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    1st RPG: Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide!


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    1st RPG:  Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide! Empty 1st RPG: Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:00 am

    Hey there and welcome to the 1st Division's brand new RP system, which was designed to hopefully bolster the amount of fun you can have on here and not make it seem like some kind of chore (which is bad).

    Right, here's how the system will play out!

    You head over to the Main Missions thread and sign up for a mission. You will receive your mission within a couple of days max (most likely a few hours, though). Once you know what to do for the mission, you write a report on how your Shinigami completed it, kinda like a story, and the length of it is up to you!

    Once you've written it, you post it up in the Mission Report thread, where I will take in the word count and multiply it with a multiplier between 1.1 and 2 depending on how good it was, and this will be the number of points, or pts, you get from it! You can also get something called Permanent Points, or *pts. All these points are explained in one of the posts below.

    So what do you do with these shiny points you got? Go buy things, of course! Head on over to the Mission Points Shop and purchase new Kidou, Shunpo, Stats, even a Bankai! O_O An explanantion of the shop system can be found in the shop itself.

    So, go ahead, read the the posts below so you understand a little better and get going on your grand new RP adventure. Oh and in case you're wondering...


    If you're from another Division and wanna compete just go ahead and post in the Main Mission thread like normal ^_^

    So anyway people, welcome to the system and we hope you have fun!

    - FA & Khia

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Sat May 02, 2009 6:54 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    1st RPG:  Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide! Empty Re: 1st RPG: Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:55 am

    What are pts?
    They are the main thing you work for when completing missions. Why are they important? Because with points you can up your stats, buy kidō and shunpo, and even get your shikai and bankai! As you can see, without them, you ain't going anywhere :P Just remember, once you spend points, those points are gone, and you need to earn them again!

    What are *pts?
    These show your level. Most things you buy will require you to have so many *pts (this is to make sure someone at recruit level doesn't learn Bankai because they have so many points XD). Unlike pts, *pts do not disappear after a purchase, as this is more an indicator of your level than something to spend :P You will get +10 *pts for every seat level you are, plus extra if I ever decide to give you some for a really entertaining or original mission!

    What are Stats?
    Well, basically... your stats XD Your reiatsu, speed, control, strength, and skill. Obviously these will determine how powerful you are in certain areas of combat, and you should behave like it! XD ESPECIALLY if you're fighting soemone else from the Division! Oh, and some things you buy require you to have a certain level of skill in a particular area, ya know, so someone who can't even run 100m in under a minute doesn't learn Mythic Shunpo because he has both the pts and *pts XD Unlike other items in the shop, you don't 'buy' stats, you just put points directly into them.

    What are Requirements?
    If you don't meet the Requirements, you can't buy the item you want. Simple as :P Once ya hit 'em, feel free to go and buy the items!

    What happens to leftover points from a shopping spree?
    Save 'em :P you can use them again if you save them up, so no need to blow them all on something rubbish if you're saving up for bankai or whatever ^_^

    Where do I post all my stats?
    In the Current Stats thread =P just follow the instructions!

    What are the different types of Abilities for your Shikai/Bankai?
    First ya have the Main Abilities, which have to be triggered with a command, like ya typically see ^_^ Next is a Permanent Ability, which is active from the moment you activate your Shikai/Bankai. Last is the Final Ability, which is your Bankai's ultimate finisher ability, which needs to be triggered with a command ^_^

    How do all my Stats and stuff apply to missions/fights?
    Quite simply put, if you have bought a certain level of shunpo, you can use that shunpo ANYWHERE from then on. Same with Kidou, Zanpakuto etc.

    What Stats do I start with?
    1100 of each except reiatsu, which, as always, is the total of all your stats divided by 2, so you start withy 200 reiatsu. ^_^

    Last edited by Fallen_Angel on Sat May 09, 2009 9:05 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 606
    BD-cash : 16948

    1st RPG:  Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide! Empty Re: 1st RPG: Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide!

    Post by Fallen_Angel Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:55 am

    Here is a list of the Kidō used in the RPG game! All information on this page is from Wikipedia:

    The Kidō Guide!

    Bakudō (Way of Binding):

    1. Sai (Restrain) — Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    4. Hainawa (Crawling Rope) — An energy rope entangles a target's arms.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    8. Seki (Repulse) - Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    9. Geki (Strike) — Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
    Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

    26. Kyakko (Curving Light) - Hides the target from sight, presumably by bending light.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    30. Shitotsu Sansen (Beak-Stab Triple Beam) - Shoots three beams of light that pin the target to one place on a surface, slamming into his/her body in three places in a shape of a perfect triangle.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    37. Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star) - Creates a star-shaped cushion of Spiritual Energy, which anchors it to nearby objects with "ropes" of spirit particles. It can stop falling objects, acting like a safety net.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    39. Enkosen (Arc Shield) — Summons a shield of condensed Reiatsu to block opponents' attacks.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    58. Kakushitsuijaku (Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows) — Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on. To activate it, the user must draw a circle on the ground, cut into four parts with a specific character in each. The incantation animates the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.
    Incantation: "Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain."

    61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light) — Summons six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place.
    Incantation: "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"

    62. Hyapporankan (Hundred Steps Fence) — A rod formed of energy is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them immobile.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    63. Sajo Sabaku (Winding Binding Chains) — Binds the arms of a target. According to Hachigen Ushōda, physical strength alone should not be enough to break out of a level 60 Bakudō, however Kensei Muguruma was able to free himself from this Kidō while in his Hollow form.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    73. Tozansho - Creates a pyramid-shaped barrier around the caster.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    75. Gochūtekkan (Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars) — Summons five incredibly tall and thick pillars to pin a target to the ground.
    Incantation: "Walls of ironsand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end."

    77. Tenteikūra (Soaring Net of the Heavens) — Transmits messages mentally to anyone within an area of the caster's choosing. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages. The messages can be spoken either by the caster or by another within the vicinity of the caster.
    Incantation: "Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens."

    81. Danku (Splitting Void) — Creates an energy barrier in the form of a rectangular wall. According to Byakuya, it is capable of stopping destructive spells up to #89. This is seen also when Aizen uses it to block Tessai's hadō #88.
    Incantation: unknown

    99, Part 1. Kin (Seal) — Binds the arms of a target on their back like Bakudō No. 1, but with spiritual fabric and iron shafts. Hachigen has displayed a far stronger version that ties the target's arms on the back but wraps the spiritual fabric around the entire body, and continues to pin the target with the spiritual fabric stacked to the ground around the target with several iron shafts in an "X" shape.
    Incantation: unknown

    99, Part 2. Bankin (Great seal)— This spell covers a target from head to toe with spiritual fabric (first song), stabs them with numerous metal blades, or nails (second song), and then smashes them with an immense metal cube (final song). The full power of the seal is still unknown as Ichigo broke the first two seals before the metal cube landed on him, during his Shattered Shaft training.
    Incantation: First song: Halting Fabric (shokyoku: shiryū). Second song: hundred linked bolts (nikyoku: hyakurensan). Final song: Great seal of 10,000 forbiddings (shūkyoku: bankin taihō).

    Hadō (Way of Destruction):

    1. Shō (Thrust) — Pushes the target away from the caster.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    4. Byakurai (White Lightning) - The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger. Rukia Kuchiki and Byakuya Kuchiki both used this spell and rarely other shinigami as well.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    11. Tsuzuri Raiden (Reading Lightning) - Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    31. Shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire) — Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
    Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"

    33. Sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down) — Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
    Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."

    54. Haien (Abolishing Flames) — Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    58. Tenran (Orchid Sky) - A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.
    Incantation: unknown/none

    63. Raikōhō (Thunder Roar Cannon) — Fires a massive wave of yellow energy at a target.
    Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"

    73. Sōren Sōkatsui (Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down) — Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety.
    Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."

    88. Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon) — Fires a gigantic blast of spiritual energy resulting in an truly enormous explosion.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

    90. Kurohitsugi (Black Coffin) — Forms a box of black energy around a target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Its appearance and function is reminiscent of a common magician's trick, as well as certain torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition.
    Incantation: unknown/none.

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    1st RPG:  Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide! Empty Re: 1st RPG: Introduction, FAQ's, and Kidou Guide!

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