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4 posters

    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    cool beans
    cool beans
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by cool beans Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:11 pm

    As the battle against Suzaku rages on, the vizard leader Sanba battles against the arrancar Giriko Tplicoa which has found its way outside of Giriko's secret base and onto the barren watseland of Hueco Mundo

    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Hueco-mundo

    Remain on topic, no spamming or randomly showing up please thankyou very much!
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:00 am

    (Taking the battle from the last attack)

    *Zephyr shoots a gran rey cero as well, it was Sanba's as a matter of fact*

    *As the two cero's clashed, Giriko's was considerably stronger but it served its purpose*

    *Sanba leaped on the opening*

    Shiryuu! Hyakurensan!

    *A fabric cloth wraps Giriko and pierces him with numerous metal shafts*

    *Sanba then draws his zanpakto and releases his shikai*

    Here we go

    *He slashes his zanpakto and releases a gouka*

    *At the same moment Zephyr releases a red cero, the two attacks ound to strike down Giriko*

    (OOC: I took the oppurtunity to do my bakudo while your body was outstretched for the gran rey and used Zephyr as a decoy. Just to clear things up)
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

    Posts : 39
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:11 pm

    Wrapped in the cloth Giriko struggles to break free just as the two strikes hit him square in the chest.

    "Clever man" Giriko laughs to himself as he falls crashing into the sands of Hueco Mundo. His broken and bloody body seemingly lying still in a steaming crater.
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:53 pm

    *Sanba releases the bakudo and sticks his zanpakto into the ground*

    *Walking to the crater he points his finger down toward Giriko*

    Gotta check that double tap

    *A red cero comes from Sanbas hand and shoots down into the crater, hoping to finish this clown off*
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

    Posts : 39
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:18 pm


    The cero blast shoots into the smouldering crater and red fills the air.

    A low rumbling sound is heard from the sands as a hand shoots up through the ground and Giriko roars pulling himself up to the surface covered in blood and sand.

    "Shinigami, how dare you use cero against me!" He says as he unseathes his zanpakuto

    "My current body is useless to me now...." He smiles as he speaks "Kage Batto"

    Dark energy surrounds Giriko as he grows a pair of black wings and gains an extra couple of feet in height and his sword transforms into a black sycthe

    "My ressurection shinigami, i am impressed you have pushed me this far but now it is over" He says a darkness crackles off him like electricical sparks
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:29 pm


    *Sanba grins*

    Thats what I was waiting for.

    Arise Zephyr! Final Awakening!

    *Zephyr is engulfed in black flame, as the flames clear out he is in human form. Bearing a scythe, and wearing a black outfit*

    *Sanba then brings his hand across his face, summoning his mask*

    Here we go

    *Zpehyr and Sanba oth shunpo at the same time*

    *Zephyr appears in the air by Giriko's head, he swings the scythe aiming to take off his head*

    *While Sanba appears in front of Giriko, slashing his zanpakto at his lower torso, attempting to slice clean through him*
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

    Posts : 39
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:17 am

    Giriko clashes his sycthe with Zephyr's sycthe as he leans back and gets cut along the lower torso

    As the blood drips on the sand he grins and looks at sanba

    "Two against one... no matter what numbers you still dont have a chance against my powers... you see, i have gone beyond the average release of an arrancar to something further..."

    As he speaks his shadow rises up behind him, expands and explodes into a thousand bat like creatures that fly towards Sanba and Zephyr each one like a mini explosion upon contact with anything

    (imagine like shadow versions of starks wolves)
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:44 pm

    *Sanba shunpos behind Zephyr*


    *Zephr shoots a massive gran rey towards the bats, eliminating mos of them*

    *Sanba then leap frog Zephyr and slashes gouka, taking care of the rest apparently*

    *He then looks back a Zephyr*

    We cant let that happen again...

    *An explosive bat explodes next to SAnbas face*


    *He falls to the ground holding his face, which is severely burned and bleeding healy*

    *He stands to his feet not able to se from his left eye, and hiss mask is destroyed over his eye*

    All right, I hate using m bankai but you're foring me to take such measures


    *Sanba's body is engulfed in darkness, he tsteps out of the darkness covered in a shiny black armor*

    *Black rain falls from the sky*

    And it begins

    *Sanba disappears as Hueco Muno's desert slowly turns into an entirely different setting*

    *They appear to be in a maze*

    How do you like being trpped in a maze?

    *Sanba's voice can be heard throughout the maze, as well as Zephyr beating his scythe to the ground*

    Lets see if you can find me?
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

    Posts : 39
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:51 am

    "You hide behind you're illusions shingiami...." Giriko closes his eyes.

    He sighs as he raises his fist in the air as it becomes englufed in purple energy

    "Then i will merley stand here and force you out of hiding from the darkness"

    "Bala" he says as he begins firing multiple condensed cero blasts all around him
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:49 am

    *As Giriko was shooting the bala, eliminating Sanbas fantsy world, he was able to take advantage*

    *Sanba flicked his sword and 5 small dark energy serpents came from the hilt*

    *The serpents all went underground heading towards Giriko as Sanba stayed hidden in the shadows of destruction*

    There we go

    *Sanba winked to Zephyr as he unwrapped the cloth that was covering his hands*

    *The serpents closed in and grabbed a hold of Girikos body, both legs were caught as well as his arms and torso*

    *Now being held down, the bala stopped bombing there surroundings and Zephyr could come out*

    *He shunpod in front of Giriko and opened a large black void, that began to suck in all of Girikos surroundings*

    *Sanba grimaced at the power of the void, the source of his own void attack*

    *As the void began to overpower the serpents, Sanba pulled them off and awaited to see if Giriko would be sucked in as well*
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

    Posts : 39
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:12 am

    As soon as Giriko becomes free he turns around on the spot as the void begins drawing him in. He kicks in the air and tries to outfly it but becomes stuck in a deadlock between the force of the void and his own speed.

    "What the hell is this Shinigami? He shouts at Sanba
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:51 am

    *As Zephyr's life force is slowly being drained SAnba has o intervene*

    It's Zephyr's main power, a dark void made u of his life force. If you are sucked in its all over!

    *As Sanba finishes his statement he shunpos in front of Giriko an lunges his zanpakto towards his gut, hoping to make him move so the void can take him or simply finish him*

    *However Sanba begins to slide slwly to the void as well*
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:45 am

    Giriko takes the zanpakuto strike to the stomach head on and continues to fight through the pain as he places his hands behind himself and fires a black cero from each hand to propel him forwards

    "You will not kill me!" He shouts as he propels forwards through the air distancing himself from the void even further

    cool beans
    cool beans
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by cool beans Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:48 am

    Hanzo watches the commotion next steaming crater on the roof of girikos base

    "Giriko... all these years, all these battles and you still have the will to survive
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:43 am

    *The cero blasts rip up the ground, sending it into the void*

    *As Giriko i propelled forward his body takes Sanba as well, both of them pushed forward*

    *Sanba looks to Zephr and sees his body slowly disappearing*

    *Sanba kicks off of Giriko into the air, giving him a split second to use an attack*


    *Sanbas zanpakto vanishes and his arm forms into black energy

    *slashing his arm at Giriko a large black serpent is brought down as Sanbas arm*


    *The black masstook up the rest of Sanba's reiatsu*
    Giriko Tlipoca
    Giriko Tlipoca

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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Giriko Tlipoca Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:40 pm

    Girikos darknened eyes widen as the black serpant crashes down upon him

    "Not yet..."

    a large explosion of darkness erupts in midair as girikos body goes flying into the sands of hueco mundo
    cool beans
    cool beans
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by cool beans Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:52 pm

    Hanzo shunpos over to the steaming crater created from giriko's impact into the sand

    "oh crap he's gone!"

    He stutters as the crater is filled only with smoke

    Sensing the disturbance within the base has died down, Hanzo looks up to Sanba in the air

    "I think its over, one way or the other"
    Sanba Yukimura
    Sanba Yukimura
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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Sanba Yukimura Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:15 am

    (OOC: Deleted ur post cuz i hadnt gone yet and its my rp)

    *Sanba falls from the sky, face down into the desert of Hueco Mundo*


    *Zephyr vanished, as Sanba's body was broken down*
    Rogue Shinigami
    Rogue Shinigami

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    RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle Empty Re: RP Mission 4-Hueco Mundo Rescue- Giriko vs Sanba Battle

    Post by Muerte Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:18 am

    OOC: Beans told me to post here. I'm just saying.

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