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    Applications and Reviews: Whats the deal?

    Wandering soul

    Posts : 214
    BD-cash : 6824

    Applications and Reviews: Whats the deal? Empty Applications and Reviews: Whats the deal?

    Post by Upgrade Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:29 am

    Where do i post my application?
    Your application should be posted in the 'ADMINISTRATION CENTRE', in the 'Applications' subforum. Please only post one application.

    What should i include in my application?
    Please post up your application in the following format:

    NAME: Obviously your characters name :)

    AGE: Please tell us how old your character LOOKS, and how old your character actually IS.

    PERSONALITY: What is your character like?

    APPEARANCE: What does your character look like?

    BIOGRAPHY: Tell us a little about the experiances your character has had

    STATS: Please distribute your 200 points here.

    ZANPAKUTO: What does your zanpakuto look like?

    TEST CHAPTER: Here you put your test chapter. This chapter is so that the reviewers can see how you write. Please bare in mind that the test chapter has a 750 words minimum.
    How long does it take for my application to be reviewed?
    Aslong as it takes. Our reviewers will post a review when they can, please do not hassle our reviewers over this matter, they have lives too!

    My reviewer is a little.. blunt. Why are they on the reviewing team?
    Because blunt is best for this kind of thing. Its alot better for your review if they are a little blunt, it gets the job done and help you refine your writing skills. Please do not be offended when our reviwers point out errors, they are just doing their job.

    How do i become a part of the reviewing team?
    Personal invite. Our reviwers are all very dedicated, and are handpicked by myself.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 6:39 pm