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    Rules & Code of Conduct For Battlegrounds (Read Before Posting!!!)

    Haji Yukimura
    Haji Yukimura
    Empowered soul

    Posts : 1162
    BD-cash : 47320

    Rules & Code of Conduct For Battlegrounds (Read Before Posting!!!) Empty Rules & Code of Conduct For Battlegrounds (Read Before Posting!!!)

    Post by Haji Yukimura Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:07 pm

    Basically this is a simple thread.

    This is going to help you in organizing how your spar will take place in any of these areas.


    1.) Each of the areas have their own unique environment.
    You will be subject to that elements of that area while you are in there.

    For example, in an areas like wrath which contains lava, you can't walk on the lava. It will kill you.

    Try to keep your environment in mind when you move around. If you can find a way to, use it.

    You can not just move anywhere, it must be on realistic footing; keep that in mind

    Also some areas, such as greed or gluttony, have kidous in effect that will affect the way you act and think, as well as health status. Be sure to keep that in mind as you battle.

    Perfect example; a fight in gluttony can not last as long as a fight somewhere else because with each turn, you lose a little bit of reitsu energy, due to the draining effect of the room. You must factor these special qualities of each room into your battle, so be aware of them.

    2.) There is no single combat with the guardian or beasts in the area.

    In other words, you can not just go in by yourself and fight cerebus. You must have an opponent RPing with you.

    There are though, two ways in which the creatures of each area may become involved in your fight;

    a.) the most common is it will be controled by a third party, such as Jenny, Myself, or whomever is in charge of the area.
    If this occurs, you are free to fight back, and may defend yourself as you see fit. please be aware of this and be prepared for anything unexpected.

    b.) the other less common way will be done this way; if both parties involved want the creatures to become involved and agree, they may pm whomever is responsible for the area or Jenny or me and ask for permission to use it. This way we know you both agree on it, and you may rp the creatures into your fight as you see fit, as long as it stays within the realm of reason and nature of the creatures.

    3.) Battles will be one on one, with the creature exception, unless otherwise stated. If you want to have a multiple person battle, that is fine, just Pm and ask for permission first, so that we are aware of how many people are involved, and post limits can be set accordingly.

    4.) DO NOT POST DURING SOMEONE ELSES BATTLE!!! If you do, it will be deleted. The rason for this is continuity. If someone is using the area you want, you will have to wait until they finish. But do not worry; battles will not be allowed to go on indefinantly; post limits will be set. If someone becomes inactive for a long period of time, their fight will be suspended, and the next in line will be allowed to fight. If a fight begins to draw on and on with no end in sight; it will be suspended after a period and the next allowed. Just help us keep the continuity going.

    5.) ABSOLUTELY NO GOD MODDING! For the time, we will be using the basic style of sparring, until a system is fully functional on the site. Just remember, you can't block everything, nor can you hit everytime, one hit kill or regenerate. Keep it fun and remember your power levels for now.

    6.) DO NOT SPAM THE AREAS! By this I mean, don't go into a thread and say something like "Enters the battlefeild and looks around, then says 'This place looks great'" You must have at least 20 words in your post so be descirptive, and do not post in the areas unless you intend to fight.

    7.) This is not an off topic thread, so stay in character. If you must speak out of character, use the proper (OOC: ) format and put it in spoilers. This just helps with clutter. Try and limit this though, don't do it in every post.

    8.) All spars in these areas are subject to all forum rules and all divisional rules of the 11th Division. Please bee aware of them before fighting, to avoid any problems.

    9.) Any events wishing to be held here must be approved by the 11th. This is simple, basically if you want to do something or you need to do something, just PM one of us and ask. Asking first is always the best policy.

    10.) For the moment this is limited due to membership, but in time as we grow, an 11th division member will be charged with watching each thread. Regardless of rank, if an 11th member is responsible for the area, their word is final. They are the caretakers of that thread, so follow what they say. They aren't there to mess with your fight, only moniter the rules.

    Welcome to the newest area to battle in the Gotei 13!
    Use it, love it, and enjoy it. This place is not just for the 11th, but for everyone. And please, use it responsibly. We worked long hours to get this ready for everyone, so take advantage of it.

    Also please check up on this thread from time to time, as rules are subject to change, based on circumstances as they arrive.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 9:15 pm