinct will kick in. During this time, the snake draws energy from the scales and changes. His normally scrawny stomach becomes full and more flat, not ripped, but no longer malnourished. His arms and chest get a bit more mass to them, giving his arms and chest sustenance, covering the bones with strong and durable muscle strong enough to tear through iron trees with ease. His face becomes a bit more fed and the blindfold usually breaks as his ears get sharper and pointier, slicing straight through the tree bark. His iris' ,in this state, are a dark crimson red with black surrounding them. After he has fully gained muscle and energy, in this state, he barrels through trees and animals, eating and shredding them like nothing as it pummels through the beasts and devours them, adding to it's numerous scales. In this state, the planning and calculating of the other state, turn to ravenous hunger and rage. During these hunger cycles is when majority of the species of the animals go extinct.

    Type: Katana with a hollow hilt that contains a poison

    Main Element: Life

    Sealed Description: In it's sealed state, the blade is jet black with two three eyed skulls at the base of the blade. The blade is roughly 3.5 feet long. The handle is the end of a snakes neck and the head. The head being at the base of the handle and the neck coming from the blade. There is no hand-guard, making the blade and handle seem as one. The eye of the snake is white, signaling that the snake, if it were real, was always blind to the happenings of the world. The fangs on the blade are sharp enough to cut through flesh. The mouth of the snake is usually open, but can be shut closed. At this point the snakes mouth does not easily open, making anything caught within it stuck with the blade. The fangs are coated in a special venom that causes the victim to see things when bitten. This is NOT an ability of the blade, the venom is added by Jason himself, usually to cause people to think a snake is actually biting them.
    The other part of the sealed state, the sheate, is dark green and covered in scales. The snake-head handle fits in perfectly when the blade is not in use, making it seem as if the user is wearing a snake on their waste. The scales of the sheathe are somewhat resilient, but are still just a design that is essentially carved into the sheathe. The sheathe is tied to the users waste by a rope that also looks like a snake. The rope wraps around the users waist and then the user usually would move the rope up through their shirt and tie it around the opposite shoulder, to make it even harder to steal the Sheathe and Sword.

    Release Command/Action: Jason clamps the fangs of the snake down onto his wrists. This causes him to spit blood from his mouth onto the blade, which leaks down into the handle and fills up the eye of the snake, turning it from white to crimson red. Jason must then unhook the blade from himself and cut himself anywhere on the body, further proving his resolve to his inner spirit. Then the user activates the blade with the command "This is my resolve, Slithering one!"

    Released Description: The released state of Jason's Zanpaktou is a multiple release type. It releases up two snakes that wrap around his arms, under his clothes, and a third snake that hides in his clothes and jumps out when the opponent least suspects it, attacking at their neck. The snakes are jet black and are very sleek and shine in the sunlight. The snakes in his hands have white, blind eyes and the one on his back has crimson red eyes. Each snake has fangs that are about 1 inch long.
    Baka Yukimura
    Baka Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Rank : General of the Baka Duck Army.
    Posts : 2389
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    Zanpakutou Registration  Empty Re: Zanpakutou Registration

    Post by Baka Yukimura Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:07 am

    I'm gonna say approved, but you should have Sanba look at it too..

    Now since I might be fighting soon, I might as well post my new sword.

    Name of Zanpakuto: Kage Oni(Shadow Demon)

    Description of the soul:

    Type: Sealed: Katana, Shikai and Bankai: Long sword

    Main Element/Power: Darkness
    Sealed Description:

    Released Form Description:

    Passive ablilities:

    1: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    2: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)
    Downside: (all abilites must have a weakness to it in some way)

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: (Type)

    Name of Bankai: KamiShini Kage Oni(God-Killing Shadow Demon)
    Appearance: I'm covered head to toe in black armor, with a new sword.

    {2 additional other than Shikai}
    1: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)

    2: Ablility Name/Description: (Attack or Defense)

    3: Passive Ability Name/Description: (Type)

    This is what it looks like, I'll posts the abilities later.

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